
Hyundai Electrifies in Thailand With Grand Opening of New IONIQ Lab

Hyundai Electrifies in Thailand With Grand Opening of New IONIQ Lab

現代汽車在泰國實現電氣化,新的 IONIQ 實驗室盛大開業
PR Newswire ·  2023/12/14 13:31
  • Hyundai Motor Company to lead the EV revolution in Thailand with the opening of the IONIQ Lab at True Digital Park in Bangkok
  • IONIQ Lab to showcase Hyundai's global leadership and expertise in EVs while fostering creativity and collaboration in Thailand
  • Visitors to experience Hyundai's award-winning IONIQ 5, the high-performance IONIQ 5 N and the future of electric mobility
  • 現代汽車公司將在曼谷True Digital Park開設愛奧尼克實驗室,引領泰國的電動汽車革命
  • IONIQ 實驗室將展示現代汽車在電動汽車領域的全球領導力和專業知識,同時促進泰國的創造力和合作
  • 參觀者將體驗現代汽車屢獲殊榮的 IONIQ 5、高性能 IONIQ 5 N 以及電動汽車的未來

BANGKOK, Dec. 14, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Hyundai Motor Company to lead the electric vehicle (EV) revolution in Thailand with the opening of the IONIQ Lab at True Digital Park in Bangkok. The arrival of the new facility marks a significant milestone for Hyundai and its award-winning IONIQ 5, showcasing the company's steadfast commitment to achieving a greener future through sustainable innovation in Thailand and around the world.

曼谷,2023年12月14日 /PRNewswire/ — 現代汽車公司將在曼谷真正的數字公園開設愛奧尼克實驗室,引領泰國的電動汽車(EV)革命。新工廠的到來標誌着現代汽車及其屢獲殊榮的IONIQ 5的重要里程碑,表明了該公司堅定不移地致力於通過在泰國和世界各地實現可持續創新來實現更環保的未來。

Hyundai Electrifies in Thailand with Grand Opening of New IONIQ Lab

現代汽車在泰國實現電氣化,新的 IONIQ 實驗室盛大開業

With an emphasis on innovation and sustainability, IONIQ Lab will showcase Hyundai's global leadership and expertise in vehicle electrification while fostering creativity and collaboration through its local branch, Hyundai Mobility Thailand. The space will bring together diverse perspectives from around the globe to provide insights on trends and technology.

以創新和可持續性爲重點,IONIQ Lab將通過其當地分支機構泰國現代汽車展示現代汽車在汽車電氣化方面的全球領導力和專業知識,同時促進創造力和協作。該空間將彙集來自全球各地的不同視角,提供有關趨勢和技術的見解。

Mr. Jae Gyou Chung, Chief Executive Officer of Hyundai Mobility Thailand Company, said, "IONIQ Lab starts another exciting chapter in the journey of the IONIQ brand, following the successful launch of IONIQ 5 in Thailand. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to contribute to a brighter future without compromise.

現代汽車泰國公司首席執行官Jae Gyou Chung先生表示:“繼IONIQ 5在泰國成功推出之後,IONIQ實驗室開啓了IONIQ品牌旅程中又一個激動人心的篇章。我們認爲,每個人都應該有機會毫不妥協地爲更光明的未來做出貢獻。

IONIQ Lab will serve as a hub for innovation, and sustainability. Combining these two elements in one place showcases the country's dedication to shaping the future of mobility. IONIQ Lab is designed to play an important role of the 'Pioneer Playground' — a modern center that aims to foster freedom of mobility, connectivity, safety and environmental conservation. The facility provides a dynamic space for exploring IONIQ's intuitive technologies and products."

IONIQ 實驗室將成爲創新和可持續發展的中心。將這兩個要素合而爲一,表明了該國致力於塑造交通未來的決心。IONIQ 實驗室旨在發揮 “先鋒遊樂場” 的重要作用——一個旨在促進出行、連接、安全和環境保護的現代中心。該設施爲探索IONIQ的直觀技術和產品提供了一個動態空間。”

The investment in the IONIQ Lab in Thailand reflects our belief in the country's strategic importance to Hyundai's ASEAN strategy, delivering exceptional services and products to forge a sustainable future. It underscores our commitment to enhancing the experiences of our Thai customers with every expectation surpassed. Hyundai is not just embracing the future with electric vehicles; they are also exploring their identity and getting ready to share incredible stories at the IONIQ Lab, offering our customers a unique space to experience Hyundai Mobility's electric vehicle technology.


More information about Hyundai Mobility Thailand can be found at:


