
Shareholders Approve All Resolutions and Elect Mr. Marc Boissonneault as a New Director

Shareholders Approve All Resolutions and Elect Mr. Marc Boissonneault as a New Director

股東批准所有決議並選舉Marc Boissonneault先生爲新董事
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/12/01 02:08

ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nov. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Atlas Salt (the "Company" or "Atlas" – TSXV: SALT; OTCQB: REMRF) shareholders approved all resolutions at the annual general and special meeting of shareholders today in St. John's. All individuals nominated for the board of directors were elected, being Rick LaBelle, Patrick Laracy, Rowland Howe, Carson Noel, Fraser Edison and Marc Boissonneault.

ST。約翰斯,紐芬蘭和拉布拉多,2023年11月30日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——阿特拉斯鹽業(“公司” 或 “阿特拉斯” ——多倫多證券交易所:SALT;OTCQB:REMRF)股東今天在聖約翰舉行的年度股東大會和特別股東大會上批准了所有決議。所有被提名爲董事會成員的人都是當選的,包括裏克·拉貝爾、帕特里克·拉拉西、羅蘭·豪、卡森·諾埃爾、弗雷澤·愛迪生和馬克·布瓦森諾爾。

The Company welcomes Mr. Boissonneault P.Eng. MBA to the Board. Mr. Boissonneault is an accomplished mining industry professional with extensive experience in leading major mining operations and capital projects in a global context. He has a proven track record of consistently delivering strong operating and capital project results while maintaining the highest standards of HSEC. Businesses under his responsibility were recognized for industry leading safety performance (multiple John T. Ryan Awards in Canada) and have performed to the highest standards environmentally. Over his considerable 35-year career he has overseen the operation of nine underground mines, two open pit mine complexes and five mining projects, with several being based in logistically challenged jurisdictions. Mr. Boissonneault's career included roles with Falconbridge, Xstrata and Glencore where he was Head of Global Nickel Assets responsible for the company's global nickel operations including a capital expenditure program of $3 billion. Mr. Boissonneault is also a director at Invest Ontario, holds an engineering degree from McMaster University and a MBA from Queen's University. In addition, Mr. Boissonneault is a professional engineer licensed by the Professional Engineers of Ontario.

公司歡迎 Boissonneault P.Eng 先生董事會工商管理碩士Boissonneault先生是一位經驗豐富的採礦業專業人士,在全球背景下領導重大采礦業務和資本項目方面擁有豐富的經驗。他在保持HSEC的最高標準的同時,在持續提供強勁的運營和資本項目業績方面有着良好的記錄。他負責的企業因行業領先的安全績效而獲得認可(加拿大多次獲得約翰·T.Ryan獎),並且在環境方面均達到最高標準。在他長達35年的職業生涯中,他監督了九個地下礦山、兩個露天礦山綜合體和五個採礦項目的運營,其中幾個位於物流困難的司法管轄區。Boissonneault先生的職業生涯包括在Falconbridge、Xstrata和Glencore擔任全球鎳業資產主管,負責公司的全球鎳業業務,包括30億美元的資本支出計劃。Boissonneault先生還是安大略省投資局的董事,擁有麥克馬斯特大學的工程學學位和女王大學的工商管理碩士學位。此外,Boissonneault先生是獲得安大略省專業工程師許可的專業工程師。

The Company also acknowledges former Director Mr. John Anderson for his contributions over the last three years and wishes him continued success in his other business endeavors including his role as Chairman of Triple Point Resources Ltd., an affiliated company, as it pursues underground storage opportunities for the Fischell's Salt Dome project, approximately 15 kilometers south of Atlas's Great Atlantic Salt development in western Newfoundland.

公司還感謝前董事約翰·安德森在過去三年中所做的貢獻,並祝願他在其他業務領域繼續取得成功,包括擔任關聯公司Triple Point Resources Ltd.的董事長,該公司爲位於紐芬蘭西部阿特拉斯大西洋鹽業開發區以南約15公里的菲舍爾鹽穹項目尋求地下儲藏機會。

Shareholders also appointed MNP LLP Chartered Accountants as its auditor for 2023 and approved the company's amended stock option plan and a new equity incentive plan (together, the "Plans"), subject to ‎final approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. The aggregate number of common shares that may be reserved for issuance under Plans must not exceed 10% of the Company's issued ‎and outstanding common shares at the date of grant or issuance of any security-based compensation under the Plans. ‎ ‎

股東們還任命了MNP LLP特許會計師事務所爲其2023年的核數師,並批准了公司修訂後的股票期權計劃和新的股權激勵計劃(統稱爲 “計劃”),但須獲得多倫多證券交易所風險交易所‎final 的批准。根據計劃可以預留髮行的普通股總數不得超過根據計劃授予或發行任何基於證券的補償之日公司已發行的‎and 已發行普通股的10%。‎‎

The Equity Incentive Plan allows for the granting of restricted share units, deferred share units and performance share units to attract, retain and motivate qualified directors, employees and consultants of the Company and to reward such of those directors, employees and consultants ‎from time to time for their contributions toward the long term goals and success of the Company.

股權激勵計劃允許授予限制性股票單位、遞延股份單位和績效股份單位,以吸引、留住和激勵公司的合格董事、員工和顧問,並不時地獎勵這些董事、員工和顧問‎from 對公司長期目標和成功的貢獻。

Shareholders also approved the ratification of the grant of certain preferred share units and restricted share units as set out in the 2023 ‎Management Information Circular dated November 3, 2023 and filed under Atlas Salt's ‎profile on SEDAR+ at . ‎

股東們還批准了某些優先股單位和限制性股票單位的授予,該通告載於2023年11月3日發佈的2023‎Management 信息通告,並根據阿特拉斯鹽業在SEDAR+上發佈的‎profile 提交。‎

About Atlas Salt


Bringing the Power of SALT to Investors: Atlas Salt owns 100% of the Great Atlantic salt deposit strategically located in western Newfoundland in the middle of the robust eastern North America road salt de-icing market. Based upon the results of a recent positive feasibility study for mine development, the Company is currently advancing the project towards construction and production.

將 SALT 的力量帶給投資者: Atlas Salt擁有大大西洋鹽礦的100%股份,地理位置優越,位於紐芬蘭西部,位於繁榮的北美東部路鹽除冰市場的中間。根據最近一項積極的礦山開發可行性研究的結果,該公司目前正在推進該項目的建設和生產。

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Cautionary Statement


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider, (as the term is defined in the Policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This press release includes certain "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein, without limitation, statements relating to the future operating or financial performance of the Company, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are frequently, but not always, identified by words such as "expects", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "potential", "possible", and similar expressions, or statements that events, conditions, or results "will", "may", "could", or "should" occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements in this press release relate to, among other things: completion, delivery and timing of project components and requirements, and analysis and assumptions related thereto. Actual future results may differ materially. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Forward-looking statements reflect the beliefs, opinions and projections on the date the statements are made and are based upon a number of assumptions and estimates that, while considered reasonable by the respective parties, are inherently subject to significant business, technical, economic, and competitive uncertainties and contingencies. Many factors, both known and unknown, could cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from the results, performance or achievements that are or may be expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements and the parties have made assumptions and estimates based on or related to many of these factors. Such factors include, without limitation: the timing, completion and delivery of required permits, supply arrangements and financing. Readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements and information contained in this news release concerning these times. Except as required by law, the Company does not assume any obligation to update the forward-looking statements of beliefs, opinions, projections, or other factors, should they change, except as required by law.

多倫多證券交易所風險交易所及其監管服務提供商(該術語在多倫多證券交易所風險交易所政策中定義)均不對本新聞稿的充分性或準確性承擔責任。本新聞稿包括適用的加拿大證券立法所指的某些 “前瞻性信息” 和 “前瞻性陳述”(統稱 “前瞻性陳述”)。除歷史事實陳述外,此處包含但不限於與公司未來運營或財務業績有關的所有陳述均爲前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述通常由諸如 “期望”、“預期”、“相信”、“打算”、“估計”、“潛在”、“可能” 和類似的表達方式來識別,或者關於事件、條件或結果 “將”、“可能” 或 “應該” 發生或實現的陳述來識別。本新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述除其他外涉及:項目組成部分和要求的完成、交付和時間安排,以及與之相關的分析和假設。未來的實際結果可能存在重大差異。無法保證此類陳述會被證明是準確的,實際結果和未來事件可能與此類聲明中的預期存在重大差異。前瞻性陳述反映了陳述發表之日的信念、觀點和預測,並基於許多假設和估計,儘管各方認爲這些假設和估計是合理的,但本質上會受到重大的業務、技術、經濟和競爭不確定性和突發事件的影響。許多已知和未知的因素可能導致實際業績、業績或成就與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或可能表達或暗示的結果、業績或成就存在重大差異,各方已根據其中許多因素做出了假設和估計。這些因素包括但不限於:所需許可證的時間、完成和交付、供應安排和融資。讀者不應過分依賴本新聞稿中包含的有關這些時代的前瞻性陳述和信息。除非法律要求,否則除非法律要求,否則公司不承擔任何義務在信念、觀點、預測或其他因素的前瞻性陳述發生變化時對其進行更新。

