
NuStar Energy L.P. Declares Fourth Quarter 2023 Common Unit Distribution and Series A, Series B and Series C Preferred Units Distributions

NuStar Energy L.P. Declares Fourth Quarter 2023 Common Unit Distribution and Series A, Series B and Series C Preferred Units Distributions

NuStar Energy L.P. 宣佈2023年第四季度普通單位分配以及A系列、B系列和C系列優先單位分配
NuStar Logistics LP ·  01/25 13:00

SAN ANTONIO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 25, 2024-- NuStar Energy L.P. (NYSE: NS) today announced that its Board of Directors has declared a fourth quarter 2023 common unit distribution of $0.40 per unit. The fourth quarter common unit distribution will be paid on February 13, 2024 to holders of record as of February 7, 2024.

聖安東尼奧--(美國商業資訊)--2024年1月25日--NuStar Energy L.P.(紐約證券交易所代碼:NS)今天宣佈,其董事會已宣佈2023年第四季度普通單位分配爲每單位0.40美元。第四季度的普通單位分配將於2024年2月13日支付給截至2024年2月7日的登記持有人。

NuStar Energy L.P.'s Board of Directors also declared a fourth quarter 2023 Series A preferred unit distribution of $0.77533 per unit, a Series B preferred unit distribution of $0.70515 per unit and a Series C preferred unit distribution of $0.78246 per unit. The preferred unit distributions will be paid on March 15, 2024 to holders of record as of March 1, 2024.

NuStar Energy L.P.的董事會還宣佈,2023年第四季度A系列優先單位分配爲每單位0.77533美元,B系列優先單位分配爲每單位0.70515美元,C系列優先單位分配爲每單位0.78246美元。優先單位分配將於2024年3月15日支付給截至2024年3月1日的登記持有人。

NuStar Energy L.P., through its subsidiaries (collectively, "NuStar" or the "Partnership"), is an independent liquids terminal and pipeline operator. NuStar currently has approximately 9,500 miles of pipeline and 63 terminal and storage facilities that store and distribute crude oil, refined products, renewable fuels, ammonia and specialty liquids. The Partnership's combined system has approximately 49 million barrels of storage capacity, and NuStar has operations in the United States and Mexico. For more information, visit NuStar Energy L.P.'s website at and its Sustainability page at

NuStar Energy L.P. 通過其子公司(統稱爲 “NuStar” 或 “合夥企業”)是一家獨立的液體終端和管道運營商。NuStar目前擁有約9,500英里的管道和63個終端和儲存設施,用於儲存和分銷原油、成品油、可再生燃料、氨和特種液體。該夥伴關係的合併系統擁有約4900萬桶的儲存容量,NuStar在美國和墨西哥開展業務。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 NuStar Energy L.P. '的網站位於 及其可持續發展頁面位於

This release serves as qualified notice to nominees under Treasury Regulation Sections 1.1446-4(b)(4) and (d) and 1.1446(f). Please note that 100% of NuStar Energy L.P.'s distributions to foreign investors are attributable to income that is effectively connected with a United States trade or business. 100% of the distribution is in excess of cumulative net income for purposes of Treasury Regulation Section 1.1446(f)-4(c)(2)(iii). Accordingly, all of NuStar Energy L.P.'s distributions to foreign investors are subject to federal income tax withholding at the highest effective tax rate for individuals and corporations, as applicable. Nominees, and not NuStar Energy L.P., are treated as the withholding agents responsible for withholding on the distributions received by them on behalf of foreign investors.

根據美國財政部法規第1.1446-4(b)(4)和(d)條以及第1.1446(f)條,本新聞稿作爲向被提名人發出的有條件的通知。請注意,NuStar Energy L.P. 100% 的股份。”s 向外國投資者的分配歸因於與美國貿易或業務有效相關的收入。就美國財政部法規第1.1446 (f) -4 (c) (2) (iii) 條而言,100%的分配額超過了累計淨收益。因此,所有 NuStar Energy L.P. 's 向外國投資者的分配須按個人和公司的最高有效稅率(如適用)繳納聯邦所得稅預扣稅。被提名人,而不是NuStar Energy L.P.,被視爲扣繳義務人,負責預扣他們代表外國投資者收到的分配。

Media: Mary Rose Brown


Investors: Pam Schmidt


Source: NuStar Energy L.P.

資料來源:NuStar Energy L.P.

