
Tencent's New Console Gamble: Can 'Last Sentinel' Redefine Future Gaming?

Tencent's New Console Gamble: Can 'Last Sentinel' Redefine Future Gaming?

Benzinga ·  2023/12/08 19:05

Tencent Holding Ltd (OTC:TCEHY) is taking a significant step in its global expansion by introducing "Last Sentinel," an ambitious console game set in a dystopian future in Tokyo.


Developed by Tencent's Lightspeed LA studio in California and led by industry veteran Steve Martin, formerly of Rockstar Games, "Last Sentinel" represents Tencent's foray into developing original intellectual properties, Bloomberg reports.

彭博社報道,《最後的哨兵》由騰訊位於加利福尼亞的Lightspeed LA工作室開發,由業內資深人士史蒂夫·馬丁(曾在Rockstar Games工作)領導,代表了騰訊涉足開發原創知識產權。

Having been in development for four years, "Last Sentinel" underscores Tencent's efforts to broaden its influence beyond the Chinese gaming market, which heavily relies on domestic sales.

《Last Sentinel》已經開發了四年,凸顯了騰訊爲將其影響力擴大到嚴重依賴國內銷售的中國遊戲市場之外所做的努力。

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The company owns significant stakes in internationally recognized studios such as Riot Games Inc (NASDAQ: RIOT) and Epic Games Inc and has recently increased its acquisitions of smaller studios worldwide.

該公司擁有Riot Games Inc(納斯達克股票代碼:RIOT)和Epic Games Inc等國際知名工作室的大量股份,最近還增加了對全球小型工作室的收購。

Steve Martin emphasized the gaming community's desire for new IPs and characters, which "Last Sentinel" aims to deliver.


While the launch date remains unannounced, the debut trailer has been released, featuring the protagonist Hiromi Shoda and showcasing gameplay elements.

雖然發佈日期仍未公佈,但首部預告片已經發布,其中以主角Hiromi Shoda爲主角,展示了遊戲元素。

Tencent's Lightspeed Studios, known for the success of "PUBG Mobile" and "Peacekeeper Elite," aims to diversify its portfolio by focusing on different game genres like open-world and shooters. Jerry Chen, President of Lightspeed Studios, is actively recruiting global talent to lead the studio in these genres. Tencent continues to make significant strides in the worldwide gaming industry with its diverse international investments.

騰訊的Lightspeed Studios以《PUBG Mobile》和《Peacekeeper Elite》的成功而聞名,其目標是通過專注於開放世界和射擊遊戲等不同類型的遊戲來實現產品組合的多元化。Lightspeed Studios總裁陳杰瑞正在積極招募全球人才,領導該工作室的這些類型。騰訊憑藉其多元化的國際投資,繼續在全球遊戲行業取得重大進展。

Price Action: TCEHY shares closed lower by 0.33% at $39.55 on Thursday.


