
Gold79 Defines an Exploration Target for the Tyro Main Zone at the Gold Chain Project

Gold79 Defines an Exploration Target for the Tyro Main Zone at the Gold Chain Project

Gold79 在金鍊項目中定義了泰羅主區的勘探目標
newsfile ·  01/22 20:00

Ottawa, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - January 22, 2024) - Gold79 Mines Ltd. (TSXV: AUU) (OTCQB: AUSVF) ("Gold79" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has defined an exploration target at the Tyro Main Zone, the first potential resource area, on the Gold Chain Project in Arizona (the "Exploration Target").

安大略省渥太華--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年1月22日)——Gold79 Mines Ltd.(TSXV:AUU)(OTCQB:AUSVF)(“Gold79” 或 “公司”)欣然宣佈,它已在亞利桑那州金鍊項目(“勘探目標”)的第一個潛在資源區泰羅主區確定了勘探目標。

Gold79 believes that the Tyro Main Zone has the potential for 15.6 to 31.2 Mt grading 1.5 to 2.5 g/t Au. This is based on previous exploration on the property, including 685.7 metres of drilling along with surface sampling (95 samples), sampling of historical underground workings (56 samples) and detailed mapping. The Exploration Target was derived by modeling the Tyro Vein System within the Tyro Main Zone. The volume of the modeled areas determines the potential tonnage statement in the Exploration Target. The grade range given in the Exploration Target is determined with consideration to the drill results within the modeled Exploration Target area and consideration of the geological setting in an established gold camp where mineralization typically extends to a depth of at least 300 metres. See the heading below "Tyro Main Zone Exploration Target" for additional details. The potential quantity and grades are conceptual in nature. There has been insufficient exploration drilling to define a mineral resource and it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the Exploration Target being delineated as a mineral resource.

Gold79認爲,泰羅主區有可能產出15.6至3,120萬噸,金品位爲1.5至2.5克/噸。這是基於先前對該物業的勘探,包括685.7米的鑽探以及地表採樣(95個樣本)、歷史地下工作採樣(56個樣本)和詳細測繪。探索目標是通過對泰羅主區域內的泰羅靜脈系統進行建模得出的。建模區域的體積決定了勘探目標中的潛在噸位陳述。勘探目標中給出的等級範圍是在考慮模擬勘探目標區域內的鑽探結果以及已建金礦營地的地質環境後確定的,該礦區的礦化通常延伸至至少 300 米的深度有關更多詳細信息,請參閱 “泰羅主區域探索目標” 下方的標題。 潛在數量和等級本質上是概念性的。勘探鑽探不足以確定礦產資源,而且不確定進一步的勘探是否會導致勘探目標被劃定爲礦產資源。

The highlights in this update include:


  • To generate a potential maiden resource at the Tyro Main Zone, additional core and reverse circulation (RC) drilling is proposed along with mechanized sampling of surface vein exposures.
  • The Tyro Main Zone Exploration Target is limited to only 1 kilometre of the 3.4 kilometre strike length of the full Tyro vein system (Figure 4).
  • The initial target at the Tyro Main Zone excludes the adjacent targets identified at the historic Banner and Sheep Trail Mines (previous drilling at Banner by Gold79 returned 10.7 grams per tonne Au over 3.1 metres in drill hole GC21-08, see press release dated November 2, 2021).
  • The Tyro Main Zone Exploration Target also excludes the Frisco Graben to the northeast, where continuing work indicates the upper levels of a potential low sulfidation epithermal gold system over an extent of 4 kilometres.
  • 爲了在泰羅主區開採潛在的初始資源,提議進行額外的岩心和反循環 (RC) 鑽探,並對地表礦脈暴露進行機械化採樣。
  • 泰羅主區域探索目標僅限於整個泰羅靜脈系統 3.4 千米攻擊長度中的 1 千米(圖 4)。
  • 泰羅主區的初始目標不包括在歷史悠久的班納和綿羊步道礦山確定的鄰近目標(Gold79先前在班納的 GC21-08 鑽孔中每噸鑽探返回了超過3.1米的10.7克金,見2021年11月2日的新聞稿)。
  • 泰羅主區勘探目標還不包括東北部的弗里斯科地帶,那裏的持續工作表明,潛在的低硫化超熱液金系統的上層水位已超過4千米。

Derek Macpherson, President and CEO stated, "In the second half of 2023, Gold79 undertook a review of all the data collected from the Company's work at the Gold Chain project over the last 3 years. Our conclusion continues to be that the Gold Chain project has the potential to host multiple, plus million-ounce gold targets. The Tyro Main Zone represents a portion of the potential we see at the project and has become a priority for the Company given the potential to define a higher-grade open-pittable resource that would start from surface with a relatively small amount of additional exploration work."

總裁兼首席執行官德里克·麥克弗森表示,”2023年下半年,Gold79對公司在過去3年中在金鍊項目的工作中收集的所有數據進行了審查。我們的結論仍然是,Gold Chain項目有可能容納多個超過百萬盎司的黃金目標。Tyro Main Zone代表了我們在該項目中看到的部分潛力,並已成爲該公司的優先事項,因爲有可能定義更高等級的露天開採資源,該資源將從地表開始,只需相對較少的額外勘探工作。”

Mr. Macpherson continued, "This Exploration Target, if converted to a resource, would have the potential to be one of the higher-grade open-pit deposits in the camp, and has the potential to be moved into production quickly given that it is on patented claims and given the existing underutilized infrastructure in the surrounding district."


Tyro Main Zone Exploration Target


The Tyro Main Zone consists of the historic Tyro Mine (with production from two-levels of underground workings and a small slot pit) and the Decimal Hill area. The 1,000-metre extent considered in this Exploration Target is contained within 15.6 to 31.2 Mt grading 1.5 to 2.5 g/t Au and is located entirely on 3 patented claims controlled by Gold79.


The work completed to date by Gold79 at the Tyro Main Zone includes:


  • 685.7 metres of RC drilling (Table 1).
  • 95 surface rock chip samples (Figure 2).
  • 56 chip channel samples from the underground workings (Table 2).
  • Detailed geologic mapping of the mine workings, patented claims and surrounding BLM claims.
  • 685.7 米的鋼筋混凝土鑽探(表 1)。
  • 95 個地表岩屑樣本(圖 2)。
  • 來自地下作業的 56 個芯片通道樣本(表 2)。
  • 礦山作業、專利索賠和周圍的 BLM 索賠的詳細地質測繪。

Using this data, Gold79 has defined the Exploration Target over the 1,000-metre strike length of the Tyro Main Zone and down to a depth of 300 metres. The Exploration Target effectively excludes the potential high-grade zone intersected with drill hole GC23-28 (which included 9.1 metres at 51.09 grams per tonne gold, see press release dated February 28, 2023). This potential high-grade zone was excluded since it has only been intersected in one drill hole to date and would materially skew the potential grade range higher. It should be noted that similar grades in line with GC23-28 were documented to have been mined historically (pre-1940) at the Tyro underground mine.

利用這些數據,Gold79在泰羅主區的1,000米打擊長度上定義了勘探目標,深度可達300米。勘探目標實際上排除了與 GC23-28 鑽孔相交的潛在高品位區域(其中包括 9.1 米,每噸黃金 51.09 克,見 2023 年 2 月 28 日的新聞稿)。這個潛在的高品位區域被排除在外,因爲迄今爲止,它只在一個鑽孔中相交,並且會使潛在品位範圍向上傾斜。值得注意的是,歷史上(1940 年之前)泰羅地下礦曾開採過與 GC23-28 相似等級的礦山。

The dimensions of the Exploration Target are based on surface sampling, detailed mapping, and drilling for strike length and width. The 300-metre depth is consistent with the depth of mineralization encountered in neighboring veins (i.e. Katherine, Arabian and the Oatman district) shown in Figure 1.

勘探目標的尺寸基於地表採樣、詳細測繪以及探測長度和寬度的鑽探。300 米的深度與圖 1 所示的鄰近礦脈(即凱瑟琳、阿拉伯和奧特曼區)中遇到的礦化深度一致。

The potential quantity and grades estimated for the Tyro Main Zone Exploration Target are conceptual in nature, and there has been insufficient exploration completed to date to define a mineral resource. It is uncertain if further exploration will result in the Tyro Main Zone Exploration Target being delineated as a mineral resource.


Path to a Resource at the Tyro Main Zone


Gold79 believes it has a unique opportunity to define a gold resource with minimal additional investment over a short period of time. Modelling of the existing database (Figure 3) has identified areas where additional exploration is needed to support a maiden inferred resource estimate. Gold79 believes that to define a maiden resource at the Tyro Main Zone to a depth of approximately 150m the following work is required.

Gold79認爲,它有一個獨特的機會,可以在短時間內以最少的額外投資來定義黃金資源。現有數據庫的建模(圖 3)已經確定了需要進一步勘探的領域,以支持首次推斷的資源估算。Gold79認爲,要將泰羅主區域的首個資源定義爲大約150米的深度,需要進行以下工作。

  1. Trenching - 24 trenches (~1,100 metres)
  2. Core Drilling - 750 to 1,250 metres
  3. RC Drilling - 1,500 to 2,500 metres
  1. 挖溝-24 條戰壕(約 1,100 米)
  2. 岩心鑽探-750 至 1,250 米
  3. RC 鑽探-1,500 至 2,500 米

The planned trenching program is expected to help define widths and gold grade in mine and surface exposures. The accessible mine workings have already been sampled (Table 2). Many of the roads required for this work were constructed in the 1980s and surface access/disturbance should not require a permit. It is important to note that each step in the exploration process will define the scale required at the subsequent step.


The potential quantity and grade estimated for the Tyro Main Zone Exploration Target is conceptual in nature, and there has been insufficient exploration completed to date to define a mineral resource. It is uncertain if further exploration will result in the Tyro Main Zone Exploration Target being delineated as a mineral resource.


Further Updates Planned on the Frisco Graben and North Oatman Trend

計劃進一步更新 Frisco Graben 和 North Oatman 趨勢

Gold79 has completed a review of the exploration data collected over the last three years at Gold Chain. Given that the upper extent of the "boiling zone" of this low sulphidation epithermal gold system is effectively at surface for the Tyro Main Zone (Figure 5), this has become Gold79's priority exploration target at Gold Chain. However, based on this review of exploration data, Gold79 also believes that other targets at the Gold Chain project have the potential to yield large gold deposits. Besides the Tyro Vein system, discussed in our May 9, 2023 press release, the North Oatman Trend and Frisco Graben represent large scale targets, with the "bonanza zones" partially exposed or blind to the surface (Figure 5). The Company plans to provide future updates on these other large-scale targets at its Gold Chain project in northwest Arizona.

Gold79已經完成了對金鍊在過去三年中收集的勘探數據的審查。鑑於這種低硫化超熱液金系統的 “沸騰區” 的上限實際上位於泰羅主區的地表(圖5),這已成爲Gold79在金鍊的優先勘探目標。但是,根據對勘探數據的審查,Gold79還認爲,金鍊項目的其他目標有可能產生大量金礦。除了我們在2023年5月9日的新聞稿中討論的泰羅靜脈系統外,North Oatman Trend和Frisco Graben代表的是大規模目標,其中 “富礦區” 部分暴露或看不見地表(圖5)。該公司計劃在其位於亞利桑那州西北部的Gold Chain項目中提供其他大型目標的未來最新情況。

Qualified Person / Quality Control and Quality Assurance


Robert Johansing, M.Sc. Econ. Geol., P. Geo., the Company's Vice President, Exploration is a qualified person ("QP") as defined by NI 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical content of this press release. Mr. Johansing has also been responsible for all phases of drilling programs including sample collection, labelling, bagging and transport from the project to American Assay Laboratories of Sparks, Nevada. Samples were then dried, crushed and split, and pulp samples were prepared for analysis. Gold was determined by fire assay with an ICP finish, over limit samples were determined by fire assay and gravimetric finish. Silver plus 34 other elements were determined by Aqua Regia ICP-AES, over limit samples were determined by fire assay and gravimetric finish. Standard sample chain of custody procedures were employed during field work and the drilling campaigns until delivery to the analytical facility.

羅伯特·約翰辛,理學碩士Econ。該公司勘探副總裁Geol.,P. Geo. 是NI 43-101定義的合格人員(“QP”),並已審查並批准了本新聞稿的技術內容。Johansing先生還負責鑽探計劃的各個階段,包括樣本收集、貼標籤、裝袋以及將該項目運送到內華達州斯帕克斯的美國化驗實驗室。然後對樣品進行乾燥、粉碎和分解,並準備紙漿樣品進行分析。金是通過火試驗,ICP完成的,超限的樣品是通過火試和重量法完成確定的。銀和其他34種元素由Aqua Regia ICP-AES測定,超限樣品通過火焰試驗和重量法完成測定。在實地工作和鑽探活動期間採用了標準的樣本監管鏈程序,直至交付分析設施。

About Gold79 Mines Ltd.

關於 Gold79 Mines Ltd

Gold79 Mines Ltd. is a TSX Venture listed company focused on building ounces in the Southwest USA. Gold79 holds 100% earn-in option to purchase agreements on three gold projects: the Jefferson Canyon Gold Project and the Tip Top Gold Project both located in Nevada, USA, and, the Gold Chain Project located in Arizona, USA. In addition, Gold79 holds a 32.3% interest in the Greyhound Project, Nunavut, Canada under JV by Agnico Eagle Mines Limited.

Gold79 Mines Ltd.是一家多倫多證券交易所風險投資上市公司,專注於在美國西南部生產盎司。Gold79持有三個黃金項目的100%收益期權購買協議:位於美國內華達州的傑斐遜峽谷黃金項目和Tip Top Gold項目,以及位於美國亞利桑那州的金鍊項目。此外,Gold79持有Agnico Eagle Mines Limited合資的加拿大努納武特灰狗項目32.3%的權益。

For further information regarding this press release contact:


Derek Macpherson, President & CEO
Phone: 416-294-6713
Website: .


Book a 30-minute meeting with our CEO here.

在這裏與我們的首席執行官預約 30 分鐘的會面。



This press release may contain forward-looking statements that are made as of the date hereof and are based on current expectations, forecasts and assumptions which involve risks and uncertainties associated with our business including any future private placement financing, the uncertainty as to whether further exploration will result in the target(s) being delineated as a mineral resource, capital expenditures, operating costs, mineral resources, recovery rates, grades and prices, estimated goals, expansion and growth of the business and operations, plans and references to the Company's future successes with its business and the economic environment in which the business operates. All such statements are made pursuant to the 'safe harbour' provisions of, and are intended to be forward-looking statements under, applicable Canadian securities legislation. Any statements contained herein that are statements of historical facts may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. By their nature, forward-looking statements require us to make assumptions and are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties. We caution readers of this news release not to place undue reliance on our forward-looking statements as a number of factors could cause actual results or conditions to differ materially from current expectations. Please refer to the risks set forth in the Company's most recent annual MD&A and the Company's continuous disclosure documents that can be found on SEDAR at . Gold79 does not intend, and disclaims any obligation, except as required by law, to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

本新聞稿可能包含截至本文發佈之日做出的前瞻性陳述,這些陳述基於當前的預期、預測和假設,涉及與我們的業務相關的風險和不確定性,包括任何未來的私募融資、進一步勘探是否會導致目標被劃定爲礦產資源的不確定性、資本支出、運營成本、礦產資源、回收率、等級和價格、預計目標、業務和運營的擴張和增長、計劃和提及公司未來在業務方面的成功以及業務運營的經濟環境。所有這些陳述均根據適用的加拿大證券立法的 “安全港” 條款作出,旨在作爲前瞻性陳述。此處包含的任何歷史事實陳述均可被視爲前瞻性陳述。就其本質而言,前瞻性陳述要求我們做出假設,並受固有的風險和不確定性的影響。我們提醒本新聞稿的讀者不要過分依賴我們的前瞻性陳述,因爲許多因素可能導致實際業績或狀況與當前的預期存在重大差異。請參閱公司最新的年度管理報告和分析以及公司的持續披露文件中列出的風險,這些文件可在SEDAR上找到,網址爲。除非法律要求,否則Gold79無意且不承擔任何義務更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


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