
Stocks of the Hour: Intra Energy Corporation, Pinnacle Minerals, Minerals 26

Stocks of the Hour: Intra Energy Corporation, Pinnacle Minerals, Minerals 26

當下股票:內部能源公司、Pinnacle Minerals、Minerals 26
sharecafe ·  01/17 08:50

Intra Energy Corporation (ASX:IEC) announced that pegmatite rock samples collected and assayed during the due diligence process at the Lake Johnston Lithium project contain highly anomalous levels of key lithium pathfinder minerals tantalum and niobium. The sampling covers a 2-kilometre trend of pegmatite outcrops with a further 5 kilometres of the trend yet to be mapped and sampled. Shares are trading 20 per cent higher at 0.3 cents.

Intra Energy Corporation (ASX: IEC) 宣佈,在約翰斯頓湖鋰礦項目盡職調查過程中收集和分析的偉晶岩樣本中含有高度異常水平的關鍵鋰開拓者礦物鉭和鈮。該採樣涵蓋了 2 千米的偉晶岩露頭趨勢,另有 5 千米的趨勢尚待繪製和採樣。股價上漲20%,至0.3美分。

Pinnacle Minerals (ASX:PIM) has announced updates to their Wirrulla Project. Firstly, the Uranium / REE Wirrulla Project in South Australia has now been granted. Secondly, the recent satellite and radar imagery analysis at the Wirrulla Project has highlighted uranium mineralisation potential and defined a number of priority target areas. Shares are trading 12.5 per cent higher at 13.5 cents.

Pinnacle Minerals(澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:PIM)宣佈了其Wirrulla項目的更新。首先,南澳大利亞的鈾/稀土資源Wirrulla項目現已獲得批准。其次,Wirrulla項目最近的衛星和雷達圖像分析突顯了鈾礦化的潛力,並確定了許多優先目標區域。股價上漲12.5%,至13.5美分。

Minerals 26 (ASX:MI6) has announced new lithium and rare earths targets have been identified at their 100% owned Aston Project, in WA. These targets are the highest lithium-in-soil result for the Aston Project since exploration by Minerals 260 began in May 2023. Shares are trading 3.64 per cent higher at 28.5 cents.

Minerals 26(澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:MI6)宣佈,其在華盛頓州擁有100%股權的阿斯頓項目已經確定了新的鋰和稀土目標。這些目標是自Minerals 260於2023年5月開始勘探以來,阿斯頓項目土壤中鋰的最高成績。股價上漲3.64%,至28.5美分。


