
Labor Smart Inc, Announces the Appointment of New Board Members

Labor Smart Inc, Announces the Appointment of New Board Members

Labor Smart Inc宣佈任命新的董事會成員
Accesswire ·  2023/11/07 07:12

JACKSON, WY / ACCESSWIRE / November 6, 2023 / Labor Smart, INC today announced results of stockholder elections for the 2023-2024 Board of Directors. After an in person vote at the annual shareholders meeting In Las Vegas on 10/25/2023 and a vote by shareholders by mail and on-line, the board of Directors was selected unanimously.

懷俄明州傑克遜/ACCESSWIRE/2023年11月6日/Labor Smart, INC今天公佈了2023-2024年董事會股東選舉結果。經2023年10月25日在拉斯維加斯舉行的年度股東大會上親自投票以及股東通過郵寄和在線方式進行投票後,董事會獲得一致選出。

The Labor Smart Board of Directors, (BOD), are;

Labor Smart 董事會(BOD)是:

Manny Pacquiao, who was elected by 99.8% of the vote, is a well know business man, philanthropist and boxing legend in the world and is an exciting addition for the company that can assist in guidance for an entry into Asian markets.


Luis Sequeira, who was elected by 97.3% of the vote, is a hotel owner, real estate consultant and a second-generation real estate businessman. He has successfully focused on hotel development and sales in one of Europe's premier hospitality markets. His list of clients and business associates has grown to include high-end investors in Europe, Spain, the UK, Germany, the Middle East, and Brazil. Mr. Sequeira will assist in guidance for an entry into European markets.


Tom Fitzgerald, who was elected by 92.6% of the vote, is armed with a degree in Food Marketing from St. Joseph's University and 13 years of experience in the plastics industry attained while working in various capacities at the Rehrig Pacific Company, Mr. Fitzgerald founded T.M. Fitzgerald & Associates ("TMFA") in 1988. His first product was a plastic bread tray, which landed him a contract with Mid-Atlantic bakery, which at the time was the largest supplier to McDonald's, ultimately leading him to a successful and profitable first year in business. Mr. Fitzgerald will be a great asset in marketing with contacts throughout the U.S.

湯姆·菲茨傑拉德以92.6%的選票當選,他擁有聖約瑟夫大學的食品營銷學位和13年的塑料行業經驗,在Rehrig Pacific Company擔任各種職務期間,他於1988年創立了T.M. Fitzgerald & Associates(“TMFA”)。他的第一個產品是塑料麪包盤,這使他與當時麥當勞最大的供應商Mid-Atlantic麪包店簽訂了合同,最終使他在創業的第一年取得了成功和盈利。菲茨傑拉德先生將成爲營銷領域的寶貴資產,其聯繫人遍及全美。

Michael Holley, who received 98.2% of the vote, currently the COO of Labor Smart, is an absolute mandate to have on the board. His beverage experience is unsurpassed in the beverage industry and has helped establish well known beverages such as Arizona Iced tea and Xyience. His beverage connections and marketing experience will greatly assist a fledgling new beverage company. Mike has been in the beverage industry for almost 30 years.

邁克爾·霍利獲得98.2%的選票,目前是Labor Smart的首席運營官,絕對是董事會成員。他在飲料行業擁有無與倫比的飲料經驗,並幫助建立了知名飲料,例如亞利桑那冰茶和Xyience。他的飲料關係和營銷經驗將極大地幫助一家剛起步的新飲料公司。Mike 在飲料行業工作了將近 30 年。

Tom Zarro, who was elected by 99.7% of the vote, is currently the interim CEO of Labor smart, pending the hiring of a new CEO by the BOD. A successful "Get It Done" businessman achieving uncommon results in difficult circumstances. "Warrior" and "force" are the way previous employers have described him. He knows the value of a team working together for a common goal, and demonstrates that company-wide on a daily basis. His unwavering dedication to this budding new beverage category will be invaluable to the future success of the company.

以99.7%的選票當選的湯姆·扎羅目前是Labor smart的臨時首席執行官,有待董事會聘請新的首席執行官。一位成功的 “Get It Done” 商人在困難的環境中取得了不尋常的成績。“勇士” 和 “武力” 是以前的僱主對他的描述。他知道團隊爲實現共同目標而共同努力的價值,並且每天都在全公司範圍內證明這一點。他對這一嶄露頭角的新飲料類別的堅定不移的奉獻精神對於公司未來的成功將是無價的。

Labor Smart Inc. is the parent company of Next Gen Beverages, LLC., and Takeover Industries. Lock'din is the brand name of Next Gen beverages which specializes in healthy alternatives to sugary fitness drinks.

Labor Smart Inc. 是下一代飲料有限責任公司和收購工業公司的母公司。Lock'din是新一代飲料的品牌名稱,該公司專門生產含糖健身飲料的健康替代品。

Media Contact


Tom Zarro, Interim CEO, and BOD member
Mailing address
P.O. Box 2922
Jackson, WY 83001-2922

郵政信箱 2922
懷俄明州傑克遜 83001-2922

SOURCE: Labor Smart, Inc.

來源:Labor Smart, Inc.

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