
Artificial Intelligence ETF Holders Are 37% Richer: But Regulators See 'Emerging Threat' To Stability

Artificial Intelligence ETF Holders Are 37% Richer: But Regulators See 'Emerging Threat' To Stability

人工智能ETF持有者富有37%:但監管機構認爲穩定面臨的 “新興威脅”
Benzinga ·  2023/12/16 04:24

U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen, who is also the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) Chair, called AI an "emerging threat" to financial stability. Yellen sees a need to curb the technology's potential market risks.

同時也是金融穩定監督委員會(FSOC)主席的美國財政部長珍妮特·耶倫稱人工智能是金融穩定的 “新興威脅”。耶倫認爲有必要遏制該技術的潛在市場風險。

The increasing reliance on this emerging technology is considered a "vulnerability" and Yellen believes existing regulations should be used to curb the potential market risks that financial markets might become exposed to eventually.

對這種新興技術的日益依賴被視爲 “漏洞”,耶倫認爲,應利用現有法規來遏制金融市場最終可能面臨的潛在市場風險。

Related: Artificial Intelligence Pegged As Financial Risk By US Regulators


AI Driving Stocks Higher


Meanwhile, artificial intelligence (AI) became a household name. It has been driving many technology stocks this year to new highs: NVIDIA Corp (NASDAQ:NVDA), Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (NASDAQ:AMD), Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG)(NASDAQ:GOOGL), Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT) and Broadcom Inc (NASDAQ:AVGO), to name a few.

同時,人工智能(AI)成爲家喻戶曉的名字。它推動許多科技股今年創下新高:英偉達公司(納斯達克股票代碼:NVDA)、先進微設備公司(納斯達克股票代碼:AMD)、Alphabet Inc(納斯達克股票代碼:GOOG)(納斯達克股票代碼:GOOGL)、微軟公司(納斯達克股票代碼:MSFT)和博通公司(納斯達克股票代碼:AVGO)等。

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Artificial Intelligence ETF Holders Are Richer By 37%

人工智能 ETF 持有者更富有 37%

ETFs specifically investing in artificial intelligence have also had a good run this year. Investors in the earliest and largest artificial intelligence ETF, the Global X Robotics & Artificial Intelligence ETF (NASDAQ:BOTZ) are richer by 37% this year. This surge was driven by performances of Nvidia and Intuitive Surgical Inc (NASDAQ:ISRG); which together account for about 25% of the ETF's portfolio. The ETF was launched in September 2016 and has accumulated about $2.4 billion assets under management.

專門投資人工智能的ETF今年也表現良好。最早也是最大的人工智能ETF,即Global X機器人與人工智能ETF(納斯達克股票代碼:BOTZ)的投資者今年富裕了37%。這種激增是由英偉達和Intuitive Surgical Inc(納斯達克股票代碼:ISRG)的表現推動的;它們合計約佔ETF投資組合的25%。該ETF於2016年9月推出,已累積管理約24億美元的資產。

3 other AI ETFs have returned more than 37% YTD to investors:

迄今爲止,其他3只AI ETF向投資者的回報率已超過37%:

Direxion Daily Robotics, Artificial Intelligence & Automation Index Bull 2X Shares ETF (NYSE:UBOT) is a leveraged AI ETF, launched in April 2018. The ETF has $30 million in AUM and was up over 68% YTD.

Direxion Daily Robotics、人工智能與自動化指數牛市2X股ETF(紐約證券交易所代碼:UBOT)是一隻槓桿式人工智能ETF,於2018年4月推出。該ETF的資產管理規模爲3000萬美元,年初至今增長了68%以上。

Global X Artificial Intelligence & Technology ETF (NASDAQ:AIQ) was launched in May 2018. The fund has $842 million in AUM and is up about 53% YTD.

Global X人工智能與科技ETF(納斯達克股票代碼:AIQ)於2018年5月推出。該基金的資產管理規模爲8.42億美元,年初至今增長了約53%。

WisdomTree Trust WisdomTree Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Fund (BATS:WTAI) was launched in December 2021 and has about $190 million in AUM. The ETF is up over 45% YTD.

WisdomTree Trust WisdomTree人工智能與創新基金(BATS: WTAI)於2021年12月啓動,資產管理規模約爲1.9億美元。該ETF年初至今上漲了45%以上。

There are 3 other AI ETFs that are worth a mention:

還有其他 3 個 AI ETF 值得一提:

Exchange Traded Concepts Trust ROBO Global Robotics and Automation Index ETF (NYSE:ROBO) has $1.32 billion in AUM. The fund was up over 20% YTD. The fund launched in October 2013.


iShares Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Multisector ETF (NYSE:IRBO), a June 2018 launch has accumulated $569 million in assets already. The ETF was up 33% YTD.

2018年6月推出的iShares Robotics和人工智能多板塊ETF(紐約證券交易所代碼:IRBO)已積累了5.69億美元的資產。該ETF年初至今上漲了33%。

First Trust Nasdaq Artificial Intelligence and Robotics ETF (NASDAQ:ROBT) with $472 million in AUM, was up over 25% YTD. The fund was launched in February 2018.


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繼續閱讀:美國銀行表示,生成式人工智能像電話一樣具有變革性:10 種股票、ETF 交易創意

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