


XDLK 微系統 (688582):專注於科技連接世界
中信证券 ·  2023/11/09 00:00

XDLK Microsystem is a leading gyroscope manufacturer in China for microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), and its main products include MEMS gyroscopes/accelerometers/inertial measurement units (IMUs), which are used in high reliability, unmanned systems, and high-end industries. With its internationally advanced technology level, expanding product matrix under high-intensity R&D and "shelf style" product concept, we expect that the Company will benefit from the penetration of MEMS inertial sensors in high reliability areas and others, while intelligent driving, robotics, and other emerging fields will provide broad headroom for the Company's development. We initiate coverage with a "BUY" rating.

XDLK Microsystem是中國領先的微機電系統(MEMS)陀螺儀制造商,其主要產品包括微機電系統陀螺儀/加速度計/慣性測量單元(IMU),用於高可靠性、無人系統和高端行業。憑藉其國際先進的技術水平、在高強度研發和 “貨架式” 產品概念下不斷擴大的產品矩陣,我們預計公司將受益於微機電系統慣性傳感器在高可靠性領域和其他領域的滲透,而智能駕駛、機器人和其他新興領域將爲公司的發展提供廣闊的空間。我們以 “買入” 評級開始報道。

Domestic MEMS gyroscope leader in rapid development.


XDLK Microsystem is a domestic MEMS gyroscope leader with advanced technologies. Its main products include MEMS gyroscopes, MEMS accelerometers, IMUs, etc., which find applications in high reliability, unmanned systems, high-end industries and other fields. The Company has established a technological closed loop in key areas such as MEMS inertial sensor chip design, MEMS process program development, packaging and testing. It has built a comprehensive business process and supply chain system, positioning categories like MEMS gyroscopes at an internationally advanced level. Benefitting from technological accumulation and a robust downstream market, the Company has achieved rapid growth in revenue and net profit in recent years. Its profitability has also shown a steady increase, with its operating revenue reaching Rmb277mn in 2022, implying a 44.54% CAGR from 2020 to 2022; its attributable net profit (ANP) totaled Rmb117mn in 2022, with a CAGR of 45.41% from 2020 to 2022; its net profit margin (NPM) increased to 51.40% in 2022 from 47.47% in 2019, which indicates that its profitability is significantly higher than the comparable peers.

XDLK Microsystem 是國內微機電系統陀螺儀的領導者,擁有先進的技術。其主要產品包括微機電系統陀螺儀、微機電系統加速度計、IMU 等,應用於高可靠性、無人系統、高端工業和其他領域。該公司已在微機電系統慣性傳感器芯片設計、微機電系統工藝程序開發、封裝和測試等關鍵領域建立了技術閉環。它已經建立了全面的業務流程和供應鏈系統,將MEMS陀螺儀等類別定位到國際先進水平。得益於技術積累和強勁的下游市場,公司近年來實現了收入和淨利潤的快速增長。其盈利能力也穩步增長,其營業收入在2022年達到人民幣2.77億元,這意味着從2020年到2022年的複合年增長率爲44.54%;其應占淨利潤(ANP)在2022年總額爲人民幣1.17億元,從2020年到2022年的複合年增長率爲45.41%;其淨利潤率(NPM)從2019年的47.47%增至2022年的51.40%,這表明其盈利能力明顯高於同行。

Multi-domain demand drives the flourishing development of the multi- billion-yuan market.


Due to the characteristics of low external dependency, inertial navigation systems and inertial measurement systems are widely used in aerospace, intelligent driving, high-end industries and other fields. Inertial sensors such as gyroscopes and accelerometers are the main components of inertial guidance and measurement systems. MEMS gyroscopes, with advantages such as miniaturization, high integration, and low cost, represent a crucial trend in gyroscope development. According to CCID Consulting (quoted from the Company's prospectus), in 2020, the scale of domestic MEMS industry reached Rmb73.67bn, up 23.2% YoY, and it is likely to reach Rmb127.06bn in 2023. According to LeadLeo Research Institute, the scale of domestic MEMS inertial sensors was approximately Rmb13.6bn in 2021. Currently, MEMS gyroscopes are gradually replacing ring laser gyroscopes (RLG) and fiber-optic gyroscope (FOGs) in the aerospace field, IMUs are increasingly widely used in high-end industrial sectors. At the same time, intelligent driving, humanoid robotics and other prosperous emerging industries are likely to open up a broad market space, contributing to the vigorous development of a multi-billion-yuan track. The MEMS inertial sensor market is currently dominated by overseas leaders such as Honeywell, Analog Devices (ADI). As domestic enterprises are in rapid development, the domestic localization space is vast.


With technology as the core and the "shelf style" as the foundation, XDLK drives long-term growth from multiple dimensions.

XDLK 以技術爲核心,以 “貨架風格” 爲基礎,從多個維度推動長期增長。

XDLK Microsystem has deeply engaged in the high-performance MEMS inertial sensor field, covering aspects such as design, process development, packaging and testing. The core parameters of its products have reached the international advanced level. At the same time, the Company consistently maintains a high level of research and development (R&D) investment, with an experienced core R&D team. Building on the its leading resonant MEMS device technology, it continuously advances product iterations and expansions. As of Dec 31, 2022, there were a total of 11 ongoing projects, spanning the next generation of gyroscopes, automotive IMUs, accelerometers, pressure sensors, and other categories, outlining a clear path for future product matrix iterations and expansions. Based on the foundation of leading technologies, XDLK Microsystem adopts a "shelf-style" approach for product development and expansion. Single products are tailored for multiple downstream applications. We believe that the "shelf-style" product strategy is advantageous for the Company in reducing R&D costs, continuously expanding applications, and breaking through potential strangleholds in a single market. Driven by its leading technology and a "shelf-style" strategy, the Company is likely to benefit significantly from the increased penetration of MEMS gyroscopes in high reliability fields.

XDLK Microsystem 深耕高性能 MEMS 慣性傳感器領域,涵蓋設計、工藝開發、封裝和測試等方面。其產品的核心參數已達到國際先進水平。同時,公司始終保持高水平的研發(R&D)投資,擁有一支經驗豐富的核心研發團隊。它以其領先的諧振 MEMS 器件技術爲基礎,不斷推進產品迭代和擴展。截至2022年12月31日,共有11個正在進行的項目,涵蓋下一代陀螺儀、汽車IMU、加速度計、壓力傳感器和其他類別,概述了未來產品矩陣迭代和擴展的明確路徑。基於領先技術的基礎,XDLK Microsystem 採用 “貨架式” 的方法進行產品開發和擴展。單一產品是爲多個下游應用量身定製的。我們認爲,“貨架式” 產品策略有利於公司降低研發成本、持續擴展應用以及突破單一市場的潛在束縛。在其領先的技術和 “貨架式” 戰略的推動下,MEMS陀螺儀在高可靠性領域的滲透率的提高可能會使該公司受益匪淺。

Simultaneously, it will benefit from the vast development opportunities in areas such as intelligent driving and humanoid robots. Furthermore, the Company's IPO fundraising projects focus on product development and industrialization, and the introduction of equity incentives enhances the cohesion of core talents, further solidifying the Company's long-term competitiveness.


Potential risks: Fluctuations in raw material prices; less-than-expected new customers expansion; fluctuations in high reliability downstream orders; market development risks; cancellation of electronic design automation (EDA) licenses; technological R&D not up to expectations; expansion in emerging areas not meeting expectations.


Investment strategy: Benefiting from various fields such as aerospace, intelligent driving, and robotics, we expect the demand for MEMS inertial sensors and IMUs to grow steadily. With advanced international technologies, high-strength R&D to promote product iteration and expansion, as well as the "shelf style" product concept, we expect XDLK Microsystem to benefit from the increased penetration of MEMS inertial sensors in high reliability and other fields. At the same time, we expect emerging areas such as intelligent driving and robotics to fuel broad development growth room for the Company. We forecast the Company's 2023E/24E/25E ANP to be Rmb168mn/241mn/329mn, corresponding to EPS forecasts of Rmb0.42/0.60/0.82, implying 93x/65x/48x PE at the current price. We selected Gova Technology (688539.SH), Memsensing Microsystems (688286.SH) and Bdstar Navigation (002151.SZ) as comparable companies, which are trading at 53x 2024E PE on average and 1.21x 2024E PEG on average based on Wind consensus estimates.Combining the PE method and PEG method and taking into account the valuation level of comparable companies, as well as the Company's leading technological capabilities in inertial sensors and the broad development prospects in high reliability, intelligent driving, humanoid robots and other fields, we assign 75x 2024E PE to derive a target market cap of Rmb18bn on ~1.91x 2024E PEG. We initiate coverage with a "BUY" rating and a target price of Rmb45.

投資策略:受益於航空航天、智能駕駛和機器人等各個領域,我們預計對微機電系統慣性傳感器和IMU的需求將穩步增長。憑藉先進的國際技術、促進產品迭代和擴展的高強度研發,以及 “貨架式” 的產品理念,我們預計 XDLK Microsystem 將受益於 MEMS 慣性傳感器在高可靠性和其他領域的滲透率的提高。同時,我們預計,智能駕駛和機器人等新興領域將爲公司帶來廣闊的發展增長空間。我們預計該公司2023年E/24E/25E/25E的年利潤率爲人民幣1.68億元/2.41億元/3.29億元,相當於每股收益預測爲人民幣0.42/0.60/0.82元,這意味着按當前價格計算市盈率爲93倍/65倍/48倍。我們選擇了Gova Technology(688539.SH)、Memsensing Microsystems(688286.SH)和Bdstar Navigation(002151.SZ)作爲可比公司,根據風能共識估計,這些公司的平均市盈率爲2024E的53倍,平均每股收益爲2024E的1.21倍。結合市盈率法和PEG方法,並考慮了可比公司的估值水平,以及公司在慣性傳感器和廣泛領域的領先技術能力在高可靠性、智能駕駛、仿人機器人等領域的發展前景,我們分配了 75x 2024E PE以約1.91倍的2024E年目標市值計算得出180億元人民幣的目標市值。我們以 “買入” 評級和45元人民幣的目標價啓動保險。

