
Outcrop Silver & Gold Invites You to Join Us at the Deutsche Goldmesse Fall 2023 in Frankfurt

Outcrop Silver & Gold Invites You to Join Us at the Deutsche Goldmesse Fall 2023 in Frankfurt

Outcrop Silver & Gold 邀請您加入我們,參加在法蘭克福舉行的 2023 年秋季德意志黃金展
newsfile ·  2023/11/06 20:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 6, 2023) - Outcrop Silver & Gold (TSXV: OCG) (OTCQX: OCGSF) (FSE: MRG), Outcrop Silver & Gold, will be participating in the Deutsche Goldmesse Fall Conference, which will take place on November 24 and 25 at The Westin Grand Frankfurt.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(新聞文件公司-2023 年 11 月 6 日)- 露頭白銀和金 多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:OCG)(場外交易所股票代碼:OCGSF)(FSE:MRG),Outcrop Silver & Gold將參加將於11月24日和25日在法蘭克福威斯汀大酒店舉行的德意志金博會秋季會議。

Members of the Outcrop Silver & Gold management team will be taking meetings throughout the day, and will also present at 11:00 AM CET on November 25th to an audience of European investors.

Outcrop Silver & Gold管理團隊的成員將全天參加會議,還將在歐洲中部時間11月25日上午11點向歐洲投資者出席。

An online registration form is available, and Investors can register to attend at: .

在線註冊表格可用, 投資者可以在以下地址註冊參加:.

Kai Hoffmann, Managing Director of Soar Financial Partners, remarks, "Following two virtual, and four in-person events, Deutsche Goldmesse has established itself as Germany's premier investment conference in the resource space. Being from Germany myself and working solely in the junior mining space for the last 12 years, I understand what German and European investors are looking for. This is why I have focused on bringing together a selective group of impressive and diverse companies, keynote speakers, influencers, HNW investors, asset & fund managers, media partners and more. I am excited to offer this boutique event once again, exclusive to the junior mining sector."

Soar Financial Partners董事總經理凱·霍夫曼表示:“繼兩次虛擬活動和四次面對面活動之後,德意志黃金展已確立了自己作爲德國資源領域首屈一指的投資會議的地位。我本人來自德國,在過去的12年中只在初級採礦領域工作,我了解德國和歐洲投資者的需求。這就是爲什麼我專注於彙集一批精選的令人印象深刻的多元化公司、主題演講者、有影響力的人、高淨值投資者、資產和基金經理、媒體合作伙伴等。我很高興再次爲初級採礦業提供這項精品活動。”

About Outcrop Silver & Gold

關於 Outcrop 白銀和黃金

Outcrop Silver is advancing the Santa Ana high-grade silver deposit with exploration activities aiming to expand the current mineral resource. Santa Ana is being advanced by a highly disciplined and seasoned professional team with decades of experience in Colombia.

Outcrop Silver正在推進聖安娜高品位銀礦牀的開發,其勘探活動旨在擴大當前的礦產資源。一支在哥倫比亞擁有數十年經驗的紀律嚴明、經驗豐富的專業團隊正在推動聖安娜的發展。

About Deutsche Goldmesse


Deutsche Goldmesse is Germany's largest mining investment conference, based out of Frankfurt- one of Europe's most important financial capitals. The conference brings together leading minds in the industry to foster new business opportunities and facilitate valuable relationships. The exclusive two-day event showcases industry-leading keynote speakers and up to 35 carefully considered companies in a range of commodities and stages from explorers to producers.

Deutsche Goldmesse是德國最大的礦業投資會議,總部設在歐洲最重要的金融首都之一法蘭克福。該會議彙集了業界的領軍人才,以創造新的商機並促進寶貴的關係。這項爲期兩天的獨家活動彙集了業界領先的主旨演講者和多達35家經過深思熟慮的公司,這些公司涵蓋了從探險家到生產商等各種大宗商品的各個階段。

Hosted by Soar Financial Partners, Deutsche Goldmesse provides a platform where company management can connect with a vast network of European institutional and HNW investors, retail investors, analysts, influencers, newsletter writers, media, and other local partners.

Deutsche Goldmesse由Soar Financial Partners主辦,提供了一個平台,公司管理層可以在該平台上與龐大的歐洲機構和高淨值投資者、散戶投資者、分析師、有影響力的人、時事通訊作家、媒體和其他本地合作伙伴建立聯繫。

For further information:
Outcrop Silver & Gold
Kathy Li
Vice President Investor Relations


