
RevoluGROUP and MyFullTrip Forge Groundbreaking Partnership to Transform Payment Solutions and Elevate Customer Experiences

RevoluGROUP and MyFullTrip Forge Groundbreaking Partnership to Transform Payment Solutions and Elevate Customer Experiences

RevoluGroup 和 myFullTrip 建立開創性的合作伙伴關係,以轉變支付解決方案並提升客戶體驗
GlobeNewswire ·  01/15 22:29

Vancouver (Canada) and Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain), Jan. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- RevoluPAY EP S.L. ("RevoluPAY"), a wholly owned subsidiary of RevoluGROUP Canada Inc. (TSX-V: REVO), (Frankfurt: IJA2), (Munich: A2PU92), and MyFullTrip SA ("MyFullTrip") a subsidiary of Vesilen Investment SL ("Vesilen"), are pleased to announce that they have entered into a non-arms length technology sharing and license transfer Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that signifies a revolutionary step towards integrating an improved payment solution with loyalty program technology and personalised travel experiences, thereby redefining the customer experience.

溫哥華(加拿大)和聖克魯斯-德特內里費(西班牙),2024年1月15日(環球新聞專線)——加拿大RevoluGroup Investment Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:REVO)(法蘭克福:IJA2)(慕尼黑:A2PU92)的全資子公司RevoluPay EP S.L.(“RevoluPay”)和Vesilen Investment SL的子公司MyFullTrip SA(“MyFullTrip”)(“MyFullTrip”)的全資子公司,2024年1月15日 “Vesilen”)很高興地宣佈,他們已經簽訂了非獨立的技術共享和許可證轉讓諒解備忘錄(MOU),這標誌着在將改進的支付解決方案與忠誠度計劃整合方面邁出了革命性的一步技術和個性化旅行體驗,從而重新定義客戶體驗。

Under the terms of this non-binding MOU, RevoluPAY, MyFullTrip aim to combine their technological proficiencies to offer a comprehensive range of products and payment services. MyFullTrip's loyalty tools for managing subsidy policies, their expertise in the tourism sector and their comprehensive marketplace will be critical elements in this collaboration. This MOU serves as a framework for future agreements and facilitates cooperation, fostering a relationship founded on mutual understanding and respect.


Bernard Lonis, Chairman of RevoluGROUP and Vesilen, expressed his enthusiasm stating, "This agreement will revolutionise the customer experience through a collaboration that honours the distinct characteristics of each participant. Our partnership with MyFullTrip unifies the merchant and customer with a unique buying experience combined with a loyalty platform which will be supported by the strong financial systems of RevoluPAY. This transformative alliance focuses on both mutual growth and ethical and fair growth."

RevoluGroup 和 Vesilen 董事長伯納德·洛尼斯表達了他的熱情,他說: “該協議將通過尊重每個參與者的獨特特徵的合作來徹底改變客戶體驗。我們與MyFullTrip的合作將商家和客戶團結在一起,爲他們提供了獨特的購物體驗以及忠誠度平台,該平台將得到RevoluPay強大的金融系統的支持。這個變革性聯盟側重於相互增長以及合乎道德和公平的增長。”

Proposed Innovative Solutions through the MyFullTrip Partnership

通過 MyFullTrip 合作伙伴關係提出的創新解決方案

RevoluGROUP is also excited to unveil a suite of groundbreaking solutions proposed through this collaborative agreement; these solutions are proposed to include:


  • RevoluLOYALTY: A customer loyalty program designed to reward regular users of RevoluGROUP's suite of services with exclusive benefits and discounts. Using a points-based system, users accrue points every time they use any RevoluGROUP service, such as RevoluPAY, RevoluSEND, RevoluCHARGE, RevoluUTILITY, or RevoluFIN. Accumulated points can be redeemed for various rewards, including service discounts, cash back, or exclusive merchandise.
  • RevoluPASS: RevoluPASS provides a package of tourist experiences, enabling visitors to explore their destination, take advantage of its most attractive places, museums, and theme parks, and enjoy additional tourist activities. It offers privileged or free access for a certain period, fostering a modern and welcoming image for the city and encouraging increased tourism and consumption. Under the terms of the MOU, this would include destinations offered through ADELYA's existing "City Pass" platform.
  • RevoluBONUS: A tool designed for public administrations, enabling them to digitally apply subsidies and aid directly to their population. It provides complete traceability and analysis of all data, transactions, and execution of budgets such as consumption vouchers to retail trade, cultural or social vouchers.
  • RevoluMARKET: A proposed comprehensive Marketplace that enables all retailers with a RevoluPAY merchant account to set up an online store. It allows them to sell their inventory worldwide by integrating payment and shipping systems on the same platform. These initiatives showcase RevoluGROUP's commitment to providing value-added services to its users and partners.
  • RevoluLoyalty:一項客戶忠誠度計劃,旨在通過獨家優惠和折扣來獎勵RevoluGroup服務套件的普通用戶。使用基於積分的系統,用戶每次使用任何RevoluGroup服務(例如RevoluPay、RevolusEnd、RevoluCharge、RevoluUtility或RevoluFin)時都會累積積積分。累積的積分可以兌換各種獎勵,包括服務折扣、現金返還或獨家商品。
  • RevoluPass:RevoluPass提供了一攬子旅遊體驗,使遊客能夠探索目的地,充分利用其最吸引人的地方、博物館和主題公園,並享受其他旅遊活動。它在一定時期內提供特權或免費通道,爲城市樹立現代而溫馨的形象,並鼓勵增加旅遊業和消費。根據諒解備忘錄的條款,這將包括通過ADELYA現有的 “城市通行證” 平台提供的目的地。
  • RevoluBonus:專爲公共管理部門設計的工具,使他們能夠以數字方式直接向其人口申請補貼和援助。它爲所有數據、交易和預算執行提供全面的可追溯性和分析,例如消費券到零售貿易、文化或社會憑證。
  • RevoluMarket:一個擬議的綜合市場,使所有擁有RevoluPay商戶賬戶的零售商都能建立在線商店。它允許他們通過在同一個平台上集成支付和運輸系統來在全球範圍內銷售庫存。這些舉措表明了RevoluGroup致力於爲其用戶和合作夥伴提供增值服務的承諾。

Gavin McMillan, CEO of RevoluGROUP, said, "The proposed solutions will allow us to bring to market a unique loyalty tool designed to enhance our VIP travel platform, add additional benefits to our loyal RevoluPAY clients and white-label partners, as well bring further value to new retail commerce, wholesalers, shopping centres, associations, companies, and organisations."

RevoluGroup 首席執行官 Gavin McMillan 表示, “擬議的解決方案將使我們能夠將一種獨特的忠誠度工具推向市場,該工具旨在增強我們的VIP旅行平台,爲我們的忠實RevoluPay客戶和白標合作伙伴增加額外福利,併爲新零售商業、批發商、購物中心、協會、公司和組織帶來更多價值。”

Non-Arms Length Disclosure
Please note that Bernard Lonis serves dual roles as Chairman of RevoluGROUP and Vesilon Investments, constituting a non-arms-length relationship. All transactions and agreements involving these two entities are conducted with this relationship fully disclosed and considered. This ensures transparency, fair dealing, and all agreements shall be written to meet all applicable laws and regulations.

請注意,伯納德·洛尼斯擔任RevoluGroup和Vesilon Investments董事長的雙重職務,構成了非正常的關係。涉及這兩個實體的所有交易和協議都是在充分披露和考慮這種關係的情況下進行的。這確保了透明度和公平交易,並且所有協議的起草均應符合所有適用的法律和法規。

About MyFullTrip
MyFullTrip is a trailblazing travel platform that is transforming how people discover the world and engage with local businesses. Our innovative technology platform specialises in creating personalised experiences, providing various merchant-based voucher solutions. We offer:

關於 MyFullTrip
MyfullTrip 是一個開創性的旅行平台,它正在改變人們探索世界和與當地企業互動的方式。我們的創新技術平台專門打造個性化體驗,提供各種基於商家的代金券解決方案。我們提供:

  • Direct connections between customers and local merchants
  • Cashback Rewards for shopping and dining at local businesses
  • Empowerment of local economies and support for community growth
  • 客戶與當地商家之間的直接聯繫
  • 在當地企業購物和用餐的現金返還獎勵
  • 賦予當地經濟權力,支持社區發展

MyFullTrip also offers cutting-edge services to public bodies like local and municipal governments and business associations. We provide a sophisticated digital dashboard and a rule-based administrative system to facilitate the distribution of various subsidies. Our services have reached great heights, with over 500,000 vouchers issued, equating to approximately 15 million euros in value.

MyFullTrip 還爲地方和市政府以及商業協會等公共機構提供尖端服務。我們提供複雜的數字儀表板和基於規則的管理系統,以促進各種補貼的分配。我們的服務已達到很高的水平,發放了超過500,000張代金券,相當於價值約1500萬歐元。

MyFullTrip has also signed an MOU with the Spanish Confederation of Historic Centers (COCAHI). This partnership proposes to extend the MyFullTrip list of destinations, volume of vouchers and total value of vouchers - to include the 60 cities represented by COCAHI across Spain. COCAHI, a prestigious association dedicated to promoting the development of trade, hospitality, and independent services in Spain, brings to the table a vast network of resources and contacts.


For more information
MyFullTrip Website

MyFullTrip 網站

About RevoluPAY
The Company's flagship Neobanking technology is RevoluPAY, the Apple and Android multinational payment app. Conceived entirely in-house, RevoluPAY features proprietary, sector-specific technology of which the resulting source code is the Company's intellectual property. RevoluPAY's built-in features include Remittance Payments, Forex, Retail and Hospitality payments, Real Estate Payments, pay-as-you-go phone top-ups, Gift Cards & Online Credits, Utility Bill payments, Leisure payments, Travel Payments, etc. RevoluPAY is aimed at the worldwide multi-billion dollar Open Banking sector and + $630 billion family remittance market. RevoluPAY is operated by the European wholly owned subsidiary RevoluPAY EP S.L located in Barcelona. RevoluPAY is a licensed United States MSB, Canadian FINTRAC, and European PSD2 payment institution 6900 under E.U. Directive 2015/2366 with EU Passporting. RevoluGROUP Canada Inc. controls five wholly owned subsidiaries on four continents.

關於 RevoluPa
該公司的旗艦新銀行技術是蘋果和安卓跨國支付應用程序RevoluPay。RevoluPay完全由內部構思,採用專有的、針對特定行業的技術,由此產生的源代碼是公司的知識產權。RevoluPay的內置功能包括匯款支付、外匯、零售和酒店支付、房地產支付、即用即付電話充值、禮品卡和在線積分、公用事業賬單支付、休閒支付、旅行支付等。RevoluPay的目標是全球數十億美元的開放銀行領域和超過6,300億美元的家庭匯款市場。RevoluPay由位於巴塞羅那的歐洲全資子公司RevoluPay EP S.L運營。RevoluPay是一家根據歐盟第2015/2366號指令獲得許可的美國MSB、加拿大FINTRAC和歐洲PSD2支付機構6900,具有歐盟護照。加拿大RevoluGroup Inc.控制着四大洲的五家全資子公司。

About RevoluGROUP Canada Inc.
RevoluGROUP Canada Inc. is a multi-asset, multidivisional, publicly traded Canadian Company deploying advanced technologies in; Banking, Mobile Apps, Money Remittance, Cross-Border Forex Payments, Mobile Phone Top-Ups, EGaming, Healthcare Payments, Esports, Invoice factoring, Online Travel, Vacation Resort, Blockchain Systems, and Fintech app sectors. Click here to read more.

關於 RevoluGroup 加拿大公司
RevoluGroup Canada Inc. 是一家多資產、多部門、上市的加拿大公司,在銀行、移動應用程序、匯款、跨境外匯支付、手機充值、電子遊戲、醫療支付、電子競技、發票保理、在線旅遊、度假村、區塊鏈系統和金融科技應用程序領域部署先進技術。點擊這裏閱讀更多。

For further information on RevoluGROUP Canada Inc. (TSX-V: REVO), visit the Company's website at .

有關加拿大RevoluGroup Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:REVO)的更多信息,請訪問該公司的網站,網址爲。

RevoluGROUP Canada, Inc.

加拿大RevoluGroup, Inc.

"Gavin McMillan"
Gavin McMillan
CEO and Director


For further information, contact:
RevoluGROUP Canada Inc.
Telephone: (604) 332 5355

RevoluGroup 加拿大公司
電話:(604) 332 5355



This release includes certain statements that may be deemed to be "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, that address events or developments that Management of the Company expects, are forward-looking statements. Although Management believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance, and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements if Management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements, include market prices, exploration and development successes, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. Please see the public filings of the Company at for further information.

本新聞稿包括某些可能被視爲 “前瞻性陳述” 的陳述。除歷史事實陳述外,本新聞稿中涉及公司管理層預期的事件或事態發展的陳述均爲前瞻性陳述。儘管管理層認爲此類前瞻性陳述中表達的預期基於合理的假設,但此類陳述並不能保證未來的業績,實際業績或發展可能與前瞻性陳述中的業績或發展存在重大差異。如果管理層的信念、估計或觀點或其他因素髮生變化,公司沒有義務更新這些前瞻性陳述。可能導致實際業績與前瞻性陳述存在重大差異的因素包括市場價格、勘探和開發成功、資本和融資的持續可用性以及總體經濟、市場或商業狀況。請參閱公司的公開文件,網址爲 以獲取更多信息。

