
Riverside Resources Corporate Outlook and Milestones for 2024

Riverside Resources Corporate Outlook and Milestones for 2024

newsfile ·  01/16 02:46

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 15, 2024) - Riverside Resources Inc. (TSXV: RRI) (OTCQB: RVSDF) (FSE: 5YY) ("Riverside" or the "Company") is proud to outline its 2024 milestones and highlights from the past year. The Company continues to advance its 100% owned portfolio leveraging its proprietary databases, exploration expertise, and on-the-ground knowledge to identify, stake, or acquire high-quality prospects. Riverside has over C$6,000,000 in cash, zero debt, no warrant overhang, and a tight share structure with fewer than 75,000,000 shares outstanding. Positioned with a strong balance sheet, Riverside is well-prepared to capitalize on opportunities in 2024.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 1 月 15 日)- 河濱資源公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:RRI)(場外交易代碼:RVSDF)(金融證券交易所:5YY) (“河邊” 或 “公司”) 很自豪地概述了其2024年的里程碑和過去一年的亮點。該公司繼續利用其專有數據庫、勘探專業知識和實地知識推進其 100% 自有投資組合,以識別、投資或收購高質量的潛在客戶。Riverside擁有超過600萬加元的現金,零債務,沒有認股權證積壓,股票結構緊張,已發行股票不到7500萬股。憑藉強勁的資產負債表,Riverside已爲在2024年抓住機遇做好了充分的準備。

Riverside's President and CEO, John-Mark Staude, stated: "We are in a good position for the New Year with a strong balance sheet, excellent projects and the key transactions that Riverside completed in 2023, setting us up now for an excellent 2024. To our knowledge, Riverside is one of the better positioned companies, compared to our peers, to benefit from a potential incoming general commodities sector upside."


Our plan is to expand upon the growth of the past year with the following 2024 goals and potentially newsworthy events:


  • Transaction of mineral assets and value capture from its growing portfolio of exploration assets in Canada (Ontario & British Columbia) including gold (Pichette, Oaks & Elly) and rare earth element projects (Revel).
  • Sale or farmout transactions with gold and copper assets in Mexico including the Cecilia and Union Projects.
  • Work towards a new Strategic Alliance with a major base metal producer.
  • Maximize value from Riverside's Royalty Portfolio through a targeted marketing/sales process.
  • 礦產資產交易及其在加拿大(安大略省和不列顛哥倫比亞省)不斷增長的勘探資產組合中獲取價值,包括黃金(Pichette、Oaks和Elly)和稀土元素項目(Revel)。
  • 墨西哥黃金和銅資產的出售或分包交易,包括塞西莉亞和聯合項目。
  • 與一家主要的賤金屬生產商建立新的戰略聯盟。
  • 通過有針對性的營銷/銷售流程,最大限度地提高Riverside的特許權使用費投資組合的價值。

2023 Recap:

2023 年回顧:

The Company has experienced a busy year marked by the continued development of high-quality mineral exploration portfolio in Canada, expansion into British Columbia and several high-quality acquisitions. Additionally, in Mexico new consolidations have been pursued to capitalize on market opportunities, positioning Riverside for a robust upcoming year. Some of the key milestones include:






  • Completed the acquisition of the Duc Project, strategically located in Ontario's Porcupine Mining District. This significant land area is recognized for its gold mineralization and is near a former phosphate mine, which offers potential for rare earth elements.
  • Successfully completed detailed interpretations of advanced helicopter magnetic surveys at the Duc Project utilizing the state-of-the-art SHA Geophysics' Heli-3G system. These surveys have been instrumental in identifying and developing promising near-surface drill targets. A successful acquisition of the P.A.T. Gold Mine, within the Pichette Project, demonstrating substantial gold potential and a key step in the consolidation and preparation for 2024. To that effect the company is currently progressing a new NI 43-101 for Q1 2024 on the project.
  • The Pichette Project, now a top priority for Riverside given the high-grade gold results. The project boasts excellent road access and is situated near Canada's third largest open pit gold producing mine at Greenstone Gold Mine owned by Equinox Gold and Orion.
  • 完成了對位於安大略省豪豬礦區戰略位置的Duc項目的收購。這片重要的陸地以其金礦化而聞名,靠近一座前磷酸鹽礦,該礦具有開採稀土元素的潛力。
  • 使用最先進的 SHA Geophysics 的 Heli-3G 系統,成功完成了對杜克項目先進直升機磁場測量的詳細解釋。這些調查在確定和開發有前景的近地表鑽探目標方面發揮了重要作用。成功收購了皮切特項目內的P.A.T金礦,這表明了巨大的黃金潛力,也是整合和爲2024年做準備的關鍵一步。爲此,該公司目前正在推進該項目的2024年第一季度新的NI 43-101。
  • 考慮到高品位的黃金成果,皮切特項目現在是河濱的重中之重。該項目擁有良好的道路交通,位於加拿大第三大露天金礦的格林斯通金礦附近,該金礦由Equinox Gold和Orion擁有。

British Columbia


  • The generation/acquisition of the Elly Gold Project, in southern British Columbia, has expanded Riverside's footprint in southwestern British Columbia. The Company has been continuing with its prospecting and integrating databases, laying the groundwork for partnering and potential drilling in 2024.
  • Acquisition of the Revel Carbonatite Rare Earth Element (REE) Project in British Columbia was a key strategic move to add REE and critical metals to the company portfolio of assets. The Revel area is a key district Riverside now has and will be progressing in 2024 with partners.
  • 位於不列顛哥倫比亞省南部的Elly Gold Project的產生/收購擴大了Riverside在不列顛哥倫比亞省西南部的足跡。該公司一直在繼續進行勘探和整合數據庫,爲2024年的合作和潛在鑽探奠定了基礎。
  • 收購不列顛哥倫比亞省的Revel Carbonatite稀土元素(REE)項目是將稀土和關鍵金屬添加到公司資產組合的關鍵戰略舉措。Revel地區是河濱現在的關鍵區域,並將於2024年與合作伙伴一起取得進展。



  • The Company continued with its ongoing efforts in Mexico by reaching key milestones and preparing for the upcoming fall season through the acquisition of updated drill permits. This crucial development ensures that the properties will maintain their compliance and good standing for a period of up to three years.
  • On the Ariel Project, we are focusing on porphyry copper, crucial consolidation of land, encouraging copper results, and strides in securing drill permits and transferring titles to Riverside, positioning the Company for potential joint venture opportunities.
  • Continuing with its acquisition of the Union Mine in Sonora, Mexico, situated in the high-grade Union District, the site has shown promising results, with discoveries of up to 1 ounce of gold and over 30% zinc, highlighting the potential for further expansion in the area.
  • The Cecilia Project in Sonora, Mexico has a large dome complex which has already yielded significant gold intercepts from previous drilling efforts. Riverside is poised to progress with partners for a potential next phase of drilling in 2024.
  • 該公司繼續在墨西哥開展持續努力,實現了關鍵里程碑,並通過獲得更新的鑽探許可證爲即將到來的秋季做準備。這一關鍵發展確保了這些物業將在長達三年的時間內保持合規性和良好信譽。
  • 在Ariel項目上,我們專注於斑岩銅、關鍵的土地整合、令人鼓舞的銅礦業績,以及在獲得鑽探許可證和向Riverside轉讓所有權方面取得的進展,使公司爲潛在的合資機會做好了準備。
  • 該礦場繼續收購位於高品位聯合區的墨西哥索諾拉聯合礦,取得了令人鼓舞的成果,發現了多達1盎司的黃金和超過30%的鋅,凸顯了該地區進一步擴張的潛力。
  • 墨西哥索諾拉的塞西莉亞項目有一個大型圓頂建築群,該建築群已經從先前的鑽探工作中截獲了大量的金礦。Riverside有望與合作伙伴一起在2024年進行下一階段的鑽探。

Upcoming Events:


Riverside Resources Inc. has received and accepted invitations to present at the Vancouver Round Up conference in late January and will exhibit in early March, at the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) in Toronto.

Riverside Resources Inc.已收到並接受邀請參加1月下旬的溫哥華綜述會議,並將於3月初在多倫多的加拿大勘探者與開發商協會(PDAC)展出。

About Riverside Resources Inc.:


Riverside is a well-funded exploration company driven by value generation and discovery. The Company has over $6M in cash, no debt, and less than 75M shares outstanding with a strong portfolio of gold-silver and copper assets and royalties in North America. Riverside has extensive experience and knowledge operating in Mexico and Canada and leverages its large database to generate a portfolio of prospective mineral properties. In addition to Riverside's exploration spending, the Company also strives to diversify risk by securing joint-venture and spin-out partnerships to advance multiple assets simultaneously and create more chances for discovery. Riverside has properties available for option, with information available on the Company's website at .




"John-Mark Staude"


Dr. John-Mark Staude, President & CEO

John-Mark Staude博士,總裁兼首席執行官

For additional information contact:


John-Mark Staude
President, CEO
Riverside Resources Inc.
Phone: (778) 327-6671
Fax: (778) 327-6675

電話:(778) 327-6671
傳真:(778) 327-6675

Mehran Bagherzadeh
Corporate Communications
Riverside Resources Inc.
Phone: (778) 327-6671
TF: (877) RIV-RES1

Mehran Bagherzadeh
電話:(778) 327-6671
TF: (877) RIV-RES1

Certain statements in this press release may be considered forward-looking information. These statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology (e.g., "expect"," estimates", "intends", "anticipates", "believes", "plans"). Such information involves known and unknown risks -- including the availability of funds, the results of financing and exploration activities, the interpretation of exploration results and other geological data, or unanticipated costs and expenses and other risks identified by Riverside in its public securities filings that may cause actual events to differ materially from current expectations. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release.

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