
LogicMark Unveils First Personal Safety Software App, Aster

LogicMark Unveils First Personal Safety Software App, Aster

LogicMark 推出首款人身安全軟件應用程序 Aster
LogicMark ·  01/17 13:00
Ushers in New Era of Independence, Freedom, and Peace of Mind

LOUISVILLE, Ky., Jan. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LogicMark, Inc. (NASDAQ: LGMK) (the "Company"), creator of the most innovative personal safety and security technology designed for the care economy, today announced the launch of Aster, its software application that brings innovation, personal safety, and peace of mind to its users of all ages. The launch marks a significant milestone as LogicMark's first standalone software product that operates independently of any hardware component.

肯塔基州路易斯維爾,2024年1月17日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——專爲醫療經濟設計的最具創新性的人身安全和保障技術的創造者LogicMark, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:LGMK)(“公司”)今天宣佈推出Aster,這是其軟件應用程序,爲所有年齡段的用戶帶來創新、人身安全和安心。作爲LogicMark首款獨立於任何硬件組件運行的獨立軟件產品,此次發佈標誌着一個重要的里程碑。

For years, personal safety and security technology has remained static and bogged down by antiquated technology. No one has built a universal solution that's focused on making personal safety and family security a priority for all ages. LogicMark recognized the need to radically transform this industry, and with Aster, aims to provide everyone involved with the peace of mind and independence they deserve.

多年來,人身安全和安保技術一直處於靜止狀態,並因過時的技術而陷入困境。沒有人建立過專注於將人身安全和家庭保障作爲所有年齡段優先事項的通用解決方案。LogicMark 認識到從根本上改變這個行業的必要性,Aster 旨在爲所有參與者提供應有的安心和獨立性。

"LogicMark launched in 2005 as an innovative technology company building PERS devices for the aging population. But as the care economy evolves, so have the complexities of personal safety," said LogicMark CEO, Chia-Lin Simmons. "With Aster, we are bringing the tech roots back to LogicMark by introducing our first standalone software product. The app introduces an effective solution that empowers individuals of all ages to navigate their lives more independently and confidently."

“LogicMark成立於2005年,是一家爲老齡化人口生產PERS設備的創新科技公司。但是隨着醫療經濟的發展,人身安全的複雜性也隨之發展。” LogicMark首席執行官嘉琳·西蒙斯說。“藉助Aster,我們推出了我們的第一個獨立軟件產品,將技術根源帶回了LogicMark。該應用程序引入了一種有效的解決方案,使所有年齡段的人都能更加獨立和自信地度過自己的生活。”

Aster makes it easy to stay connected to loved ones wherever they go and contact emergency services when needed with just a swipe. Whether it's a college student on campus, a real estate agent hosting an open house by themselves, an active senior going on a hike, or a parent in the sandwich generation – Aster's personal safety features and automatic emergency alerts enable users to stay safe at all times.


Unique to the app is its "Follow Me" feature, the first-ever scheduling system that allows users to connect their mobile phone calendars and share select events with their friends and family so they are always connected. The app sends automated texts in accordance with the event start time so followers are notified of the user's activities. If the user fails to check in at the event's scheduled end, an emergency trigger will automatically send texts to their followers and notify a live agent.

該應用程序的獨特之處在於其 “關注我” 功能,這是有史以來第一個日程安排系統,允許用戶連接手機日曆並與朋友和家人共享精選活動,這樣他們就可以隨時保持聯繫。該應用程序根據活動開始時間自動發送短信,以便將用戶的活動通知關注者。如果用戶未能在活動預定結束時辦理登機手續,則緊急觸發器將自動向其關注者發送短信並通知直播代理。

Aster is introduced as a subscription-based app priced at $9.99 per month – with a free 14-day trial option – available now on the Apple App store with a Google Play release to follow shortly. In emergency situations, Emergency Followers will receive a text with a Google Maps link showing the user's location, while Aster will also provide the GPS location to first responders. A live agent will be notified in an emergency, and if there is no reply or request for help, the LogicMark agent will call the user.

Aster作爲一款基於訂閱的應用程序推出,價格爲每月9.99美元,有14天免費試用選項,現已在蘋果應用商店上市,不久將發佈Google Play。在緊急情況下,緊急關注者將收到一條帶有谷歌地圖鏈接的短信,顯示用戶的位置,而Aster還將向急救人員提供GPS位置。在緊急情況下,將通知在線代理,如果沒有回覆或請求幫助,LogicMark 代理將給用戶打電話。

Additional features include:


  • Aster Alert Button: If users ever feel unsafe, they can simply press three times on the alert button attached to their keychain or handbag until they are secure. If the button is pressed and the alarm is not canceled by entering a private pin number, Aster will contact emergency services via a live agent as well as the user's followers. The button can be activated anytime, regardless of whether the Aster app is open or closed, or if the phone screen is locked.
  • Emergency Contacts: Users have the ability to add friends and family as followers and set up automated alerts or the ability to contact them whenever they feel they are in an unsafe environment or situation.
  • Emergency Services: Users can contact emergency services with a simple swipe. The app can also automatically contact emergency services and notify followers if the monitored individual is unresponsive.
  • Aster Alert Button:如果用戶感到不安全,他們只需按三下鑰匙扣或手提包上的警報按鈕,直到安全爲止。如果按下按鈕並且未通過輸入私人密碼取消警報,則Aster將通過實時代理以及用戶的關注者聯繫緊急服務部門。無論Aster應用程序是打開還是關閉,或者手機屏幕是否被鎖定,都可以隨時激活該按鈕。
  • 緊急聯繫人:用戶可以將朋友和家人添加爲關注者,並設置自動提醒,或者在他們感到處於不安全的環境或情況時與他們聯繫。
  • 緊急服務:用戶只需輕掃一下即可聯繫緊急服務。該應用程序還可以自動聯繫緊急服務部門,並在受監控人員沒有反應時通知關注者。

"Aster allows me to know that I am safe no matter where I am. I can connect to someone at any time to send help or stay on the phone with me until I have made it safely to my destination. Aster is always with me on my walks home from late classes, club meetings, or the grocery store!" said Katherine L., an Aster beta user at Barnard College and Columbia University.

“Aster 讓我知道無論身在何處我都是安全的。在我安全到達目的地之前,我可以隨時與某人聯繫以提供幫助或與我通話。在我下完晚課、俱樂部會議或去雜貨店回家時,Aster 總是和我在一起!”巴納德學院和哥倫比亞大學的Aster測試版用戶凱瑟琳·L.說。

To download Aster today, visit

要立即下載 Aster,請訪問

About LogicMark, Inc.
LogicMark, Inc. (Nasdaq: LGMK) is on a mission to let people of all ages lead a life with dignity, independence and the joy of possibility. LogicMark provides personal emergency response systems (PERS), health communications devices, personal safety apps, services and technologies to create a Connected Care Platform. Made up of a team of leading technologists with a deep understanding of IoT, AI and machine learning and a passionate focus on understanding consumer needs, LogicMark is dedicated to building a 'Care Village' with proprietary technology and creating innovative solutions for the care economy. The Company's PERS technologies are sold through the United States Veterans Health Administration, dealers, distributors and direct to consumer. LogicMark has been awarded a contract by the U.S. General Services Administration that enables the Company to distribute its products to federal, state, and local governments. To learn more, visit and

關於 LogicMark, Inc.
LogicMark, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:LGMK)的使命是讓所有年齡段的人過上有尊嚴、獨立和充滿可能性的快樂的生活。LogicMark 提供個人應急響應系統 (PERS)、健康通信設備、人身安全應用程序、服務和技術,以創建互聯醫療平台。LogicMark 由一支對物聯網、人工智能和機器學習有深刻理解並熱衷於了解消費者需求的領先技術專家團隊組成,致力於利用專有技術建立 “關愛村”,爲醫療經濟創造創新的解決方案。該公司的PERS技術通過美國退伍軍人健康管理局、經銷商、分銷商出售,並直接銷售給消費者。LogicMark 已獲得美國總務管理局簽訂的合同,使公司能夠將其產品分銷給聯邦、州和地方政府。要了解更多信息,請訪問 logicmark.cominvestors.logicmar

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements reflect management's current expectations, as of the date of this press release, and involve certain risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements include statements herein with respect to the reverse stock splits described above and the successful execution of the Company's business strategy. The Company's actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of various factors. Such risks and uncertainties include, among other things, our ability to establish and maintain the proprietary nature of our technology through the patent process, as well as our ability to possibly license from others patents and patent applications necessary to develop products; the availability of financing; the Company's ability to implement its long range business plan for various applications of its technology; the Company's ability to enter into agreements with any necessary marketing and/or distribution partners; the impact of competition, the obtaining and maintenance of any necessary regulatory clearances applicable to applications of the Company's technology; the Company's ability to maintain its Nasdaq listing for its common stock; and management of growth and other risks and uncertainties that may be detailed from time to time in the Company's reports filed with the SEC.


Yalda Rafie
SutherlandGold for LogicMark

Yalda Rafie
LogicMark 獲得薩瑟蘭金牌

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Source: LogicMark, Inc.

資料來源:LogicMark, Inc.

