
New Stratus Energy Announces Significant Acquisition in Venezuela and Corporate Update

New Stratus Energy Announces Significant Acquisition in Venezuela and Corporate Update

新Stratus Energy宣佈在委內瑞拉進行重大收購和公司最新情況
newsfile ·  2024/01/03 05:00

Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - January 2, 2024) - New Stratus Energy Inc. (TSXV: NSE) ("New Stratus", "NSE" or the "Corporation") is pleased to announce the closing of the acquisition (the "Acquisition") of a 50% indirect interest in GoldPillar International Fund SPC Ltd. ("GoldPillar"), a private entity organized and existing under laws of the British Virgin Islands, which has acquired a 40% equity participation (the "Equity Subscription") in a joint venture company, Petrolera Vencupet, S.A. ("Vencupet"), which holds the oil production rights for the fields named "Adas", "Lido", "Limon", "Leona", "Oficina Norte" and "Oficina Central", all located onshore in the Anzoategui and Monagas States in Eastern Venezuela (the "Fields"). Petroleos de Venezuela S.A. ("PDVSA"), the Venezuelan national oil company, through its subsidiary Corporacion Venezolana de Petroleo S.A. ("CVP"), owns the remaining 60% of the share capital of Vencupet. As consideration for the Acquisition, New Stratus will be making a significant capital investment to complete a reactivation program for up to 246 wells in the Fields, by way of a six-month €60 million (US$65.8 million) revolving line of credit to Vencupet through GoldPillar, as described in further detail below. Factoring repayments from the sale of oil and products under the financing agreement, New Stratus expects that its indirect maximum capital exposure under the facility at any point in time will be approximately US$25 million.

艾伯塔省卡爾加里--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年1月2日)——新斯特拉圖斯能源公司(TSXV:NSE)(“新斯特拉圖”、“NSE” 或 “公司”)欣然宣佈完成對GoldPillar國際基金SPC有限公司(“GoldPillar”)50%間接權益的收購(“收購”),這是一家根據英屬維爾京群島法律組建和存在的私人實體,該公司收購了合資公司Petrolera Vencupet, S.A.(“Vencupet”)40%的股權(“股權認購”),該公司持有這些油田的石油生產權名爲 “Adas”、“Lido”、“Limon”、“Leona”、“Oficina Norte” 和 “Oficina Central”,均位於委內瑞拉東部安索阿特吉州和莫納加斯州(“油田”)的陸上。委內瑞拉國家石油公司委內瑞拉石油公司(“PDVSA”)通過其子公司委內瑞拉石油公司(“CVP”)擁有Vencupet剩餘60%的股本。作爲收購的對價,New Stratus將通過GoldPillar向Vencupet提供爲期六個月的6000萬歐元(合6,580萬美元)循環信貸額度,進行大量資本投資,完成油田多達246口油井的重啓計劃,詳情見下文。考慮到根據融資協議出售石油和產品的還款,New Stratus預計,其在該融資機制下的間接最大資本敞口在任何時候都將約爲2500萬美元。

As consideration for securing and presenting this opportunity to New Stratus, a finder's fee ("Finder's Fee") is payable to Mr. Franco Favilla ("Favilla"), an Italian national and formerly the beneficial owner of 100% of the share capital of GoldPillar, in the amount of US$8.5 million, with US$4 million paid at closing and US$4.5 million payable in installments over 24 months from closing.


Acquisition Highlights


  • Fields: 794.2 km2 onshore Venezuela
  • Term: initial term ending in December of 2035; will apply for an extension until 2050
  • Credit Facility: GoldPillar will provide a six-month €60 million revolving line of credit to Vencupet for a total period of four and a half years; indirect maximum capital exposure of NSE under the facility at any point in time will be approximately US$25 million
  • Contingent Resources – Development Pending(1):
    • Best Estimate 100% Unrisked of 12,455 thousand barrels (Mbbl) and 100% Risked of 10,587 Mbbl
    • Best Estimate forecast production of approximately 7,400 barrels per day
  • Contingent Resources – Development Unclarified(1):
    • Best Estimate 100% Unrisked of 48,905 Mbbl and 100% Risked of 30,323 Mbbl
  • Four Revenue Streams for GoldPillar:
    • Oil Production Revenue from a 40% working interest in the Fields
    • Services Fees as general contractor to restart production in the Fields
    • Financing Fees from providing the upfront capital to finance the capital expenditure requirements for the Fields
    • Oil Trading Fees from commercializing the production from the Fields
  • 字段: 794.2 千米2 委內瑞拉陸上
  • 任期: 初始任期於 2035 年 12 月結束;將申請延長至 2050 年
  • 信貸額度: GoldPillar將向Vencupet提供爲期六個月的6000萬歐元循環信貸額度,總期限爲四年半;NSE在任何時候在該機制下的間接最大資本敞口將約爲2500萬美元
  • 應急資源——待開發(1):
    • 最佳估計:12,455 萬桶 (Mbbl) 爲 100% 無風險,10,587 Mbbl 爲 100%
    • 最佳估計預計日產量約爲7,400桶
  • 應急資源——發展尚不明確(1):
    • 最佳估計,48,905 Mbbl 爲 100% 無風險,30,323 Mbbl 爲 100%
  • GoldPillar 的四個收入來源:
    • 石油生產收入來自油田40%的工作權益
    • 作爲總承包商重啓油田生產的服務費
    • 融資費用:提供前期資本爲油田的資本支出需求融資
    • 油田生產商業化產生的石油交易費



The Fields are located onshore in the Eastern Venezuela Basin and have an aggregate area of 794.2 km2. Due to a lack of investment and working capital, the Fields are not currently producing. The Fields were most recently on production in 2015, when production averaged approximately 800 to 1,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd). In 1960 when the Fields initially came on production, the Fields achieved peak production of approximately 60,000 boepd. Production from the fields has consisted of light and medium crude oil, heavy crude oil, conventional natural gas, and natural gas liquids.


Vencupet's assignment of the oil production rights to the Fields has an initial duration of 25 years, ending in December of 2035. Under current arrangements with PDVSA, Vencupet will be applying for an extension of such rights for 15 additional years, that is until the year 2050. A subsidiary of GoldPillar will be the exclusive contractor (the "Contractor") for operation activities on the Fields and will undertake a reactivation program to restart production.


The reactivation program consists of reactivating 246 wells, with 90 wells being reactivated in 2024 and 2025 and the remaining 156 wells being reactivated in 2026 and beyond. The Contractor will perform conventional workovers in each well with the goal of returning the wells to primary production. By reviewing the available technical and geological data, the Corporation expects there will be opportunities to recover shut-in and by-passed oil in the previously active Fields. The Corporation expects commercial production to begin in Q1 2024. The reactivation program is based on a pre-development study involving field visits and reservoir analysis.


Contingent Resources


Based on the reactivation program described above, the Fields include the contingent resources outlined below. There is uncertainty that it will be commercially viable to produce any portion of the resources.


Contingent Resources (subclass: development pending) for the first 90 wells to be reactivated in 2024 and 2025


The contingent resources have been assigned to one zone per well for each of the 90 wells. These 90 wells were mostly drilled in the 1950s and 1960s, and there is well completion data for 46 of the 90 wells to be recompleted. The estimated total capital costs for the 90 well reactivation program is US$89.2 million in the low, best and high cases, which will be funded from cash on hand and production revenue. The forecasted gross production for the 90 wells in the best estimate case is approximately 7,400 barrels of oil per day based on the historical production decline curves for each well. The following table sets forth the net volumes for these contingent resources:


Unrisked Oil Resources Risked Oil Resources
100% Royalties Gross 100% Royalties Gross
Estimates Mbbl Mbbl Mbbl Estimates Mbbl Mbbl Mbbl
Low 10,914 2,546 8,368 Low 9,277 2,164 7,112
Best 12,455 2,906 9,549 Best 10,587 2,470 8,117
High 13,812 3,222 10,590 High 11,740 2,739 9,001
無風險 石油資源 冒着風險 石油資源
100% 特許權使用費 格羅斯 100% 特許權使用費 格羅斯
估計數 Mbbl Mbbl Mbbl 估計數 Mbbl Mbbl Mbbl
10,914 2,546 8,368 9,277 2,164 7,112
最好 12,455 2,906 9,549 最好 10,587 2,470 8,117
13,812 3,222 10,590 11,740 2,739 9,001



(1) Petrotech has estimated the chance of development to be 85% due to the following: the availability of well data from PDVSA has been normal but there may be delays in the future which could affect the work schedule for the recompletions; some of the well data may be missing or unclear and work-overs require exact well data information so the recompletions can be performed without delays; the supply chain of oil field materials and equipment may affect the work schedule; and most of the wells were drilled as early as the 1950s and some of the wells were drilled as early as the 1940s, and the well data from those eras was primitive which may provide challenges in the interpretation of reservoir qualities.

(1) Petrotech估計,開發的可能性爲85%,原因如下:來自PDVSA的油井數據是正常的,但將來可能會出現延遲,這可能會影響補井的工作計劃;一些油井數據可能缺失或不清楚,修井需要準確的油井數據信息,因此可以毫不拖延地進行補油;油田材料和設備的供應鏈可能會影響工作進度;而且大多數油井早在1950年代就鑽探了,有些油井是鑽探的早在20世紀40年代,那些時代的油井數據還很原始,這可能會給儲層質量的解釋帶來挑戰。

Contingent Resources (subclass: development unclarified) for the remaining 156 wells to be reactivated from 2026 onwards


Contingent resources have been assigned to the remaining 156 wells to be recompleted from 2026 onwards, as follows:


Resources Category Unrisked Resources (100%)
Risked Resources (75%)
1C 20,635 15,477
2C 23,480 17,610
3C 26,410 19,807
資源類別 無風險資源 (100%)
風險資源 (75%)
1C 20,635 15,477
2C 23,480 17,610
3C 26,410 19,807



(1) Petrotech has estimated the chance of development to be 75% due to the following: potential delays in the acquisition and delivery of equipment due to supply chain interruptions; the need for the installation of oil and gas flow lines, oil storage tanks, and oil treating and processing facilities; and uncertainty of reservoir data in the wells to be reactivated.

(1) Petrotech估計,開發的可能性爲75%,原因如下:由於供應鏈中斷,設備的購置和交付可能會延遲;需要安裝石油和天然氣流管、儲油罐以及石油處理和加工設施;以及油井中儲層數據有待恢復的不確定性。

Contingent Resources (subclass: development unclarified) for additional zones in 46 of the first 90 wells to be reactivated in 2024 and 2025


As described above, contingent resources have been assigned to one zone per well in the first 90 wells. As there are more zones to be recompleted, these contingent resources have been assigned based on the continuation of the reactivation program in other available zones in 46 of these wells after the first zone is depleted, as follows:


Resources Category Unrisked Resources (100%)
Risked Resources (50%)
1C 16,484 8,242
2C 25,425 12,713
3C 36,688 18,344
資源類別 無風險資源 (100%)
風險資源 (50%)
1C 16,484 8,242
2C 25,425 12,713
3C 36,688 18,344



(1) Petrotech has estimated the chance of development to be 50% due to the following: level of commitment to develop these resources; availability of capital to fund the development of these resources; review of the cement in each well to assess the quality of the bond; and timing may occur after the expiry of the contract as there are more than two zones to be recompleted.

(1) Petrotech估計,開發的可能性爲50%,原因如下:開發這些資源的承諾水平;爲開發這些資源提供資金的可用資金;審查每口油井中的水泥以評估債券的質量;以及時間可能在合同到期之後,因爲有兩個以上的區域需要重新完工。

Total Contingent Resources (subclass: development unclarified)


Resources Category Unrisked Resources, Mbbl Risked Resources, Mbbl
1C 37,119 23,719
2C 48,905 30,323
3C 63,098 38,151
資源類別 無風險資源,Mbbl 風險資源,Mbbl
1C 37,119 23,719
2C 48,905 30,323
3C 63,098 38,151

The significant positive and negative factors relevant to the estimates above are as follows: (i) by reviewing the available technical and geological data, the Corporation expects there will be opportunities to recover shut-in and by-passed oil in the previously active Fields; and (ii) the geological and geophysical data (i.e. 2-D and 3-D seismic data) is limited because the Fields are old (with the first discovery dating back to the 1930s) and new seismic acquisition will be required to explore the remaining areas of the Fields.


The risks and level of uncertainty associated with the recovery of the contingent resources comprise the following:


  • Although U.S. sanctions have lifted in October 2023 for a period of six months, there is no certainty that this moratorium will continue. If the United States imposes sanctions on Venezuela again, there is no certainty the production from the Fields can be marketed or commercialized.
  • There is uncertainty in obtaining all the necessary geological and technical data for all the drilled and completed wells. Without the exact data, it will be challenging to perform work-overs to reactivate these wells.
  • In order to complete the reactivation program, GoldPillar will require experienced engineers, geologists, production and operating staff. If GoldPillar is unable to retain such personnel, then the start-up of shut-in oil and gas fields and the maintenance of production may prove challenging.
  • 儘管美國已於2023年10月解除爲期六個月的制裁,但不確定這種暫停措施是否會持續下去。如果美國再次對委內瑞拉實施制裁,就不確定油田的產品能否上市或商業化。
  • 要獲得所有鑽探和完井的所有必要的地質和技術數據,存在不確定性。如果沒有確切的數據,進行檢修以重新激活這些油井將是困難的。
  • 爲了完成重新激活計劃,GoldPillar將需要經驗豐富的工程師、地質學家、生產和操作人員。如果GoldPillar無法留住此類人員,那麼關閉的油氣田的啓動和生產的維持可能會很困難。

Acquisition Overview


Pursuant to the Acquisition, the Corporation is acquiring its indirect interest in GoldPillar and the Fields as follows:


  • NSE, through a wholly-owned subsidiary, has entered into a 50/50 corporate joint venture named "Desarrolladora de Oriente Oil & Gas Ltd." ("DOOG"), a British Virgin Islands company, Favilla in exchange for the payment of the Finder's Fee;
  • DOOG holds 100% of the share capital of GoldPillar;
  • GoldPillar, which has been qualified by PDVSA to be a shareholder of Venezuelan joint venture companies holding oil and gas exploration and production rights in the country, holds 40% of the equity of Vencupet; and
  • Vencupet is owned 40% by GoldPillar and 60% by CVP, and holds the oil production rights for the Fields.
  • NSE通過全資子公司成立了一家名爲 “Desarrolladora de Oriente Oiren & Gas Ltd” 的50/50企業合資企業。(“DOOG”),英屬維爾京群島的一家公司Favilla,以換取支付發現費;
  • DOOG 持有 GoldPillar 100% 的股本;
  • GoldPillar已獲得PDVSA的資格成爲委內瑞拉合資公司的股東,該公司持有Vencupet40%的股權,該公司在委內瑞拉擁有石油和天然氣勘探和生產權;以及
  • Vencupet由GoldPillar持有40%的股權,由CVP持有60%的股權,並持有油田的石油生產權。

Acquisition Framework and Revenue Streams


The overall acquisition framework consists of four distinct revenue streams, as outlined below:


  • As a 40% working interest owner in the Fields, GoldPillar will receive revenue associated with the production from the Fields.
  • Pursuant to an operation services agreement, a subsidiary of GoldPillar will act as the exclusive general contractor for Vencupet to restart the production in the Fields and development of the required surface infrastructure. The services under the agreement will be provided at agreed upon rates plus an administration fee.
  • Pursuant to a financing agreement, GoldPillar will provide a six-month €60 million (US$65.8 million) revolving line of credit to Vencupet for a total period of four and a half years. Borrowings under the facility will be repaid through the assignment by PDVSA of volumes of crude and products equivalent to 60% of the amount of the advances plus interest with instructions to use such proceeds for amortizing the debt. Borrowings under the facility will bear interest at a rate of 9.87% per annum. Factoring repayments from the sale of oil and products under the financing agreement, the Corporation expects that its indirect maximum capital exposure under the facility at any point in time will be approximately US$25 million.
  • Pursuant to a crude oil and product commercialization agreement, an affiliated oil trading company will commercialize nominated crude and petroleum products by PDVSA, which proceeds will be for the account of DOOG and subsequently used to repay the borrowings under the revolving line of credit, to fund operating costs, to pay royalties and taxes, and to pay dividends to the shareholders of Vencupet. Oil trading fees resulting from such commercialization activities will be for the account of GoldPillar.
  • 作爲油田40%的營運權益所有者,GoldPillar將獲得與油田生產相關的收入。
  • 根據運營服務協議,GoldPillar的一家子公司將作爲Vencupet的獨家總承包商,重啓油田生產和所需地面基礎設施的開發。協議下的服務將按商定的費率提供,外加管理費。
  • 根據融資協議,GoldPillar將向Vencupet提供爲期六個月的6000萬歐元(合6,580萬美元)循環信貸額度,總期限爲四年半。該融資機制下的借款將通過PDVSA分配相當於預付款60%的原油和產品加上利息來償還,並指示使用此類收益來攤還債務。該融資機制下的借款將按每年9.87%的利率計息。考慮到根據融資協議出售石油和產品的還款,該公司預計,在任何時候,其在該融資機制下的間接最大資本敞口將約爲2,500萬美元。
  • 根據原油和產品商業化協議,一家附屬石油貿易公司將把PDVSA提名的原油和石油產品商業化,所得款項將記入DOOG賬戶,隨後用於償還循環信貸額度下的借款、爲運營成本提供資金、支付特許權使用費和稅款以及向Vencupet的股東支付股息。此類商業化活動產生的石油交易費用將記入GoldPillar賬戶。

Any disputes under the agreements referred to above will be referred to international commercial arbitration in Caracas, Venezuela under the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce.




Cormark Securities Inc. and Horizon Capital Partners LLC acted as financial advisors to the Corporation with respect to the Acquisition. Dentons Cardenas & Cardenas and Dentons Canada LLP acted as legal counsel to the Corporation with respect to the Acquisition.

Cormark Securities Inc.和Horizon Capital Partners LLC就此次收購擔任該公司的財務顧問。大成卡德納斯和卡德納斯律師事務所和加拿大大成律師事務所就此次收購擔任了公司的法律顧問。

Canaccord Genuity Corp., Echelon Wealth Partners Inc., Paradigm Capital Inc. and Hannam & Partners (UK) are acting as financial advisors to the Corporation.

Canaccord Genuity Corp.、Echelon Wealth Partners Inc.、Paradigm Capital Inc.和Hannam & Partners(英國)擔任該公司的財務顧問。

Corporate Update


Mr. Wuilian Mauco has resigned from the board of directors of the Corporation. Accordingly, the Corporation has accepted his resignation and will commence a search to fill the vacancy on the board of directors. The Corporation wishes Mr. Mauco all the best in his future endeavours.

Wuilian Mauco先生已辭去公司董事會的職務。因此,公司已接受他的辭職,並將開始尋找填補董事會空缺的職位。公司祝願Mauco先生在未來的工作中一切順利。

Contact Information:


Jose Francisco Arata
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer


Wade Felesky
President & Director


Mario Miranda
Chief Financial Officer – (416) 363-4900

首席財務官 — (416) 363-4900

Forward-Looking Information


Certain information set forth in this news release constitutes "forward-looking statements", and "forward-looking information" under applicable securities legislation (collectively, "forward-looking statements"). All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of conditional or future tenses or by the use of words such as "will", "expects", "intends", "may", "should", "estimates", "anticipates", "believes", "projects", "undertakes", "plans", and similar expressions, including variations thereof and negative forms. Forward-looking statements in this news release include, among others: the payment of the Finder's Fee installments, including the timing thereof; the expectation that Vencupet will apply for an extension of the oil production rights, and the result of such application and expected benefits therefrom; resource volumes and expected production amounts; the revenue streams from the Acquisition and the amount and timing thereof; the timing of commencement of, and the nature of, the reactivation program for the Fields, as well as the results therefrom; the commencement of commercial production from the Fields and the amount thereof; expectations regarding GoldPillar's capital exposure under the revolving line of credit; and expectations regarding U.S. sanctions and the effect thereof on operations at the Fields, revenues from the Fields and the Corporation generally. Forward-looking statements are based on the Corporation's current internal expectations, estimates, projections, assumptions and beliefs, which may prove to be incorrect. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and undue reliance should not be placed on them.

本新聞稿中列出的某些信息構成 “前瞻性陳述”,以及適用的證券立法下的 “前瞻性信息”(統稱,”前瞻性陳述“)。除歷史事實陳述以外的所有陳述均爲前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述可以通過使用條件時態或將來時態來識別,也可以使用 “將”、“期望”、“打算”、“可能”、“應該”、“估計”、“預期”、“相信”、“項目”、“承諾”、“計劃” 等詞語以及類似的表達,包括其變體和否定形式。本新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述包括:Finder's Fee分期付款的支付,包括其時間;對Vencupet申請延長石油生產權的預期,以及此類申請的結果和預期收益;資源量和預期產量;收購的收入來源及其金額和時間;油田恢復計劃的啓動時間和性質,如以及由此產生的結果;啓動油田的商業產量及其金額;對GoldPillar在循環信貸額度下的資本敞口的預期;以及對美國製裁及其對油田業務、油田和公司總體收入的影響的預期。前瞻性陳述基於公司當前的內部預期、估計、預測、假設和信念,這些預期可能不正確。前瞻性陳述不能保證未來的表現,不應過度依賴它們。

In respect of the forward-looking statements contained herein, the Corporation has provided them in reliance on certain assumptions that it believes are reasonable at this time, some or all of which may prove to be incorrect. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements contained herein. Such forward-looking statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual performance and financial results in future periods to differ materially from any projections of future performance or results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: the ability to successfully integrate operations and realize the anticipated benefits of the Acquisition; the ability to reactivate production at the Fields; incorrect assessments of the value of the Acquisition; changes in U.S. sanctions; changes in government regulations; changes in commodity prices and currency exchange rates; interest rate fluctuations; the ability to secure adequate equity and debt financing; and management's ability to anticipate and manage the foregoing factors and risks. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. New Stratus undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change except as required by applicable securities laws. Actual results, performance or achievement could differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements and, accordingly, no assurance can be given that any of the events anticipated by the forward-looking statements will transpire or occur, or if any of them do so, what benefits may be derived therefrom.

關於此處包含的前瞻性陳述,公司是根據其認爲目前合理的某些假設提供這些陳述的,其中一些或全部可能被證明是不正確的。因此,讀者不應過分依賴此處包含的前瞻性陳述。此類前瞻性陳述必然涉及已知和未知的風險和不確定性,這可能導致未來時期的實際業績和財務業績與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的對未來業績或業績的任何預測存在重大差異。這些風險和不確定性包括但不限於:成功整合業務和實現收購預期收益的能力;恢復油田生產的能力;對收購價值的錯誤評估;美國製裁的變化;政府監管的變化;大宗商品價格和貨幣匯率的變化;利率波動;確保充足股權和債務融資的能力;以及管理層預測和管理上述因素和風險的能力。無法保證前瞻性陳述會被證明是準確的,實際結果和未來事件可能與此類陳述中的預期存在重大差異。除非適用的證券法要求,否則如果情況或管理層的估計或意見發生變化,New Stratus沒有義務更新前瞻性陳述。實際結果、業績或成就可能與這些前瞻性陳述中所表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異,因此,無法保證前瞻性陳述所預期的任何事件會發生或發生,也無法保證其中任何事件可能從中獲得什麼好處。

Oil and Gas Advisory


This news release includes resources information attributable to the Fields effective as of November 30, 2023 prepared by Petrotech Engineering Ltd., which is an independent qualified reserves evaluator. The reserves information was prepared in accordance with the Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook ("COGE Handbook") and National Instrument 51-101, Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities.

本新聞稿包括自2023年11月30日起生效的油田資源信息,該信息由獨立的合格儲量評估機構Petrotech Engineering Ltd.編寫。儲量信息是根據《加拿大石油和天然氣評估手冊》(“COGE手冊”)和國家儀器51-101《石油和天然氣活動披露標準》編制的。

Contingent resources are those quantities of petroleum estimated, as of a given date, to be potentially recoverable from known accumulations using established technology or technology under development but are not currently considered to be commercially recoverable due to one or more contingencies. Contingencies are conditions that must be satisfied for a portion of contingent resources to be classified as reserves that are: (a) specific to the project being evaluated; and (b) expected to be resolved within a reasonable timeframe. Contingencies may include factors such as economic, legal, environmental, political, and regulatory matters, or a lack of markets. It is also appropriate to classify as contingent resources the estimated discovered recoverable quantities associated with a project in the early evaluation stage. Contingent resources are further categorized according to the level of certainty associated with the estimates and may be subclassified based on project maturity and/or characterized by their economic status.

或有資源是指截至給定日期,估計有可能使用已知技術或正在開發的技術從已知儲量中回收的石油,但由於一次或多起突發事件,目前被認爲無法在商業上回收的石油。意外開支是指必須滿足的條件才能將一部分應急資源歸類爲儲備金,這些條件是:(a) 特定於正在評估的項目;(b) 預計將在合理的時間範圍內得到解決。突發事件可能包括經濟、法律、環境、政治和監管問題或缺乏市場等因素。將與早期評估階段的項目相關的估計發現的可回收量歸類爲應急資源也是恰當的。應急資源根據與估算相關的確定性水平進一步分類,並可根據項目成熟度和(或)以其經濟狀況爲特徵進行細分類。

There are three classifications of contingent resources: low estimate, best estimate and high estimate. Best estimate is a classification of estimated resources described in the COGE Handbook as being considered to be the best estimate of the quantity that will be actually recovered. It is equally likely that the actual remaining quantities recovered will be greater or less than the best estimate. If probabilistic methods are used, there should be at least a 50% probability that the quantities actually recovered will equal or exceed the best estimate.


Contingent resources are further classified based on project maturity. The project maturity subclasses include development pending, development on hold, development unclarified and development not viable. The contingent resources acquired in the Acquisition are classified as development pending and development unclarified. A maturity class of development pending describes the status of a project addressing all or part of a known accumulation where project activities are ongoing to justify or optimize future commercial viability. The critical contingencies have been identified and are expected to be resolved within a reasonable timeframe. A project may be assigned a maturity subclass of development unclarified if it is still under evaluation (e.g., a recent discovery) or requires significant further appraisal to clarify the development potential and where the contingencies may not have been fully defined.


References to "unrisked" contingent resources volumes means that the reported volumes of contingent resources have not been risked (or adjusted) based on the chance of commerciality of such resources. In accordance with the COGE Handbook for contingent resources, the chance of commerciality is solely based on the chance of development based on all contingencies required for the re-classification of the contingent resources as reserves being resolved. Therefore unrisked reported volumes of contingent resources do not reflect the risking (or adjustment) of such volumes based on the chance of development of such resources.

提及 “無風險” 的或有資源量意味着報告的或有資源數量沒有根據此類資源的商業化機會進行風險(或調整)。根據COGE的應急資源手冊,商業化的可能性完全取決於將應急資源重新歸類爲儲備金所需的所有突發事件的開發機會。因此,所報告的無風險或有資源數量並不能反映根據此類資源開發機會而產生的風險(或調整)。

Statements relating to resources are deemed to be forward-looking statements, as they involve the implied assessment, based on certain estimates and assumptions, that the resources described exist in the quantities predicted or estimated. The resources estimates described herein are estimates only. The actual resources may be greater or less than those calculated. The estimated volumes of contingent resources contained herein do not represent fair market value of the contingent resources. There is no certainty that it will be commercially viable to produce any of the resources.


BOEs may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A BOE conversion ratio of 6 thousand cubic feet (Mcf) per 1 barrel (bbl) is based on an energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead. As the value ratio between natural gas and crude oil based on the current prices of natural gas and crude oil is significantly different from the energy equivalency of 6:1, utilizing a 6:1 conversion basis may be misleading as an indication of value.

英國央行可能會產生誤導,特別是如果單獨使用。京東方每1桶(bbl)6,000立方英尺(Mcf)的轉換率基於主要適用於燃燒器尖端的能量等效轉換方法,並不代表井口的等值值。由於基於當前天然氣和原油價格的天然氣和原油之間的價值比率與 6:1 的能源當量有顯著差異,因此使用 6:1 的轉換基準作爲價值指示可能會產生誤導。

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