
Cassiar Gold Corp. Announces Participation in the Precious Metals Summit Zurich

Cassiar Gold Corp. Announces Participation in the Precious Metals Summit Zurich

Cassiar Gold Corp. 宣佈參加蘇黎世貴金屬峯會
newsfile ·  2023/10/23 19:30

Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - October 23, 2023) - Cassiar Gold Corp. (TSXV: GLDC) (OTCQX: CGLCF) is pleased to announce its participation at the 2023 Precious Metals Summit Zurich where it will be delivering a live corporate update on November 14th at 2:30 PM CET.

卡爾加裡,艾伯塔省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年10月23日)-Cassiar Gold Corp.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:GLDC)(場外交易代碼:CGLCF)很高興宣佈將參加2023年秀克黎世貴金屬峰會,並將於11月14日歐洲中部時間下午2:30現場發佈企業最新情況。

We invite our shareholders, and all interested parties to view the live webcast, accessible via the organizers' website, .


A replay will be available following the presentation via the Precious Metals Summit Conferences website.


For more information:


About Cassiar Gold Corp.


Cassiar Gold Corp. is a Canadian gold exploration company holding a 100% interest in its flagship Cassiar Gold Property located in British Columbia, Canada. The Cassiar Gold property spans 590 km2 and consists of two main project areas: Cassiar North, which hosts a NI 43-101-compliant inferred resource estimate of 1.4Moz at 1.14 g/t Au (cutoff grade of 0.5 g/t Au) known as the as the Taurus Deposit (see National Instrument 43-101 Technical report on the Cassiar Gold property, April 28, 2022, by S. Zelligan, J. Moors, C. Jolette, posted to SEDAR); and Cassiar South which hosts numerous gold showings, historical workings, and exploration prospects. Historical underground mines in the Cassiar South area have yielded over 315,000 oz of Au at average head grades of between 10 and 20 g/t Au2, underscoring the high potential for further discovery and expansion of high-grade orogenic gold veins.The Company also holds a 100% interest in the Sheep Creek gold camp located near Salmo, BC. The Sheep Creek gold district ranks as the third largest past-producing orogenic gold district in BC with historical gold production of 742,000 ounces gold at an average grade of 14.7 g/t gold from 1900 to 1951. Minimal exploration work has been conducted since the 1950s.

Cassiar Gold Corp.是一家加拿大黃金勘探公司,持有其位於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省的旗艦Cassiar Gold地產的100%權益。Cassiar金礦礦佔地590平方公里,由兩個主要專案區組成:Cassiar North礦藏包含符合NI 43-101標準的推斷資源量估計為1.4 Moz,Au儲量為1.14 g/t(截止品位為0.5 g/t Au),該礦藏被稱為金牛座礦床(見S.Zelligan,J.Moors,C.Jolette於2022年4月28日發佈的《Cassiar金礦礦藏技術報告》);Cassiar South礦藏,蘊藏著大量金礦展示、歷史開採和勘探前景。卡薩爾南部地區的歷史地下礦山已開採出超過315,000盎司的金,平均頭品位在10至20克/噸之間,突顯了進一步發現和擴大高品位造山金礦脈的巨大潛力。Sheep Creek金礦區是西元前第三大過去產的造山金礦區,從1900年到1951年,歷史黃金產量為74.2萬盎司黃金,平均品位為14.7克/噸黃金。自20世紀50年代以來,一直在進行最低限度的勘探工作。

About Precious Metals Summit Conferences:


Precious Metals Summit Conferences is a premier organizer of institutional investor conferences, renowned for bringing professional investors, portfolio managers and sell-side analysts together with developers and explorers from around the globe. Annual Precious Metals Summit events in Zurich and Beaver Creek are universally recognized as top destinations for resource investors and growth-oriented companies. The Summit also manages the official One on One Meetings Program at PDAC in Toronto. Please visit for more details.


For further information:


Marco Roque
President, CEO & Director


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