
GFI Announces Second Quarter 2024 Results

GFI Announces Second Quarter 2024 Results

Accesswire ·  2023/11/29 05:01

Company reports record quarter of sales from its pea-splitting facility



2024 年第二季度的亮點

  • Record quarter of split pea sales of $2.4 million.
  • Revenue in the quarter of $17.6 million, with a greater focus on higher margin business lines, which represented 43.7% of total revenue in Q2 2024 compared to 31.4% in Q2 2023.
  • Loss for the period improved by 11.8% over the prior comparable period to $2.0 million.
  • Received a $3.0 million advance as a deposit against the pending investment in the Company's pet food division.
  • 創紀錄的季度分期銷售額達到240萬美元。
  • 本季度收入爲1,760萬美元,更多地關注利潤率更高的業務領域,佔2024年第二季度總收入的43.7%,而2023年第二季度的這一比例爲31.4%。
  • 該期間的虧損比上一個同期增長了11.8%,達到200萬美元。
  • 收到了300萬美元的預付款,作爲對公司寵物食品部門的未決投資的存款。

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / November 28, 2023 / Global Food and Ingredients Ltd. (TSXV:PEAS)(OTCQX:PEASF) ("GFI" or the "Company"), today reported second quarter financial results for the three and six months ended September 30, 2023.

安大略省多倫多/ACCESSWIRE/2023年11月28日/環球食品和配料有限公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:PEAS)(OTCQX: PEASF)(“GFI” 或 “公司”)今天公佈了截至2023年9月30日的三個月和六個月的第二季度財務業績。

"The second quarter saw a return to normal seasonality after the impacts of delayed shipments in the prior year caused by supply chain issues at that time. GFI continued its efforts in prioritizing higher margin generating business lines, specifically split peas, which generated a record quarter," commented David Hanna, GFI's CEO. "Overall we are confident that our focus on our core ingredients business, particularly our value-added ingredients, and our rightsizing of non-revenue generating overhead expenses will drive the Company forward. We have a strong competitive position with our state-of-the art pea splitting facility in regular operation entering the current crop year, which began in late August. Our management team continues to focus on unlocking shareholder value and liquidity to support continued business growth and realize on timely market opportunities as they arise."

“在受到去年供應鏈問題導致的延遲發貨的影響之後,第二季度的季節性恢復正常。GFI繼續努力優先考慮提高利潤率的業務線,特別是分割豌豆,創下了創紀錄的季度業績。” GFI首席執行官戴維·漢納評論道。“總體而言,我們相信,我們對核心原料業務,尤其是增值原料業務的關注,以及合理調整無收入管理開支的規模,將推動公司向前發展。我們擁有強大的競爭地位,我們最先進的豌豆分割設施已進入從8月下旬開始的本作物年份的常規運營。我們的管理團隊繼續專注於釋放股東價值和流動性,以支持業務的持續增長,並在出現時及時抓住市場機會。”

Second Quarter Results


Highlights - Three Months ended September 30, 2023

亮點-截至 2023 年 9 月 30 日的三個月

  • The Company recorded revenue of $17.6 million in the three months ended September 30, 2023, down 26.4% from the prior year quarter as normal seasonality returned following last year's supply chain disruptions.
  • The period included a record quarter of revenue from the Company's split pea operation, amounting to $2.4 million in the three months ended September 30, 2023.
  • Sales backed by the Company's shift to higher margin product lines, specifically plant-based pet food ingredients, split peas and downstream retail packaged products, represented 43.7% of total revenue during the three months ended September 30, 2023, an increase of 12.3% over the prior year comparable period.
  • Loss for the period from continuing operations was $2.0 million, an improvement of $0.3 million or 11.8% primarily due to a reduction in the Company's overhead expenses during the period.
  • 由於去年供應鏈中斷後恢復了正常的季節性,該公司在截至2023年9月30日的三個月中實現了1,760萬美元的收入,比上一季度下降了26.4%。
  • 該期間包括公司分拆峯值業務創紀錄的季度收入,在截至2023年9月30日的三個月中達到240萬美元。
  • 在截至2023年9月30日的三個月中,公司轉向利潤率更高的產品線,特別是植物基寵物食品原料、豌豆和下游零售包裝產品的支持下,銷售額佔總收入的43.7%,比去年同期增長12.3%。
  • 該期間持續經營的虧損爲200萬美元,增加了30萬美元,增長了11.8%,這主要是由於該期間公司的管理費用減少所致。

Highlights - Six Months ended September 30, 2023

亮點-截至 2023 年 9 月 30 日的六個月

  • The Company recorded revenue of $39.3 million in the six months ended September 30, 2023, a decline of 27% over the prior year period.
  • Sales backed by the Company's shift to higher margin product lines, specifically plant-based pet food ingredients, split peas and downstream retail packaged products, represented 40.5% of total revenue during the six months ended September 30, 2023, an increase of 11.6% over the prior year period.
  • Loss for the period was $4.1 million, an improvement of 34.6% over the prior comparable period, predominantly due to improved Company overhead and a significant reduction in one-time expenses not incurred in the current period.
  • 在截至2023年9月30日的六個月中,該公司的收入爲3,930萬美元,比上年同期下降27%。
  • 在截至2023年9月30日的六個月中,公司轉向利潤率更高的產品線,特別是植物基寵物食品原料、豌豆和下游零售包裝產品的支持下,銷售額佔總收入的40.5%,比上年同期增長11.6%。
  • 該期間的虧損爲410萬美元,比上一個同期增長了34.6%,這主要是由於公司管理費用增加以及本期未發生的一次性支出大幅減少。

Other Highlights & Business Updates


  • The Company continues to work towards closing of the previously announced minority investment into its pet food division by 35 Oak Holdings Ltd. ("35 Oak"). During Q2 2024, the Company received a $3.0 million advance towards the pending transaction . The transaction is expected to unlock significant value, generating substantial capital to strengthen the Company's balance sheet. The Company has received conditional approval from its lenders, subject to certain conditions being met, and is working diligently on finalizing the definitive agreements to complete the transaction. The transaction, which is subject to TSXV approval, is anticipated to close in the coming months.
  • As previously announced, the Company received a commitment from 35 Oak to purchase $500,000 of equity in a private placement of units. It is now anticipated that this investment will be in the form of a subordinated loan to the Company. The Company will no longer pursue a non-brokered private placement at this time.
  • 該公司繼續努力完成先前宣佈的35 Oak Holdings Ltd.(“35 Oak”)對其寵物食品部門的少數股權投資。在2024年第二季度,該公司收到了300萬美元的待處理交易預付款。預計該交易將釋放可觀的價值,產生大量資本以加強公司的資產負債表。該公司已獲得貸款人的有條件批准,但須滿足某些條件,並且正在努力敲定最終協議以完成交易。該交易有待多倫多證券交易所的批准,預計將在未來幾個月內完成。
  • 正如先前宣佈的那樣,該公司收到了35 Oak的承諾,將以私募方式購買50萬美元的股權。現在預計這項投資將以向公司提供次級貸款的形式進行。該公司目前將不再尋求非經紀人的私募配售。

The unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the three and six months ended September 30, 2023 ("Financial Statements") and related Management's Discussion & Analysis ("MD&A") for the three and six months ended September 30, 2023, are available under the Company's profile at .


About GFI

關於 GFI

GFI is a Canadian plant-based food and ingredients company, connecting the local farm to the global supply chain for peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas and other high protein specialty crops. GFI's vision is to become a vertically integrated farm-to-fork plant-based company providing traceable, locally sourced, healthy and sustainable food and ingredients. GFI is organized into four primary business lines: Core Ingredients, Value-Added Ingredients, Plant-Based Pet Food Ingredients and Downstream Products. Headquartered in Toronto, GFI buys directly from its extensive network of farmers, processes its products locally at its four wholly-owned processing facilities in Western Canada and ships to 37 countries across the world.

GFI 是一家加拿大植物性食品和配料公司,將當地農場與豌豆、豆類、扁豆、鷹嘴豆和其他高蛋白特種作物的全球供應鏈連接起來。GFI的願景是成爲一家從農場到餐桌的垂直整合的植物性公司,提供可追溯的、本地採購的、健康和可持續的食品和食材。GFI 分爲四個主要業務線:核心原料、增值原料、植物基寵物食品原料和下游產品。GFI總部位於多倫多,直接從其廣泛的農民網絡中購買產品,在其位於加拿大西部的四個全資加工設施在當地加工產品,並運送到全球37個國家。

Contact Information


For further information, please contact:


Bill Murray, CFO
Phone: 416-840-6801




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Cautionary Statements


Forward-Looking Statements


This press release may contain certain forward-looking information and statements ("forward-looking information") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation, that are not based on historical fact, including without limitation statements containing the words "believes", "anticipates", "plans", "intends", "will", "should", "expects", "continue", "estimate", "forecasts" and other similar expressions. Forward looking statements in this press release include without limitation statements relating to the minority investment into the Company's pet food division by 35 Oak and the terms and conditions thereof. Readers are cautioned to not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Actual results and developments may differ materially from those contemplated by these statements. GFI undertakes no obligation to comment analyses, expectations or statements made by third-parties in respect of GFI, its securities, or financial or operating results (as applicable). Although GFI believes that the expectations reflected in forward-looking information in this press release are reasonable, such forward-looking information has been based on expectations, factors and assumptions concerning future events which may prove to be inaccurate and are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, certain of which are beyond GFI's control, including the risk factors discussed in GFI's annual information form for the year ended March 31, 2022, which are incorporated herein by reference and are available through SEDAR at . The forward-looking information contained in this press release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement and are made as of the date hereof. GFI disclaims any intention and has no obligation or responsibility, except as required by law, to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

本新聞稿可能包含適用的加拿大證券立法所指的某些不基於歷史事實的前瞻性信息和陳述(“前瞻性信息”),包括但不限於包含 “相信”、“預期”、“計劃”、“打算”、“將”、“應該”、“期望”、“繼續”、“估計”、“預測” 和其他類似表達方式的陳述。本新聞稿中的前瞻性聲明包括但不限於與35 Oak對公司寵物食品部門的少數股權投資及其條款和條件有關的聲明。提醒讀者不要過分依賴前瞻性信息。實際結果和發展可能與這些聲明所設想的結果和發展存在重大差異。GFI沒有義務評論第三方就GFI、其證券或財務或經營業績(如適用)所做的分析、預期或陳述。儘管GFI認爲本新聞稿中前瞻性信息中反映的預期是合理的,但此類前瞻性信息基於有關未來事件的預期、因素和假設,這些預期、因素和假設可能不準確,並且存在許多風險和不確定性,其中某些風險和不確定性超出了GFI的控制範圍,包括截至2022年3月31日止年度的GFI年度信息表中討論的風險因素,這些因素以引用方式納入此處,可通過SEDAR獲得 。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性信息受本警示聲明的明確限制,並自本聲明發布之日起發佈。除非法律要求,否則GFI不打算更新或修改任何前瞻性信息,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因,也沒有義務或責任。

SOURCE: Global Food and Ingredients


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