
Mundoro Announces 2023 Portfolio Highlights and Q4-2023 Update

Mundoro Announces 2023 Portfolio Highlights and Q4-2023 Update

Mundoro 公佈 2023 年投資組合亮點和 Q4-2023 更新
newsfile ·  01/24 19:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 24, 2024) - Mundoro Capital Inc. (TSXV: MUN) (OTCQB: MUNMF) () ("Mundoro" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on the Company's activities in the exploration portfolio in Q4-2023 and highlights from the portfolio in 2023.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 1 月 24 日)- Mundoro Capital Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:MUN)(OTCQB:MUNMF)() (”蒙多羅“或者”公司“)很高興在 Q4-2023 中提供公司在勘探投資組合中的活動的最新情況以及 2023 年該投資組合的亮點。

2023 Portfolio Highlights

2023 年投資組合亮點

  • Nine (9) active projects currently under option and one partner-funded generative alliance.
  • Expanded our group of partners to four (4) major mining companies.
  • Partner funded, Mundoro operated, nine (9) prospects drill tested, totaling 13,325 meters and an additional two (2) prospects to be tested with 1000 meters of drilling between January and February 2024.
  • Successfully deployed eleven (11) geophysical surveys in: Serbia, three (3) gravity surveys, four (4) passive seismic surveys, and one (1) ground magnetics survey; Bulgaria, one (1) magnetotellurics survey; and USA, one (1) gravity survey and one (1) drone magnetics survey.
  • 目前有九(9)個活躍項目可供選擇,還有一個由合作伙伴資助的生成聯盟。
  • 將我們的合作伙伴群體擴大到四 (4) 家主要礦業公司。
  • 由合作伙伴資助,Mundoro運營了九(9)個勘探區的鑽探,總長度爲13,325米,另外兩(2)個勘探區將在2024年1月至2月期間進行1000米鑽探的測試。
  • 在以下國家成功部署了十一 (11) 次地球物理調查:塞爾維亞,三 (3) 次重力測量、四 (4) 次被動地震調查和一 (1) 次地面磁測量;保加利亞,一 (1) 次大地磁測量;美國,一 (1) 次重力測量和一 (1) 次無人機磁力測量。

Q4-2023 Portfolio Updates

Q4-2023 投資組合更新

Vale Base Metals-Mundoro Projects, Serbia

Vale Base Metals-Mundoro 項目,塞爾維亞

  • Completion of Phase II Drill Program at Markov Kamen South. In Q4-2023 a Phase II Drill program was completed to follow up on potential extensions to mineralization intersected during previous drilling campaigns. The program drilled 738.4 meters in a single drill hole. Assay results are expected in Q1-2024.
  • Completion of Phase II Drill Program at Bacevica North. In Q4-2023 a Phase II drilling program was completed to follow up areas of interest identified with geochemistry and geophysics. The program drilled 1022.1 meters in a single drill hole. Assay results are expected in Q1-2024.
  • Completion of Phase II Drill Program at Branik. In Q4-2023 a Phase II drilling program was completed to follow up on copper mineralisation intersected in previous drilling in 2013. The program drilled 753.3 meters in four drill holes. Assay results are expected in Q1-2024.
  • Advancing Exploration for Upcoming Drill Programs:In Q4-2023 a passive seismic geophysical survey was completed over a target area between two known lithocap areas identified as the Skorusa Corridor, with geophysical interpretation expected in Q1-2024. The Company completed an extensive target review process for all the Vale Base Metals (VBM) - Mundoro (MUN) projects at the end of 2023 which identified target areas of focus for the next phase of exploration.
  • Markov Kamen South 的第二階段鑽探計劃完成。 在 Q4-2023 中,完成了第二階段的鑽探計劃,以跟蹤之前鑽探活動中可能出現的礦化延伸部分。該項目在一個鑽孔中鑽了738.4米。預計 Q1-2024 會有化驗結果。
  • 北巴切維卡的第二階段鑽探計劃完成。 在 Q4-2023 中,完成了第二階段的鑽探計劃,以跟蹤地球化學和地球物理學確定的感興趣區域。該項目在一個鑽孔中鑽了1022.1米。預計 Q1-2024 會有化驗結果。
  • 在布蘭尼克完成第二階段的鑽探計劃。 在 Q4-2023 中,完成了第二階段的鑽探計劃,以跟進 2013 年上一次鑽探中遇到的銅礦化情況。該項目在四個鑽孔中鑽了753.3米。預計 Q1-2024 會有化驗結果。
  • 推進即將到來的鑽探計劃的勘探:在 Q4-2023 中,對兩個被確定爲斯科魯薩走廊的已知巖殼區域之間的目標區域完成了被動地震地球物理調查,預計將在 Q1-2024 中進行地球物理解釋。該公司在2023年底完成了對所有淡水河谷基本金屬(VBM)-Mundoro(MUN)項目的廣泛目標審查流程,確定了下一階段勘探的目標重點領域。

Figure 1: Overview map of the VBM-MUN exploration licenses with exploration targets and 2023 drill hole locations over the surface geology.

圖 1:VBM-MUN 勘探許可證概覽圖,包括勘探目標和 2023 年地表地質鑽孔位置。

Kinross-Mundoro Project

Kinross-Mundoro 項目

  • Focused on Community Engagements: In Q4-2023 the work program focused on community engagement and permitting in preparation for future drilling at the Central Target and Southern Target areas.
  • 專注於社區參與: 在 Q4-2023 中,工作計劃側重於社區參與和許可,爲未來在中央目標和南部目標地區的鑽探做準備。

Figure 2: Overview map of the GT7 exploration license with exploration targets over the surface geology.

圖 2:GT7 勘探許可證概覽圖,其中包含地表地質勘探目標。

BHP-Mundoro Projects

BHP-Mundoro 項目

  • Completion of Scout Drilling in Vitanovac: In Q4-2023 a scout drill hole to confirm prospective volcanic units within the Vitanovac license was completed with 458.2 meters of drilling. A down-hole petrophysical survey was also completed for the hole during the quarter. Assay results for core samples and interpretation of the down-hole logging data is expected in Q1-2024.
  • Advancing Exploration for Upcoming Drill Programs: In Q4-2023 a ground gravity survey in the South Corridor Project was completed with a total 2331 gravity station measurements. Results were received for the ground gravity survey as well as results for an additional ground gravity survey completed at the end of Q3-2024 covering the Trstenik Project. In Q4-2023 a passive seismic geophysical survey was completed in the Trstenik Project with geophysical interpretation expected in Q1-2024. The Company is compiling the geophysical interpretations along with the geological, geochemical and alteration data sets for each project in order to develop additional drill targets for testing.
  • 完成維塔諾瓦茨的偵察兵鑽探: 在 Q4-2023 中,一個用於確認維塔諾瓦茨許可證內潛在火山單位的偵察鑽孔已經完成,鑽探長達 458.2 米。該季度還完成了對該孔的井下岩石物理調查。核心樣本的化驗結果和井下測井數據的解釋預計將在 Q1-2024 中公佈。
  • 推進即將到來的鑽探計劃的勘探: 在 Q4-2023 中,南走廊項目的地面重力調查已經完成,共進行了2331次重力站測量。收到了地面重力調查的結果,以及在 Q3-2024 結束時完成的涵蓋特爾斯泰尼克項目的另一項地面重力調查的結果。在 Q4-2023 中,特爾斯泰尼克項目完成了被動地震地球物理調查,預計將在 Q1-2024 中進行地球物理解釋。該公司正在彙編每個項目的地球物理解釋以及地質、地球化學和蝕變數據集,以制定額外的鑽探目標進行測試。

Figure 3: Overview map of the South Corridor exploration licenses with exploration targets and 2023 drill hole locations over the surface geology.

圖 3:包含勘探目標和 2023 年地表地質鑽孔位置的南走廊勘探許可證概覽圖。


JOGMEC-Mundoro Project

Jogmec-Mundoro 項目

  • Advancing Exploration for Upcoming Drill Program: In Q4-2023 the Company received the geophysical interpretation for the completed ("AMT") survey which covered 27 line kilometers. The AMT interpretation was used to fine tune already planned drill hole locations, as well as to generate new drill targets and plan additional drill holes to test these targets. A Phase I drill program is planned for 1,900 meters after receiving all relevant permissions from local government agencies.
  • 推進對即將到來的鑽探計劃的探索: 在 Q4-2023 中,該公司收到了已完成的(“AMT”)調查的地球物理解釋,該調查覆蓋了 27 線公里。AMT 解釋用於微調已經規劃的鑽孔位置,以及生成新的鑽孔目標和規劃額外的鑽孔以測試這些目標。在獲得當地政府機構的所有相關許可後,計劃在1,900米處進行第一階段的鑽探計劃。

Figure 5: Overview map of the EE1 exploration license with exploration targets over the surface geology.

圖 5:EE1 勘探許可證概覽圖,其中包含地表地質勘探目標。

Vale-Mundoro Projects, Arizona

Vale-Mundoro 項目,亞利桑那州

  • Drilling at Dos Cabezas in Arizona: The Phase 1 Drill Program recommenced at Dos Cabezas in Q4-2023 over three target areas: Mineral Park, Mescal Canyon and Casey Copper Canyon. The drill hole at Mineral Park was completed to the planned depth of 598 meters intersecting strong alteration over multiple zones. The drill hole at Mescal Canyon was drilled to 744 meters and the hole will be completed to the planned depth of 900 meters once the drilling contractors return to site in the new year. The Phase 1 Drill Program will also test the Casey Copper Canyon target to a proposed depth of 600 meters. Results will be released once the Phase 1 Drill Program is completed and all assay results are returned and interpreted.
  • Advancing Exploration for Upcoming Drill Program in Picacho: In Q4-2023, project wide drone magnetic and ground gravity surveys were completed and the results returned. Geophysical interpretations are ongoing and planning is underway to integrate these results with mapping and geochemical results to develop drill targets for testing in the next phase of exploration.
  • New Projects Identified in Arizona: The Company's generative exploration team has identified in 2023 two new designated projects which have been submitted to Vale Base Metals. The Company's generative team continues to develop additional areas of interest for further designated projects in under exploration regions of Arizona.
  • 在亞利桑那州的多斯卡貝薩斯鑽探: 第一階段鑽探計劃於 Q4-2023 在 Dos Cabezas 重新開始,涵蓋三個目標區域:礦物公園、梅斯卡爾峽谷和凱西銅峽谷。礦物公園的鑽孔已完工,計劃深度爲598米,與多個區域的強烈變化相交。梅斯卡爾峽谷的鑽孔已鑽至744米,鑽探承包商在新的一年返回現場後,該鑽孔將完工至900米的計劃深度。第一階段鑽探計劃還將測試凱西銅峽谷的目標,其擬議深度爲600米。第一階段鑽探計劃完成後,將公佈結果,並將返回和解釋所有化驗結果。
  • 推進即將到來的皮卡喬鑽探計劃的勘探:在 Q4-2023 中,完成了全項目的無人機磁場和地面重力測量,並返回了結果。地球物理解釋正在進行中,正在計劃將這些結果與測繪和地球化學結果相結合,以制定鑽探目標,供下一階段的勘探測試。
  • 亞利桑那州確定的新項目: 該公司的發電勘探團隊已在2023年確定了兩個新的指定項目,這些項目已提交給淡水河谷基本金屬。該公司的開發團隊繼續爲亞利桑那州正在勘探地區的更多指定項目開發更多興趣區域。

Figure 6: Overview map of the Picacho exploration license with exploration targets over the surface geology.

圖 6:Picacho 勘探許可證的概覽圖,其中包含地表地質勘探目標。

Figure 7: Overview map of the Dos Cabezas exploration license with exploration targets and Phase 1 drill hole locations over the surface geology.

圖 7:Dos Cabezas 勘探許可證的概覽圖,包括勘探目標和地表地質上第 1 階段的鑽孔位置。

Corporate Update


Further to the Company's news release on December 14, 2023 announcing its intention to undertake a Normal Course Issuer Bid ("NCIB"), the Company clarifies that it may purchase for cancellation up to a maximum of 3,741,502 of its Common Shares, representing approximately 5% the 74,830,051 Common Shares outstanding in its public float. All other aspects of the NCIB as described in the December 14 news release remain unchanged. The actual number of Common Shares of the Company that are purchased for cancellations under the NCIB, if any, and the timing of such purchases will be determined by management as approved by the Board of Directors of the Company.


Qualified Person


The scientific and technical information described in this Press Release has been prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101. The scientific and technical information for Serbia exploration programs was reviewed and approved by Thomas Sant, FGS (EurGeol, CGeol) a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101 the Company's Exploration Director for Serbia. The scientific and technical information for the Bulgaria and USA exploration programs has been reviewed and approved by T. Dechev, P.Eng (PEO, APEGBC), a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101, and the Company's Chief Executive Officer.

本新聞稿中描述的科學和技術信息是根據國家儀器43-101編制的。塞爾維亞勘探計劃的科學和技術信息已由FGS(EurGeol,cGeol)的合格人員Thomas Sant的審查和批准,根據NI 43-101的定義,該公司塞爾維亞勘探總監Thomas Sant是合格人員。保加利亞和美國勘探計劃的科學和技術信息已經過T. Dechev、P.Eng(PEO,APEGBC)、NI 43-101定義的合格人員和公司首席執行官的審查和批准。

About Mundoro Capital Inc.

關於 Mundoro Capital Inc.

Mundoro is a publicly listed company on the TSX-V in Canada and OTCQB in the USA with a portfolio of mineral properties focused primarily on base and precious metals. To drive value for shareholders, Mundoro's asset portfolio generates near-term cash payments to Mundoro from partners and creates royalties attached to each mineral property. The portfolio of mineral properties is currently focused on predominantly copper in two mineral districts: Western Tethyan Belt in Eastern Europe and the Laramide Belt in the southwest USA.


For further information about Mundoro, please contact Teo Dechev, Chief Executive Officer, President and Director, +1-604-669-8055, and Shamil Devji, Investor Relations Manager at +1-604-669-8055. You can also visit Mundoro's website .

有關 Mundoro 的更多信息,請聯繫 首席執行官、總裁兼董事泰奧·德切夫,+1-604-669-8055,投資者關係經理沙米爾·德維奇,+1-604-669-8055。你也可以 訪問 Mundoro 的網站

Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Statements


This News Release contains forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as "will", "expect", "intend", "plan", "estimate", "anticipate", "believe" or "continue" or similar words or the negative thereof, and include the following: completion of earn-in expenditures, options and completion of a definitive agreement by the parties. The material assumptions that were applied in making the forward looking statements in this News Release include expectations as to the mineral potential of the Company's projects, the Company's future strategy and business plan and execution of the Company's existing plans. We caution readers of this News Release not to place undue reliance on forward looking statements contained in this News Release, as there can be no assurance that they will occur and they are subject to a number of uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These factors include general economic and market conditions, exploration results, commodity prices, changes in law, regulatory processes, the status of Mundoro's assets and financial condition, actions of competitors and the ability to implement business strategies and pursue business opportunities. The forward-looking statements contained in this News Release are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. The forward-looking statements included in this News Release are made as of the date of this News Release and the Board undertakes no obligation to publicly update such forward-looking statements, except as required by law. Shareholders are cautioned that all forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties and for a more detailed discussion of such risks and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, refer to the Company's filings with the Canadian securities regulators available on .

本新聞稿包含前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述可以通過使用前瞻性詞語來識別,例如 “將”、“期望”、“打算”、“計劃”、“估計”、“預期”、“相信” 或 “繼續” 或類似的詞語或否定詞,包括以下內容:收益支出、期權和雙方完成最終協議。在本新聞稿中發表前瞻性陳述時採用的重大假設包括對公司項目礦產潛力的預期、公司的未來戰略和業務計劃以及公司現有計劃的執行。我們提醒本新聞稿的讀者不要過分依賴本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述,因爲無法保證這些陳述會發生,並且會受到許多不確定性和其他因素的影響,這些因素可能導致實際結果與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異。這些因素包括總體經濟和市場狀況、勘探結果、大宗商品價格、法律變化、監管程序、Mundoro的資產狀況和財務狀況、競爭對手的行爲以及實施業務戰略和尋求商機的能力。本警示聲明明確限定了本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述的全部內容。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述自本新聞稿發佈之日起作出,除非法律要求,否則董事會沒有義務公開更新此類前瞻性陳述。提醒股東,所有前瞻性陳述都涉及風險和不確定性,要更詳細地討論此類風險和其他可能導致實際業績與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異的因素,請參閱公司向加拿大證券監管機構提交的文件,網址爲。

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