
Travel-Hungry Older Canadians Gear Up for Globe-Trotting Adventures as Pandemic Concerns Erode

Travel-Hungry Older Canadians Gear Up for Globe-Trotting Adventures as Pandemic Concerns Erode

GlobeNewswire ·  2023/12/13 21:15

Survey Reveals 86% Are Planning Global Escapes

調查顯示 86% 的人正在計劃全球逃亡

TORONTO, Dec. 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Canadians over the age of 55 are dusting off their passports and eager to explore the world again. A whopping 86% of respondents to ZoomerMedia's Travel Survey revealed that they are planning to embark on international travel in the next six months, with many planning to increase their overall time spent travelling after a pandemic hiatus.

多倫多,2023 年 12 月 13 日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——55 歲以上的加拿大人正在擦掉護照,渴望再次探索世界。在ZoomerMedia的旅行調查中,高達86%的受訪者表示,他們計劃在未來六個月內開始國際旅行,其中許多人計劃增加旅行的總時間 一個在大流行中斷之後

This marks a return to the first "normal" travel season in three years, as pandemic safety measures like masks and screenings are no longer required for most destinations.

這標誌着三年來第一個 “正常” 旅行季節回歸,因爲大多數目的地不再需要口罩和安檢等疫情安全措施。

"The pandemic had a profound and long-term impact on older travellers, forcing them to shelve their globetrotting aspirations due to the virus's elevated risk and overall travel turmoil." said CARP President, Rudy Buttignol. "While The Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP) will continue to educate our members about COVID and vaccination options, now that the pandemic's grip has loosened we are thrilled that older Canadians are once again planning their next journey. The world is once again their oyster." Buttignol added.

CARP總裁魯迪·布蒂格諾爾說:“疫情對老年旅行者產生了深遠的長期影響,由於病毒的風險增加和整體旅行動盪,迫使他們擱置環球旅行的願望。”“儘管加拿大退休人員協會(CARP)將繼續教育我們的會員了解COVID和疫苗接種選擇,但現在疫情的控制已經放鬆,我們很高興加拿大老年人再次計劃下一次旅程。世界再次成爲他們的牡蠣。”Buttignol 補充說。

The survey results show that older Canadians are feeling confident to venture out, explore and live well at any age. The comprehensive 74 question survey garnered 2,270 responses from Canadians over 55, 64% of whom were female, and 67% living with a partner or spouse. Respondents top 4 out-of-country destinations were:
- Europe 33.5%
- United States 49.3%
- Caribbean 31.9%
- Mexico 19.6%

-歐洲 33.5%
-美國 49.3%
-加勒比海 31.9%
-墨西哥 19.6%

"Older Canadians took the pandemic's hardest punches. It's no wonder there's a sharp increase in bookings with CARP Approved Partner Senior Discovery Tours, which specializes in safe, escorted trips to the world's greatest destinations," said Buttignol. "Our hundreds of thousands of members are hungry for travel. They're looking to tour operators like Senior Discovery Tours who have almost 50 years of experience arranging escorted trips to more than 100 destinations worldwide. Senior Discovery Tours will give our members peace of mind when travelling outside the country." he added.

“年長的加拿大人承受了疫情最艱難的打擊。難怪CARP批准合作伙伴Senior Discovery Tours的預訂量急劇增加,該公司專門爲前往世界上最偉大的目的地提供安全、有陪同的旅行。”“我們成千上萬的會員渴望旅行。他們正在尋找像Senior Discovery Tours這樣的旅行社,他們在安排前往全球100多個目的地的陪同旅行方面擁有近50年的經驗。Senior Discovery Tours將讓我們的會員在國外旅行時高枕無憂。” 他補充說。

"Senior Discovery Tours is the opposite of 'figure-out-how-to-do-it-all-yourself-online'. We are the experts in planning a journey from the doorstep to the airport to the destination, and safely back home again. We arrange flights, hotels, ground transportation, tour bookings and meals including gratuities, plus a comprehensive insurance plan that includes health coverage (while outside of Canada) – and even insurance for cancellation and trip interruption. It's a 100% all-in service that's unique in Canada. You just pack your bags and prepare to enjoy," said Danny Shay, President of Senior Discovery Tours.

“Senior Discovery Tours與'弄清楚如何在網上自己動手'相反。我們是規劃從家門口到機場再到目的地的旅程並再次安全返回家園的專家。我們安排航班、酒店、地面交通、旅遊預訂和包括酬金在內的膳食,以及包括健康保險(加拿大境外)的全面保險計劃,甚至包括取消和旅行延誤的保險。這是一項 100% 的全包服務,在加拿大是獨一無二的。你只需收拾行裝準備享受即可。” Senior Discovery Tours總裁丹尼·謝伊說。

"Our partnership with CARP is very important to Senior Discovery Tours," continued Shay. "As a special benefit to CARP members only, we are offering $100 off per person on any new tours booked in 2023 and 2024".

謝伊繼續說:“我們與CARP的合作對Senior Discovery Tours非常重要。”“作爲僅向CARP會員提供的特別優惠,我們將在2023年和2024年預訂的任何新行程中提供每人100美元的折扣”。

CONTACT: Rudy Buttignol, CARP President
Danny Shay, President, Senior Discovery Tours
聯繫人: CARP 主席 Rudy Buttignol


ZOOMERMEDIA 旅行調查的其他結果:

- 95.6% plan to book an international trip within the next year

-95.6% 計劃在明年內預訂國際旅行

- 63.7% plan to book international travel within the next six months

-63.7% 計劃在未來六個月內預訂國際旅行

- 91.3% had taken at least one out-of-country trip in the previous two years before the pandemic

-91.3% 在疫情之前的前兩年中至少進行過一次國外旅行

- 79.1% took two or more trips and 49.5% embarked on three or more trips in the two years prior to the pandemic

-79.1% 在疫情前的兩年內進行了兩次或更多次旅行,49.5% 的人開始了三次或更多次旅行

- The top four intended travel destinations were booked between two and six months ahead of travelling


- Only 4.2% of respondents opted for "last-minute" arrangements

-只有 4.2% 的受訪者選擇了 “最後一刻” 的安排

- 81% intend to stay longer than 10 nights

-81% 的受訪者打算停留超過 10 晚

- 55% plan to enjoy their getaway for over 15 nights

-55% 的受訪者計劃享受超過 15 晚的假期

