


HAXC HOLDINGS (300928):車輛顯示革命先驅收穫了專門探索的初步成果
中信证券 ·  2023/12/01 00:00

HAXC Holdings is a pioneer in the vehicle display sector, initially positioned as a tier-2 supplier with abundant downstream customer resources. Currently, the sector shows two major trends: 1) Larger, multiple and high-definition screens in the intelligent cockpits. This trend will likely drive the triple growth of vehicle display in volume, price and profitability. This, in turn, will lead to a continuous increase in average selling price (ASP) per vehicle, further promoting the steady growth of the market. According to KPMG, China's vehicle display market will grow to Rmb106.4bn in 2026 from Rmb64.9bn in 2022, corresponding to a 13% CAGR; 2) Multiscreen interaction controlled by one chip. The Company takes the lead in collaborating with upstream panel manufacturers BOE Tech and Tianma Microelectronics and establishing respective joint venture subsidiaries with them, which makes it transform into a tier-1 supplier. This positions the Company to directly engage with the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), facilitating a seamless transition from customization, development and integration to integrated production. This comprehensive approach eliminates intermediate links, reduces costs, enhances profitability and consequently increases the OEMs' market share in supplying to entire vehicle manufacturers. We believe that the Company boasts first-mover advantages, and cutting edges in resources, cost control and customer base. The Company has received designated orders with a total value of Rmb13.5bn, which will likely underpin the Company's stable growth. We forecast the Company's 2023E/24E/25E EPS at Rmb-0.16/0.55/0.95, respectively.

HAXC Holdings是車輛顯示領域的先驅,最初定位爲擁有豐富下游客戶資源的二級供應商。目前,該行業顯示出兩個主要趨勢:1)智能駕駛艙中屏幕更大、更大、更清晰。這種趨勢可能會推動車輛顯示屏在數量、價格和盈利能力方面的三倍增長。這反過來將導致每輛車的平均售價(ASP)的持續上漲,進一步促進市場的穩定增長。根據畢馬威會計師事務所的數據,中國的車載顯示器市場將從2022年的649億元人民幣增長到2026年的1064億元人民幣,相當於13%的複合年增長率;2)由一個芯片控制的多屏交互。公司率先與上游面板製造商京東方科技和天馬微電子合作,並分別與他們建立合資子公司,這使其轉型爲一級供應商。這使公司能夠直接與原始設備製造商 (OEM) 接觸,促進從定製、開發和集成到集成生產的無縫過渡。這種全面的方法消除了中間環節,降低了成本,提高了盈利能力,從而增加了原始設備製造商在向整車製造商供應方面的市場份額。我們認爲,公司擁有先發優勢,在資源、成本控制和客戶群方面處於領先地位。公司已收到總價值爲人民幣135億元的指定訂單,這可能會支撐公司的穩定增長。我們預計該公司2023年E/24E/25E的每股收益分別爲人民幣-0.16/0.55/0.95元人民幣。

A pioneer in the vehicle display industry transforms into a tier-1 supplier.


Founded in 2013, HAXC Holdings initially positioned itself as a tier-2 service provider in the automotive display sector. It integrates upstream display components with customized solutions, incorporating them into a complete set of electronic products for downstream tier-1 system integrators. Ultimately, these products are integrated into the final assembly of whole vehicles by automotive manufacturers. In line with the industry trend of multiscreen interaction controlled by one chip, the Company established joint ventures and self-built factories in collaboration with core upstream display component suppliers BOE Tech and Tianma Microelectronics in 2021 and 2022, respectively. This strategic move signifies the Company's transformation into a tier-1 supplier, engaging in independent business deals with automotive manufacturers. HAXC Holdings possesses abundant downstream customer resources, including leading domestic automotive companies such as BYD, Changan Automobile, Great Wall Motors (GWM), Chery, GAC, Geely, XPeng, etc.

HAXC Holdings成立於2013年,最初將自己定位爲汽車顯示領域的二級服務提供商。它將上游顯示組件與定製解決方案集成在一起,將其整合到一整套電子產品中,供下游一級系統集成商使用。最終,這些產品被集成到汽車製造商整車的最終裝配中。順應單芯片控制多屏交互的行業趨勢,公司分別於2021年和2022年與核心上游顯示組件供應商京東方科技和天馬微電子合作建立了合資企業和自建工廠。這一戰略舉措標誌着公司已轉型爲一級供應商,與汽車製造商進行獨立的商業交易。HAXC Holdings擁有豐富的下游客戶資源,包括比亞迪、長安汽車、長城汽車(GWM)、奇瑞、廣汽、吉利、小鵬等國內領先汽車公司。

Intelligentization drives in-car display growth of volume, price and profitability, and multiscreen interaction controlled by one chip reconstructs industrial chain layout.


The vehicle display industry currently presents two major trends: 1) Larger, multiple and high-definition screens in the intelligent cockpits. This trend will likely drive the triple growth of vehicle display in volume, price and profitability.


The intelligent cockpit is an important part of vehicle intelligentization, and vehicle displays are an integral part of intelligent cockpits. Electrification and intelligentization are promoting vehicle display to upgrade towards larger, multiple and higher definition, thereby increasing display demand and value.


In addition, head-up display (HUD) and streaming rearview mirrors with higher security level are likely to see greater penetration rates. 2) Multiscreen interaction controlled by one chip. This emerging trend will reconstruct the industrial chain layout. We believe that under the trend, upstream panel makers can directly establish joint ventures with tier-2 or tier-1 suppliers to complete the entire process from customization, development, integration to integrated production, reducing intermediate links, improving profitability and reconstructing the value chain layout. Ultimately, we expect the increases in volume, price and profitability of vehicle display market to drive the continuous growth of market size. KPMG expects China's vehicle display market to grow from Rmb64.9bn in 2022 to Rmb106.4bn in 2026, corresponding to a CAGR of 13%. Companies along the value chain will benefit greatly from this.


Seizing industry opportunities with four major advantages and substantial backlog orders with high value supports steady growth.


We believe that the core competitive factors in the automotive display industry are cost, technology and resources, and the Company possesses four major advantages, ie 1) accurate assessment of the "multiscreen interaction controlled by one chip" trend in the automotive display industry, accumulating first-mover advantages; 2) in-depth integration with upstream display manufacturers, establishing a resource advantage; 3) cost advantages through technological and model innovations, as well as integrated production; and 4) abundant customer resources. We believe that these four advantages will help the Company seize the opportunities presented by the transformation in the automotive display industry. Additionally, according to the Company's announcement, the investment in constructing the Nantong intelligent production line is underway, aiming to create an integrated manufacturing base with an expected annual output value of Rmb5bn. As of Apr 26, 2023, the Company has substantial designated orders of approximately Rmb13.5bn, and the subsequent translation of these orders into revenue is likely to support the Company's long-term stable growth.

我們認爲,汽車顯示器行業的核心競爭因素是成本、技術和資源,公司擁有四大優勢,即1)準確評估汽車顯示行業的 “單芯片控制多屏互動” 趨勢,積累先發優勢;2)與上游顯示器製造商深度整合,建立資源優勢;3)通過技術和模式創新以及一體化生產實現成本優勢;4)豐富的客戶資源。我們相信,這四個優勢將幫助公司抓住汽車顯示行業轉型帶來的機遇。此外,根據該公司的公告,建設南通智能生產線的投資正在進行中,旨在創建一個綜合製造基地,預計年產值爲50億元人民幣。截至2023年4月26日,公司擁有約135億元人民幣的大量指定訂單,這些訂單隨後轉化爲收入可能會支持公司的長期穩定增長。

Potential risks: Intensified industry competition; slower-than-expected translation from designated orders into earnings; less-than-expected new customer expansion; disappointing performance of the joint ventures with the panel makers; lower-than-expected production capacity release of new production lines; less-than-expected development of the automobile sector.


Investment strategy:


HAXC Holdings is a pioneer in the vehicle display sector, initially positioned as a tier-2 supplier with abundant downstream customer resources. Currently, the sector shows two major trends: 1) Larger, multiple and high-definition screens in the intelligent cockpits. This trend will likely drive the triple growth of vehicle display in volume, price and profitability. This, in turn, will lead to a continuous increase in average selling price (ASP) per vehicle, further promoting the steady growth of the market. According to KPMG, China's vehicle display market will grow to Rmb106.4bn in 2026 from Rmb64.9bn in 2022, corresponding to a 13% CAGR; 2) Multiscreen interaction controlled by one chip. The Company takes the lead in collaborating with upstream panel manufacturers BOE Tech and Tianma Microelectronics and establishing respective joint venture subsidiaries with them, which makes it transform into a tier-1 supplier. This positions the Company to directly engage with the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), facilitating a seamless transition from customization, development and integration to integrated production. This comprehensive approach eliminates intermediate links, reduces costs, enhances profitability and consequently increases the OEMs' market share in supplying to entire vehicle manufacturers. We believe that the Company boasts first-mover advantages, and cutting edges in resources, cost control and customer base. The Company has received designated orders with a total value of Rmb13.5bn, which will likely underpin the Company's stable growth.We forecast the Company's 2023E/24E/25E EPS at Rmb-0.16/0.55/0.95, respectively. Considering that the Company's transition to a tier-1 supplier is still pending further validation and the timing of designated order fulfillment remains uncertain, we are currently refraining from providing a target price and rating.

HAXC Holdings是車輛顯示領域的先驅,最初定位爲擁有豐富下游客戶資源的二級供應商。目前,該行業顯示出兩個主要趨勢:1)智能駕駛艙中屏幕更大、更大、更清晰。這種趨勢可能會推動車輛顯示屏在數量、價格和盈利能力方面的三倍增長。這反過來將導致每輛車的平均售價(ASP)的持續上漲,進一步促進市場的穩定增長。根據畢馬威會計師事務所的數據,中國的車載顯示器市場將從2022年的649億元人民幣增長到2026年的1064億元人民幣,相當於13%的複合年增長率;2)由一個芯片控制的多屏交互。公司率先與上游面板製造商京東方科技和天馬微電子合作,並分別與他們建立合資子公司,這使其轉型爲一級供應商。這使公司能夠直接與原始設備製造商 (OEM) 接觸,促進從定製、開發和集成到集成生產的無縫過渡。這種全面的方法消除了中間環節,降低了成本,提高了盈利能力,從而增加了原始設備製造商在向整車製造商供應方面的市場份額。我們認爲,公司擁有先發優勢,在資源、成本控制和客戶群方面處於領先地位。該公司已收到總價值爲人民幣135億元的指定訂單,這可能會支撐公司的穩定增長。我們預測該公司2023年E/24E/25E的每股收益分別爲人民幣-0.16/0.55/0.95元人民幣。考慮到公司向一級供應商的過渡仍有待進一步驗證,指定訂單的配送時間仍不確定,我們目前不提供目標價格和評級。

