
Pre-Market Session Saw Wrap Technologies Continue To Rally

Pre-Market Session Saw Wrap Technologies Continue To Rally

盤前交易時段 Saw Wrap 科技繼續上漲
Stocks Telegraph ·  2023/11/01 21:03

Wrap Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: WRAP) is persisting in its upward trend in the premarket session today, building on the momentum it garnered during the preceding session. At the latest check, Wrap Technologies' stock has appreciated by 3.15%, reaching a trading price of $2.62. In the previous session, WRAP stock surged an impressive 15.46%, closing at $2.54.

Wrap Technologies, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:WRAP)在前一交易日獲得的勢頭基礎上,在今天的盤前交易時段保持上漲趨勢。在最新的支票上,Wrap Technologies的股票上漲了3.15%,交易價格爲2.62美元。在上一交易日中,WRAP股價飆升了令人印象深刻的15.46%,收於2.54美元。

Last week, Wrap Technologies (WRAP) responded to the earnest request of law enforcement agencies and introduced its Protest Riot Pack (PRP). Crafted to empower law enforcement organizations and bolster urban safety, this solution is poised to transform public safety strategies fundamentally.

上週,Wrap Technologies(WRAP)回應了執法機構的真誠要求,推出了抗議防暴包(PRP)。該解決方案旨在增強執法組織能力和加強城市安全,有望從根本上改變公共安全戰略。

Furthermore, Wrap Technologies is in the process of developing a novel training scenario for its Wrap RealityTM virtual training platform, aimed at furnishing essential situational training to support law enforcement and the wider community. Police departments have articulated an escalating demand for enhancing conventional crowd management and de-escalation methods.

此外,Wrap Technologies正在爲其Wrap RealityTM虛擬培訓平台開發一種新的訓練場景,旨在提供基本的情境訓練,以支持執法部門和更廣泛的社區。警察部門表示,對加強傳統人群管理和緩和局勢方法的需求不斷增加。

The unveiling of the PRP solution by Wrap underscores its keen acknowledgment of the evolving challenges confronting law enforcement professionals. This launch solidifies Wrap's commitment to advocating for both compassionate and practical solutions. BolaWrap, on its part, has been summoned to serve as a safe, non-injurious alternative to conventional crowd control tactics.


By deploying BolaWrap, officers can remotely and safely restrain individuals during tense situations. WRAP customers have requested an easily accessible solution that makes use of BolaWrap as the preferred tool for responding to civil disturbances, including protests and riots. Wrap is unwavering in its dedication to public safety and in providing solutions that benefit the community and law enforcement, offering non-harmful approaches even in the most challenging circumstances.

通過部署 BolaWrap,警官可以在緊張局勢中遠程安全地約束個人。WRAP 客戶要求一種易於使用的解決方案,該解決方案使用 BolaWrap 作爲應對包括抗議和騷亂在內的內亂的首選工具。Wrap堅定不移地致力於公共安全,提供有益於社區和執法部門的解決方案,即使在最具挑戰性的環境中也能提供無害的方法。

The upcoming PRP solution, set to launch in the first quarter of 2024, will also include a new protest scenario for the Wrap Reality platform. This feature will enable both existing and new Wrap Reality customers to train officers in handling tense crowd-control situations most effectively.

即將推出的PRP解決方案定於2024年第一季度推出,還將包括Wrap Reality平台的新抗議場景。該功能將使現有和新的Wrap Reality客戶都能培訓官員最有效地處理緊張的人群控制情況。

Wrap Reality immerses law enforcement personnel in true-to-life experiences, facilitating their familiarity with a range of scenarios, decisions, and their outcomes. This initiative marks a significant milestone in Wrap Technologies' overarching objective of fostering safer communities through innovative and non-lethal solutions.

Wrap Reality 讓執法人員沉浸在真實的體驗中,幫助他們熟悉一系列場景、決策及其結果。該計劃標誌着Wrap Technologies通過創新和非致命解決方案促進更安全的社區這一總體目標中的一個重要里程碑。

