
Golden Goliath Drone Magnetic Surveys at Manicouagan Project Completed

Golden Goliath Drone Magnetic Surveys at Manicouagan Project Completed

Manicouagan 的 Golden Goliath 無人機磁測繪項目已完成
newsfile ·  2023/12/19 22:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - December 19, 2023) - Golden Goliath Resources Ltd. (TSXV: GNG) (OTC Pink: GGTHF) (FSE: GGZ) Golden Goliath Resources is pleased to report that the drone magnetic surveys on their Ernest and Victory 21 REE properties near the Manicouagan impact crater in central Quebec have now been completed. A report on the interpretation of the data will be received after the holidays.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.,2023年12月19日)-金巨人資源有限公司(TSXV:GNG)(場外交易Pink:GGTHF)(FSE:GGZ)Golden Goliath Resources欣然報告,他們對魁北克中部馬尼庫安撞擊坑附近的歐內斯特和勝利21 REE房產的無人機磁測量現已完成。假期過後將收到一份關於數據解釋的報告。

Golden Goliaths Manicouagan Project consists of four properties covering anomalous Rare Earth Element occurrences just to the south of the Manicouagan impact crater. The initial program consisted of geology and geochemistry to identify the source of lake sediment anomalies and to assess previous anomalous rock samples on all four properties. In addition to this work, a ground radiometric survey was conducted on the Ernest and Victory 21properties.

Golden Goliaths Manicouagan Project由四處房產組成,涵蓋了位於馬尼庫阿根撞擊坑以南的異常稀土元素礦點。最初的計劃包括地質學和地球化學,旨在識別湖泊沉積物異常的來源,並評估所有四個特性的先前異常岩石樣本。除了這項工作外,還對Ernest and Victory 21的房產進行了地面輻射測量。

On the Ernest property the interpretation of the initial radiometric data identified 10 high priority anomalies and another 30 anomalies of interest. On the Victory 21 property 14 high priority targets were identified with a further 9 anomalies of interest. In the report Jean-M Hubert notes that the anomalies of interest may be as significant as the high priority anomalies but may be masked by overburden.

在歐內斯特財產上,對初始輻射測量數據的解釋確定了10個高優先級異常和另外30個令人關注的異常。在勝利21號房產上,發現了14個高優先級目標,另外還有9個令人感興趣的異常現象。Jean-M Hubert在報告中指出,利益異常可能與高度優先異常一樣嚴重,但可能被負擔過重所掩蓋。

Golden Goliath then commissioned detailed drone magnetic surveys on both Ernest and Victory 21 to outline the units responsible for the anomalous geophysics. In late spring 2024, The Company intends to conduct a trenching and stripping program to expose and sample the anomalous units.

然後,Golden Goliath委託對Ernest和Victory 21進行詳細的無人機磁力調查,以概述造成異常地球物理學的單位。在2024年春末,該公司打算進行挖溝和剝離計劃,以揭露異常單位並對其進行採樣。

Golden Goliath CEO Paul Sorbara notes, "This completes our first season of fieldwork on our Manicouagan Project. Once the raw data has been processed we will have the results interpreted in conjunction with the highly encouraging radiometric data we collected in the late summer." "I am confident that this will give us some excellent targets for our stripping and sampling program in 2024."

Golden Goliath首席執行官保羅·索巴拉指出:“這結束了我們在Manicouagan項目上的第一個實地考察。處理完原始數據後,我們將結合我們在夏末收集的非常令人鼓舞的輻射測量數據來解釋結果。”“我相信,這將爲我們在2024年的剝離和採樣計劃提供一些很好的目標。”

This news release has been reviewed by Gordon MacKay, P.Geo., who is acting as QP under the NI 43-101 requirements.

本新聞稿已由P.Geo. 的戈登·麥凱審閱,他在NI 43-101的要求下擔任QP。

On behalf of the Board of Directors


Paul Sorbara, MSc, PGeo


CEO, Golden Goliath Resources Ltd.


About Golden Goliath

關於 Golden Goliath

Golden Goliath Resources Ltd. is a junior exploration company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (symbol GNG). The Company is focused on exploring and developing the gold and silver potential of properties in the Red Lake District of Ontario. The Company also holds a 100% interest in the San Timoteo property, located in the Sierra Madre Occidental Mountains of northwestern Mexico, as well as NSR royalties on several other nearby properties.

Golden Goliath Resources Ltd.是一家在多倫多證券交易所上市的初級勘探公司(股票代碼爲GNG)。該公司專注於探索和開發安大略省紅湖區房地產的黃金和白銀潛力。該公司還持有位於墨西哥西北部馬德雷山脈的聖蒂莫特奧房產的100%權益,以及附近其他幾處房產的NSR特許權使用費。

To find out more about Golden Goliath visit our website at .

要了解有關 Golden Goliath 的更多信息,請訪問我們的網站,網址爲。

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Golden Goliath Resources Ltd.
J. Paul Sorbara, M.Sc., P.Geo
President & CEO
Phone: +1(604) 682-2950 Email:

J. Paul Sorbara,理學碩士,P.Geo
電話:+1 (604) 682-2950 電子郵件

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