
ABx Group: Doubling Rare Earth Resources and Advancing Sustainable Aluminum Production

ABx Group: Doubling Rare Earth Resources and Advancing Sustainable Aluminum Production

ABx 集團:將稀土資源翻一番,推進可持續鋁產量
sharecafe ·  2023/11/20 13:43

Paul Sanger:


I'm Paul Sanger for the Finance News Network and today I'm talking with ABX Group. Their ticket code is ABX and they have a market cap of around 17 million. ABX is a uniquely positioned, high-tech Australian company delivering materials for a cleaner future. They have three current significant projects. They're creating an ionic absorption clay rare earth deposit in Northern Tasmania, they're establishing a plant to produce hydrogen fluoride and aluminum fluoride from recycled industrial waste via ABX 83% owned subsidiary Alcore, and they're mining and enhancing the value of book site resources for cement, aluminum, and fertilizers. We welcome back to the network ABX CEO, Mark Cooksey. Mark, welcome to the network.

我是財經新聞網的保羅·桑格,今天我正在和ABX集團談話。他們的票號是ABX,市值約爲1700萬。ABX是一家定位獨特的澳大利亞高科技公司,爲更清潔的未來提供材料。他們目前有三個重要項目。他們正在塔斯馬尼亞北部建造離子吸收粘土稀土礦牀,他們正在通過ABX 83%的子公司Alcore建立一座從回收的工業廢物中生產氟化氫和氟化鋁的工廠,他們正在開採水泥、鋁和化肥等圖書網站資源並提高其價值。我們歡迎ABX首席執行官馬克·庫克西回到網絡。馬克,歡迎來到網絡。

Mark Cooksey:


Great. Thanks, Paul. Thanks to be with you again.


Paul Sanger:


Good to have you. So, Mark, you've just announced the block modeling for the deep lead rubble mound rare earth deposit. Can you give us some detail around these results?


Mark Cooksey:


Yeah, so over the last 12 months, we've released progressively larger resource estimates based off some earlier resource modeling. But this is the first block model resource estimate we've done and it incorporated a small number of additional drill results, but it's taken our resource from 27 million tons up to 52 million tons at a similar grade.


Paul Sanger:


So just remind me, what impact does this actually have on the size of the resource?


Mark Cooksey:


Well, it's basically double it. Although, even though there was only a small number of additional drill results incorporated, just the greater rigor of the block modeling basically doubled the resource size. I mean, we're always trying to be conservative, so I think we knew before that although we'd estimated 27, that was probably an underestimate. And this block modeling I think confirms that.


Paul Sanger:


And going forward, what are the future drilling plans with the rare earth project?


Mark Cooksey:


Yeah, so I guess part of this resource estimate clearly shows the higher grade parts of the resource as we develop a better understanding of the rare earth business and those high grade areas are important. So the drilling program we just commenced recently were two thrusts to it. One is further drilling around those higher grade areas to expand them and ideally determine, we've got a sufficiently large high grade zone, it would be a great place to start a project. And also we're drilling at our Windbreak Deposit, which is about 15 kilometers away from Deep Leads and Rubble Mound, which is not currently included in the resource estimate at all.

是的,所以我想這個資源估算的一部分清楚地顯示了資源中較高品位的部分,因爲我們對稀土業務有了更好的了解,而那些高品位的區域很重要。因此,我們最近剛剛開始的鑽探計劃有兩個推動力。一是在那些較高品位的區域周圍進一步鑽探以擴大它們,理想情況下,可以確定,我們有一個足夠大的高品位區域,這將是啓動項目的好地方。此外,我們正在防風礦牀進行鑽探,該礦牀距離 Deep Leads 和 Rubble Mound 約15公里,而這兩個礦牀目前根本不包括在資源估算中。

Paul Sanger:


And away from the report, you also announced the successful commissioning of the Bath Pilot's batch reactor. How are the operations progressing and what sort of results have you achieved?

除了報告之外,你還宣佈了Bath Pilot的批處理反應堆的成功調試。運營進展如何,你取得了什麼樣的成果?

Mark Cooksey:


Yeah, so that's on our separate project to recycle waste from aluminum smelting eventually into aluminum fluoride, which smelters used. Yeah, so we've commissioned this batch reactor, which is pretty significant. It holds 20 kilos of input materials. We've now commissioned it with the full reaction conditions. It's basically worked in the very sense that the reactor works as designed. We're making some modifications to it, some minor things to it now, learning from the very initial runs and we'll be running it further between now and Christmas. The critical thing we're looking for and expecting to achieve is that we'll achieve a high fluorine yield, which means we get most of the fluorine out of this waste material. We're looking to get 90% plus as opposed to our 70% plus that we achieved with our earlier smaller reactor.

是的,這是我們的另一個項目,即回收鋁熔鍊過程中的廢物,最終轉化爲熔鍊廠使用的氟化鋁。是的,我們已經調試了這個批處理反應堆,這非常重要。它可容納 20 千克的輸入材料。現在,我們已經在完整的反應條件下對其進行了調試。從反應堆按設計運行的意義上講,它基本上是起作用的。我們正在對其進行一些修改,現在正在對其進行一些小改動,從最初的運行中吸取教訓,從現在到聖誕節,我們將繼續運行它。我們正在尋找和期望實現的關鍵目標是,我們將實現較高的氟產量,這意味着我們可以從這種廢物中提取大部分氟。我們希望獲得90%以上的收益,而之前的小型反應堆則達到70%以上。

Paul Sanger:


And, Mark, I believe you recently just got back from Canberra. What were you doing in Canberra?


Mark Cooksey:


Well, it's quite funny. Between the rare earth and aluminum fluoride project, I could do both things in Canberra over the last few days. So as part of the Australian Aluminum Council, we held a breakfast for government and shadow MPs and Senators on Wednesday morning talking about the importance of the aluminum industry and what we're looking to the government to provide in terms of industry policy to assist the industry. So it was great to mention the importance of supply chain security, which is what our aluminum fluoride project delivers. And then there was also a rare earth conference, a very good conference run by ANU, which involves companies, academia, government, strategy, finance people. Because the rare earth industry is such a great opportunity, but we're creating a whole industry, not just creating a project here and there.


Paul Sanger:


And look, you've made some significant progress in 2023. It sounds like you're running into the new year with the wind behind you. What can investors look for in the next three to six months?


Mark Cooksey:


So on the rare earth, there'll be more drilling results and further expansion of the resource. We're also aiming to develop a better understanding of the processing conditions. We have very good metallurgy results showing that we have a true iron clay deposit, but we need to expand that understanding. And on the aluminum fluoride, it's results from this pilot batch reactor and then also progress on constructing the larger continuous pilot plant, which will allow us to test the whole process in a continuous manner.


Paul Sanger:


Mark Cooksey, it's been a pleasure to have you on. Many thanks for your time today.


Mark Cooksey:


Great. Thanks, Paul.





