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Neusoft Group's big car business is still losing money, and the company hopes for stable profits after a painful period | Financial Report Interpretation ·  Jan 29 21:55

① In 2023, Neusoft Group is expected to achieve net profit of 72 million yuan to 86 million yuan, turning a year-on-year loss into a profit; ② Neusoft Group's structural innovation business companies in the “Big Health” and “Big Auto” sectors still had a negative impact on overall net profit and deduction of non-net profit during the reporting period; ③ The Financial Services Association reporter learned from company sources that Neusoft Group's overall business is developing healthily, and the overall situation of the automobile industry will be stable after the overall situation of the automobile industry has been determined.

Financial Services Association, January 29 (Reporter Wu Xin) The automobile industry is full of smoke, and Neusoft Group (600718.SH), which carries automobile genes, turned a loss into a profit in 2023.

This evening, Neusoft Group released a performance forecast. It is expected to achieve net profit of 72 million yuan to 86 million yuan in 2023 (loss of 343 million yuan in 2022).

“The company's overall business is growing healthily,” the company's board of directors told reporters that there will also be many strategic adjustments in 2024, and there will be corresponding actions in new product launches, national incentives, and areas where the company has an advantage.

According to the announcement, Neusoft Group's revenue in 2023 continued to grow steadily year on year, and gross margin increased compared to the previous year. The overall performance of innovative business companies such as Neusoft Healthcare, Neusoft Xikang, Wanghai Kangxin, Neusoft Rex, and Rongsheng Insurance, which were structured in the “Big Health” and “Big Auto” sectors during the reporting period, declined, but there was still a negative impact on the net profit of listed companies and net profit after deducting non-recurring profit and loss.

According to the performance forecast, the company's deducted non-net profit in 2023 will be -140 million yuan to -115 million yuan.

A Financial Services Association reporter learned from Neusoft Group's 2023 semi-annual report that its smart car connectivity business achieved revenue of 1,606 billion yuan in 2023 H1, exceeding 40% of total revenue. In this field, Neusoft Group provides a range of solutions from automotive electronics, automotive software, intelligent driving to intelligent transportation.

Currently, “internal volume” is the main tone of the domestic automobile industry. Using price for volume as the main method of play has greatly reduced the profit margins of car companies, and both upstream and downstream of the industrial chain have been affected. According to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, from January to November 2023, the automobile manufacturing industry's profit was 448.98 billion yuan, an increase of only 2.9% over the previous year.

The aforementioned company source said, “The related business is still relatively healthy, but the competition among car companies is fierce, and there may be some (influence), and other companies will definitely lose some money in terms of gross margin.”

“There are many new models now, but the market is focused on saturation, which has caused upstream and downstream profits (to be) compressed in the entire industry chain. There is still some impact, and we cannot escape this region.”

Looking ahead to the future market, as the automobile industry goes through a painful period and forms a new pattern, the upstream and downstream automobile industry chains are expected to simultaneously enter a period of stability. Neusoft Group sources said that Dalang Taosha will leave behind leading high-quality companies. Currently, new car companies have been eliminated, and Neusoft Group will also achieve “stable profits” at that time.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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