
NIO Stock Up Premarket After Securing $2.2B Strategic Investment

NIO Stock Up Premarket After Securing $2.2B Strategic Investment

Benzinga ·  2023/12/18 21:33

China-based smart electric vehicle maker NIO Inc's (NYSE:NIO) stock was trading up over 8% in premarket trading on Monday after the EV maker secured a strategic investment.


NIO and CYVN Holdings will jointly be pursuing strategic and technology collaborations in international markets. Chinese EV makers are riding a wave of expansion into Europe, capitalizing on a cost advantage as demand in China slows and Western competitors adopt the new technology more slowly. NIO is reportedly launching its cheaper Firefly brand in Europe in 2025.

蔚來汽車和CYVN Holdings將共同在國際市場上尋求戰略和技術合作。隨着中國需求放緩以及西方競爭對手採用新技術的速度變慢,中國電動汽車製造商正在利用成本優勢,乘着向歐洲擴張的浪潮。據報道,蔚來汽車將於2025年在歐洲推出更便宜的螢火蟲品牌。

However, the European Union is examining imports of Chinese EVs to determine if they contravene competition rules.


According to the announcement on the company's website, NIO has entered into a share subscription agreement with CYVN Holdings L.L.C., through its affiliate CYVN Investments RSC Ltd, an investment vehicle based in Abu Dhabi. Per the agreement, CYVN will invest an aggregate of $2.2 billion in cash to subscribe for 294,000,000 newly issued Class A ordinary shares of NIO at $7.50 per share.

根據該公司網站上的公告,蔚來已通過其子公司CYVN Investments RSC Ltd.(一家總部位於阿布扎比的投資機構)與CYVN Holdings Ltd簽訂了股票認購協議。根據協議,CYVN將投資總額爲22億美元的現金,以每股7.50美元的價格認購蔚來汽車新發行的2.94億股A類普通股。

Earlier in July, CYVN made a $738.5 million strategic equity investment in NIO. The additional December investment transaction makes CYVN a beneficial owner of approximately 20.1% of the company's outstanding equity.


"With the enhanced balance sheet, NIO is well prepared to sharpen brand positioning, bolster sales and service capabilities, and make long-term investment in core technologies to navigate the intensifying competitive landscape, while continually improving execution efficiency and system capabilities," said William Bin Li, founder, chairman and CEO of NIO.

蔚來創始人、董事長兼首席執行官李威廉(William Bin Li)表示:“隨着資產負債表的改善,蔚來已做好充分準備,可以鞏固品牌定位,增強銷售和服務能力,並對核心技術進行長期投資,以應對日益激烈的競爭格局,同時不斷提高執行效率和系統能力。”

Read: What's Going On With Nio Stock?


The chart above compares NIO stock with KraneShares MSCI China Clean Technology Index ETF (NYSE:KGRN). NIO has underperformed the KGRN over the past 1 year.

上圖將蔚來股票與KraneShares MSCI中國清潔技術指數ETF(紐約證券交易所代碼:KGRN)進行了比較。在過去的一年中,蔚來汽車的表現低於KGRN。

NIO commands 9.93% of the KGRN portfolio as of Dec. 14. Other large holdings of the KGRN ETF include XPeng Inc (NYSE:XPEV) at 8.68%, Li Auto Inc (NASDAQ:LI) at 8.66%, and BYD Co Ltd (OTCPK:BYDDF) (OTCPK:BYDDY) at 7.68%.

截至12月14日,蔚來汽車佔KGRN投資組合的9.93%。KGRN ETF的其他大量持股包括小鵬公司(紐約證券交易所代碼:XPEV),佔8.68%,利汽車公司(納斯達克股票代碼:LI),佔8.66%,以及佔7.68%的比亞迪有限公司(場外交易所代碼:BYDDF)(OTCPK: BYDDY)。

Read Next: Nio Gears Up To Produce Its Own EVs After Buying Partner's Factories


Photo: Nio


