
Barrick Gold Denies First Quantum Rumors, Focuses On Developing Existing Tanzanian Projects

Barrick Gold Denies First Quantum Rumors, Focuses On Developing Existing Tanzanian Projects

Barrick Gold否認首批量子傳聞,專注於開發坦桑尼亞現有項目
Benzinga ·  01/22 21:58

Barrick Gold (NYSE:GOLD) has dismissed recent reports suggesting a meeting between one of its executives and First Quantum Minerals (TSX:FM) representatives in Panama to discuss a potential takeover.


The Globe and Mail reported that Juana Barceló, president of Barrick's Pueblo Viejo operations, met with First Quantum officials for a possible merger.


Barrick denies this claim, stating that Barceló's last visit to Panama was in early 2023 for a mining conference. Despite reports of Barrick assessing support for a deal from First Quantum's top shareholders, Barrick emphasizes no formal approach has been made.

巴里克否認了這一說法,稱巴塞洛最後一次訪問巴拿馬是在2023年初參加採礦會議。儘管有報道稱巴里克評估了First Quantum最大股東對交易的支持,但巴里克強調尚未採取任何正式方針。

First Quantum is facing financial challenges due to the closure of its Cobre Panama copper mine, which accounted for 5% of Panama's GDP. This setback led to the suspension of dividends, voluntary retirements and contributed to a temporary halt of the Ravensthorpe nickel operation in Western Australia amid other market challenges.

由於其佔巴拿馬國內生產總值5%的科佈雷巴拿馬銅礦關閉,First Quantum面臨財務挑戰。這一挫折導致分紅暫停,自願退休,並導致西澳大利亞州拉文斯索普鎳礦業務在其他市場挑戰中暫時停止。

As First Quantum has openly considered asset sales, Barrick's increasing copper interest with projects like the Lumwana super pit in Zambia and the Reko Diq mine in Pakistan have fueled speculations about an acquisition.

由於First Quantum公開考慮出售資產,巴里克對贊比亞的盧姆瓦納超級礦和巴基斯坦的Reko Diq礦等項目的銅興趣與日俱增,這引發了人們對收購的猜測。

Still, First Quantum's main assets are in Panama and Zambia, the jurisdictions that Barrick's CEO Mark Bristow characterized as "challenging."

儘管如此,First Quantum的主要資產仍在巴拿馬和贊比亞,巴里克首席執行官馬克·布里斯托稱這兩個司法管轄區 “具有挑戰性”。

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Meanwhile, Barrick is strengthening relations in Tanzania. The company just handed over a new airport terminal at the closed Buzwagi gold mine's Kahama airstrip, concluding an eight-month partnership with the Tanzania Airport Authority. Following the mine's closure in July 2022, Barrick has undertaken a feasibility study for a Special Economic Zone (SEZ), showing commitment to leaving a positive legacy in this community.


Barrick also reported meeting production goals for its North Mara and Bulyanhulu mines. These mines, part of the Twiga Minerals joint venture with the Tanzanian government, now produce gold at a Tier One level. Conversion drilling has replenished reserves, and Barrick is exploring opportunities for further production.

巴里克還報告說,其北馬拉和布爾揚胡魯礦山已實現產量目標。這些礦山是Twiga Minerals與坦桑尼亞政府合資企業的一部分,現在生產的黃金處於一級水平。轉化鑽探補充了儲量,巴里克正在探索進一步生產的機會。

Since Barrick's takeover of the Tanzanian mines in 2019, they have become the most significant contributor to the government's revenue and a top domestic employer. Yet, the company is not resting on its laurels; it is investing $30 million in the Future Forward education initiative, improving Tanzania's educational infrastructure by delivering classrooms, dormitories, and washroom facilities for an additional 49,000 pupils.

自巴里克於2019年收購坦桑尼亞礦山以來,這些礦山已成爲政府收入的最重要貢獻者和國內最大的僱主。但是,該公司並沒有固步自封;它正在向 “未來前進” 教育計劃投資3000萬美元,通過爲另外49,000名學生提供教室、宿舍和洗手間設施來改善坦桑尼亞的教育基礎設施。

"Barrick has made an enormous difference for the better on every front in Tanzania. The success of the partnership model we pioneered here represents, I believe, the future of mining, particularly in developing countries," Bristow said.

“巴里克在坦桑尼亞的各個方面都取得了巨大的進步。我相信,我們在此開創的夥伴關係模式的成功代表着採礦業的未來,尤其是在發展中國家,” 布里斯托說。

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Photo: Shutterstock


