
EnGold Lac La Hache Project Update

EnGold Lac La Hache Project Update

enGold Lac La Hache 項目更新
newsfile ·  2024/01/24 05:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 23, 2024) - David H. Brett, President & CEO, EnGold Mines Ltd., (TSXV: EGM) ("EnGold" or the "Company") reports a number of updates with respect to the Company's 100% owned Lac La Hache Copper Gold Project in the Cariboo region of BC's southern interior (the "Property").

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年1月23日)——EnGold Mines Ltd.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:EGM)(“enGold” 或 “公司”)總裁兼首席執行官戴維·佈雷特報告了該公司在不列顛哥倫比亞省南部內陸地區擁有100%股權的Lac La Hache銅金項目(“房產”)的一些最新情況。

EnGold Granted 5-Year Exploration Permit for Lac La Hache

EnGold 獲得 Lac La Hache 的 5 年勘探許可

In the spring of 2023, the Company applied for and received in June a Multi-Year, Area-Based exploration permit from the government of BC enabling EnGold to continue exploring the Property. The five-year permit allows EnGold to proceed with extensive new drilling and other exploration activities until 2028.


"EnGold would like to acknowledge the support of local First Nations and the diligent efforts of government experts in the permitting process," said EnGold President & CEO David H. Brett. "EnGold's track record of early and proactive engagement with local communities, as well as a history of environmental responsibility, will hopefully serve the Company well as we move the Lac La Hache Project forward."

EnGold總裁兼首席執行官戴維·佈雷特表示:“EnGold要感謝當地原住民的支持以及政府專家在許可程序中的辛勤努力。”“EnGold在早期積極參與當地社區方面的往績以及環境責任的歷史,有望在我們推動Lac La Hache項目向前發展時爲公司服務。”

Tam Property Option Amendment

Tam 房地產期權修正案

As announced on February 19, 2020, the Company entered into an option agreement to acquire a 100% interest in the Tam Property (the "Agreement"), a block of claims near EnGold's Aurizon South Gold Deposit, adjoining the Lac La Hache Project to the southeast. The Tam Property hosts a number of prospective targets lying on-trend with the main 7- km exploration corridor that hosts the Spout, G1, Aurizon & Ann North zones.

正如2020年2月19日宣佈的那樣,該公司簽訂了收購塔姆地產100%權益的期權協議(“協議”),這是EnGold的Aurizon South金礦牀附近的一系列索賠,毗鄰東南部的Lac La Hache項目。Tam Property擁有許多符合趨勢的潛在目標,主要的7公里勘探走廊位於Spout、G1、Aurizon和Ann North區域。

The vendor of the Tam Property and the Company have amended the Agreement, subject to the acceptance of the TSX Venture Exchange, as follows:

Tam Property的賣方和公司已對協議進行了如下修改,但須經多倫多證券交易所風險交易所接受:

  1. The term of the option has been extended from 48 months to 60 months.
  2. The original payments of cash and shares have been replaced with the following:
    1. 300,000 shares of EnGold forthwith upon TSX Venture Exchange acceptance.
    2. On or before February 12th, 2025 400,000 shares of EnGold and $25,000 cash.
  1. 該期權的期限已從48個月延長至60個月。
  2. 最初支付的現金和股票已被以下款項所取代:
    1. 在多倫多證券交易所風險交易所接受後,將立即獲得30萬股EnGold股票。
    2. 2 月 12 日或之前第四,2025 年持有 400,000 股 EnGold 股票和 25,000 美元現金。

Exploration Priorities


As announced March 6, 2023, data analysis firm ALS GoldSpot delivered to EnGold the results of their extensive information compilation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence research on prior Lac La Hache exploration work. These results included multiple high priority targets both near existing mineral deposits and new areas outside EnGold's concentrated work zones.

正如2023年3月6日宣佈的那樣,數據分析公司ALS GoldSpot向EnGold提交了他們對先前Lac La Hache勘探工作的大量信息彙編、機器學習和人工智能研究的結果。這些結果包括多個高優先級目標,包括現有礦牀附近和EnGold集中工作區以外的新區域。

Of note, the ALS GoldSpot work identified a large area east of the Spout Copper Magnetite Deposit with potential near surface mineralization similar to the "Spout South" mineralized zone. EnGold's permitted work includes a series of shallow drill holes with setups located on existing logging roads.

值得注意的是,ALS GoldSpot的工作發現了Spout Copper磁鐵礦牀以東的大片區域,其潛在的近地表礦化作用類似於 “Spout South” 礦化帶。EnGold 允許的工作包括一系列位於現有伐木道路上的淺層鑽孔。

"We are anxious to restart our drilling campaign at Lac La Hache," said EnGold VP of Exploration Rob Shives. "We have been less active in the field due to challenging market conditions for juniors, but we are confident that our compelling project will attract new funding to continue moving this exciting project forward."

EnGold勘探副總裁羅布·希夫斯說:“我們急於重啓在Lac La Hache的鑽探活動。”“由於青少年面臨艱難的市場條件,我們在該領域一直不那麼活躍,但我們相信,我們引人注目的項目將吸引新的資金,繼續推動這個令人興奮的項目向前發展。”

About EnGold

關於 eNgold

EnGold is a Vancouver-based copper, gold, silver, and magnetite exploration company focused solely on its 100% owned Lac La Hache property in the Cariboo region of BC which hosts the Spout Copper Deposit, the Aurizon Gold Deposit, and the G1 Copper Deposit and other targets within a large porphyry mineralizing system. With world-class infrastructure at its doorstep, Lac La Hache is a great location to be exploring.

EnGold是一家總部位於溫哥華的銅、金、銀和磁鐵礦勘探公司,僅專注於其位於不列顛哥倫比亞省卡里布地區的100%擁有的Lac La Hache地產,該地產擁有Spout銅礦牀、Aurizon金礦牀和G1銅礦牀以及大型斑岩礦化系統中的其他目標。Lac La Hache 擁有世界一流的基礎設施,是探索的絕佳去處。

EnGold Mines Ltd.

EnGold Mines Ltd

David Brett


President & CEO


For further info contact David Brett, 604-682-2421 or

欲了解更多信息,請聯繫 David Brett,604-682-2421 或

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