
声迅股份(003004):发力智慧交通 智慧停车陆续落地

Shengxun Co., Ltd. (003004): Promoting smart transportation and smart parking, and implementing one after another

中郵證券 ·  Dec 10, 2023 00:00


On November 27, 2023, the company won the bid for a parking space construction project in the urban area of Xiangtan City, with a bid amount of 122.11,800 yuan. After completion, the project can provide 4,000 parking spaces, mainly involving 14 roadside sections in the core area with a total of 1,263 parking spaces, 10 pedestrian sections with a total of 841 parking spaces, and 33 sections of first-level areas with a total of 1,896 parking spaces.

A leader in integrated smart urban transportation, building a foundation for vehicle connectivity

From 2022, the company fully entered the field of smart transportation (rail transport/carriage/parking/ low-altitude drone, etc.) to create an overall smart parking solution. The overall architecture of the company's overall smart parking solution includes smart parking cloud platform system, smart parking integrated management platform, road parking management system, parking guidance system, car owner mobile application service, etc. The plan is committed to providing smart parking services for urban management centered on informatization management such as network management, data sharing, guidance systems and smart applications, helping to build a smart parking system with “full integration of on-road and off-road parking resources, coordination of dynamic and static traffic, and integration of urban governance with market operation” to comprehensively improve the efficiency of urban parking management and modern governance capabilities. It was the first to win the bid for the smart parking project in Changsha County (40.1882 million yuan) in April. The number of operating parking spaces exceeded 5,700, providing various car-related driving-related services such as reservation/parking space sharing/charging parking. The data accumulated by the platform also supports the government in strengthening urban management. Recently, it won the bid for the Xiangtan Smart Parking Project (122.11,800 yuan), which comprehensively promoted smart transportation, with remarkable results.

Build a traffic data sharing platform and accumulate massive amounts of data

The company integrates traffic data such as traffic police, traffic, parking, etc., to achieve the sharing of traffic big data, and has become a low-level platform for urban vehicle connectivity. The existing AIOT platform has implemented more than 30 functions such as image search, video structuring, personnel trajectory, passenger flow density, regional invasion, population statistics, and risk warning. It is widely used in safe cities, rail transit, etc., and the number of applications for intelligent audio and video analysis has reached more than 1 million. The company's security operation services have now covered more than 9,500 bank branches and 732 subway stations, serving more than 2 billion passengers throughout the year and accumulating massive amounts of data.

Core technology is far ahead

The company has four core research departments. Among them, Dr. Deng, director of the Technical Committee of the Engineering Technology Research Center, led the team to build the world's first “Xihe” indoor and outdoor seamless high-precision navigation location service platform, take the lead in solving the key technical problems of international communication networks to enhance high-precision indoor 3D positioning and navigation, and establish service standards and application systems for seamless and high-precision indoor and outdoor navigation. The technology is far ahead.

Building Smart Transportation Solutions

The Smart Transportation Solution is a comprehensive solution for city-level smart transportation construction recently launched by the company this year. It integrates various functional modules such as smart transportation, smart traffic management, smart parking, and vehicle road collaboration. The plan includes designing public transport information and providing real-time information services in various forms such as electronic stop signs and mobile apps for public bus travel. The professional team has long provided operation and maintenance services such as optimized timing of traffic signals, fault inspection and maintenance, etc., and carried out long-term road traffic congestion management to enhance the driving experience of citizens and ensure the smooth completion of various special service tasks. Integrate data on two passengers and one risk, implement general cargo vehicle supervision, and serve the construction of a national integrated transportation hub.

Investment advice

The company's EPS for 2023-2025 is expected to be 0.46, 1.06, and 1.56 yuan, respectively, and the PE corresponding to the current stock price is 70.88, 30.81, and 20.91 times, respectively. The company is a leader in intelligent security with algorithms, data, models, and products. Benefiting from multi-modal models to increase the penetration rate of smart security, the company's “AI+ security” solution is expected to be widely implemented. The company is making every effort to promote smart transportation & parking, and has successively won bids for related projects. The subsequent company's technology and solutions are expected to be widely implemented in the field of transportation and parking, maintaining a “buy” rating.

Risk warning

R&D progress falls short of expectations; technology implementation falls short of expectations; industry prosperity falls short of expectations; market competition intensifies.

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