
Amphitrite Digital Expands Guest Experiences With Land and Sea Adventures in the Virgin Islands

Amphitrite Digital Expands Guest Experiences With Land and Sea Adventures in the Virgin Islands

Amphitrite Digital 通過維爾京群島的陸地和海上探險擴展賓客體驗
EIN presswire ·  01/11 23:30

Amphitrite Digital's Magens Hideaway and Charter Smarter are leveraging strategic growth partnerships

Amphitrite Digital 的 Magens Hideaway 和 Charter Smarter 正在利用戰略增長合作伙伴關係

ST. THOMAS, US VIRGIN ISLANDS, UNITED STATES, January 11, 2024 / -- Leading tour activity operator Amphitrite Digital has announced the expansion of its offerings at the luxurious villa, Magens Hideaway, on St. Thomas and the initiation of a captivating Stay & Sail package in collaboration with Lovango Resort + Beach Club in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
ST。美國美屬維爾京群島托馬斯,2024年1月11日 / — 領先的旅遊活動運營商Amphitrite Digital宣佈擴大其在聖托馬斯島Magens Hideaway豪華別墅的產品範圍,並與美屬維爾京群島的Lovango Resort + Beach Club合作推出引人入勝的Stay & Sail套餐。

Magens Hideaway, a five-bedroom luxury retreat perched atop Peterborg Estate, offers breathtaking views of Magens Bay Beach and the British Virgin Islands. Operated by Amphitrite Digital since 2022, the Magens Hideaway design provides guests with an unparalleled experience. Divided into three separate buildings and connected by the courtyard, the property encourages shared moments with family and friends in addition to spaces for personal reflection and relaxation. Until now, guests could make reservations through phone bookings or Online Travel Agents. In line with Magens Hideaway's new website launch and partnership with FareHarbor, guests can now effortlessly secure bookings online, a move expected to improve conversion rates significantly. FareHarbor is a comprehensive online booking and reservation management solution designed for tours, activities, attractions and rentals. FareHarbor is a key platform Amphitrite Digital companies use to manage their bookings as part of the Company's digital operating model.
Magens Hideaway是一座坐落在彼得堡莊園頂部的五居室豪華度假勝地,可欣賞到馬根斯灣海灘和英屬維爾京群島的壯麗景色。Magens Hideaway的設計自2022年起由Amphitrite Digital運營,爲客人提供無與倫比的體驗。該物業分爲三棟獨立建築,由庭院相連,除了提供個人反思和放鬆的空間外,還鼓勵與家人和朋友共度時光。到目前爲止,客人可以通過電話預訂或在線旅行社進行預訂。隨着Magens Hideaway新網站的推出以及與FareHarbor的合作,客人現在可以毫不費力地獲得在線預訂,此舉有望顯著提高轉化率。FareHarbor是一個全面的在線預訂和預訂管理解決方案,專爲旅遊、活動、景點和租賃而設計。作爲公司數字運營模式的一部分,FareHarbor是Amphitrite Digital公司用來管理預訂的關鍵平台。

Amphitrite Digital's Director of Marketing, Sonni Pank, said, "The team worked hard and did an incredible job on the buildout of the new website and expansion to now offer direct booking opportunities for Magens Hideaway guests. This seamless online experience aligns perfectly with our commitment to enhancing guest satisfaction while leveraging digital platforms. Our guests at Magens Hideaway can now enjoy the ease of direct booking, allowing them more time to focus on creating unforgettable memories."
Amphitrite Digital的營銷總監Sonni Pank表示:“該團隊努力工作,在新網站的建設和擴建方面做得非常出色,現在已爲Magens Hideaway的客人提供直接預訂機會。這種無縫的在線體驗完全符合我們在利用數字平台的同時提高賓客滿意度的承諾。我們在Magens Hideaway的客人現在可以享受直接預訂的便利,讓他們有更多時間專注於創造難忘的回憶。”

Amphitrite Digital has also announced a one-of-a-kind vacation experience in partnership with Lovango Resort + Beach Club, a Little Gem Resort. Amphitrite Digital and the Paradise Group of Companies' Charter Smarter brand now offer an exclusive Stay & Sail package with The Resort for guests seeking a unique vacation experience. The package combines a stay at Lovango Resort + Beach Club resort property, which features luxury treehouses, glamping tents, cottages and villas located on a private island right off of St. John, and the opportunity to explore the Virgin Islands through multi-night, all-inclusive sailing excursions onboard luxury vessels with Charter Smarter.
Amphitrite Digital還宣佈與小寶石度假村Lovango Resort + Beach Club合作提供獨一無二的度假體驗。Amphitrite Digital和天堂集團旗下的Charter Smarter品牌現在爲尋求獨特度假體驗的客人提供度假村獨家住宿和航行套餐。該套餐包括入住洛萬戈度假村+海灘俱樂部度假酒店,該物業包括位於聖約翰附近私人島嶼上的豪華樹屋、豪華帳篷、別墅和別墅,以及乘坐Charter Smarter的豪華船隻進行多晚全包帆船遊覽維爾京群島的機會。

Charter Smarter is managed by the Paradise Group of Companies, which has previously been announced as pending Amphitrite Digital's acquisition.
Charter Smarter由天堂集團管理,該集團此前曾宣佈等待Amphitrite Digital的收購。

Charter Smarter and Lovango Resort + Beach Club are leaders in luxury vacations in the Virgin Islands, each presenting distinctive offerings that promise unique and memorable experiences. The Stay & Sail package allows guests to enjoy the best of both worlds, seamlessly blending the comforts of a premium resort stay and the adventure of sailing through the Virgin Islands waters. Amphitrite Digital expects this collaboration to increase bookings by offering shorter-duration sails exclusively as part of this experience to tuck in between more extended week-long charters.
Charter Smarter和Lovango Resort + Beach Club是維爾京群島豪華度假領域的領導者,每家酒店都提供獨特的服務,承諾提供獨特而難忘的體驗。Stay & Sail套餐讓客人享受兩全其美的體驗,將優質度假村住宿的舒適體驗與維爾京群島水域航行的冒險無縫融合。Amphitrite Digital預計,這種合作將通過提供短期航行來增加預訂量,這完全是這種體驗的一部分,以便在更長的爲期一週的包機之間打發時間。

Pank also said, "Our partnership with Lovango Resort + Beach Club and Charter Smarter represents a commitment to providing our guests with exceptional experiences. The Stay & Sail package embodies the essence of luxury and adventure, allowing guests to savor the beauty of the Virgin Islands both ashore and afloat. This strategic partnership allows us to accomplish our objectives to offer diversified and unique vacation options, enhancing our position as a leader in the industry."
潘克還表示:“我們與Lovango Resort + Beach Club和Charter Smarter的合作代表了爲我們的客人提供卓越體驗的承諾。Stay & Sail 套餐體現了奢華和冒險的精髓,讓客人能夠在岸上和海上品嚐維爾京群島的美景。這種戰略伙伴關係使我們能夠實現提供多樣化和獨特的度假選擇的目標,從而鞏固我們作爲行業領導者的地位。”

For more information about Magens Hideaway, visit .
有關 Magens Hideaway 的更多信息,請訪問。

For more information about sailing with Charter Smarter, visit .
有關使用 Charter Smarter 航行的更多信息,請訪問。

For more information about Amphitrite Digital's tours and activities, visit .
有關Amphitrite Digital的旅遊和活動的更多信息,請訪問。

About Amphitrite Digital
關於 Amphitrite Digital

With a foundation rooted in digital technology and innovation, the Company uses advanced digital technology platforms to market, manage and operate in-destination tours, activities and events in the U.S. and the Caribbean. With several operating entities, including Seas the Day Charters USVI and Magens Hideaway in the U.S. Virgin Islands; Tall Ship Windy in Chicago, Illinois; and Paradise Adventures Catamarans and Watersports in Panama City Beach, Florida; Amphitrite Digital is one of the largest maritime tour activity operators in the markets it serves. The acquisition of the Paradise Group of Companies by Amphitrite Digital in the U.S. Virgin Islands is pending. Amphitrite Digital companies are consistently ranked as leading tour activity operators.
該公司以數字技術和創新爲基礎,使用先進的數字技術平台在美國和加勒比地區營銷、管理和運營目的地旅遊、活動和活動。Amphitrite Digital擁有多個運營實體,包括美屬維爾京群島的Seas the Day Charters USVI和Magens Hideaway;伊利諾伊州芝加哥的Tall Ship Windy;佛羅里達州巴拿馬城海灘的天堂歷險雙體船和水上運動;Amphitrite Digital是其所服務的市場上最大的海上旅遊活動運營商之一。Amphitrite Digital在美屬維爾京群島對天堂集團的收購尚待完成。Amphitrite Digital公司一直被評爲領先的旅遊活動運營商。

About FareHarbor

FareHarbor was founded in January 2013 following a trip to Hawaii with brothers Lawrence and Zachary Hester. They wanted to reserve surfboards online during their vacation and realized that tourism businesses rarely took bookings online, and even when they did, the systems were unreliable. So the brothers set out on a mission to change this, and FareHarbor was created — with an overall goal to empower tour operators to improve their online bookings, increase revenue and better serve their customers.

Today, FareHarbor is the #1 booking software in the market, powering billions of experiences for 20,000+ businesses across the globe. They are continuously working to be the leading partner of experience providers from their offices in Hawaii, San Francisco, Denver, Boston, Sydney and Amsterdam. For more information, please visit .

About Little Gem Resorts - Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, St. John USVI
小寶石度假村簡介-南塔基特、瑪莎葡萄園、聖約翰 USVI

Little Gem Resorts is a family-owned collection of boutique resorts located on the iconic islands of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard, just off the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and St. John USVI in the Caribbean. Created by the Snider Family to bring curious travelers together to experience the joys of island life, each resort is timeless, treasured, and trusted. The historic Nantucket Hotel, established in 1891, serves as Nantucket's only year-round resort and is steps from downtown. The Winnetu Oceanside Resort is the only beachside resort on Martha's Vineyard situated on 11 acres with a private path to South Beach and complimentary shuttle service to downtown Edgartown. The newest resort, Lovango Resort & Beach Club, opened in 2020, is accessible by a 10-minute ferry ride from St. John and St. Thomas and is home to USVI's only beach club with remarkable coral reefs and some of the best snorkeling in the Caribbean.
Little Gem Resorts是一家家族經營的精品度假村,位於標誌性的楠塔克特島和瑪莎葡萄園島上,毗鄰馬薩諸塞州科德角和加勒比海的聖約翰USVI海岸。由 Snider 家族創建,旨在將好奇的旅行者聚集在一起,體驗島嶼生活的樂趣,每個度假村都是永恒的、珍貴的、值得信賴的。歷史悠久的楠塔基特酒店建於1891年,是楠塔克特島唯一的全年度假勝地,距離市中心僅幾步之遙。Winnetu Oceanside Resort是瑪莎葡萄園島上唯一的海濱度假勝地,佔地11英畝,擁有通往南海灘的私人路徑和前往埃德加敦市中心的免費班車服務。最新的度假勝地洛萬戈度假村和海灘俱樂部於2020年開業,從聖約翰和聖托馬斯乘坐渡輪10分鐘即可到達,這裏是USVI唯一擁有非凡珊瑚礁和加勒比地區最佳浮潛場所的海灘俱樂部的所在地。

Hope Stawski
Amphitrite Digital
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