Is A Reconciliation Between Elon Musk And Larry Page On The Horizon? Tesla CEO Open To Rekindling Friendship With Google Co-founder
Is A Reconciliation Between Elon Musk And Larry Page On The Horizon? Tesla CEO Open To Rekindling Friendship With Google Co-founder
Tesla CEO Elon Musk wants to mend his strained relationship with Google's co-founder Larry Page.
特斯拉 首席執行官 埃隆馬斯克 想修補他與他緊張的關係 谷歌的聯合創始人 拉里·佩奇。
What Happened: Musk disclosed this desire during a recent episode of the Lex Fridman podcast, where he also touched upon the Israel-Hamas war and the upcoming 2024 presidential elections, among other things.
"I would like to be friends again with Larry. I haven't seen him in ages. We were friends for a very long time," Musk said, remembering his friendship with the Alphabet co-founder.
“我想再次和拉里成爲朋友。我已經很久沒見過他了。我們是朋友很長時間了。” 馬斯克回憶起自己與朋友的友誼時說 字母表 聯合創始人。
See Also: OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Just 'Outmemed' Elon Musk, Shows Off ChatGPT As Daddy Of 'Grok'
另見:OpenAI 首席執行官山姆·奧特曼剛剛 “勝過” 埃隆·馬斯克,炫耀 ChatGPT 是 “Grok” 的爸爸
The rift between Musk and Page, dating back to 2013, reportedly originated from their contrasting perspectives on the Microsoft-backed OpenAI, an entity co-founded by Musk along with Sam Altman.
據報道,馬斯克和佩奇之間的分歧可以追溯到2013年,源於他們對這個問題的看法截然不同 微軟-已備份 OpenAI,由馬斯克與馬斯克共同創立的實體 山姆·奧特曼。
The tension heightened when Musk discouraged DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis from forging a deal with Google in 2014, where Page was then serving as CEO.
當馬斯克灰心喪氣時,緊張局勢加劇了 DeepM 首席執行官黛米斯·哈薩比斯在2014年與谷歌達成協議後,佩奇當時擔任谷歌首席執行官。
"The future of AI should not be controlled by Larry," Musk told Hassabis.
Musk has previously mentioned his strained ties with Page. He earlier revealed to Tucker Carlson that Page "doesn't want to talk to me anymore" and "got very upset with me about OpenAI."
馬斯克此前曾提到他與佩奇的關係緊張。他早些時候向塔克·卡爾森透露,佩奇 “不想再和我說話”,“我對OpenAI感到非常失望”。
Musk is currently leading a novel AI venture, xAI, which recently unveiled a generative AI chatbot named Grok.
Apart from opening up about the frostiness in his friendship with Page, Musk also spoke on several other topics. This included a unique solution to the Israel-Hamas conflict, which involves Israel engaging in "conspicuous acts of kindness" to thwart Hamas.
除了公開談論他與佩奇的友誼中的冷淡之處外,馬斯克還就其他幾個話題發表了講話。這包括以色列-哈馬斯衝突的獨特解決方案,這場衝突涉及以色列採取 “引人注目的善舉” 來挫敗哈馬斯。
Musk also tackled a critical topic – the upcoming 2024 presidential election and the role of X.
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免責聲明: 此內容部分是在 Benzinga Neuro 的幫助下製作的,並由 Benzinga 編輯審查和出版。
Photo by Frederic Legrand – COMEO on Shutterstock
攝影:弗雷德裏克·羅格朗 — Shutterstock 上的 COMEO