
"A Historic Leap for Argentina's Economy": Gaucho Group Holdings Hails Presidential Election as Catalyst for Unprecedented Growth

"A Historic Leap for Argentina's Economy": Gaucho Group Holdings Hails Presidential Election as Catalyst for Unprecedented Growth

Accesswire ·  2023/11/21 02:00

Chairman Scott Mathis Shares Insight on Argentina's Potentially Transformative Era for Argentine Real Estate and Economic Growth


MIAMI, FL / ACCESSWIRE / November 20, 2023 / Gaucho Group Holdings, Inc. (Gaucho Holdings) ( (NASDAQ:VINO), an organization with deep roots in Argentina's luxury real estate, hospitality, and wine industries, today expressed its positive outlook on the recent election of President Javier Milei in Argentina. The company believes this political shift presents a significant opportunity for economic revitalization and investment growth, particularly in the real estate sector.


In an election that has marked a historic shift in Argentina's political landscape, Gaucho Group Holdings, Inc. views the election of Javier Milei, known for his radical economic policies, as a promising development for the nation's economy and international investments. Scott Mathis, Chairman and CEO of Gaucho Holdings, commented, "When a country like Argentina shifts from a position of no leverage to leverage, the implications are profound. This could very well be the greatest movement in asset valuation in real estate since the post-World War II era."

在這次標誌着阿根廷政治格局發生歷史性轉變的選舉中,Gaucho Group Holdings, Inc.認爲,以激進經濟政策而聞名的哈維爾·米萊的當選是該國經濟和國際投資的有希望的發展。Gaucho Holdings董事長兼首席執行官斯科特·馬西斯評論說:“當像阿根廷這樣的國家從無槓桿地位轉向槓桿作用時,其影響是深遠的。這很可能是自二戰後時代以來房地產資產估值的最大變動。”

With the election of President Milei, Argentina is poised for a substantial shift in its economic policies and global financial relationships. Gaucho Holdings sees this as an alignment with its vision for a more robust and competitive Argentina on the world stage. The potential economic benefits under Milei's administration are already evident, with Argentine shares rising 28% on Wall Street and sovereign bonds climbing by 6 percent as of Monday, November 20th. This positive market reaction highlights the confidence of international investors in Argentina's new economic direction.

隨着米萊總統的當選,阿根廷準備對其經濟政策和全球金融關係進行重大轉變。Gaucho Holdings認爲,這符合其在世界舞臺上建立一個更強大、更具競爭力的阿根廷的願景。米萊領導下的潛在經濟利益已經顯而易見,截至11月20日星期一,阿根廷股市在華爾街上漲28%,主權債券上漲6%。這種積極的市場反應凸顯了國際投資者對阿根廷新經濟方向的信心。

The company supports the idea of Argentina's dollarization, viewing the critics' argument of needing $40 billion as overly simplistic. The dollarization process will likely be a gradual one that can stabilize the Argentine economy. Furthermore, with global trends moving away from dollar dependency, as seen in BRICS nations, Gaucho Holdings anticipates the U.S. will support Argentina's economic shift, enhancing its global economic standing.

該公司支持阿根廷美元化的想法,認爲批評者關於需要400億美元的論點過於簡單。美元化過程很可能是漸進的,可以穩定阿根廷經濟。此外,正如金磚國家所見,隨着全球趨勢逐漸擺脫對美元的依賴,Gaucho Holdings預計,美國將支持阿根廷的經濟轉型,提高其全球經濟地位。

The company foresees substantial benefits for the banking and real estate sectors, expecting more accessible lending rates and a thriving property market in the wake of these changes. This outlook aligns with expert opinions, like those of Doug Casey, predicting an economic boom as Argentina possibly becomes one of the world's wealthiest nations once again.


Gaucho Group Holdings, Inc. remains committed to contributing to and benefiting from Argentina's potential economic resurgence. The company is enthusiastic about the opportunities this new chapter presents for innovation, stability, and growth in Argentina's economy.

Gaucho Group Holdings, Inc. 仍然致力於爲阿根廷的潛在經濟復甦做出貢獻並從中受益。該公司對這一新篇章爲阿根廷經濟的創新、穩定和增長帶來的機遇充滿熱情。

About Gaucho Group Holdings, Inc.

關於 Gaucho 集團控股公司

For more than ten years, Gaucho Group Holdings, Inc.'s ( mission has been to source and develop opportunities in Argentina's undervalued luxury real estate and consumer marketplace. Our company has positioned itself to take advantage of the continued and fast growth of global e-commerce across multiple market sectors, with the goal of becoming a leader in diversified luxury goods and experiences in sought after lifestyle industries and retail landscapes. With a concentration on fine wines ( &, hospitality (, and luxury real estate ( associated with our proprietary Algodon brand, as well as the leather goods, ready-to-wear and accessories of the fashion brand Gaucho - Buenos Aires (, these are the luxury brands in which Argentina finds its contemporary expression.

十多年來,Gaucho Group Holdings, Inc.”( 的使命是在阿根廷被低估的奢侈房地產和消費市場中尋找和開發機會。我們公司的定位是利用全球電子商務在多個市場領域的持續快速增長,目標是成爲備受追捧的生活方式行業和零售領域多元化奢侈品和體驗的領導者。專注於優質葡萄酒( 和、酒店(和與我們的專有品牌Algodon相關的豪華房地產(,以及時尚品牌Gaucho-Buenos Aires(的皮具、成衣和配飾,這些是阿根廷當代生活的奢侈品牌表情。

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


The information discussed in this press release includes "forward looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, included herein concerning, among other things, changes to exchange rates and their impact on the Company, planned capital expenditures, future cash flows and borrowings, pursuit of potential acquisition opportunities, our financial position, business strategy and other plans and objectives for future operations, are forward looking statements. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, they do involve certain assumptions, risks and uncertainties and are not (and should not be considered to be) guarantees of future performance. Refer to our risk factors set forth in our reports filed on Edgar. The Company disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statement made here.

本新聞稿中討論的信息包括1933年《證券法》第27A條和1934年《證券交易法》第21E條所指的 “前瞻性聲明”。除歷史事實陳述外,此處包含的所有陳述,涉及匯率變化及其對公司的影響、計劃中的資本支出、未來的現金流和借款、對潛在收購機會的追求、我們的財務狀況、業務戰略以及未來運營的其他計劃和目標等,均爲前瞻性報表。儘管我們認爲這些前瞻性陳述中反映的預期是合理的,但它們確實涉及某些假設、風險和不確定性,不是(也不應被視爲)未來業績的保證。請參閱我們在提交給埃德加的報告中列出的風險因素。公司不承擔任何更新此處所作任何前瞻性陳述的義務。

Media Relations:


Gaucho Group Holdings, Inc.
Rick Stear
Director of Marketing

Gaucho 集團控股有限公司

SOURCE: Gaucho Group Holdings, Inc.

來源:Gaucho 集團控股有限公司

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