
Early Warning Press Release In Respect of ReGen III Corp.

Early Warning Press Release In Respect of ReGen III Corp.

關於 Regen III Corp. 的預警新聞稿
newsfile ·  2023/12/21 09:55

This press release is issued pursuant to National Instrument 62-104 - Take-Over Bids and Issuer Bids and National Instrument 62-103 - The Early Warning System and Related Take-Over Bid and Insider Reporting Issues.


Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - December 20, 2023) - Brad White ("White" or the "Acquiror") of Toronto, ON reports that he has acquired ownership or control over 145 convertible debenture units (each a "Unit") of ReGen III Corp. ("ReGen") in a private placement, which closed in two tranches - November 17, 2023, and December 20, 2023 (the "Private Placement"). Each Unit consists of CAD$1,000 in principal amount of unsecured convertible debenture (a "Debenture") and 1,000 common share purchase warrants (a "Warrant"). Each Warrant is exercisable to purchase one common share at a price of CAD$0.55 for a period of 24 months after closing.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.,2023 年 12 月 20 日)-布拉德·懷特(”白色“或者”收購者安大略省多倫多的 “)報告說,他已經獲得了超過145個可轉換債券單位的所有權或控制權(每個單位是”單元Regen III Corp. 的 “) (”Regen“) 私募配售,分兩期完成——2023年11月17日和2023年12月20日(即”私募配售“)。每個單位由本金1,000加元的無抵押可轉換債券組成(a”債券“) 和 1,000 份普通股購買權證 (a”搜查令“)。每份認股權證可在收盤後的24個月內以0.55加元的價格行使購買一股普通股。

This acquisition represents approximately 4.83% of the total number of Debentures and Warrants issued in the Private Placement, and which if immediately converted and exercised respectively by White as of today's date would result in the issue to him of 408,636 common shares representing approximately 0.34% of the then issued and outstanding common shares. The 145 Units acquired by White were purchased at a price of $1,000 per Unit for total consideration of $145,000 paid in cash.


Prior to the Private Placement, White beneficially owned, controlled, or directed an aggregate of 12,614,090 common shares, 666,750 share purchase warrants, and 700,000 stock options, representing approximately 10.66% of the outstanding common shares of ReGen on a non-diluted basis and approximately 11.68% on a partially diluted basis, assuming White's exercise of his warrants and stock options. Following the Private Placement, White beneficially owns, controls, or directs an aggregate of 12,614,090 common shares, 811,750 share purchase warrants, 700,000 stock options, and 145 Debentures representing approximately 10.66% of the outstanding common shares of ReGen on a non-diluted basis and approximately 11.98% on a partially diluted basis, assuming White's exercise of his warrants, stock options, and conversion and exercise of his convertible debentures.

在私募之前,懷特共擁有、控制或指揮了12,614,090股普通股、666,750份股票購買權證和70萬份股票期權,假設懷特行使認股權證和股票期權,約佔Regen在未攤薄基礎上已發行普通股的10.66%,部分攤薄後約佔11.68%。假設懷特行使認股權證、股票期權以及轉換和行使可轉換債券,私募配售後,懷特以實益方式擁有、控制或指揮共計12,614,090股普通股、811,750股股票購買權證、70萬份股票期權和145份債券,佔Regen在未攤薄基礎上已發行普通股的10.66%,部分攤薄後約爲11.98% bentures。

White acquired the Units for investment purposes. White may, depending on market or other conditions, increase or decrease his beneficial ownership, control or direction over, or exercise its current rights to acquire, common shares through market transactions, private agreements or otherwise.


An early warning report will be electronically filed by White with the applicable securities commission in each jurisdiction where ReGen is reporting and will be available on Sedar Plus at . For more information, please contact Brad White at (416) 419-1962.

懷特將以電子方式向Regen報告的每個司法管轄區的適用證券委員會提交預警報告,該報告將在Sedar Plus上發佈,網址爲。欲了解更多信息,請致電 (416) 419-1962 與布拉德·懷特聯繫。

(signed) "Brad White"
Brad White


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