
Decade Announces Exploration Update

Decade Announces Exploration Update

Decade 宣佈探索更新
newsfile ·  2023/11/28 21:00

Stewart, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 28, 2023) - Decade Resources Ltd (TSXV: DEC) ("Decade") reports that it has received the final assays for the Red Cliff property located in the "Golden Triangle" area. Decade owns a 65 % interest in the project and is the project manager. Exploration to date indicates that the Red Cliff property hosts a large mineralized system that has been traced for several kilometres. Drilling was aimed at checking for north extensions of the Montrose gold-copper-zinc zone. Over 1 kilometre of strike length that is overburden obscured has not been tested between the Montrose and Red Cliff zones on the property. In addition zones remain open to depths beyond 600 m. Highlights include:

不列顛哥倫比亞省斯圖爾特--(Newsfile Corp.,2023年11月28日)-Decade Resources Ltd(多倫多證券交易所:DEC)(“Decade”)報告稱,它已收到位於 “金三角” 地區的紅崖物業的最終化驗。Decade擁有該項目65%的權益,並且是項目經理。迄今爲止的勘探表明,Red Cliff礦產擁有一個大型礦化系統,該系統已被追蹤了數公里。鑽探的目的是檢查蒙特羅斯金銅鋅區的向北延伸。該物業的蒙特羅斯區和紅崖區域之間有超過1千米的走向長度尚未經過測試。此外,區域在 600 米以上的深度仍然開放。亮點包括:

  • The program successfully extended the Montrose to the north.
  • Drilling indicates elevated zinc values associated with the gold-copper to the north.
  • The gold bearing zone is over 40 m wide hosting parallel gold-copper bearing zones.
  • Over 1 kilometre of structure south of the 2023 drilling remains untested.
  • 該計劃成功地將蒙特羅斯號延伸到北部。
  • 鑽探表明,與北部金銅相關的鋅值升高。
  • 含金區寬度超過 40 m,擁有平行的金銅含量區域。
  • 2023 年鑽探以南超過 1 千米的結構仍未經過測試。

To date, gold bearing mineralization has been identified over 2 km of strike length including the Red Cliff zone to the south and the Montrose zone to the north. The Montrose, Lower Montrose and Waterpump zones are considered to be one zone that has been displaced by faulting. Also, within the Montrose zone, faulting appears to have resulted in repeat sections of mineralization. As well, there appears to be a wide mineralized splay that strikes SW from the main Montrose zone, resulting in wide target areas that are gold bearing over 50 m of width. From the Waterpump zone to the north end of the identified Montrose zone, mineralization extends to over 600 m of strike length and at least 600 m of depth and is open along strike and depth. It extends from the ridge top hosting the Montrose zone at 725 m elevation to 125m elevation as shown by DDDH-12-11. Width of the gold bearing zone varies from 5 to 40 m with an average of 22 m.

迄今爲止,已發現走向長度超過2公里的含金礦化,包括南部的紅崖帶和北部的蒙特羅斯地帶。蒙特羅斯、下蒙特羅斯和水泵區域被認爲是一個因斷層而被取代的區域。此外,在蒙特羅斯區域內,斷層似乎導致了重複的礦化部分。此外,似乎有一片寬闊的礦化地帶從蒙特羅斯主區向西南方向衝擊,從而形成寬度超過50 m的寬度較寬的金目標區域。從水泵區到已確定的蒙特羅斯帶的北端,礦化區延伸到走向長度超過 600 m,深度至少爲 600 m,沿走向和深度開放。如 DDDH-12-11 所示,它從海拔 725 米的蒙特羅斯區域所在的山脊頂部延伸到海拔 125 米。含金區的寬度從 5 到 40 m 不等,平均爲 22 m。

The geological and surface sampling work carried out in historic exploration indicates that the mineralization within the Montrose area is complex and may consist of several zones within a wide interval of altered rocks. It is associated with a zone of latite intrusives that have highly altered the adjoining country rock so that contacts are obscure. Fine grained pyrite is present throughout the mineralized zones in amounts from 1-10 %. Later veining within the intrusive and contact areas consists of zones of sphalerite-galena-minor chalcopyrite veinlets. Fine visible gold is commonly noted in these veinlets. A later stage of chalcopyrite-pyrite-quartz veins are present along the west side of the mineralized zone. Coarse visible gold is commonly present in the later mineralization. The Montrose zone is an north-south trending zone that has cross-cutting veins from to 2 m to 5 wide that trend east-west for at least 25 metres into the wall zones. Within the Lower Montrose portion of the Montrose, massive sulphide veins up to 2.5 m wide had reported assays up to 270 g/t gold while 25 m east, sampling had shown assays up to 49 g/t gold over 0.5 m. This is historic sampling which has not been verified by the Company. It is used for reference purposes.

在歷史勘探中進行的地質和地表取樣工作表明,蒙特羅斯地區的礦化非常複雜,可能由變化的岩石間隔很寬的幾個區域組成。它與緯度侵入區域有關,這些侵入區極大地改變了毗鄰的鄉村岩石,因此聯繫方式變得模糊不清。細顆粒黃鐵礦存在於整個礦化區,含量在1-10%之間。侵入區域和接觸區域內的後期靜脈由閃鋅礦-方鉛礦小脈絡區域組成。在這些礦脈中通常可以看到精美的可見黃金。礦化帶西側存在黃銅礦-黃鐵礦石英礦脈的後期階段。粗糙的可見金通常存在於後期的礦化中。蒙特羅斯區域是一個南北走向的區域,其橫斷脈寬度從2米到5米不等,向東西延伸至牆區至少25米。在蒙特羅斯河的下蒙特羅斯部分,寬度不超過2.5米的塊狀硫化物礦脈報告了高達270 g/t的金檢測,而在向東25米處,抽樣顯示,在0.5米以上的金含量高達49 g/t。 這是歷史抽樣,未經公司驗證。它僅供參考。

Drilling in 2023 was aimed at defining zones of near surface high grade gold-copper for a potential 10,000 tonne bulk test in the Upper Montrose area. Drilling results for the area tested are shown below:

2023 年的鑽探旨在確定近地表高品位金銅的區域,以便在上蒙特羅斯地區進行可能的 10,000 噸散裝試驗。測試區域的鑽探結果如下所示:

DDH No. From (m) To (m) Width (m) Gold g/t Copper % Zinc %
23-Mon-12 38.4 40 1.6 3.91 0.59 0.18
and 41.95 42.95 1.5 1.205 0.069 0.244
23-Mon-13 28.71 40 1.29 2.16 0.018 1.38
And 44.81 50.9 6.09 2.03 0.021 0.614
and 55 56.99 1.99 1.14 0.069 0.07
23-Mon-14 47.85 50.9 4.55 1.82 0.058 0.24
and 56.99 57.5 0.51 3.08 0.18 0.636
and 63.09 66.06 2.97 2.77 0.2 0.244
23-Mon-15 60.04 61.5 1.46 1.54 0.16 0.10
and 66.14 67.64 1.5 1.795 0.04 0.146
and 70.49 71.47 0.98 9.3 0.02 0.286
and 77.38 78.33 0.95 1.09 0.116 0.824
and 80.33 84 3.67 3.94 0.53 0.22
and 90.52 92.02 1.5 4.28 0.18 0.59
23-Mon-16 42 48 6 2.9 0.10 0.61
23-Mon-17 51 57 6 3.08 0.115 0.61
23-Mon-23 53.95 56.99 3.04 1.475 0.01 0.05
DDH No. 從 (m) 到 (m) 寬度 (m) 金色 g/t 銅% 鋅%
12 日 23 日星期一 38.4 40 1.6 3.91 0.59 0.18
41.95 42.95 1.5 1.205 0.069 0.244
13 日星期一 28.71 40 1.29 2.16 0.018 1.38
而且 44.81 50.9 6.09 2.03 0.021 0.614
55 56.99 1.99 1.14 0.069 0.07
14 日 23 日星期一 47.85 50.9 4.55 1.82 0.058 0.24
56.99 57.5 0.51 3.08 0.18 0.636
63.09 66.06 2.97 2.77 0.2 0.244
15 日 23 日星期一 60.04 61.5 1.46 1.54 0.16 0.10
66.14 67.64 1.5 1.795 0.04 0.146
70.49 71.47 0.98 9.3 0.02 0.286
77.38 78.33 0.95 1.09 0.116 0.824
80.33 84 3.67 3.94 0.53 0.22
90.52 92.02 1.5 4.28 0.18 0.59
16 日星期一 23 42 48 6 2.9 0.10 0.61
17 日星期一 23 51 57 6 3.08 0.115 0.61
23 日星期一 23 53.95 56.99 3.04 1.475 0.01 0.05

At the south end of the large mineralized system on the Red Cliff portion, previous drill results are summarized that need follow up are shown:

在Red Cliff部分大型礦化系統的南端,總結了先前的鑽探結果,需要採取後續行動:

DDH No. From To Width Gold g/t
RC-2010-1 76.98 81.40 4.42 21.94
RC-2010-2 66.92 74.24 7.32 13.10
DDH No. 來自 寬度 金色 g/t
RC-2010-1 76.98 81.40 4.42 21.94
RC-2010-2 66.92 74.24 7.32 13.10

Nobody Knows Update:


  • 4000m of drilling has been completed in 33 drill holes.
  • The discovery drill holes show similarities to many of the world's major sediment-hosted copper systems with the association of silver with copper.
  • Rocks hosting the copper mineralization present have been sheared with abundant ground up copper mineralization (bornite) in the fault gouge.
  • All core has been logged and sawn with all sampled intervals sent to the lab for analysis.
  • Surface sampling is being compiled to aid in the 2024 drill program.
  • 已經在 33 個鑽孔中完成了 4000 米的鑽探。
  • 這些發現的鑽孔顯示出與世界上許多主要沉積物承載的銅系統的相似之處,銀與銅有關。
  • 含有銅礦化的岩石已經被剪切,斷層槽中含有大量的磨碎銅礦化(bornite)。
  • 所有內核都已被記錄和切割,所有采樣間隔都已發送到實驗室進行分析。
  • 正在彙編地表採樣,以幫助2024年的鑽探計劃。

All samples have been submitted to the ALS prep Labs in Terrace BC with analysis to be completed in Vancouver BC.


The Company has received numerous queries on timing for assays. Analytical procedure involves ICP analysis for 41 elements. Any analysis that has over 10,000 ppm (1 %) copper is then subjected to ore grade-ME-OG46 analysis. Over 5 %, the lab performs Cu-OG46 ore grade analysis using aqua regia. The Company is aware of analysis being performed for high copper values. At present the Company has only received partial results for the first 2 holes and none of surface samples or additional holes.

該公司收到了許多關於化驗時間的詢問。分析程序涉及對41種元素的ICP分析。然後,任何含銅量超過 10,000 ppm (1%) 的分析都要進行礦石 Grade-Me-OG46 分析。超過 5%,實驗室使用王水進行 Cu-Og46 礦石品位分析。該公司知道正在對高銅值進行分析。目前,該公司僅收到前兩個孔的部分結果,沒有收到任何表面樣本或其他孔的結果。

Ed. Kruchkowski, P. Geo., a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101, is in charge of the exploration programs on behalf of the Company and is responsible for the contents of this release. E. Kruchkowski is not independent of Decade as he is the president of the Company.

埃德。Kruchkowski,P. Geo. 是美國國家儀器公司43-101的合格人員,他代表公司負責勘探計劃,並對本新聞稿的內容負責。E. Kruchkowski並非獨立於Decade,因爲他是公司的總裁。

Decade Resources Ltd. is a Canadian based mineral exploration company actively seeking opportunities in the resource sector. Decade holds numerous properties at various stages of development and exploration from basic grass roots to advanced ones. Its properties and projects are all located in the "Golden Triangle" area of northern British Columbia. For a complete listing of the Company assets and developments, visit the Company website at which is presently being up dated. For investor information please call 250-636-2264 or Gary Assaly at 604-377-7969.

Decade Resources Ltd.是一家總部位於加拿大的礦產勘探公司,積極在資源領域尋找機會。Decade擁有許多處於不同開發和勘探階段的房產,從基本的基層到先進的基層。其物業和項目均位於不列顛哥倫比亞省北部的 “金三角” 地區。如需查看公司資產和開發項目的完整清單,請訪問目前正在更新的公司網站。如需投資者信息,請致電250-636-2264或致電604-377-7969加里·阿薩利。



"Ed Kruchkowski"
Ed Kruchkowski, President

“Ed Kruchkowski”

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