
Solar Integrated Roofing Corp. Provides Discord Investor QA

Solar Integrated Roofing Corp. Provides Discord Investor QA

GlobeNewswire ·  2023/11/21 00:26

HENDERSON, Nev., Nov. 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Brad Rinehart CEO of Solar Integrated Roofing Corp. (OTC: SIRC) ("SIRC" or the Company"), an integrated, single-source solutions provider of solar power, roofing and EV charging systems answers questions for investors.

內華達州亨德森,2023 年 11 月 20 日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——首席執行官布拉德·裏內哈特 太陽能綜合屋面公司 (場外交易代碼:SIRC)(“SIRC” 或本公司”)是一家太陽能、屋面和電動汽車充電系統的綜合單一來源解決方案提供商,爲投資者解答問題。

1. What's the status of the merger with Tribeca? Is the valuation complete, any insights? What remains to be completed?

1。 與翠貝卡合併的狀況如何?估值完成了嗎,有什麼見解嗎?還有什麼要完成的?

Tribeca is still in the process of raising the funds for the uplist and identifying companies to include in the uplist. Tribeca and SIRC do not have a firm date as the agreement includes a six-month extension beyond the October 30th target date. SIRC valuation increases each day, so we have not completed or agreed to a valuation to date.

翠貝卡仍在爲上行名單籌集資金,並確定要列入上行名單的公司。翠貝卡和SIRC沒有確定的日期,因爲該協議包括在10月30日之後延長六個月第四 目標日期。SIRC的估值每天都在增加,因此我們迄今尚未完成或商定估值。

2. Is access to the land the last remaining hurdle for the Calaway project? Why is it taking so long?

2。 進入這片土地是卡拉威項目最後剩下的障礙嗎?爲什麼花了這麼長時間?

Everything is ready to go for construction on the Calaway project. SIRC is not engaged in securing access to the land. What I do know is that we do not currently have access to the property which is owned by an elderly gentleman in poor health. The owner has a variety of investments/investment properties and that may be impacting the timing of access to the property.


3. What's the status of the "Lordsburg" project and the remaining $370M "pipeline" projects for 2024 completion?

3。 “洛茲堡” 項目以及將於2024年完工的剩餘3.7億美元 “管道” 項目的狀況如何?

Lordsburg is still an active project with much of the design work done. There is an ongoing effort to secure proposed offtake agreements for the Green Hydrogen this plant will produce. SIRC is still designated as the co-developer in this project and is in the process of providing development funding for this project on a limited basis. This "large project" pipeline is expensive with a very slow return on capital timeline: 24-36 months in many cases once you get to NTP. Development costs to get to NTP are extremely high so we are being more selective in what we can afford to participate in based on upfront costs and the length of time to recover investment capital prior to the NTP. More lucrative opportunities exist in our pipeline in residential, government, and mid-range commercial projects.

洛茲堡仍然是一個活躍的項目,大部分設計工作已經完成。目前正在努力確保該工廠將生產的綠色氫能的擬議承購協議。SIRC仍被指定爲該項目的共同開發商,並且正在爲該項目提供有限的開發資金。這個 “大型項目” 管道昂貴,資本回報週期非常緩慢:在許多情況下,一旦到達 NTP,就要等待 24-36 個月。實現NTP的開發成本非常高,因此我們會根據前期成本和NTP之前收回投資資本的時間長短來更具選擇性地選擇我們能負擔得起的參與範圍。在住宅、政府和中檔商業項目中,我們還有更多有利可圖的機會。

4. How close is SIRC to being cash flow positive? How much further dilution do you anticipate and why? Did the Pablo settlement involve shares?

4。 SIRC 離現金流正值有多近?你預計會進一步稀釋多少?爲什麼?巴勃羅和解協議是否涉及股票?

We will be publishing Q3 financials next week and investors will see the positive trend has continued. I anticipate being cash flow positive in Q4 and starting to generate effective operating profit in Q1 2024. The current 3A10 and the Pablo settlement will have a dilutive effect on the share price. We are working with the resources we have at our disposal unfortunately. I do not see the need for significant additional dilution and expect share pricing to start to recover early next year. The best way I can impact share price is to shore up the Balance Sheet by retiring debt and by focusing on profitable revenue growth.


5. What is the status of filing SIRC's third Form 10-12G? Given the upfront and reoccurring expenses required for such an effort, why do you find this a better use of borrowed money than operational improvements focused on positive cash flow?

5。 SIRC 提交第三份表格 10-12G 的狀態如何?鑑於此類工作所需的前期支出和經常性支出,你爲什麼認爲這比側重於正現金流的運營改善更能利用借入資金?

We anticipate filing either an S1 or Form 10 early in Q1. I am committed to becoming a fully reporting public entity. Much of the work we have been doing for other initiatives are parallel to the efforts we need to file an S1 or Form 10 – so the actual "cost" to file is relatively minor. I believe becoming fully reporting opens SIRC up to institutional investors and the more people interested in and capable of investing in SIRC, the better impact that has on existing and future shareholders.

我們預計將在第一季度初提交S1或表格10。我致力於成爲一個全面報告的公共實體。我們爲其他計劃所做的許多工作都與提交S1或表格10所需的努力平行——因此提交的實際 “成本” 相對較小。我相信,成爲全面報告人可以向機構投資者開放SIRC,對SIRC感興趣和有能力投資的人越多,對現有和未來股東的影響就越大。

6. Storage is becoming an important part of solar system sales.What % of SIRC (residential and commercial) includes battery storage? Can you share those KPI's like RUN provides them for investors?

6。 存儲正在成爲太陽能系統銷售的重要組成部分。SIRC(住宅和商用)中有多少百分比包括電池存儲?你能像RUN爲投資者提供的那樣分享這些關鍵績效指標嗎?

More than likely, this is going to be a very variable part of solar installations for the foreseeable future. In April, the California commission enacted policies that have an impact on residential solar installations becoming a different mix – smaller solar array and adding battery storage, as the benefit of selling energy back to the utility became less economically attractive and the ability to store energy for nighttime use became more attractive. The commission could change course at any time and change this dynamic(or the judicial system could change their minds for them). What is more likely is new battery technology and better economics on battery storage/cost will drive systems in this direction over the next 3-5 years anyway. So, I would answer this question as that dynamic will continue to be in a state of flux over the next 3-5 years, with the emphasis continuing to be towards smaller solar arrays with battery storage. I also believe this will impact the commercial market and you will start to see more Solar/BESS solutions for commercial properties and HOA's.


7. The audit for arbiter was completed and there was mention of a "business plan" that was supposed to be issued shortly after. Now that we are in the 2nd-3rd week of November, was it sent over to SIRC? And how is SIRC part of that plan? If they were supposed to just give us the deposit back, why would they feel the need to send SIRC the business plan? This leaves me to believe that SIRC is more involved in arbiters investment goals than just a refunded deposit, correct?

7。 對仲裁員的審計已經完成,有人提到”商業計劃書“那本應在不久之後發佈。現在已經是 11 月的第 2 周到第 3 周了,它被送到了 SIRC 了嗎?SIRC 是如何參與該計劃的?如果他們本來要把按金還給我們,他們爲什麼會覺得有必要把商業計劃書發給SIRC?這讓我相信,SIRC更多地參與仲裁者的投資目標,而不僅僅是退還按金,對嗎?

SIRC is interested in having the initial investment and interest returned to us. As we move forward, we will review any lending opportunity with Arbiter Bank just like we would with any other lending opportunity. If it is competitively priced, we would secure funding with Arbiter Bank should it become operational. I do not believe that the Bank, once operational, will have the same lending capability as was originally predicted based on the dramatic change in interest rates and the tightening of availability of credit through traditional lending sources. I reach out monthly for an update from Arbiter Capital and share those updates with our investors. I have no way of predicting where this will end up.

SIRC有興趣將初始投資和利息返還給我們。在我們向前邁進的過程中,我們將像審查任何其他貸款機會一樣審查仲裁銀行的任何貸款機會。如果價格具有競爭力,那麼如果仲裁銀行投入運營,我們將確保其獲得融資。我認爲,根據利率的急劇變化和傳統貸款來源信貸供應的緊縮,該銀行一旦投入運營,將不具備最初預測的相同貸款能力。我每月都會聯繫Arbiter Capital獲取最新消息,並與我們的投資者分享這些更新。我無法預測這會走向何方。

8. With there being much larger and clearly more dependable solar companies out there, how does SIRC intend to grab their fair share of the market? When bidding for jobs how does SIRC sell themselves over other companies? In other words, why should they choose SIRC? Does SIRC have any unique/original capabilities over others? 

8。 隨着規模更大、顯然更可靠的太陽能公司出現,SIRC打算如何搶佔其公平的市場份額?在競標職位時,SIRC如何將自己推銷給其他公司?換句話說,他們爲什麼要選擇 SIRC?與其他 SIRC 相比,SIRC 有什麼獨特/原創的功能嗎? 

That is a very interesting question. I do not see any residential solar providers having great financial results. As interest rates have increased, other issues with servicing the residential solar market have become more pronounced, particularly the cost model for installers. We are focusing on a specific piece of the residential solar market – we are focusing on combination jobs, ie, roofing and solar installations – this is a niche where we have a competitive advantage as we can do both and most solar companies cannot. We are also turning our attention towards small commercial solar installations – in the $250k - $2 million range, where residential installers are not very good at that type of installation and larger commercial solar EPCs aren't interested because they are too small. Our professional engineering staff at PLEMCo coupled with our staff of qualified electricians makes this a nice niche market for us as well.


9. Why have investors not gotten a more in-depth business plan from SIRC? SIRC needs to be more transparent about their way forward and their intentions.

9。 爲什麼投資者沒有從SIRC那裏得到更深入的商業計劃?SIRC需要對他們的前進方向和意圖更加透明。

I do not believe that public companies typically publish in-depth business plans, thus sharing their expertise with competitors. It is more common to give directional guidance on where we are going, what we are focusing on, and how we plan to get there in general terms. I believe I have been providing that. My background is more in running private companies, so the public aspect is somewhat new to me, and I am trying to interact with shareholders in an overall fashion so I am not sharing information inconsistently. I am trying to be as transparent as possible. I also believe that my predecessor was jumping the gun on announcements to the market. Having a lending term sheet is not the same thing as having an approved lending instrument. Having a development agreement with a third party is not the same thing as having a signed contract with SIRC and an end user. I have a more conservative approach to announcing what is approved and signed as opposed to anticipated.


10. With how unbelievably easy it is to have a greater online presence and show pictures of completed work, why is this not happening? Since shares are being used as a debt reduction tool, it only makes sense to increase online visibility which will help increase share price and reduce this dilution. Why is this not happening?

10。 既然提高在線知名度並展示已完成作品的照片是多麼容易,爲什麼沒有發生這種情況?由於股票被用作減債工具,因此只有提高在線知名度才有意義,這將有助於提高股價並減少攤薄。爲什麼沒有發生這種情況?

We are in the process of getting this up to speed. When we sold off Balance Claims, which was a service industry business, we also lost access to the shared service employees who had much of the expertise in this area. We are also in the process of reducing the number of entities we have and are working to consolidate our brand under two entities, SIRC for residential solar and residential and commercial roofing, and PLEMCo, for government contracting, EV Installations, and small commercial solar/microgrid construction. We are currently spending money on payroll, materials, suppliers, insurance, and very little else until we are cash flow positive.

我們正在加快步伐。當我們出售服務行業業務Balance Claims時,我們也失去了與在該領域擁有大量專業知識的共享服務員工的聯繫。我們還在減少現有實體數量,並正在努力將我們的品牌整合到兩個實體之下,SIRC負責住宅太陽能和住宅及商業屋頂,PlemCo,負責政府承包、電動汽車設施和小型商業太陽能/微電網建設。我們目前在工資單、材料、供應商、保險上花錢,在現金流爲正數之前,幾乎沒有其他任何支出。

Press Release Contact:
Julie Brehm


