
Mortgage Applications Snap 3 Weeks Of Decline As 30-Year Rates Fall By The Most In Over A Year

Mortgage Applications Snap 3 Weeks Of Decline As 30-Year Rates Fall By The Most In Over A Year

Benzinga ·  2023/11/09 00:41

The mortgage market seems to find the first glimmers of light at the end of a long tunnel.


What Happened: The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) announced Wednesday that mortgage applications increased by 2.5% for the week ending Nov. 3, snapping three straight weeks of decreases.


A rise in mortgage activity coincided with a substantial drop in U.S. Treasury yields as markets assessed the duration of the Federal Reserve's restrictive stance and buyers' willingness to accept loans with extremely high-interest rates.


The 30-year fixed rate on mortgages averaged 7.61% in the most recent week. That's a decline of 25 basis points from the previous week's average. This marked the steepest weekly fall since July 2022.


"Last week's decrease in rates was driven by the U.S. Treasury's issuance update, the Fed striking a dovish tone in the November FOMC statement, and data indicating a slower job market," said Joel Kan, MBA's Vice president and deputy chief economist.

他說:“上週利率下降是由美國財政部最新的發行量推動的,美聯儲在11月聯邦公開市場委員會的聲明中表現出鴿派基調,以及數據顯示就業市場放緩。” Joel Kan,MBA副總裁兼副首席經濟學家。

Real estate stocks, as tracked by the Real Estate Select Sector SPDR Fund (NYSE:XLRE), were up 0.6% on Wednesday as of 10:00 a.m. in New York. They outperformed all other sectors, except for the Technology Select Sector SPDR Fund (NYSE:XLK).

房地產股,如追蹤的那樣 房地產 選擇行業SPDR基金 截至週三上午10點,紐約證券交易所代碼:XLRE)上漲0.6%。他們的表現優於所有其他板塊,除了 科技精選行業SPDR基金 (紐約證券交易所:XLK)。

Chart: Mortgage Rates Slightly Ease From Peak


Why It Matters: Last week, the U.S. Treasury revealed a drop in its quarterly borrowing forecast to $776 billion. That's down from the prior estimate of $852 billion.


The Federal Reserve decided to keep interest rates steady. It also stressed the importance of acting cautiously given that interest rates are now restrictive. Powell also acknowledged progress on inflation. While he didn't lock the door to another rate rise, markets read his words as dovish.


Over the past week, 30-year Treasury rates have fallen from 5.10% to 4.70%. During the same time period, 10-year note yields have declined from 4.94% to 4.55%.


Popular exchange-traded funds that invest in U.S. Treasuries have risen. The iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF (NASDAQ:TLT) and the US 10-Year Treasury Note ETF (NYSE:UTEN) are up 5.5% and 2.5%, respectively.

投資美國國債的熱門交易所交易基金已經上漲。那個 iShares 20 年期以上國債ETF (納斯達克股票代碼:TLT)和 美國10年期美國國債ETF 紐約證券交易所代碼:UTEN)分別上漲5.5%和2.5%。

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