
Toni Braxton Cheers PBIO's Acquisition Of Cannabis And Hemp Co. Uncle Bud's

Toni Braxton Cheers PBIO's Acquisition Of Cannabis And Hemp Co. Uncle Bud's

Benzinga ·  01/16 02:16

Pressure BioSciences, Inc. (OTC:PBIO), a company focused on pressure-based instruments and services for the cannabis industry, has announced a definitive agreement to acquire Uncle Bud's, a natural health and wellness leader. The transaction, which marks a strategic forward integration for PBIO, combines Uncle Bud's extensive product range and strong online community with PBIO's advanced technology and scientific expertise.

Pressure BioSciences, Inc.(場外交易代碼:PBIO)是一家專注於爲大麻行業提供壓力儀器和服務的公司,該公司宣佈了一項收購天然健康和保健領導者Uncle Bud's的最終協議。該交易標誌着PBIO的戰略前瞻性整合,將Uncle Bud廣泛的產品範圍和強大的在線社區與PBIO的先進技術和科學專業知識相結合。

The merger will create a formidable presence in various consumer product markets, notably leveraging PBIO's UltraShear technology. This platform is known for producing nanoemulsified products with superior bioavailability and speed of action, a critical factor in the health and wellness domain.


Toni Braxton, a multiple Grammy Award-winning artist and a long-standing advocate of Uncle Bud's, expressed her enthusiasm for the acquisition. "I am thrilled to be a part of this exciting acquisition of Uncle Bud's, a brand that I have loved from the beginning," said Braxton. She highlighted the shared vision of quality and innovation between the two companies and her eagerness to be part of their growth trajectory.

曾多次獲得格萊美獎的藝術家、長期倡導巴德叔叔的託尼·布拉克斯頓表達了對這次收購的熱情。布拉克斯頓說:“我很高興能參與這次對Uncle Bud's的激動人心的收購,我從一開始就很喜歡這個品牌。”她強調了兩家公司在質量和創新方面的共同願景,以及她渴望成爲他們增長軌跡的一部分。

Garrett Greller, director of marketing and co-founder of Uncle Bud's emphasized the transformative nature of the acquisition. "With a commitment to quality, effective solutions, and an impressive lineup of celebrity partners, Uncle Bud's has democratized Hemp & CBD wellness," Greller stated. He further noted the potential for innovation across multiple sectors, including pain relief, sexual wellness, skincare, beverages, food and pet care.

巴德叔叔的營銷董事兼聯合創始人加勒特·格雷勒強調了此次收購的變革性質。格雷勒說:“憑藉對質量、有效解決方案和令人印象深刻的名人合作伙伴陣容的承諾,Uncle Bud's使大麻和CBD的健康大衆化。”他進一步指出了多個領域的創新潛力,包括止痛、性健康、護膚、飲料、食品和寵物護理。

Bruno Schiavi, president and co-founder of Uncle Bud's remarked on the synergy between the two companies. "This merger with PBIO is a game-changer," Schiavi said. He underscored the unique opportunities presented by the UltraShear platform in developing wellness products with superior bioavailability and clean-label attributes.

Uncle Bud's的總裁兼聯合創始人布魯諾·斯基亞維談到了兩家公司之間的協同效應。斯基亞維說:“與PBIO的合併改變了遊戲規則。”他強調了UltraShear平台在開發具有卓越生物利用度和清潔標籤屬性的健康產品方面提供的獨特機會。

From PBIO's perspective, Ric Schumacher, president and CEO, welcomed the expertise and experience of Uncle Bud's team. "This dynamic combination is what we have been seeking to accelerate the penetration of the UltraShear technology through multiple markets," Schumacher said. He pointed to several new product line opportunities ripe for transformative delivery.


Jeff Peterson, PBIO's chairman stressed the strategic significance of the merger. "The integration of Uncle Bud's into PBIO's financials is expected to be immediately accretive and a major accelerator to PBIO's top-line revenue growth," Peterson added. He also expressed optimism about the combined companies' ability to attract new investment, strengthen their balance sheet, and potentially uplist to major stock exchanges like NASDAQ or NYSE ahead of schedule in 2024.


Under the terms of the agreement, Uncle Bud's stockholders will receive preferred stock of PBIO, convertible into PBIO common stock with additional shares contingent on revenue and net profit targets in 2024. The Boards of Directors of both companies have unanimously approved the transaction, with closure expected by January 19, 2024, subject to customary closing conditions.


