
Torr Identifies 6 New Gold Bearing Structures With Soil Samples Up to 1.32 G/t Au on the Filion Project

Torr Identifies 6 New Gold Bearing Structures With Soil Samples Up to 1.32 G/t Au on the Filion Project

Torr 在 Filion 項目中發現了 6 種新的含金結構,土壤樣本含金量高達 1.32 g/t
newsfile ·  01/15 19:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 15, 2024) - Torr Metals Inc. (TSXV: TMET) ("Torr" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the identification of multiple new gold (Au) anomalies in humus soil sampling with assays yielding up to 1.32 g/t Au that have never been drill tested. The soil anomalies occur coincident with six kilometre-scale VLF-EM (very low frequency electromagnetic) conductors interpreted as significant shear structures with northeast-southwest and east-west orientations that occur within a >7 kilometre (km) dilational bend of the Filion Fault, defined by a break in the linear east-west trending high magnetic signature associated with magnetically susceptible stratigraphy (Figure 1, Figure 2). Fieldwork in 2023 also confirmed in localized outcrop that VLF-EM conductors and soil anomalies occur coincident with highly prospective stratigraphic contact zones for gold endowment, including mafic volcanics and quartz-feldspar porphyry that account for the underlying linear moderate to high and flanking low magnetic anomalies respectively (Figure 2).

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.,2024 年 1 月 15 日)-Torr Metals Inc.(TSXV:TMET)(”托爾” 或者”公司“)很高興地宣佈,在腐殖質土壤採樣中發現了多種新的金(Au)異常 從未經過鑽探測試的化驗得出的金含量高達1.32 g/t。土壤異常與六千米級的VLF-EM(極低頻電磁)導體重合,這些導體被解釋爲發生在菲利昂斷層>7千米(km)的擴張彎道內,其定義是與磁敏感地層學相關的線性東西向高磁特徵的斷裂(圖 1,圖 2)。2023 年的實地考察還在局部露頭中證實,VLF-EM 導體和土壤異常與極具前景的黃金天賦地層接觸區重合,包括分別構成潛在線性中高磁異常和兩側低磁異常的基質火山岩和石英長石斑岩(圖 2)。

Within the regional greenstone belts of northern Ontario early syn-volcanic aged gold deposits (Figure 3; including Hemlo, Greenstone, Casa Berardi, Detour Lake) are commonly found within major east-west trending deformation zones with a similar setting to the Filion Fault with chief emplacement controls for gold consisting of dilational bends as well as competency contrasts along major stratigraphic contacts. Both of these characteristics have now been identified on the Filion Project together with coincident VLF-EM conductors and gold soil anomalies that remain open in all directions and untested by drilling.

在安大略省北部的區域綠巖帶中,早期的同火山老化金礦牀(圖 3;包括 Hemlo、Greenstone、Casa Berardi、Detour Lake)通常位於主要的東西向趨勢變形帶內,其背景與菲利昂斷層類似,主要的黃金佈局控制包括擴張彎曲以及主要地層接觸處的能力對比。這兩個特徵現已在Filion項目中確定,還有重合的VLF-EM導體和金土異常,這些異常在各個方向上仍然是開放的,未經鑽探測試。

The 100% owned Filion Gold Project (the "Project") is located within a prolific region of northern Ontario that hosts a number of major gold mine producers with deposits occurring in comparable geological settings (Figure 3). The Project is ideally situated adjacent to excellent infrastructure with the town of Kapuskasing located ~30 km to the southeast and direct road access 4 km from the Trans-Canada Highway, regional railway, and provincial power grid.

Filion Gold Project(以下簡稱 “項目”)位於安大略省北部一個多產的地區,擁有許多主要的金礦生產商,其礦牀位於類似的地質環境中(圖 3)。該項目地理位置優越,毗鄰完善的基礎設施,卡普斯卡辛鎮位於東南約30公里處,距離橫貫加拿大的高速公路、區域鐵路和省級電網4公里的直達公路。

Highlights Include:


  • 2023 humus soil samples detected multiple gold (Au) soil anomalies coincident with 6 historical VLF-EM conductors across a structural corridor measuring greater than 2.5 km in width. Of 318 humus soil samples collected 39 yielded >10 ppb Au, with 13 samples >20 ppb Au up to 1,320 ppb Au. The 1,320 ppb Au soil sample was collected in proximity to a historical trench where historical channel sampling reportedly yielded 91.4 g/t Au over 0.3 metres (m)1 (Figure 2).
  • Humus soil sampling along the interpreted Filion Fault indicates anomalous gold along a ~1200 metre strike-length along-trend of the Oscar occurrence, where a historical rock grab sample assayed 9.1 g/t Au2. These results define a significant extension to this portion of the mineralizing system that now measures 2.5 km in strike-length (Figure 2).
  • No soil anomalies >20 ppb Au have ever been drill tested and more than 75% of the highly prospective 28 conductors located within the >7 km dilational bend in the Filion Fault remain untested by humus soil sampling (Figure 2).
  • Mineralization becomes more robust in grade and distribution where east-west trending conductors (numbered 4-6, Figure 2) are concentrated along the interpreted Filion Fault; where significant shear systems were observed in outcrop together with extensive arsenopyrite-pyrite mineralization within quartz-carbonate stockwork and veining that is also host to chlorite-sericite-silica-fuchsite alteration, characteristics that in other regions of Ontario yield significant gold deposits. Torr is currently in the process of applying for a drill permit to test these targets in 2024.
  • 2023 年腐殖質土壤樣本檢測到多個 金(Au)土壤異常 與 6 根歷史上的 VLF-EM 導體重合 寬度超過 2.5 千米的結構走廊。在收集的318份腐殖質土壤樣本中,有39份的金含量>10 ppb,13份樣本中金值>20 ppb,金含量高達1320 ppb,金含量高達1,320 ppb。 1,320 ppb 的金土壤樣本是在歷史戰溝附近採集的 據報道,那裏的歷史通道採樣在0.3米(m)以上的金含量爲91.4 g/t1 (圖 2)。
  • 在解釋後的菲利昂斷層沿線的腐殖質土壤採樣表明 沿着大約 1200 米的走向長度有異常的黃金 奧斯卡獎的出現呈現長期趨勢,其中 歷史岩石採集樣本測定 9.1 g/t Au2這些結果 定義了礦化系統的這一部分的顯著延伸,該部分現在的礦化系統的走向長度爲 2.5 千米 (圖 2)。
  • 從來沒有鑽探測試過 >20 ppb Au 的土壤異常在 28 個極具前景的導體中,有 75% 以上 位於 Filion 斷層中 >7 km 的擴張彎道內,仍未通過腐殖質土壤採樣進行測試(圖 2)。
  • 當東西向趨勢導體(編號爲4-6,圖2)集中在解釋的菲利昂斷層沿線時,礦化的品位和分佈變得更加強勁;在露頭中觀察到顯著的剪切系統,石英碳酸鹽儲量和脈絡中存在大量的亞硫鐵礦-黃鐵礦礦化作用,這些特徵在安大略省的其他地區產生了大量的金礦牀。 托爾目前正在申請鑽探許可證,以在2024年測試這些目標。

Malcolm Dorsey, President and CEO, commented, "These are fantastic results from our preliminary reconnaissance work that is a proof of concept to our exploration model; supporting our interpretation that the geological setting of the Filion Fault is similar to other well known gold endowed regional structures that are host to major deposits in northern Ontario. We are very encouraged by the apparent robust nature of the mineralization where multiple paralleling shear structures are more concentrated along the Filion Fault, providing an excellent exploration target with scalability adjacent to the Trans-Canada Highway. This is a rare ground-floor opportunity for major new discovery potential, which we will be excitedly looking to further advance with drilling in 2024."


Figure 1. Filion Project location with underlying 1st derivative airborne magnetic geophysics at 200 m line spacing (Source: Canadian and Ontario Geological Surveys) annotated with historical gold occurrences, rock grab sampling, and structural interpretation.

圖 1。 底層爲 1 的 Filion 項目位置st 線間距爲 200 m 的衍生機載磁地球物理學(來源:加拿大和安大略省地質調查局),註釋了歷史黃金礦點、岩石採樣和結構解釋。

Figure 2. Filion West displaying location of anomalous gold in 2023 humus soil samples and 1985 VLF-EM conductors coincident with linear moderate to high magnetic signatures from airborne geophysics. Conductors occur within a highly prospective >7 km dilational bend of the Filion Fault, resulting in a "break" in the east-west trending high magnetic (iron formation) signature.

圖 2。 Filion West 顯示了 2023 年腐殖質土壤樣本中異常金的位置,1985 年 VLF-EM 導體與來自航空地球物理學的線性中到高磁特徵重合。導體出現在Filion斷層極具前景的>7 km擴張彎道內,導致東西向高磁性(鐵形成)特徵的 “斷裂”。

Humus Soil Sampling Results Discussion:


Field mapping of rare outcrop in 2023 confirmed the historically-reported host lithologies as well as styles of alteration and mineralization that identifies the Filion Project as an area conducive to gold endowment, that with a thin veneer of till cover is also an ideal setting for humus soil sampling methods. The 2023 Filion Project humus soil sampling results were highly anomalous for coincident gold (predominantly ranging from 5 to 1,320 ppb Au), arsenic (2 to 65 ppm), and molybdenum (1 to 4 ppm). Arsenic (As) and molybdenum (Mo) are considered indicators for gold mineralization in humus sampling over thin till overburden at the Williams Gold Mine, part of the Hemlo Mining Camp (Figure 3); where previous studies yielded gold from 2 to 75 ppb, arsenic from 4 to 12 ppm, and molybdenum from 0.5 to 3.7 ppm; higher values correlated to known mineralized gold zone trends identified in outcrop4.

2023年對稀有露頭的實地測繪證實了歷史上報道的宿主巖性以及變化和礦化風格,這些變化和礦化方式將Filion項目確定爲有利於黃金儲備的地區,薄薄的耕作覆蓋層也是腐殖質土壤採樣方法的理想環境。2023 年 Filion Project 的腐殖質土壤取樣結果呈高度異常,即重合金(主要介於 5 到 1,320 ppb Au 之間)、砷(2 至 65 ppm)和鉬(1 至 4 ppm)。在威廉姆斯金礦(Hemlo Mining Camp)的稀薄至覆蓋層上取樣時,砷(As)和鉬(Mo)被視爲金礦化指標(圖 3);先前的研究得出的金從 2 到 75 ppb,砷從 4 到 12 ppm,鉬從 0.5 到 3.7 ppm;更高的值與露頭中發現的已知礦化金帶趨勢相關4

Historical Drill Hole DH 88-7

歷史鑽孔 DH 88-7

With the first soil sampling survey ever conducted on the Project area in its maiden 2023 field program Torr also confirmed that the majority of historical drilling activity did not test the most prospective mineralized trends or shear structure conductors. Only the historical drill hole DH 88-7 appears to have intercepted a priority conductor (labelled #2 in Figure 2) along-trend of anomalous gold in 2023 humus sampling. Although no assays are provided in the historical record the core logs for DH 88-7 describe quartz veining associated with variable amounts of pyrite-arsenopyrite mineralization and silica-sericite-tourmaline alteration hosted by metasediments and mafic metavolcanics from 16.7 metres to the end of hole at 89.9 metres, with veining and alteration being concentrated along the contacts between those units and an interbedded quartz-feldspar porphyry. Within this interval a section from 49.4 metres to 60.3 metres contained extensive quartz veining with moderate to strong silicification and sericitization together with enhanced pyrite-arsenopyrite mineralization. This style of strong hydrothermal alteration and mineralization along-trend of anomalous 2023 humus sampling indicates potential for significant mineralized intervals associated with identified conductors that will provide Torr with multiple highly prospective exploration targets in 2024.

托爾在其2023年首次實地項目中對該項目區域進行了首次土壤取樣調查,這也證實了大多數歷史鑽探活動並未測試最具前景的礦化趨勢或剪切結構導體。2023 年腐殖質採樣中,只有歷史鑽孔 DH 88-7 似乎截獲了異常金的優先導體(圖 2 中標爲 #2)。儘管歷史記錄中沒有提供任何化驗結果,但DH 88-7的核心日誌描述了從16.7米到89.9米的孔盡頭,與變沉積物和鎂鐵質變火山岩所承載的不同數量的黃鐵-亞砷鐵礦礦化相關的石英脈絡以及二氧化硅-蠶絲酸-碧璽蝕變,礦脈和蝕變集中在這些單元與層間石英之間的接觸處長石斑岩。在此間隔內,從49.4米到60.3米的區域包含大量石英脈,具有中到強的硅化作用和絲狀化,以及增強的黃鐵礦-亞砷鐵礦礦化作用。這種強烈的熱液蝕變和礦化趨勢以及2023年腐殖質異常採樣的趨勢表明,與已確定的導體相關的重要礦化區間有可能發生,這將爲托爾在2024年提供多個極具前景的勘探目標。

Figure 3. Filion Project location within the prolific gold-endowed greenstone belts of the Wabigoon, Wawa, and Abitibi subprovinces of northern Ontario. Figure includes the positions as well as total historical and forecasted production of major regional gold mines.

圖 3。 Filion Project 位於安大略省北部瓦比貢、瓦瓦和阿比提比分省富饒的金礦綠巖帶內。該圖包括主要區域金礦的位置以及歷史和預測的總產量。

1Resident Geologist files T-0223, Timmins RGP office, certificate unavailable.
2Luhta, L. 1985. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Timmins. Resident Geologist files T-0201.
3Comparisons disclosed are not necessarily indicative of mineralization on the Filion Gold Project.
4Fortescue, JAC. 1985. A Standardized Approach to the Study of the Geochemistry of Humus, Williams Property, Hemlo, Thunder Bay District. Ontario Geological Survey. Map 80 716. Geochemical Series. Compiled 1985.

1駐地地質學家向 Timmins RGP 辦公室提交 T-0223 文件,證書不可用。
2Luhta,L. 1985。安大略省自然資源部,蒂明斯。常駐地質學家提交 T-0201。
4Fortescue,JAC。1985 年。腐殖質地球化學研究的標準化方法,威廉姆斯地產,Hemlo,桑德貝區。安大略省地質調查局。地圖 80 716。地球化學系列。1985 年編譯。

Methodology and QA/QC


The analytical work reported on herein was performed by ALS which is a ISO-IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 9001:2015 accredited Geoanalytical laboratory.

此處報告的分析工作由ALS進行,該實驗室是經ISO-IEC 17025:2017 和ISO 9001:2015 認證的地質分析實驗室。

Humus soil samples were subject to screening at 180 microns, and analysis of a 0.5 gram sample digested in aqua-regia via multi-element ICP-MS (ME-MS41) and gold via a fire-assay atomic absorption (FA-AA) finish (Au-AA23). Rock channel and grab samples were crushed to 70% passing <2mm followed by pulverization of a 250 gram sample split to 85% passing 75 microns and analyzed for 34 elements in a four acid digestion via-multi-element ICP-AES (ME-ICP61) and for gold via a FA-AA finish (Au-AA23). The Company follows industry standard procedures for the work carried out on the Filion Project. Given the reconnaissance nature of the samples submitted (select rock grab and humus soil sampling) the Company has relied on the internal quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) measures of ALS. In addition, 1 in 20 humus soil samples were collected in duplicate to assess repeatability. Torr Metals detected no significant QA/QC issues during review of the data.


Qualified Person


The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Michael Dufresne, M.Sc., P.Geol., P.Geo., a consultant to the Company who is a qualified person defined under National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿的技術內容已經過Michael Dufresne的審查和批准,Michael Dufresne,P.Geol.,P.Geo.,他是公司的顧問,是美國國家儀器43-101規定的合格人員。

About Torr Metals

關於 Torr Metals

Torr Metals is a Vancouver based mineral exploration company focused on defining and developing the substantial exploration potential of its 100% owned portfolio of district-scale gold and copper projects; including the ~261 km2 Filion Gold Project in northern Ontario, ~140 km2 Kolos Copper-Gold Project in south-central British Columbia, and ~689 km2 Latham Copper-Gold Project which includes the Gnat Pass deposit in northern British Columbia. All projects are located in prolific mining regions with substantial infrastructure and favourable geology for significant new discovery potential. For further details please refer to the Company's website or geological Technical Reports (August 24, 2021) filed on November 25, 2021 under the Company's profile on SEDAR at .

Torr Metals是一家總部位於溫哥華的礦產勘探公司,專注於定義和開發其100%擁有的地區規模金銅項目組合的巨大勘探潛力;包括約261公里的項目2 安大略省北部的 Filion 黃金項目,約 140 千米2 位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中南部的科洛斯銅金項目,約689公里2 瑞生銅金項目包括位於不列顛哥倫比亞省北部的Gnat Pass礦牀。所有項目都位於多產的礦區,擁有充足的基礎設施和有利的地質條件,具有巨大的新發現潛力。欲了解更多詳情,請參閱公司網站或2021年11月25日根據公司在SEDAR的簡介下提交的地質技術報告(2021年8月24日),網址爲。

On behalf of the Board of Directors
Torr Metals Inc.

Torr Metals Inc.

"Malcolm Dorsey"


Malcolm Dorsey
President, CEO and Director


For further information:
Malcolm Dorsey
Telephone: 236-982-4300


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Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information


This press release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. Forward-looking information includes, without limitation, statements regarding the use of proceeds from the Company's recently completed financings, and the future plans or prospects of the Company. Generally, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be achieved". Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of assumptions that, while considered reasonable by management, are inherently subject to business, market and economic risks, uncertainties and contingencies that may cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied by forward-looking statements. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Other factors which could materially affect such forward-looking information are described in the risk factors in the Company's most recent annual management's discussion and analysis which is available on the Company's profile on SEDAR at . The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

本新聞稿包含適用的加拿大證券立法所指的 “前瞻性信息”。前瞻性信息包括但不限於有關公司最近完成的融資所得款項的使用以及公司未來計劃或前景的陳述。通常,前瞻性信息可以通過使用前瞻性術語來識別,例如 “計劃”、“預期”、“預期”、“預算”、“預期”、“估計”、“打算”、“預期” 或 “不預見” 或 “不相信”,或者 “相信”,或此類詞語和短語的變體,或聲明某些行動、事件或結果 “可能”、“可能”、“將”、“可能” 或 “將被採取”、“發生” 或 “實現”。前瞻性陳述必然基於許多假設,儘管管理層認爲這些假設是合理的,但本質上會受到業務、市場和經濟風險、不確定性和突發事件的影響,這些風險可能導致實際業績、業績或成就與前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異。儘管公司試圖確定可能導致實際業績與前瞻性信息中包含的業績存在重大差異的重要因素,但可能還有其他因素導致業績不如預期、估計或預期。無法保證此類信息會被證明是準確的,因爲實際結果和未來事件可能與此類陳述中的預期存在重大差異。因此,讀者不應過分依賴前瞻性信息。公司最新年度管理層討論和分析中的風險因素中描述了其他可能對此類前瞻性信息產生重大影響的因素,該討論和分析可在公司在SEDAR上的簡介中查閱,網址爲 。除非根據適用的證券法,否則公司不承諾更新任何前瞻性信息。

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