
IFabric Corp Reports Record Annual Revenues for Its Financial Period Ended September 30, 2023

IFabric Corp Reports Record Annual Revenues for Its Financial Period Ended September 30, 2023

iFabric Corp公佈截至2023年9月30日的財政期間的年收入創歷史新高
Accesswire ·  2023/11/14 23:00

MARKHAM, ON / ACCESSWIRE / November 14, 2023 / iFabric Corp. ("iFabric" or the "Company") (TSX:IFA)(OTCQX:IFABF), today announced its results for its fourth quarter and twelve months ended September 30, 2023.

安大略省萬錦市/ACCESSWIRE /2023 年 11 月 14 日/ iFabric Corp.(“iFabric” 或 “公司”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:IFABF)(OTCQX: IFABF)今天公佈了截至2023年9月30日的第四季度和十二個月的業績。

The results for the quarter and twelve months ended September 30, 2023, are unaudited. As a result of the change in the Company's financial year end to December 31, the Company will now report audited results for the fifteen months ended December 31, 2023.


"2023 delivered strong results, despite the realignment of deliveries to retailers due to current economic conditions. The encouraging growth with new customers and programs, speaks to the dynamic products we supply across a diverse customer base," stated Hylton Karon, President, and CEO of iFabric. "With the production cycle timing required to design, manufacture, ship and distribute, our current orderbook outlook sets up 2024 to outperform even these historic numbers," concluded Mr. Karon.

“儘管由於當前的經濟狀況,對零售商的交付進行了調整,但2023年還是取得了強勁的業績。iFabric總裁兼首席執行官Hylton Karon表示,新客戶和項目帶來的令人鼓舞的增長說明了我們在多元化客戶群中提供的充滿活力的產品。卡倫總結說:“由於設計、製造、發貨和分銷所需的生產週期時間,我們目前的訂單量展望將2024年的表現甚至超過這些歷史數字。”


截至 2023 年 9 月 30 日的十二個月,亮點:

  • Revenues increased by 10% or $1,899,753 to $21,642,761 in 2023 compared to $19,743,008 in 2022. This represents record annual revenues for iFabric.
  • Intelligent Fabric Division revenue increased by 11% or $1,354,542 to $14,013,449 in 2023 from $12,658,907 in 2022, attributable to new swimwear programs in Canada.
  • For the Intimate Apparel Division, revenue increased by 9% or $614,795 to $7,591,416 in 2023 from $6,976,621 in 2022, as a result of increased sales in Canada.
  • Gross profit of $8,520,563 (39% margin) for the year ended September 30, 2023, compared $7,026,276 (36% margin) in 2022, representing an increase in gross profit dollars of $1,494,287 or 21%, The increase in gross margins is primarily attributable to reduction in freight costs from Asia, as well as selling price increases with respect to a number of products.
  • Selling, general and administrative costs increased by 18% or $1,147,868 to $7,588,386 in 2023 from $6,440,518 in 2022. Increased personnel costs, commissions, royalties, rent, advertising and travel costs incurred to support revenue growth, current and future, were the main reasons for the increase.
  • Adjusted EBITDA of $982,064 in 2023 compared to adjusted EBITDA of $445,861, an increase of $536,203.
  • Net earnings attributable to iFabric's shareholders in 2023, amounted to $596,986 ($0.020 per share, basic and diluted) compared to net loss attributable to shareholders of $454,998 in 2022 ($0.015 per share, basic and diluted), representing an increase in net earnings of $1,051,984.
  • Working capital, (excluding a demand term loan classified as current under IFRS, but not requiring repayment in 2024) amounted to $20,325,278 in 2023 compared to $19,843,615 at September 30, 2022, representing an increase of $481,663.
  • Shareholders' equity increased by $689,408 to $23,442,518 in 2023 from $22,753,110 in 2022.
  • Long term debt was $535,120 in 2023 compared to $614,660 in 2022.
  • Cash increased by $1,949,255 to $2,893,980 as at September 30, 2023 from $944,725 as at September 30, 2022.
  • The Company's bank credit line of $6,750,000 was unutilized at both September 30, 2023, and 2022, leaving the full line of $6,750,000 available to finance future growth.
  • 2023年的收入增長了10%,達到1,899,753美元,達到21,642,761美元,而2022年爲19,743,008美元。這代表了iFabric創紀錄的年收入。
  • 智能面料部門的收入從2022年的12,658,907美元增長了11%,即1,354,542美元,至2023年的14,013,449美元,這要歸因於加拿大的新泳裝項目。
  • 由於加拿大銷售額增加,內衣部門的收入從2022年的6,976,621美元增長了9%,至2023年的7,591,416美元,達到2023年的7,591,416美元。
  • 截至2023年9月30日的財年,毛利爲8,520,563美元(利潤率爲39%),而2022年的毛利爲7,026,276美元(利潤率爲36%),這意味着毛利潤增加1,494,287美元,增長21%。毛利率的增加主要歸因於來自亞洲的運費降低,以及一些產品的銷售價格上漲。
  • 銷售、一般和管理成本從2022年的6,440,518美元增長了18%,至2023年的7,588,386美元,達到1,147,868美元。爲支持當前和未來收入增長而產生的人事成本、佣金、特許權使用費、租金、廣告和差旅成本的增加是增長的主要原因。
  • 2023年調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲982,064美元,而調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲445,861美元,增加了536,203美元。
  • 2023年歸屬於iFabric股東的淨收益爲596,986美元(基本和攤薄後每股收益爲0.020美元),而2022年歸屬於股東的淨虧損爲454,998美元(基本和攤薄後每股虧損0.015美元),淨收益增加了1,051,984美元。
  • 2023年,營運資金(不包括根據國際財務報告準則被歸類爲流動貸款,但在2024年無需償還的活期定期貸款)爲20,325,278美元,而截至2022年9月30日爲19,843,615美元,增加了481,663美元。
  • 股東權益從2022年的22,753,110美元增加了689,408美元,至2023年的23,442,518美元。
  • 2023年的長期債務爲535,120美元,而2022年爲614,660美元。
  • 截至2023年9月30日,現金從截至2022年9月30日的944,725美元增加了1,949,255美元,至2,893,980美元。
  • 該公司的675萬美元銀行信貸額度在2023年9月30日和2022年9月30日均未使用,剩餘的675萬美元全額度可用於爲未來的增長提供資金。



  • Revenue decreased by 20% 02 $1,227,448 to $4,805,502 in Q4 2023 compared to $6,032,950 in Q4 2022, mainly due to timing differences in deliveries. Goods that were originally scheduled to be shipped in Q4 will now be shipped in Q5.
  • Gross margins improved to 37% in Q4 2023, compared to 31% in Q4 2022, because of lower freight costs and product repricing. Gross profit dollars decreased by 4% or $82,245 in Q4 2023 compared to 2022.
  • Negative adjusted EBITDA for Q4 2023 amounted to $123,821 compared to negative adjusted EBITDA of $82,192 in Q4 2022.
  • 2023年第四季度的收入下降了20%,爲1,227,448美元,至4,805,502美元,而2022年第四季度爲6,032,950美元,這主要是由於交付的時間差異。原定於第四季度發貨的商品現在將在第五季度發貨。
  • 由於運費成本降低和產品重新定價,毛利率在2023年第四季度提高到37%,而2022年第四季度爲31%。與2022年相比,2023年第四季度的毛利潤下降了4%,即82,245美元。
  • 2023年第四季度調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲負123,821美元,而2022年第四季度調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲負82,192美元。

Complete Financial Statements are available on and the company's website at .

完整的財務報表可在以下網址獲得 還有該公司的網站



Year Ended September 30 Quarter ended September 30
2023 2022 2023 2022
$ $ $ $
Unaudited Audited Unaudited Audited
21,642,761 19,743,008 4,805,502 6,032,950
Income (loss) from operations
615,853 (67,584) (369,789) (273,751)
Share based compensation
(85,009) (472,952) (81,800) (140,371)
Adjusted EBITDA *(Note)
982,064 445,861 (123,821) (82,192)
Net earning (loss) before tax
665,740 (207,481) (263,585) (272,001)
Net income (loss) after tax
attributable to shareholders
596,986 (454,998 (139,545) (296,083)
Other comprehensive earnings (loss) (114,987) 455,662 100,949 353,253
Total comprehensive earnings (loss) 478,656 3,206 (40,423) 49.348
Net earnings (loss) per share
0.020 (0.015) (0.005) (0.010)
0.020 (0.015) (0.005) (0.010)
截至9月30日的年度 截至9月30日的季度
2023 2022 2023 2022
$ $ $ $
未經審計 已審計 未經審計 已審計
21,642,761 19,743,008 4,805,502 6,032,950
615,853 (67,584) (369,789) (273,751)
(85,009) (472,952) (81,800) (140,371)
982,064 445,861 (123,821) (82,192)
665,740 (207,481) (263,585) (272,001)
596,986 (454,998) (139,545) (296,083)
其他綜合收益(虧損) (114,987) 455,662 100,949 353,253
綜合收益總額(虧損) 478,656 3,206 (40,423) 49.348
0.020 (0.015) (0.005) (0.010)
0.020 (0.015) (0.005) (0.010)

*Note: Adjusted EBITDA represents earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization and share based compensation.




Certain measures in this document do not have any standardized meaning as prescribed by International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") and, therefore, are not considered generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") measures and may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. Where non-GAAP measures or terms are used, definitions are provided. The Company believes that certain non-GAAP financial measures provide important information regarding the operational performance and related trends of the Company's business. In this document and in the Company's consolidated financial statements, unless otherwise noted, all financial data is prepared in accordance with IFRS.


Adjusted EBITDA


The Company uses Adjusted EBITDA to assess its operating performance without the effects of (as applicable): current and deferred tax expense, finance costs, interest income, depreciation and amortization of plant assets, other gains and losses, impairment loss, share-based compensation and other non-recurring items. The Company adjusts for these factors as they may be non-cash, unusual in nature and may not optimally represent its operating performance. Adjusted EBITDA is not intended to be representative of net earnings from operations or an alternative measure to cash provided by operating activities determined in accordance with IFRS.


The table below reconciles Adjusted EBITDA and Net earnings attributable to owners of the Company, calculated in accordance with IFRS:


Three months Twelve months
Unaudited Audited Unaudited Audited
For the period ended September 30,
2023 2022 2023 2022
Net earnings (loss) after tax attributable to shareholders
(139,545) (296,083) 596,986 (454,998)
Add (deduct):
Net earnings attributable to non-controlling interest
(1,827) (7,822) (3,343) 2,542
Provision for income taxes
(122,193) 31,904 72,097 244,975
Share-based compensation
81,100 140,371 85,009 472,952
Amortization of deferred development costs
6,705 6,705 26,820 26,820
Depreciation of plant, property and equipment and right-of-use assets
29,371 27,281 118,930 103,847
Interest expense
22,568 15,452 85,565 49,723
Adjusted EBITDA
(123,821) (82,192) 982,064 445,861
Add (deduct):
Share-based compensation
(81,100) (140,371) (85,009) (472,952)
(204,921) (222,563) 897,055 (27,091)
三個月 十二個月
未經審計 已審計 未經審計 已審計
2023 2022 2023 2022
(139,545) (296,083) 596,986 (454,998)
(1,827) (7,822) (3,343) 2,542
(122,193) 31,904 72,097 244,975
81,100 140,371 85,009 472,952
6,705 6,705 26,820 26,820
29,371 27,281 118,930 103,847
22,568 15,452 85,565 49723
(123,821) (82,192) 982,064 445,861
(81,100) (140,371) (85,009) (472,952)
(204,921) (222,563) 897,055 (27,091)

About iFabric Corp:

關於 iFabric Corp:

Headquartered in Markham, Ontario, iFabric, , is listed on the TSX and, currently has 30.3 million shares issued and outstanding. Its two strategic divisions offer a variety of products and services through wholly-owned subsidiaries, namely, Intelligent Fabric Technologies (North America) Inc. ("IFTNA") and Coconut Grove Pads Inc. ("Coconut Grove").


IFTNA is focused on development and sale of high-performance sports apparel, medical protective apparel, consumer protective apparel, and proprietary treatments that provide "intelligent" properties to fabrics, foams, plastics, and numerous other surfaces, thereby improving the safety and well-being of the user. Such intelligent properties include antiviral and antibacterial characteristics, water-repellence and UV protection, among others.

IFTNA專注於開發和銷售高性能運動服裝、醫用防護服裝、消費者防護服裝,以及爲面料、泡沫、塑料和許多其他表面提供 “智能” 特性的專有處理方法,從而改善用戶的安全和福祉。此類智能特性包括抗病毒和抗菌特性、防水和紫外線防護等。

Coconut Grove, operating as Coconut Grove Intimates, is a designer, manufacturer, distributor, licensor and licensee of ladies' intimate apparel products and accessories.

Coconut Grove 以 Coconut Grove Intimates 的名義運營,是女士內衣產品和配飾的設計師、製造商、分銷商、許可方和被許可方。



Forward-looking statements provide an opinion as to the effect of certain events and trends on the business. Certain statements contained in this news release constitute forward looking statements. The use of any words such as "anticipate", "continue", "plans", "estimate", "expect", "may", "will", "project", "should", "believe" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking information is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Such risks and other factors may include, but are not limited to: the extent and impact of health pandemic outbreaks on our business; general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties; general capital market conditions and market prices for securities; the actual results of the Company's future operations; competition; changes in legislation affecting the Company; the ability to obtain and maintain required permits and approvals, the timing and availability of external financing on acceptable terms; lack of qualified, skilled labour or loss of key individuals.

前瞻性陳述就某些事件和趨勢對業務的影響提供意見。本新聞稿中包含的某些聲明構成前瞻性陳述。使用諸如 “預期”、“繼續”、“計劃”、“估計”、“預期”、“可能”、“將”、“項目”、“應該”、“相信” 和類似表達方式之類的任何詞語都旨在識別前瞻性陳述。前瞻性信息受已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素的影響,這些因素可能導致公司的實際業績、活動水平、業績或成就與此類前瞻性信息所表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異。此類風險和其他因素可能包括但不限於:健康疫情對我們業務的程度和影響;一般業務、經濟、競爭、政治和社會的不確定性;一般資本市場狀況和證券市場價格;公司未來運營的實際業績;競爭;影響公司的立法變化;獲得和維持所需許可證和批准的能力,以可接受的條件獲得外部融資的時間和可用性;缺乏合格的熟練勞動力或者失去關鍵人物。

A description of additional risk factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from forward-looking information can be found in the Company's annual information form dated December 29, 2022 and other filings with the Canadian securities regulators available under the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at . Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended.

可能導致實際業績與前瞻性信息存在重大差異的其他風險因素的描述可在公司2022年12月29日的年度信息表以及向加拿大證券監管機構提交的其他文件中找到,該文件位於SEDAR+的公司簡介下,網址爲 。儘管公司試圖確定可能導致實際業績與前瞻性信息中包含的結果存在重大差異的重要因素,但可能還有其他因素導致業績與預期、估計或預期的結果不符。

Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates of management as of the date such statements are made. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these statements as the Company's actual results, performance, or achievements may differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements if known or unknown risks, uncertainties or other factors affect the Company's business, or if the Company's estimates or assumptions prove inaccurate. Therefore, the Company cannot provide any assurance that forward-looking statements will materialize. Such information, although considered reasonable by management at the time of preparation, may prove to be incorrect and actual results may differ materially from those anticipated.


Any financial outlook or future oriented financial information in this news release, as defined by applicable securities legislation, has been approved by management of iFabric. Such financial outlook or future oriented financial information is provided for the purpose of providing information about management's reasonable expectations as to the anticipated results of its proposed business activities. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. The Company assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or any other reason except as required by applicable securities laws.




Hylton Karon, President and CEO
Tel: 905.752.0566 ext 201

電話:905.752.0566 分機 201

Hilton Price, CFO
Tel: 647.465.6161




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SOURCE: iFabric Corp

來源: iFabric公司

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