
Royalty Management and ASP Isotopes Interviews to Air on the RedChip Small Stocks Big Money(R) Show on Bloomberg TV

Royalty Management and ASP Isotopes Interviews to Air on the RedChip Small Stocks Big Money(R) Show on Bloomberg TV

彭博電視臺的RedChip Small Stocks Big Money(R)節目中將播出特許權使用費管理和ASP同位素訪談
Accesswire ·  2023/11/24 22:00

ORLANDO, FL / ACCESSWIRE / November 24, 2023 / RedChip Companies will air interviews with Royalty Management Holding Co. (NASDAQ:RMCO)(NASDAQ:RMCOW) and ASP Isotopes Inc. (NASDAQ:ASPI) on The RedChip Small Stocks Big Money Show, a sponsored program on Bloomberg TV, this Saturday, November 25, at 7 p.m. Eastern Time (ET). Bloomberg TV is available in an estimated 73 million homes across the U.S.

佛羅里達州奧蘭多/ACCESSWIRE/2023年11月24日/RedChip Companies將對特許權使用費管理控股公司進行採訪美國東部時間11月25日星期六晚上7點,納斯達克股票代碼:RMCO)(納斯達克股票代碼:RMCOW)和ASP Isotopes Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:ASPI)在彭博電視臺的贊助節目RedChip Small Stocks Big Money Show 上播出。據估計,美國有7300萬個家庭可以收看彭博電視臺。

Access the interviews in their entirety at:


Royalty Management:


ASP Isotopes:

ASP 同位素:

Kirk Taylor, CFO, of Royalty Management appears on the RedChip Small Stocks Big Money Show on Bloomberg TV to provide a corporate update. RMCO targets industries and businesses undergoing significant transformations, uncovering undervalued assets with potential for development and growth. RMCO's unique approach enables it to identify assets that are underutilized, undeveloped, or at a critical juncture in their life cycle. To exploit these opportunities to the fullest, RMCO employs a variety of proven acquisition structures. These include real estate and asset acquisitions aimed at generating additional royalty and revenue streams, purchases and leasing of patents and intellectual property, and strategic partnerships with companies that possess existing portfolios of real estate, royalties, and/or patents. Each acquisition is viewed as a unique opportunity by RMCO, requiring a tailored strategy to unlock its full value.

特許權使用費管理首席財務官柯克·泰勒出現在彭博電視臺的RedChip Small Stocks Big Money Show上,提供公司最新情況。RMCO以正在經歷重大轉型的行業和企業爲目標,發現具有發展和增長潛力的被低估資產。RMCO 的獨特方法使其能夠識別未得到充分利用、未開發或處於生命週期關鍵時刻的資產。爲了充分利用這些機會,RMCO採用了各種行之有效的收購結構。其中包括旨在創造額外特許權使用費和收入來源的房地產和資產收購、專利和知識產權的購買和租賃,以及與擁有現有房地產、特許權使用費和/或專利組合的公司的戰略合作伙伴關係。每一次收購都被RMCO視爲一次獨特的機會,需要量身定製的策略才能釋放其全部價值。

While traditional royalty companies prioritize profit above all else, RMCO balances profit and benefit. Their long-term financing strategies consider factors such as job creation and environmental impact alongside stakeholder and shareholder returns. With over three decades of combined experience in royalty companies and IP licensing opportunities, the team at RMCO is well-positioned to ensure the stability and long-term security of their operating partners' businesses. RMCO has a robust pipeline of hundreds of opportunities, many of which have been evaluated over the last five years. With over 75% of its targeted assets in North America and a US-based technical management team, RMCO presents a low geopolitical risk. They provide a financial structure that not only paves the way for success but also minimizes dilution to shareholders.

雖然傳統特許權使用費公司將利潤置於首位,但RMCO平衡了利潤和收益。他們的長期融資策略考慮了創造就業機會和環境影響以及利益相關者和股東回報等因素。憑藉在特許權使用費公司和知識產權許可機會方面超過三十年的綜合經驗,RMCO的團隊處於有利地位,可以確保其運營合作伙伴業務的穩定性和長期安全。RMCO 擁有數百個機會的強大渠道,其中許多機會已在過去五年中進行了評估。RMCO擁有超過75%的目標資產位於北美,並且擁有位於美國的技術管理團隊,因此地緣政治風險較低。它們提供的財務結構不僅爲成功鋪平了道路,而且可以最大限度地減少對股東的稀釋。

RMCO provides an opportunity for investors to own a company that values sustainable growth and responsible stewardship of resources. Their unique approach to identifying undervalued assets and their commitment to balancing profit with social and environmental impact set them apart from traditional royalty companies. With a strong track record of successful acquisitions and partnerships, RMCO is poised for continued growth and success in the ever-changing business landscape. By investing in RMCO, investors not only have the potential for financial gains but also contribute to creating a more sustainable and responsible future.


Also appearing on the RedChip Small Stocks Big Money Show this week is Paul Mann, Chairman & CEO of ASP Isotopes. ASP Isotopes' advanced technology platform leverages 20 years of R&D history to enrich isotopes in varying levels of atomic mass. Its innovative technology will enable the company to manufacture a diverse range of isotopes, which will meet the growing demand in the Nuclear Medicine and Green Nuclear Energy industry. Favorable long-term market trends are expected to drive long-term secular industry growth, and recent geopolitical events have created high urgency for companies and countries to search for reliable sources of isotopes.

ASP Isotopes董事長兼首席執行官保羅·曼恩也出現在本週的RedChip Small Stocks Big Money Show上。ASP Isotopes 的先進技術平台利用 20 年的研發歷史來豐富不同原子質量水平的同位素。其創新技術將使公司能夠製造各種同位素,這將滿足核醫學和綠色核能行業不斷增長的需求。預計有利的長期市場趨勢將推動長期行業增長,而最近的地緣政治事件使公司和國家迫切需要尋找可靠的同位素來源。

ASP Isotopes successfully acquired two incomplete ASP plants in Pretoria, South Africa, and obtained the required licenses from the nuclear regulators, including the Non-proliferation Council of South Africa, to complete construction of the plants and produce commercial product. Cold commissioning of the first manufacturing plant, capable of enriching light isotopes, was completed in Q1 2023, and ASP Isotopes entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with a North American customer for the entire offtake of the Company's first light isotope plant. The Company intends to enter into "take or pay" style offtake agreements with customers and expects to be a leading supplier of non-nuclear enriched isotopes by 2028.

ASP Isotopes成功地在南非比勒陀利亞收購了兩座不完工的ASP工廠,並從包括南非不擴散理事會在內的核監管機構那裏獲得了必要的許可證,以完成工廠的建設和生產商業產品。第一家能夠濃縮輕同位素的製造工廠的冷調試已於2023年第一季度完成,ASP Isotopes與北美客戶就該公司第一座輕同位素工廠的全部收購簽訂了諒解備忘錄。該公司打算與客戶簽訂 “要麼接受要麼付款” 式的收購協議,並有望到2028年成爲非核濃縮同位素的主要供應商。

ASP Isotopes has secured multiple supply agreements, including a 25-year agreement valued at up to $27 million per annum with BRICEM (Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Engineering Metallurgy) to supply highly enriched Molybdenum-100 (Mo-100); a multi-year agreement with a Canadian company valued at $3.8 million per annum for Carbon-14 (C-14), the most frequently used radiolabel healthcare; a $9 million supply agreement with a US customer for a highly enriched isotope - customer made a $900,000 prepayment during Q3 2023 with commercial deliveries anticipated beginning in Q1 2024; and an MOU for High Assay Low Enriched Uranium (HALEU) - $30 billion of HALEU demand expected based on initial discussions with customers.

ASP Isotopes已獲得多份供應協議,包括與BRICEM(北京化工冶金研究所)簽訂的爲期25年、每年價值高達2700萬美元的供應高濃鉬100(Mo-100)的協議;與一家加拿大公司簽訂的多年期協議,每年價值380萬美元,用於最常用的放射性標籤醫療保健產品Carbon-14(C-14);與美國客戶簽訂的900萬美元供應協議購買高濃縮同位素——客戶在 2023 年第三季度預付了 900,000 美元,預計將實現商業交付從2024年第一季度開始;以及高測定低濃縮鈾(HALEU)的諒解備忘錄——根據與客戶的初步討論,預計HALEU需求將達到300億美元。

About Royalty Management


Royalty Management Corporation is a royalty company building shareholder value to benefit both its shareholders and communities by acquiring and developing high value assets in a sustainable market environment. The model is to acquire and structure cashflow streams around assets that can support the communities by monetizing the current existing cash flow streams while identifying transitionary cash flow from the assets for the future. For more information visit


About ASP Isotopes

關於 ASP 同位素

ASP Isotopes Inc. is an advanced materials company dedicated to developing technology and processes to produce isotopes in multiple industries. The Company employs proprietary technology, the Aerodynamic Separation Process ("ASP technology"), for the production of all isotopes. The Company's initial focus is on producing and commercializing highly enriched isotopes for the healthcare and technology industries. The Company also plans to enrich isotopes for the nuclear energy sector. The Company has isotope enrichment facilities in Pretoria, South Africa, dedicated to the enrichment of isotopes of elements with a low atomic mass (light isotopes).

ASP Isotopes Inc. 是一家先進材料公司,致力於開發在多個行業生產同位素的技術和工藝。該公司採用專有技術,即空氣動力學分離工藝(“ASP技術”)來生產所有同位素。該公司最初的重點是爲醫療保健和科技行業生產和商業化高濃縮同位素。該公司還計劃爲核能行業濃縮同位素。該公司在南非比勒陀利亞設有同位素濃縮設施,專門用於富集低原子質量元素(輕同位素)的同位素。

There is a growing demand for isotopes such as Silicon-28, which will enable quantum computing, and Molybdenum-100, Molybdenum-98, Zinc-68, Ytterbium-176, and Nickel-64 for new, emerging healthcare applications, as well as Chlorine-37, Lithium-6, and Uranium-235 for green energy applications. The ASP Technology (Aerodynamic Separation Process) is ideal for enriching low and heavy atomic mass molecules. For more information, please visit .

對同位素的需求不斷增長,例如將支持量子計算的硅-28,以及用於新興醫療保健應用的鉬100、鉬-98、Zinc-68、Ytterbium-176和Nickel-64,以及用於綠色能源應用的氯-37、鋰-6和鈾235。ASP 技術(空氣動力學分離工藝)是富集低原子質量分子和重原子質量分子的理想選擇。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

About RedChip Companies


RedChip Companies, an Inc. 5000 company, is an international investor relations, media, and research firm focused on microcap and small-cap companies. For 30 years, RedChip has delivered concrete, measurable results for its clients. Our newsletter, the RedChip Small Stocks Big Money Show is delivered online weekly to 60,000 investors. RedChip has developed the most comprehensive service platform in the industry for microcap and small-cap companies. These services include the following: a worldwide distribution network for its stock research; retail and institutional roadshows in major U.S. cities; outbound marketing to stock brokers, RIAs, institutions, and family offices; a digital media investor relations platform that has generated millions of unique investor views; investor webinars and group calls; a television show, "The RedChip Small Stocks Big Money Show," which airs weekly on Bloomberg US; TV commercials in local and national markets; corporate and product videos; website design; and traditional investor relation services, which include press release writing, development of investor presentations, quarterly conference call script writing, strategic consulting, capital raising, and more.

RedChip Companies是一家Inc. 5000公司,是一家專注於微型股和小型股公司的國際投資者關係、媒體和研究公司。30年來,RedChip爲其客戶提供了具體、可衡量的結果。我們的時事通訊《RedChip Small Stocks Big Money Show》每週在線向6萬名投資者發佈。RedChip爲微型股和小型股公司開發了業內最全面的服務平台。這些服務包括:股票研究的全球分銷網絡;美國主要城市的零售和機構路演;股票經紀商、區域投資協議、機構和家族辦公室的境外營銷;產生數百萬獨特投資者觀點的數字媒體投資者關係平台;投資者網絡研討會和群組電話會議;每週在美國彭博社播出的電視節目 “紅籌小股大額資金秀”;本地和全國市場的電視廣告;公司產品和視頻;網站設計;以及傳統投資者關係服務,包括撰寫新聞稿、撰寫投資者簡報、撰寫季度電話會議劇本、戰略諮詢、融資等。

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