
Minera Alamos Releases Operations Update and Q3 Financials

Minera Alamos Releases Operations Update and Q3 Financials

Minera Alamos 發佈運營更新和第三季度財務報告
newsfile ·  2023/11/30 20:00

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - November 30, 2023) - Minera Alamos Inc. (TSXV: MAI) (the "Company" or "Minera Alamos") is pleased to provide an operations update and select financial highlights from the third quarter of 2023 as well as some highlights of corporate activities during the quarter and the year. For a full overview please refer to the Q3 Financial Statements and MD&A filed on on November 29th, 2023.

安大略省多倫多--(新聞文件公司-2023 年 11 月 30 日)- Minera Alamos Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:MAI)(“公司” 或 “Minera Alamos”) 很高興提供2023年第三季度的最新運營情況和部分財務亮點,以及該季度和年度公司活動的一些亮點。有關完整概述,請參閱11月29日向Sedarplus.ca提交的第三季度財務報表和MD&A第四,2023。



  • Completion of Maiden Resource Statement at the Santana gold project. Total Measured and Indicated Resources of 198,000 oz (grading 0.65 g/t gold) and an additional 103,000 oz of Inferred Resources (grading 0.58 g/t gold) (see news release dated October 3rd, 2023).

  • Mining rates increased in the third quarter as had been forecast in Q2. Due to normal delays following the stacking and initiation of leaching from new mineralization additional recoverable gold from these operations will be achieved in Q4. Further expansion of mining rates will be dependent on the pending permit amendment that will allow for more efficient stacking and sequencing of pad leaching activities.

  • Total gold ounces recovered, since the start of operations through until September 30, 2023 was 14,720 ounces from the Santana Project with a recoverable gold inventory on the leach pad increasing to 6,337 ounces as at September 30, 2023.

  • Sales revenues from 636 ounces of gold sold in the third quarter of 2023 totaled $1,790,245 and revenues from 4,381 ounces of gold sold during the first nine months of 2023 totaled $11,654,580.

  • As of the end of the third quarter, Cash and Cash Equivalents totaled $6,573,453 and the Company had positive working capital position of $19,668,154. This includes cash received from sales completed from the Q3 production where the related revenues have been treated as deferred in the financial statements and will be accounted in the Q4 Financial Statements.

  • On October 27, 2023, the Company announced it had completed definitive documentation with Auramet International Inc. and Auramet Capital Partners LP on a US$25 million loan and royalty funding package which will cover the anticipated construction costs of the planned Cerro de Oro gold mine in Zacatecas, Mexico and included a draw-down of US$5 million under the loan facility.

  • Subsequent to September 30, 2023, the Company received an additional 41,623,000 Mexican pesos ($3,321,900 CAD) in the form of an IVA (sales tax) from the Government of Mexico associated with the Santana project. The Company is anticipating a more regular recovery of outstanding IVA amounts.

  • The Company paid $800,000 USD and issued 500,000 common shares in respect of the Cerro de Oro project acquisition agreement. The Company will complete it's final earn-in on the project with the last payment scheduled for August 4, 2024.

  • 桑塔納黃金項目首份資源聲明的完成。測量和指示資源總量爲198,000盎司(品位爲0.65克/噸黃金),另外還有10.3萬盎司的推斷資源(品位爲0.58克/噸黃金)(參見2023年10月3日發佈的新聞稿)。

  • 正如第二季度所預測的那樣,第三季度的採礦率有所上升。由於堆疊和從新礦化中開始浸出後的正常延遲,第四季度將從這些作業中獲得更多可回收的黃金。採礦費率的進一步提高將取決於待決的許可證修正案,該修正案將允許更有效地對礦牀浸出活動進行堆疊和排序。

  • 從運營開始到2023年9月30日,從桑塔納項目回收的金盎司總量爲14,720盎司,截至2023年9月30日,滲濾板上的可回收黃金庫存增加到6,337盎司。

  • 2023年第三季度售出的636盎司黃金的總銷售收入爲1790,245美元,2023年前九個月售出的4,381盎司黃金的總收入爲11,654,580美元。

  • 截至第三季度末,現金及現金等價物總額爲6,573,453美元,公司的正營運資金狀況爲19,668,154美元。這包括從第三季度生產完成的銷售中獲得的現金,其中相關收入在財務報表中被視爲遞延收入,並將計入第四季度財務報表。

  • 2023年10月27日,該公司宣佈已與Auramet International Inc.和Auramet Capital Partners LP完成了2500萬美元貸款和特許權使用費融資計劃的最終文件,該計劃將涵蓋計劃中的墨西哥薩卡特卡斯州塞羅德奧羅金礦的預期建設成本,包括在貸款安排下提取500萬美元。

  • 2023年9月30日之後,公司以增值稅(3,321,900加元)的形式從墨西哥政府那裏額外獲得了與桑塔納項目相關的41,623,000墨西哥比索(合3,321,900加元)。該公司預計,將更定期地收回未繳的增值稅款項。

  • 該公司支付了80萬美元,並就Cerro de Oro項目收購協議發行了50萬股普通股。該公司將完成該項目的最終收益,最後一筆款項定於2024年8月4日支付。

Operational Updates


Following a scale-up in the resources (equipment/workforce) from the Company's mining contractor, production rates at the Santana project increased in Q3 and averaged over 70,000 tonnes of total material (mineral + waste) moved per month which was in line with plans.


  • Average grade of mineralized material - 0.81 g/t gold

  • Stripping ratio (waste: mineral) - 2.2

  • Crushing operations - 66% of mined mineralization

  • 礦化材料的平均等級-0.81 g/t 黃金

  • 剝離率(廢物:礦物)-2.2

  • 破碎作業-開採礦化的 66%

The Company continues to have constructive communications with SEMARNAT regarding the delayed permit amendment application which will triple the overall leach pad capacity at Santana and provide the necessary capacity for full Nicho Main Zone development. All requested follow-up technical information has been submitted by the Company as part of that dialogue and no additional requests were received in the quarter. Plans continue to advance with the Company's contractor to finalize required construction details related to the leach pad expansion outlined in the permit applications.


Exploration drilling at the Santana project is ongoing at the Benjamin target area and the release of drilling results are pending. Following the completion and analysis of the current round of data from the Benjamin and Zata prospects the Company will be preparing plans for its 2024 exploration activities. Also included for these upcoming plans will be additional drill programs to further delineate the known gold resources at the Cerro de Oro project as well as zones for resource expansion. The Company remained active in the Cerro de Oro area throughout the quarter with mapping and targeting activities covering the large concession package surrounding the currently defined resources.

桑塔納項目的勘探鑽探正在本傑明目標區域進行,鑽探結果尚待公佈。在完成並分析了來自Benjamin和Zata勘探區的本輪數據之後,該公司將爲其2024年的勘探活動制定計劃。這些即將到來的計劃中還將包括額外的鑽探計劃,以進一步劃定Cerro de Oro項目的已知黃金資源以及資源擴張區域。在整個季度中,該公司一直活躍在塞羅德奧羅地區,其測繪和定位活動涵蓋了圍繞當前定義資源的大型特許權計劃。

Work activities related to the Cerro de Oro project will continue to expand through Q4 and into 2024 following the completion of the Auramet financing facility for the project's development. This will include:

在Auramet項目開發融資機制完成後,與Cerro de Oro項目相關的工作活動將繼續擴展到第四季度以及2024年。這將包括:

  • Metallurgical optimization studies to fully evaluate the gold recovery / particle size relationships across the varying zones of mineralization present withing the known resource area. These studies are also planned to include material from the transition/sulphide zones of the deposit below the currently defined oxide resources. Limited test work on samples of transition material showed some potential for this mineralization to also be leachable.

  • Detailed engineering work aimed at preparing work packages for the construction of the project facilities following the receipt of permits. Specifically, this will focus initially on the crushing and gold recovery plant operations so that work can be initiated on the fabrication/securing of longer lead equipment items in advance of permit approvals.

  • Drilling activities within and surrounding the project area aimed not only at resource exploration but also to support hydrogeological and metallurgical test work programs.

  • The Cerro de Oro permitting process remains ongoing.

  • 冶金優化研究,以全面評估已知資源區內存在的不同礦化區域的黃金回收率/粒度關係。這些研究還計劃包括來自當前定義的氧化物資源下方的礦牀過渡/硫化物區的材料。對過渡材料樣本的有限測試表明,這種礦化物也有可能被浸出。

  • 詳細的工程工作旨在在收到許可證後爲項目設施的建設準備一攬子工作計劃。具體而言,這最初將側重於破碎和黃金回收廠的運營,這樣就可以在許可證批准之前啓動較長鉛設備的製造/安全工作。

  • 項目區域內和周邊地區的鑽探活動不僅旨在進行資源勘探,還旨在支持水文地質和冶金測試工作計劃。

  • 塞羅德奧羅的許可程序仍在進行中。

Selected Financial Data


The following selected financial data is summarized from the Company's Financial Statements and related notes thereto (the "Financial Statements') for the quarter ended September 30th, 2023, and the Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") for the quarter ended September 30th, 2023 (all numbers in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated). A copy of the Financial Statements and MD&A is available on SEDARplus at .


  • Revenues (not factoring deferred revenue) totalled $1,790,245 with cost of goods sold and depletion amounting to $2,063,559 for gross loss from mining operations of $273,313. This loss largely reflects lower sales from the reduced production in the first nine months of the year.

  • Net loss of $4,973,485 for the quarter of $0.011/share compared to net income of $3,039,574 in the corresponding period of 2022.

  • Working capital as of September 30th, 2023 stood at $19,668,154 down slightly from $20,617,557 as of June 30, 2023.

  • Cash and Cash Equivalents of $6,573,453 compared to $13,153,828 as at December 31, 2022. This includes cash received from sales completed from the Q3 production where the related revenues have been treated as deferred in the financial statements and will be accounted in the Q4 Financial Statements.

  • The Company's net cash flows (used in) after the inclusion of changes to non-cash operating accounts were ($8,282,686) for the nine month period ended September 30, 2023. This reduction is primarily a result of a non-cash operating adjustment of ($4,100,000) -- approximately 1,780 ounces - related to work in process inventory as recorded at September 30, 2023 as compared to December 31, 2022. Other changes are a result of a reduction in normal operating payables of ($1,134,000), property holding costs of ($1,445,000), a Cerro de Oro option payment of ($1,000,000) and an expansion of the Company's exploration and evaluation spending on exploration drilling programs of ($600,000).

  • Subsequent to quarter end, the Company received an additional 41,623,000 Mexican pesos ($3,321,900 CAD) in the form of an IVA (sales tax) from the Government of Mexico associated with the Santana project.

  • On October 27, 2023, the Company announced it had completed definitive documentation with Auramet International Inc. and Auramet Capital Partners LP on a US$25 million loan and royalty funding package which will cover the anticipated construction costs of the planned Cerro de Oro gold mine in Zacatecas, Mexico. Subsequent to October 27, 2023, the Company completed a draw-down of US$5 million under the loan facility. The US$5 million drawdown will be used for exploration purposes, property holding costs, detailed engineering for construction and deposits on long lead time items.

  • 收入(不包括保理遞延收入)總額爲1,790,245美元,其中銷售成本和損耗爲2,063,559美元,採礦業務的總損失爲273,313美元。這種虧損在很大程度上反映了今年前九個月產量減少導致的銷售額下降。

  • 本季度淨虧損爲4,973,485美元,爲每股0.011美元,而2022年同期的淨收益爲3,039,574美元。

  • 截至9月30日的營運資金第四,2023年爲19,668,154美元,略低於截至2023年6月30日的20,617,557美元。

  • 現金及現金等價物爲6,573,453美元,而截至2022年12月31日爲13,153,828美元。這包括從第三季度生產完成的銷售中獲得的現金,其中相關收入在財務報表中被視爲遞延收入,並將計入第四季度財務報表。

  • 截至2023年9月30日的九個月期間,公司計入非現金運營賬戶變動後的淨現金流(用於)爲(8,282,686美元)。減少的主要原因是與2022年12月31日相比,截至2023年9月30日記錄的在製品庫存中進行了非現金運營調整(410萬美元)(約1780盎司)。其他變化是正常運營應付賬款減少了(113.4萬美元),財產持有成本減少了(144.5萬美元),Cerro de Oro期權付款減少了(100萬美元),以及公司在勘探鑽探項目上的勘探和評估支出擴大了(60萬美元)。

  • 季度末之後,公司以與桑塔納項目相關的增值稅(銷售稅)的形式額外從墨西哥政府那裏獲得了41,623,000墨西哥比索(合3,321,900加元)。

  • 2023年10月27日,該公司宣佈已與Auramet International Inc.和Auramet Capital Partners LP完成了2500萬美元貸款和特許權使用費融資計劃的最終文件,該計劃將涵蓋計劃中的墨西哥薩卡特卡斯州塞羅德奧羅金礦的預期建設成本。2023年10月27日之後,公司在貸款安排下完成了500萬美元的提款。500萬美元的提款將用於勘探目的、財產持有成本、詳細的建築工程和長期交貨期項目的礦藏。

Cautionary Statement


The Company made its production decision at the Santana gold mine without having completed a feasibility study demonstrating economic and technical viability. As such, there may be increased uncertainty of achieving planned production levels, estimated recovery of gold, the costs associated with such recovery, including increased risks associated with developing a commercially mineable deposit. Historically, such projects have a much higher risk of economic and technical failure.


Mr. Darren Koningen, P. Eng., Minera Alamos' CEO, is the Qualified Person responsible for the technical content of this press release under National Instrument 43-101.

Minera Alamos首席執行官工程師達倫·科寧根先生是負責根據國家儀器43-101發佈的本新聞稿技術內容的合格人士。

For Further Information Please Contact:


Minera Alamos Inc.
Doug Ramshaw, President
Tel: 604-600-4423

Minera Alamos Inc.

Victoria Vargas de Szarzynski, VP Investor Relations
Tel: 289-242-3599

Victoria Vargas de Sarzynski,投資者關係副總裁

About Minera Alamos Inc.

關於 Minera Alamos Inc.

Minera Alamos is a gold production and development Company undergoing the operational start-up of its first gold mine that produced its first gold in October 2021. The Company has a portfolio of high-quality Mexican assets, including the 100%-owned Santana open-pit, heap-leach mine in Sonora that is currently going through its operational ramp up. The 100%-owned Cerro de Oro oxide gold project in northern Zacatecas has considerable past drilling and metallurgical work completed and the proposed mining project is currently undergoing permitting. The La Fortuna open pit gold project in Durango (100%-owned) has a positive, robust preliminary economic assessment (PEA) completed, and the main Federal permits are in place. Minera Alamos is built around its operating team that together brought three open pit heap leach gold mines into successful production in Mexico over the last 13 years.

Minera Alamos是一家黃金生產和開發公司,其第一座金礦正在投入運營,該金礦於2021年10月生產了第一批黃金。該公司擁有一批高質量的墨西哥資產,包括位於索諾拉州的桑塔納露天堆濾礦,該礦目前正在擴大運營。位於薩卡特卡斯州北部的100%擁有的Cerro de Oro氧化金項目已經完成了大量的鑽探和冶金工作,擬議的採礦項目目前正在獲得許可。位於杜蘭戈的La Fortuna露天金礦項目(100%持有)已完成積極而穩健的初步經濟評估(PEA),主要的聯邦許可證已經到位。Minera Alamos是圍繞其運營團隊建立的,在過去的13年中,該團隊共同使墨西哥的三個露天堆浸金礦成功投入生產。

The Company's strategy is to develop very low capex assets while expanding the projects' resources and continuing to pursue complementary strategic acquisitions.


Caution Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This news release may contain forward-looking information and Minera Alamos cautions readers that forward-looking information is based on certain assumptions and risk factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the expectations of Minera Alamos included in this news release. This news release includes certain "forward-looking statements", which often, but not always, can be identified by the use of words such as "believes", "anticipates", "expects", "estimates", "may", "could", "would", "will", or "plan". These statements are based on information currently available to Minera Alamos and Minera Alamos provides no assurance that actual results will meet management's expectations. Forward-looking statements include timing, cost estimates and statements with respect to Minera Alamos' future plans, objectives and goals with respect to the Cerro de Oro gold mine including the receipt of permits and construction timeline, and the satisfaction by the Company of the closing conditions to draw the Remaining Amount. Since forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and address future events and conditions that, by their very nature involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results relating to, among other things, results of exploration, the economics of processing methods, project development, reclamation and capital costs of Minera Alamos' mineral properties, the ability to complete a preliminary economic assessment which supports the technical and economic viability of mineral production could differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements for many reasons. Minera Alamos' financial condition and prospects could differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements for many reasons such as: an inability to finance and/or complete an updated resource and reserve estimate and a preliminary economic assessment which supports the technical and economic viability of mineral production; changes in general economic conditions and conditions in the financial markets; changes in demand and prices for minerals; litigation, legislative, environmental and other judicial, regulatory, political and competitive developments; technological and operational difficulties encountered in connection with Minera Alamos' activities; and other matters discussed in this news release and in filings made with securities regulators. This list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect any of Minera Alamos' forward-looking statements. These and other factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on Minera Alamos' forward-looking statements. Minera Alamos does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement that may be made from time to time by Minera Alamos or on its behalf, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

本新聞稿可能包含前瞻性信息,Minera Alamos提醒讀者,前瞻性信息基於某些假設和風險因素,這些假設和風險因素可能導致實際業績與本新聞稿中包含的Minera Alamos的預期存在重大差異。本新聞稿包括某些 “前瞻性陳述”,這些陳述通常可以通過使用 “相信”、“預期”、“預期”、“估計”、“可能”、“可能”、“會”、“將” 或 “計劃” 等詞語來識別。這些聲明基於Minera Alamos目前獲得的信息,而Minera Alamos並不能保證實際業績將達到管理層的預期。前瞻性陳述包括時間、成本估算和有關Minera Alamos對塞羅德奧羅金礦的未來計劃、目標和目標的陳述,包括許可證的獲得和施工時間表,以及公司對提取剩餘金額的截止條件的滿意程度。由於前瞻性陳述基於假設,涉及未來的事件和條件,這些事件和條件本質上涉及固有的風險和不確定性。與勘探結果、加工方法的經濟學、項目開發、開墾和Minera Alamos礦產的資本成本、完成支持礦產生產技術和經濟可行性的初步經濟評估的能力等有關的實際結果可能與此類聲明中目前的預期存在重大差異,原因有很多。Minera Alamos的財務狀況和前景可能與此類聲明中目前的預期存在重大差異,原因有很多,例如:無法融資和/或完成最新的資源和儲量估算以及支持礦產生產技術和經濟可行性的初步經濟評估;金融市場總體經濟狀況和條件的變化;礦產需求和價格的變化;訴訟、立法、環境和其他司法、監管、政治和競爭力發展;與Minera Alamos活動有關的技術和運營困難;以及本新聞稿和向證券監管機構提交的文件中討論的其他事項。此列表並未詳盡列出可能影響Minera Alamos任何前瞻性陳述的因素。應仔細考慮這些因素和其他因素,讀者不應過分依賴Minera Alamos的前瞻性陳述。除非符合適用的證券法,否則Minera Alamos不承諾更新Minera Alamos或其代表可能不時發表的任何前瞻性陳述。

The Company does not have a feasibility study of mineral reserves, demonstrating economic and technical viability for the Santana project, and, as a result, there may be an increased uncertainty of achieving any particular level of recovery of minerals or the cost of such recovery, including increased risks associated with developing a commercially mineable deposit. Historically, such projects have a much higher risk of economic and technical failure.




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