
Can Apple and Samsung's AI Innovations Spur Smartphone Sales Growth in 2024?

Can Apple and Samsung's AI Innovations Spur Smartphone Sales Growth in 2024?

Benzinga ·  2023/12/01 20:33

Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL), along with other smartphone makers like Vivo, Xiaomi Corp (OTC: XIACF) (OTC: XIACY), and Samsung Electronics Co, Ltd (OTC: SSNLF), are set to see a resurgence in smartphone sales starting in 2024, countering the narrative of an extended slump in the mobile sector.


This optimistic forecast comes from analyses by Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley. Morgan Stanley projects a nearly 4% global increase in smartphone shipments in 2024, followed by a 4.4% rise in 2025.


Also Read: iPhone 15 Costs More in China and India Compared to US Despite Local Manufacturing and Assembly

另請閱讀:儘管是在當地製造和組裝,iPhone 15在中國和印度的成本仍高於美國

New on-device AI capabilities will likely drive the growth, which could stimulate demand through advancements in photography, speech recognition, and user privacy, TechCrunch reports.


The introduction of AI features is already showing promising results. Vivo's AI-powered X100 experienced explosive sales, and Xiaomi's AI-integrated flagship model reported sales six times higher than usual.


Samsung plans to include generative AI in its 2024 models, providing ChatGPT-like functionalities directly on the device without relying on cloud processing.

三星計劃在其 2024 年型號中加入生成式 AI,直接在設備上提供類似 ChatGPT 的功能,無需依賴雲處理。

Morgan Stanley notes the uncertainty regarding the emergence of a 'killer app' for Edge AI but suggests that a breakthrough could follow historical patterns seen in desktop and mobile internet.

摩根士丹利指出,Edge AI “殺手級應用程序” 的出現存在不確定性,但他表示,突破可能會遵循桌面和移動互聯網的歷史模式。

Microsoft Corp's (NASDAQ: MSFT) CoPilot might set a precedent for smartphone AI applications.


While predicting a 5% drop in global smartphone volumes for 2023, Goldman Sachs anticipates recovery in 2024 and 2025.


Shipments are forecasted to rise to 1.186 billion in 2024 and 1.209 billion in 2025.


This rebound contrasts with the belief that smartphones could face the same stagnation challenges as personal computers.


According to Morgan Stanley, smartphones are not at a similar risk of being replaced by other technologies like AR/VR, primarily due to their shorter replacement cycles, higher frequency of use, and expanding use cases, particularly with the advent of Edge AI.

根據摩根士丹利的說法,智能手機被增強現實/虛擬現實等其他技術取代的風險並不相似,這主要是由於它們的更換週期更短,使用頻率更高,用例不斷擴大,尤其是隨着Edge AI的出現。

Disclaimer: This content was partially produced with the help of AI tools and was reviewed and published by Benzinga editors.

免責聲明: 該內容部分是在人工智能工具的幫助下製作的,並由Benzinga編輯審閱和發佈。

