
Cabral Gold Establishes Technical Advisory Committee

Cabral Gold Establishes Technical Advisory Committee

Cabral Gold 成立技術諮詢委員會
newsfile ·  2023/12/12 19:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - December 12, 2023) - Cabral Gold Inc. (TSXV: CBR) (OTC Pink: CBGZF) ("Cabral" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has established a technical advisory committee (the "Technical Committee").

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(新聞文件公司-2023 年 12 月 12 日)- Cabral Gold Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:CBR)(場外交易粉紅:CBGZF) (“Cabral” 或 公司) 很高興地宣佈,它已經成立了一個技術諮詢委員會(技術委員會“)。



  • The primary purpose of the Technical Committee is to review, monitor and make recommendations to the Board of Directors in respect of the technical activities of the Company including those relating to the ongoing pre-feasibility study for trial mining of oxide gold deposits within the Company's Cuiú Cuiú gold district in northern Brazil
  • 技術委員會的主要目的是審查、監督公司的技術活動並向董事會提出建議,包括與正在進行的巴西北部Cuiué Cuué金礦試開採氧化金礦牀的預可行性研究有關的活動
  • The Technical Committee is comprised of independent directors, Jon Gilligan and Ian Gendall, independent consultant, Mark E. Smith, and Cabral's executive chairman, P. Mark Smith
  • 技術委員會由獨立董事喬恩·吉利根和伊恩·根德爾、獨立顧問馬克·史密斯以及卡布拉爾執行主席P. Mark Smith組成
  • Independent director Dr. Jon Gilligan, who is currently President and COO of Liberty Gold Corp., has been appointed Chairman of the Technical Committee
  • 現任Liberty Gold Corp. 總裁兼首席運營官的獨立董事喬恩·吉利根博士被任命爲技術委員會主席
  • Mark E. Smith is President of RRD International Corp. and is an internationally recognized expert in heap leach mineral processing with wide experience in South America having worked on projects in Brazil, Peru and Chile
  • Mark E. Smith 是 RRD International Corp. 的總裁,是國際公認的堆濾礦物加工專家,在南美擁有豐富的經驗,曾在巴西、秘魯和智利參與過項目

Alan Carter, Cabral's President and CEO, commented, "We are extremely pleased to announce the formation of the Technical Committee, which will assist Management and the Board in providing oversight regarding technical matters and the advancement of the Company's Cuiú Cuiú gold district, specifically with respect to the completion of the ongoing pre-feasibility study. In particular, the recent addition of Jon Gilligan to the Board, his agreement to chair the Technical Committee, and the inclusion of Mark E. Smith on the committee greatly expands the Company's depth of expertise in the development, construction and operation of heap leach projects."

Cabral總裁兼首席執行官艾倫·卡特評論說:“我們非常高興地宣佈成立技術委員會,該委員會將協助管理層和董事會監督公司Cuiué Cuiué黃金區的發展,特別是正在進行的預可行性研究的完成。特別是,喬恩·吉利根最近加入董事會,同意擔任技術委員會主席,以及馬克·史密斯加入委員會,極大地拓展了公司在開發、建設和運營堆濾項目方面的專業知識深度。”

Jon Gilligan


Dr. Jonathan Gilligan is an independent director of Cabral and is currently President and Chief Operating Officer of Liberty Gold Corp., a company developing open pit, heap leach oxide gold projects in Idaho and Utah, USA.

喬納森·吉利根博士是Cabral的獨立董事,目前是Liberty Gold Corp. 的總裁兼首席運營官。Liberty Gold Corp. 是一家在美國愛達荷州和猶他州開發露天堆浸氧化金項目的公司。

Jon is a senior mining executive with over 35 years of multi-commodity, international experience across technical services, capital projects, open pit mine construction and operations. Prior to joining Liberty Gold Corp., he held senior technical and projects roles with both Torex Gold Resources Inc., SSR Mining Inc., and BHP. Dr. Gilligan has been instrumental in advancing many mining operations around the world including the Marigold open-pit heap leach operation, Nevada, USA; Chinchillas open pit mine, Argentina; Olympic Dam Expansion Project, South Australia; Escondida Mine, Chile and the Escondida Norte open pit copper mine, Chile.

喬恩是一位高級礦業主管,在技術服務、資本項目、露天礦建設和運營方面擁有超過35年的多商品國際經驗。在加入Liberty Gold Corp. 之前,他曾在外匯黃金資源公司、SSR Mining Inc. 和必和必拓擔任高級技術和項目職務。吉利根博士在推動世界各地的許多采礦作業方面發揮了重要作用,包括美國內華達州的萬壽菊露天堆濾作業;阿根廷的欽奇拉斯露天礦;南澳大利亞的奧林匹克大壩擴建項目;智利的埃斯孔迪達礦和智利的北埃斯孔迪達露天銅礦。

Mark E. Smith


Mark is President of RRD International Corp. and has been working in base and precious metals mining and processing for over 40 years with a focus since the late 1990's on South America. He managed the Vector engineering team in Lima for ten years. His South American heap leach clients have included Brazilian Nickel and Vale in Brazil; Barrick in Peru, Chile and Argentina; BHP in Colombia, Peru, Chile and Guatemala; Minsur in Peru; Milpo in Peru; Glencore in Chile; Goldcorp in Chile; Kinross in Chile; Coldelco in Chile and Peru; Freeport in Peru; Rio Tinto in Peru; Xstrata in Peru and Chile; Group Mexico in Peru; and Anglo American in Chile and Brazil.

馬克是RRD International Corp. 的總裁,在賤金屬和貴金屬的開採和加工領域工作了40多年,自20世紀90年代末以來一直專注於南美洲。他在利馬管理了 Vector 工程團隊十年。他在南美的堆濾客戶包括巴西的巴西鎳業和淡水河谷;秘魯、智利和阿根廷的巴里克;哥倫比亞、秘魯、智利和危地馬拉的必和必拓;秘魯的Milpo;智利的嘉能可;智利的Goldcorp;智利和秘魯的Kinross;秘魯的自由港;秘魯和智利的Xstrata;秘魯的墨西哥集團;以及智利和巴西的英美資源集團。

Mark's wet climate heap leach experience includes: Piaui nickel (Piaui, Brazil); Area 118 copper (Para, Brazil); Cristalino copper HL (Brazil), Cerro Matoso nickel (Colombia); Trapiche copper (Peru); Newmont gold (Peru); Pierina gold (Peru); La Granja copper (Peru); La Arena gold (Peru); Lagunas Norte gold (Peru); Acoje nickel (Philippines); Hallmark nickel (Indonesia); Merdeka nickel (Indonesia); and Gag Island nickel (Indonesia). In addition, he worked on several non-heap leach projects in the high-rainfall areas of Brazil including Vermelho HPAL nickel, Salobo copper, Coringa gold, Minas Rio iron.

Mark的潮溼氣候堆浸經驗包括:皮奧伊鎳礦(巴西皮奧伊);118區銅(巴西帕拉);克里斯塔利諾銅HL(巴西)、塞羅·馬託索鎳礦(哥倫比亞);特拉皮切銅(秘魯);紐蒙特金(秘魯);皮耶里納金(秘魯);拉阿雷納金(秘魯);Acoje nickel(菲律賓);Hallmark nickel(印度尼西亞);Merdeka nickel(印度尼西亞);和Gag Island nickel(印度尼西亞)。此外,他還參與了巴西高降雨地區的多個非堆濾項目,包括Vermelho HPAL鎳礦、薩洛博銅、科林加金、米納斯里約鐵。

Mark is a registered civil, geotechnical and structural engineer, and has published dozens of papers on heap leaching, tailings management, and mine closure.

Mark 是一名註冊土木、岩土工程和結構工程師,他發表了數十篇關於堆濾法、尾礦管理和礦山關閉的論文。

Ian Gendall


Ian Gendall is an independent director of Cabral and is currently President and CEO of DLP Resources Inc. Ian is a geologist with over 32 years' experience in South Africa, South America, Canada, Mexico and the USA, and has led and managed exploration teams and evaluated copper and gold projects for previous companies such as Gencor, Billiton, Anglo American, Antofagasta and more recently OceanaGold.

伊恩·根德爾是Cabral的獨立董事,目前是DLP Resources Inc.的總裁兼首席執行官。伊恩是一位地質學家,在南非、南美、加拿大、墨西哥和美國擁有超過32年的經驗,曾領導和管理勘探團隊並評估過Gencor、Billiton、英美資源集團、安託法加斯塔以及最近的OceanaGold等公司的銅和金項目。

Ian led the Billiton Exploration team which was credited with the major porphyry copper discoveries in south-east Ecuador which were subsequently optioned to Corriente Resources Inc., which was subsequently taken over by CRCC-Tongguan Investment Co., Ltd. for $679 million in 2010.

伊恩領導了Billiton勘探團隊,該團隊因在厄瓜多爾東南部發現了重大的斑岩銅礦而受到讚譽,這些發現隨後被Corriente Resources Inc. 選中,該公司隨後於2010年被中鐵通冠投資有限公司以6.79億美元的價格接管。

Ian has extensive experience in Brazil and the Tapajos Gold Province having previously managed programs for Chapleau Resources and Magellan Minerals. During this time he oversaw and managed the resource estimation and preliminary economic assessment study for the Coringa gold project in Brazil which is currently operated by Serabi Gold.

伊恩在巴西和塔帕霍斯黃金省擁有豐富的經驗,此前曾管理過查普勞資源和麥哲倫礦業的項目。在此期間,他監督並管理了巴西科林加黃金項目的資源估算和初步經濟評估研究,該項目目前由Serabi Gold運營。

P. Mark Smith

P. 馬克·史密斯

P. Mark Smith is a geologist and is Executive Chairman of Cabral.

P. Mark Smith 是一位地質學家,也是卡布拉爾的執行主席。

Mark has more than 40 years of experience in the industry with expertise ranging from exploration, mining, research, advising, and arranging financings. Mr. Smith started his career as a geologist in the mining and exploration industry and throughout his career became a Senior Mining Analyst and later a Managing Director Investment Banker. He spent 20 years working for several mining companies including Cominco, and the Mineral Deposits Section of the Ontario Geological Survey before transitioning into the brokerage industry in 1997. For the next 11 years he worked as a mining analyst with Marleau-Lemire, C.M. Oliver, First Associates, and Dundee Securities, specializing in gold. Over the next decade Mark was an Investment Banker with Dundee Securities, Stifel Nicolas, and M Partners where he provided financial, technical, marketing, general corporate, and strategic advice as well as arranged financing for private and public companies in the mining and exploration sector.

Mark 在該行業擁有 40 多年的經驗,其專業知識包括勘探、採礦、研究、諮詢和安排融資。史密斯先生的職業生涯始於採礦和勘探行業的地質學家,在他的整個職業生涯中,他成爲了高級礦業分析師,後來成爲投資銀行家董事總經理。在1997年過渡到經紀行業之前,他曾在包括Cominco在內的多家礦業公司和安大略地質調查局的礦產礦牀部門工作了20年。在接下來的11年中,他在Marleau-Lemire、C.M. Oliver、First Associates和鄧迪證券擔任礦業分析師,專門研究黃金。在接下來的十年中,馬克是鄧迪證券、Stifel Nicolas和M Partners的投資銀行家,在那裏他提供財務、技術、營銷、一般企業和戰略建議,併爲礦業和勘探領域的私營和上市公司安排融資。

About Cabral Gold Inc.

關於 Cabral Gold Inc.

The Company is a junior resource company engaged in the identification, exploration and development of mineral properties, with a primary focus on gold properties located in Brazil. The Company has a 100% interest in the Cuiú Cuiú gold district located in the Tapajós Region, within the state of Pará in northern Brazil. Two main gold deposits have so far been defined at the Cuiú Cuiú project which contains National Instrument 43-101 compliant Indicated resources of 21.6Mt @ 0.87 g/t gold (604,000 oz) and Inferred resources of 19.8Mt @ 0.84 g/t gold (534,500 oz) as per the 43-101 technical report dated October 12, 2022.

該公司是一家初級資源公司,從事礦產的識別、勘探和開發,主要關注位於巴西的黃金地產。該公司持有位於巴西北部帕拉州塔帕霍斯地區的庫伊烏庫烏黃金區的100%權益。根據2022年10月12日的43-101號技術報告,Cuiué Cuiué項目迄今已確定了兩個主要的金礦牀,該項目包含符合國家儀器43-101標準的216萬噸 @ 0.87克/噸黃金(60.4萬盎司)的指示資源和1980萬噸 @ 0.84克/噸黃金(534,500盎司)的推斷資源。

The Tapajós Gold Province is the site of the largest gold rush in Brazil's history which according to the ANM (Agência Nacional de Mineração or National Mining Agency of Brazil) produced an estimated 30 to 50 million ounces of placer gold between 1978 and 1995. Cuiú Cuiú was the largest area of placer workings in the Tapajós and produced an estimated 2Moz of placer gold historically.

塔帕霍斯黃金省是巴西曆史上規模最大的淘金熱的地點,根據ANM(Agencia Nacional de Mineracao 或巴西國家礦業局)的數據,該省在1978年至1995年間估計生產了3000萬至5000萬盎司的砂金。Cuiué Cuiuá是塔帕霍人最大的砂礦開採區,歷史上估計生產了2Moz的砂金。



"Alan Carter"


President and Chief Executive Officer
Cabral Gold Inc.

Cabral Gold Inc.

Tel: 604.676.5660


Guillermo Hughes, MAusIMM and FAIG., a consultant to the Company as well as a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, supervised the preparation of the technical information in this news release.

Guillermo Hughes、MauSimm和FAIG. 是公司的顧問,也是國家儀器43-101所定義的合格人員,他們監督了本新聞稿中技術信息的準備工作。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as such term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Forward-looking Statements


This news release contains certain forward-looking information and forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities legislation (collectively "forward-looking statements"). The use of the words "will", "expected" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements should not be unduly relied upon. The Company believes the expectations reflected in those forward-looking statements are reasonable, but no assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct.

本新聞稿包含適用證券立法所指的某些前瞻性信息和前瞻性陳述(統稱 “前瞻性陳述”)。使用 “將”、“預期” 和類似表達方式旨在識別前瞻性陳述。這些陳述涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際結果或事件與此類前瞻性陳述中的預期結果或事件存在重大差異。不應過度依賴此類前瞻性陳述。公司認爲,這些前瞻性陳述中反映的預期是合理的,但無法保證這些預期會被證明是正確的。

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