
Gladiator Discovers New Zone of Copper Mineralization at Cowley Park

Gladiator Discovers New Zone of Copper Mineralization at Cowley Park

newsfile ·  2023/12/11 19:00



  • Assay results from 9 of 22 holes of a recently completed 4,000m diamond drill program at the Cowley Park Prospect ("Cowley Park"). Significant intercepts include:
  • 最近在考利公園勘探區(“考利公園”)完成的4000米金剛石鑽探項目的22個洞中有9個鑽孔的化驗結果。重要攔截包括:
    • CPG-017:

      • 26m @ 1.49% Cu & 368 ppm Mo from 98m including 15m @ 2.36% Cu & 421ppm Mo from 104m and 4m @ 7.75% Cu & 686 ppm Mo from 110m.

    • CPG-023:

      • 13m @ 2.06% Cu and 1071 ppm Mo from 38m and

      • 8m @ 1.05% Cu 513 ppm Mo from 79 m

    • CPG-011D1:

      • 58m @ 0.74% Cu & 1,245 ppm Mo from 81m, Including:

      • 8m @ 1.65% Cu, 1,905 ppm Mo from 87m

      • 12m @ 1.12% Cu & 605ppm Mo from 105m

    • CPG-015:

      • 7m @ 1.45% Cu from 52m & 2m @ 3.77% Cu from 55m

      • 10m @ 1.23% Cu & 319ppm Mo from 204m

    • CPG-016:

      • 58m @ 0.62%Cu from 57m, Incl. 7m @ 1.99 % Cu & 867 ppm Mo from 78m

    • CPG-017:

      • 來自98m的26m @ 1.49%銅和368 ppm Mo,包括來自104m的15m @ 2.36%銅和421ppm Mo,以及來自110m的4m @ 7.75%的銅和686 ppm Mo。

    • CPG-023:

      • 130m @ 2.06% 銅和 1071 ppm Mo 從 38 米起和

      • 8m @ 1.05% 銅 513 ppm Mo 從 79 米起

    • CPG-011D1:

      • 58m @ 0.74% 銅和 1,245 ppm Mo,來自 8100 萬英寸,包括:

      • 8m @ 1.65% 銅,1,905 ppm Mo 從 87 米起

      • 12m @ 1.12% 銅和 605ppm Mo 從 105 米開始

    • CPG-015:

      • 7m @ 1.45% 銅來自52m,2m @ 3.77% 銅來自5500m

      • 10m @ 1.23% 銅和 319ppm Mo 從 204 米起

    • CPG-016:

      • 58m @ 來自 57m 的 0.62% 銅,包括 7m @ 1.99% 銅和 867 ppm Mo 從 78 米起

  • The interval of 10m @ 1.23% Cu from 204m in CPG-015 is the first hole into a new discovery zone only 50m to the south of the historical drill area highlighting the potential future resource upside and underexplored nature of the Cowley Park area.

  • Shallow results confirm the continuity of shallow, copper-molybdenum skarn mineralization at Cowley Park as well as highlighting the potential of the lower grade mineralized envelope to significantly contribute to future resource potential. Copper and molybdenum mineralization remains open along strike and down dip in all directions.

  • Gladiator is fully funded to expand its ambitious exploration program at the Whitehorse Copper Project.

  • 的間隔 10m @ 1.23% 銅含量從 CPG-015 的 2.04 億英鎊中提取 是第一個進洞 新的探索區 位於歷史鑽探區以南僅50米處,凸顯了考利公園地區潛在的未來資源上行空間和未開發的性質。

  • 淺層結果證實了考利公園淺層銅鉬矽卡巖礦化的連續性,也凸顯了低品位礦化包膜對未來資源潛力做出重大貢獻的潛力。銅和鉬礦化在走向和向下傾斜的各個方向上都保持開放狀態。

  • Gladiator獲得了全額資金,可以擴大其在懷特霍斯銅業項目的雄心勃勃的勘探計劃。

Gladiator CEO, Jason Bontempo commented:


"Drilling continues to define the continuity and scale of high- grade copper mineralisation at Cowley Park as well as providing further definition to the potentially significant coincident Molybdenum mineralisation.


The discovery of a new zone of mineralisation only 50m to the south of the historical drill area in hole CPG-015 highlights the exploration upside at Cowley Park close to existing modelled mineralisation and supports the ongoing drill program targeting further extensions to the south and south-east.

在 CPG-015 洞歷史鑽探區以南僅 50 米處發現了一個新的礦化區,這凸顯了考利公園在靠近現有建模礦化區的勘探前景,也爲正在進行的鑽探計劃提供了支持,該計劃旨在進一步向南部和東南部延伸。

I look forward to reporting the remainder of the assays from this second drill campaign at Cowley Park in the coming weeks"


Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - December 11, 2023) - Gladiator Metals Corp. (TSXV: GLAD) (OTCQB: GDTRF) ("Gladiator" or the "Company") is pleased to announce initial results from its recently completed 4,000m diamond drill program at Cowley Park.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(新聞文件公司-2023 年 12 月 11 日)- 角鬥士金屬公司 (TSXV:很高興)(OTCQB:GDTRF)(”角鬥士“或者”公司“)很高興地宣佈其最近在考利公園完成的4000米鑽石鑽探計劃的初步結果。

Cowley Park - Ongoing Drilling Campaign


Initial assay results have been received for the first nine holes of Gladiators recently completed 4,000m diamond drill program at Cowley Park (please refer to Figure 1 below for details). Significant drill intercepts received so far include:


  • CPG-017:

    • 26m @ 1.49% Cu & 368 ppm Mo from 98m including 15m @ 2.36% Cu & 421ppm Mo from 104m and 4m @ 7.75% Cu & 686 ppm Mo from 110m.

  • CPG-023:

    • 13m @ 2.06% Cu and 1071 ppm Mo from 38m and

    • 8m @ 1.05% Cu 513 ppm Mo from 79 m

  • CPG-011D1:

    • 58m @ 0.74% Cu & 1,245 ppm Mo from 81m, Including:

    • 8m @ 1.65% Cu, 1,905 ppm Mo from 87m

    • 12m @ 1.12% Cu & 605ppm Mo from 105m

  • CPG-015:

    • 17m @ 0.91% Cu from 42m, Incl. 3m @ 1.71 % Cu from 42m, 7m @ 1.45% Cu from 52m & 2m @ 3.77% Cu from 55m

    • 31m @ 0.58% Cu, 642ppm Mo from 80m and

    • 10m @ 1.23% Cu & 319ppm Mo from 204m

  • CPG-016:

    • 58m @ 0.62%Cu from 57m, Incl. 7m @ 1.99 % Cu & 867 ppm Mo from 78m

  • CPG-019: 20m @ 0.82% Cu from 96m including 4m @ 2.62% Cu from 96m

  • CPG-020D1: 47.2m @ 0.67% Cu from 132m

  • CPG-017:

    • 來自98m的26m @ 1.49%銅和368 ppm Mo,包括來自104m的15m @ 2.36%銅和421ppm Mo,以及來自110m的4m @ 7.75%的銅和686 ppm Mo。

  • CPG-023:

    • 130m @ 2.06% 銅和 1071 ppm Mo 從 38 米起和

    • 8m @ 1.05% 銅 513 ppm Mo 從 79 米起

  • CPG-011D1:

    • 58m @ 0.74% 銅和 1,245 ppm Mo,來自 8100 萬英寸,包括:

    • 8m @ 1.65% 銅,1,905 ppm Mo 從 87 米起

    • 12m @ 1.12% 銅和 605ppm Mo 從 105 米開始

  • CPG-015:

    • 17m @ 來自 420m 的 0.91% 銅, 包括來自 42 米的 3m @ 1.71% 銅、來自 52 米的 7m @ 1.45% 銅以及來自 550m 的 2m @ 3.77% 銅

    • 31m @ 0.58% 銅,642ppm Mo 從 80 米起和

    • 10m @ 1.23% 銅和 319ppm Mo 從 204 米起

  • CPG-016:

    • 58m @ 來自 57m 的 0.62% 銅,包括 7m @ 1.99% 銅和 867 ppm Mo 從 78 米起

  • CPG-019: 來自 96 米的 20m @ 0.82% 銅,包括來自 96 米的 4m @ 2.62% 銅

  • CPG-020D1: 47.2m @ 0.67% Cu 來自 132 米

These results confirm the width and continuity of high-grade mineralization previously targeted at Cowley Park with mineralization remaining open in all directions. Results such as 15m @ 2.36% Cu from 104m (CPG-015) and 13m @ 2.06 from 38m (CPG-023) compare favorably to previously announced high-grade historical drill intercepts (refer to the Company's news releases listed below).

這些結果證實了以前針對考利公園的高品位礦化的寬度和連續性,礦化區四面八方都處於開放狀態。與先前公佈的高品位歷史鑽探截距相比,來自104m(CPG-015)的15m @ 2.36%銅的結果和來自38m(CPG-023)的13m @ 2.06%()的結果都不錯(請參閱下面列出的公司新聞稿)。

A new zone of copper skarn mineralization has also been discovered in hole CPG-015 with 10m @ 1.23% Cu intersected at 204m (please refer to Figures 1 and 2 for details). This result lies only 50m to the south of the historical area of drilling and indicates the significant upside potential remaining in the Cowley Park area.

在 CPG-015 孔中還發現了一個新的銅硅卡巖礦化區域,在 204 米處相交 10m @ 1.23% 的銅(詳情請參閱圖 1 和圖 2)。該結果位於歷史鑽探區域以南僅50米處,表明考利公園地區仍有巨大的上行潛力。

Drilling completed was designed to test extensions to high-grade mineralized and aid planning for resource definition drilling. Drilling targeted identified trends through step out drill holes located primarily to the south and southeast of identified mineralization, including following up on the most southeasterly hole to date, 19-CP-08 which intersected 43.28m @ 2.24% Cu from 93.27m (Figure 1).

完成的鑽探旨在測試高品位礦化的擴展,並幫助規劃資源定義鑽探。目標鑽探通過主要位於已發現礦化的南部和東南部的階梯式鑽孔確定了趨勢,包括跟蹤迄今爲止最東南的洞,即 19-CP-08,該孔從 93.27 米處橫過 43.28 米 @ 2.24% 的銅(圖 1)。

Figure 1: Section A-A' through recently completed drillholes CPG-015 and CPG-016 in comparison to historical drilling intercepts on the same section (refer to Figure 2 for location). Section highlights new zone of mineralization in hole CPG-015 (Marked in Yellow) Section A-A' is marked on Figure 1 for reference.

圖 1:A-A 區穿過最近完成的鑽孔 CPG-015 和 CPG-016,與同一路段的歷史鑽孔截距進行比較(位置參見圖 2)。部分重點介紹了 CPG-015 洞(用黃色標記)中的新礦化區域,圖 1 上標有 A-A 部分以供參考。

Figure 2: Plan map of the advanced Cowley Park Copper Prospect. Select recent and historical drill results with a cumulative Copper%*m of >40 highlighted. Status of current 4,000m diamond drilling program highlighted. Location of section A-A', Figure 1, shown.

圖 2:先進的考利公園銅礦勘探區平面圖。選擇近期和歷史鑽探結果,突出顯示累計 Copper%*m 大於 40。突出顯示了當前4,000米鑽石鑽探計劃的狀態。圖 1 中 A-A 部分的位置,如圖 1 所示。

A complete list of the compiled holes from Cowley Park and their significant intercepts and details can be found at:


Further details on quoted mineralization intersected in drilling contained in this release, plus any relevant information regarding QAQC can be found at:


  • "Gladiator Metals Announces Results of Maiden Drill Program at Cowley Park Copper Prospect" - News Release dated July 24, 2023.

  • "Gladiator Metals Intersects Copper in Maiden Drill Campaign at Cowley Park" - News Release dated June 5, 2023.

  • "Gladiator Metals Assays 32.92m @ 2.08% Copper from Historical Drill Core at Cowley Park" - News Release dated May 15, 2023.

  • "Gladiator Metals Samples 12.5m @ 8.02% Copper at the Cowley Park and Commences Drilling at the Whitehorse Copper Project" - News Release dated April 27, 2023.

  • "Gladiator Metal Announces Additional High-Grade Copper Drill Intercepts" - News Release dated April 3, 2023.

  • “Gladiator Metals宣佈考利公園銅礦區首次鑽探計劃的結果”-2023年7月24日的新聞稿。

  • “角鬥士金屬在考利公園的首次鑽探活動中與銅相交” ——2023年6月5日新聞稿。

  • “角鬥士金屬檢測 32.92m @ 來自考利公園歷史鑽芯的銅含量爲 2.08%” ——2023年5月15日新聞稿。

  • “角鬥士金屬在考利公園採集了1250萬個 @ 8.02% 的銅樣品,並開始在懷特霍斯銅礦項目進行鑽探” ——2023年4月27日的新聞稿。

  • “Gladiator Metal 宣佈新增高等級銅鑽截獲量”-2023 年 4 月 3 日新聞稿。

The Whitehorse Copper Project


The Whitehorse Copper Project is an advanced-stage copper (Cu) ± molybdenum (Mo) ± silver (Ag) ± gold (Au) skarn exploration project in the Yukon Territory, Canada. The property comprises 314 contiguous claims covering approximately 5,380 Hectares (13,294 acres) in the Whitehorse Mining District as shown on below.

懷特霍斯銅礦項目是加拿大育空地區的高級銅(Cu)± 鉬(Mo)± 銀(Ag)± 金(Au)矽卡巖勘探項目。該財產包括位於懷特霍斯礦區的大約5,380公頃(13,294英畝)的314個連續土地,如下所示。

Figure 3: Plan map of the Whitehorse Copper Project showing geology and location of key prospects within the main trend please refer to Company's prior news releases dated February 13, April 3, May 15, June 5 and July 24, 2023 for details

圖 3:懷特霍斯銅業項目規劃圖,顯示了主要趨勢中關鍵前景的地質和位置,請參閱 公司先前的新聞稿日期爲2023年2月13日、4月3日、5月15日、6月5日和7月24日 了解詳情



Drilling completed by Gladiator was irregularly spaced to test parts of the mineralised systems, holes were directionally surveyed utilising a North Seeking Gyro direction tool. Drill collars were being subsequently surveyed utilising a high-accuracy RTK DGPS system.

Gladiator完成的鑽探間隔不規則,以測試部分礦化系統,使用尋北陀螺定向工具對孔進行定向測量。隨後使用高精度 RTK DGPS 系統對鑽項圈進行了測量。

Upon drilling of diamond core Gladiator undertakes geological logging, marking up of lineal length of the core, recording core recovery, and Geotech measurements such as RQD's and taking core photographs.


Based on the geological logging, core is then marked up for sampling with a new sampling ticket that matches the submitted sample for analysis at the start of the sample interval, the drill core is then cut in half utilizing a core saw equipped with a diamond saw blade. The core samples are then sent for analysis and the remaining half core retained for future reference. Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) or known blank material is placed within the sampling sequence at a nominal sampling rate of 1 in 20 samples to monitor the Laboratory. Samples are submitted to the ALS Global laboratory (Canada).

根據地質記錄,在採樣間隔開始時,使用與提交的樣本相匹配的新採樣單標記岩心進行採樣,然後使用配備金剛石鋸片的岩心切割將鑽芯切成兩半。然後,核心樣本被送去分析,剩餘的一半核心被保留以備將來參考。經認證的參考材料(CRM)或已知的空白材料以每20個樣本中就有一個的標稱採樣率放置在採樣序列中,以監測實驗室。樣品被提交到 ALS 全球實驗室(加拿大)。

Samples subject to this release were crushed to 70% less than 2mm before pulverizing to better than 85% passing 75 microns. Samples were then analysed by ALS method ME-ICP61 (Aqua Regia with ICP-MS finish), with over limits for Cu analysed by method CU-OG62 (Aqua Regia with ICP-MS finish). As part of this process, Gladiator also captures the required sampling metadata to potentially utilize the core and analysis for any future requirements if deemed acceptable. The QA/QC meets the current required standards under reporting instruments, such as NI-43-101. At this point the Company regards the data collected from this exercise as reliable for the purposes of identifying future exploration targets and may be used to inform future drilling and exploration campaigns.

受此釋放影響的樣品被壓碎至小於2mm的70%,然後粉碎至超過75微米的85%。然後使用 ALS 方法 ME-ICP61(表面處理 ICP-MS 的 Aqua Regia)對樣品進行了分析,使用 CU-OG62 方法(Aqua Regia 採用 ICP-MS 表面處理)分析了銅的上限。作爲該過程的一部分,Gladiator還捕獲了所需的採樣元數據,如果認爲可以接受,則可以利用核心和分析來滿足未來的任何需求。質量保證/質量控制符合報告工具中當前要求的標準,例如 NI-43-101。目前,該公司認爲從本次演習中收集的數據對於確定未來的勘探目標是可靠的,並可用於爲未來的鑽探和勘探活動提供信息。

In reference to historic drill results reported in this news release from the Company's data compilation exercise, these results are historical in nature. Gladiator has not undertaken any independent investigation, nor has it independently analyzed the results of the historical exploration work in order to verify the results. The Company believes that the historical drill results currently do not conform to presently accepted industry standards. Gladiator considers these historical drill results relevant as the Company will use this data as a guide to plan future exploration and drilling programs. The Company also considers the data to be reliable for these purposes, however, the Company's future exploration work will include verification of the data through drilling.

參照本公司數據彙編工作新聞稿中報道的歷史鑽探結果,這些結果本質上是歷史性的。角鬥士沒有進行任何獨立調查,也沒有獨立分析歷史勘探工作的結果以驗證結果。 該公司認爲,目前的歷史鑽探結果不符合目前公認的行業標準。 Gladiator認爲這些歷史鑽探結果是相關的,因爲公司將使用這些數據作爲指導來規劃未來的勘探和鑽探計劃。該公司還認爲這些數據對於這些目的來說是可靠的,但是,該公司未來的勘探工作將包括通過鑽探對數據進行驗證。

RSU Grant

RSU 補助金

The Company also announces that it has granted 370,000 restricted share units to a director of the Company, subject to TSX Venture Exchange approval. The restricted share units were granted in accordance with the Company's restricted share unit plan dated September 8, 2023 and vest over a two-year term.


Qualified Person


All scientific and technical information in this news release has been prepared or reviewed and approved by Kell Nielsen, a "qualified person" as defined by NI 43-101.

本新聞稿中的所有科學和技術信息均由凱爾·尼爾森編寫、審查和批准,凱爾·尼爾森是NI 43-101定義的 “合格人員”。



"Jason Bontempo"
Jason Bontempo, CEO

首席執行官 Jason Bontempo

For further information contact:
Dustin Zinger, Investor Relations


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to sell any of the securities in the United States. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to U.S. Persons unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such registration is available.

本新聞稿不構成在美國出售任何證券的要約或徵求出售任何證券的要約。這些證券過去和將來都不會根據經修訂的1933年《美國證券法》進行註冊(”《美國證券法》“) 或任何州證券法,除非根據《美國證券法》和適用的州證券法進行註冊或獲得此類註冊豁免,否則不得在美國境內或向美國個人提供或出售。

Certain of the statements and information in this news release constitute "forward-looking statements" or "forward-looking information". Any statements or information that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance (often, but not always, using words or phrases such as "expects", "anticipates", "believes", "plans", "estimates", "intends", "targets", "goals", "forecasts", "objectives", "potential" or variations thereof or stating that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved, or the negative of any of these terms and similar expressions) that are not statements of historical fact may be forward-looking statements or information..

本新聞稿中的某些陳述和信息構成 “前瞻性陳述” 或 “前瞻性信息”。任何表達或涉及有關預測、期望、信念、計劃、預測、目標、假設或未來事件或績效的討論的陳述或信息(通常,但並非總是如此,使用諸如 “期望”、“預期”、“相信”、“計劃”、“估計”、“打算”、“目標”、“預測”、“目標”、“潛力” 或其某些變體之類的詞語或短語)“可能”、“可能”、“會”、“可能” 或 “將會” 採取、發生或實現的行動、事件或結果,或這些條款的負面影響;以及不是歷史事實陳述的類似表達)可能是前瞻性陳述或信息...

Forward-looking statements or information are subject to a variety of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements or information, including, without limitation, the need for additional capital by the Company through financings, and the risk that such funds may not be raised; the speculative nature of exploration and the stages of the Company's properties; the effect of changes in commodity prices; regulatory risks that development of the Company's material properties will not be acceptable for social, environmental or other reasons; availability of equipment (including drills) and personnel to carry out work programs; and that each stage of work will be completed within expected time frames. This list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect any of the Company's forward-looking statements or information. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated, described or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information.


The Company's forward-looking statements and information are based on the assumptions, beliefs, expectations and opinions of management as of the date of this news release, and other than as required by applicable securities laws, the Company does not assume any obligation to update forward-looking statements and information if circumstances or management's assumptions, beliefs, expectations or opinions should change, or changes in any other events affecting such statements or information.


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