
Historic Step For Germany: Lawmakers Agree On Revised Marijuana Bill, Vote Expected Next Week

Historic Step For Germany: Lawmakers Agree On Revised Marijuana Bill, Vote Expected Next Week

Benzinga ·  2023/11/28 02:02

German lawmakers have revised the country's marijuana legalization bill, addressing concerns from cannabis reform advocates. The revised bill, resulting from intense negotiations aims for legalization to take effect in the spring, reported Marijuana Moment.

德國議員修改了該國的大麻合法化法案,解決了大麻改革倡導者的擔憂。據報道,經過激烈談判的修訂後的法案旨在使合法化於春季生效 大麻時刻。

Key amendments include relaxed penalties for possessing slightly over the allowable cannabis amount, changing it from a criminal offense to an administrative violation for 25 to 30 grams. Home cultivation limits are also increased from 25 to 50 grams, with similar administrative violation terms for 50 to 60 grams.


The bill, first introduced in April, was conceived as a "scaled-back" version of the original project, following talks with the E.U., which suggested a more gradual approach.

該法案於4月首次提出,在與歐盟會談後,被視爲原始項目的 “縮小” 版本,後者建議採取更漸進的方法。

Public Consumption


Rules regarding public consumption have also been updated and now prohibit cannabis use within 100 meters of a school, reduced from the previous 200-meter limit, according to the Legal Tribune Online. Implementation of the reform will be staggered, with adult possession and home cultivation starting in April. Social clubs would be allowed to begin functioning in July, noted the outlet.

有關公共消費的規定也已更新,現在禁止在學校100米範圍內使用大麻,該限制低於之前的200米限制 在線法律論壇。 改革的實施將錯開進行,成年人擁有房屋和種植家庭將從4月開始。該媒體指出,社交俱樂部將被允許在7月開始運作。

Strict Penalties For Selling To Minors


The bill also introduces stricter penalties for underage sales and has plans for a second measure to establish commercial sales pilot programs in various cities. This legislation will be presented after review by the European Commission.


Green Party lawmaker Kirsten Kappert-Gonther highlighted the bill's improvements, emphasizing regulations to protect youth and health while decriminalizing adult consumption.


Once the Bundestag passes the bill, attention will shift to the Bundesrat, representing German states. The Bundesrat previously attempted to block the reform but failed.


Health Minister Karl Lauterbach, who is spearheading the proposal, emphasized the need for public education on the risks associated with cannabis consumption. The Federal Cabinet approved the initial legalization framework last year, seeking E.U. approval to comply with international obligations. The proposal is a culmination of extensive review and negotiations within the German administration and coalition government, including international discussions on marijuana policy.


Read more at Marijuana Moment


Photo: Benzinga edit with images by Kevin Woblick and Matthew Brodeur via Unsplash

照片:Benzinga 通過 Unsplash 編輯 Kevin Woblick 和 Matthew Brodeur 的照片

