
BHIC Gets Shareholders' Nod for RM417m Debt Settlement Plan

BHIC Gets Shareholders' Nod for RM417m Debt Settlement Plan

The Malaysian Reserve ·  01/07 23:27

BOUSTEAD Heavy Industries Corp Bhd (BHIC) has received the nod from shareholders to proceed with a debt settlement proposal totalling RM417 million.

BOUSTEAD Heavy Industries Corp Bhd(BHIC)已獲得股東的點頭,繼續推進總額爲 RM417 百萬美元的債務清算提案。

BHIC announced that 99.92% of shareholders voted in favour of all resolutions presented at its EGM last Friday, including the debt settlement plan with three lenders and its 64.99% parent Boustead Holdings Bhd (BHB).

BHIC宣佈,99.92%的股東投票贊成上週五在股東特別大會上提出的所有決議,包括與三家貸款機構及其64.99%的母公司Boustead Holdings Bhd(BHB)達成的債務和解計劃。

"Other resolutions include amending the company's constitution to facilitate the issuance of new conventional and Islamic redeemable convertible preference shares (RCPS) to the lenders and BHB as part of the debt settlement," BHIC said in a statement.


On Dec 6, BHIC proposed a partial debt settlement with three banks totalling RM183.26 million and the full settlement of its RM234 million debt with BHB.

12月6日,BHIC提議與三家銀行達成總額爲1.8326億令吉的部分債務和解,並全面清償其與BHB的 RM234 百萬美元債務。

The payment is scheduled to be made by the agreed-upon cut-off date of Dec 31.


The partial debt settlement with Affin Bank Bhd, MBSB Bank Bhd and AmBank Islamic Bhd will involve a combination of cash and the issuance of new ordinary shares and "Class A" redeemable convertible preference shares, both conventional (RCPS A) and Islamic (RCPS-i A), at a price of 57 sen per share.

與Affin Bank Bhd、MBSB Bank Bhd和AmBank Islamic Bhd的部分債務和解將涉及以每股57仙的價格發行新普通股和 “A類” 可贖回可轉換優先股,包括傳統(RCPS A)和伊斯蘭銀行(RCPS-i A)。

Simultaneously, the RM234 million debt with BHB will be settled through the issuance of new BHIC shares, "Class B" redeemable convertible preference shares (RCPS B) and "Class C" redeemable preference shares (RCPS C), also at 57 sen per share.

同時,BHB的 RM234 百萬美元債務將通過發行新的BHIC股票、“B類” 可贖回可轉換優先股(RCPS B)和 “C類” 可贖回優先股(RCPS C)來結算,同樣爲每股57先令。

The ordinary shares issuance will see BHB's stake in BHIC raised to 72.38% from 64.99% currently.


Meanwhile, AmBank Islamic Bhd will hold a 4.96% stake in the shipbuilder, followed by MBSB (4.92%) and Affin Bank (2.33%).

同時,AmBank Islamic Bhd將持有該造船商4.96%的股份,其次是MBSB(4.92%)和阿芬銀行(2.33%)。

BHIC added that with the approval, and subject to the completion of all proposals, shareholders' funds will increase from RM61 million to RM420 million.

BHIC補充說,獲得批准後,股東資金將從6100萬令吉增加到 RM420 百萬令吉,前提是所有提案的完成。

Net assets per share are expected to rise from 24 sen to 74 sen and the gearing ratio will significantly reduce from 4.06 times to 0.02 times.


"The approval of the proposals by the esteemed shareholders marks a significant milestone for BHIC to strengthen its shareholders' funds and improve cashflow moving forward," it said.


