
Advanced Gold Exploration Announces Filing of Technical Report

Advanced Gold Exploration Announces Filing of Technical Report

newsfile ·  2023/10/20 23:34

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - October 20, 2023) - Advanced Gold Exploration Inc. (CSE: AUEX) ("AUEX" or the "Company") is pleased to announce it has filed an Independent technical report (the "Technical Report") prepared pursuant to National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101") on its Buck Lake Property (the "Property") on the Company's SEDAR+ profile at . The Technical Report was prepared by Michael Kilbourne P. Geo., an independent Qualified Person and has an Effective Date of September 28, 2023.

安大略省多倫多-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年10月20日)-高級黃金勘探公司(CSE:AUEX) (“AUEX”或“公司”)很高興地宣佈,它已提交了一份獨立技術報告(技術報告“)根據《國家文書43-101》編制-《礦產專案資訊披露標準》(“NI 43-101“)其Buck Lake物業(The”屬性“)在公司的SEDAR+簡介中。技術報告由邁克爾·基爾伯恩·P·Geo編寫,他是一位獨立的合格人士,生效日期為2023年9月28日。

The Technical Report, entitled "43-101 Independent Technical Report on the Buck Lake Property for Advanced Gold Exploration Inc., Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario" was prepared by Michael Kilbourne, P.Geo. (the "Author") at the request of the Company. This Technical Report is specific to the standards dictated by NI 43-101 in respect to Property. The purpose of this Technical Report is to review the geological environment, summarize the historic work, and assess the technical merit of the Property for disposition.

這份題為《安大略省秀克爾聖瑪麗高級黃金勘探公司Buck Lake地產43-101獨立技術報告》的技術報告由P.Geo邁克爾·基爾伯恩撰寫。(“作者“)應公司要求。本技術報告針對NI 43-101關於財產的標準。本技術報告的目的是審查地質環境,總結歷史工作,並評估待處置財產的技術價值。

About the Buck Lake Property

關於Buck Lake地產

The Property is located approximately 62 linear km northeast of Sault Ste. Marie in the Province of Ontario. The Property consists of a total of 180 single-cell mining claims that covers 3,886 hectares located in Lunkie and Gapp Townships.


The Property is located in the Wawa-Abitibi Subprovince within of the Superior Province of Canada. The Property is situated within the Batchawana Greenstone Belt ("BGB") that comprises a small portion of the Wawa-Abitibi Subprovince. The BGB is an arcuate-shaped, expansive belt located in the southern-central part of the Wawa-Abitibi Subprovince on the eastern shore of Lake Superior. This BGB is an Archean-aged greenstone belt consisting of a ick succession of supracrustal rocks. The property is situated in the Batchawana Volcanic Domain which hosts prospective sequences of felsic and mafic volcanics.


The Technical Report states that the geological environment of the Property is favourable for the presence of Archean volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits ("VMS"), iron deposits and orogenic gold deposits, namely banded iron formation ("BIF") hosted gold deposits due to the fact that BIF's are present on the Property. The focus of exploration has historically been on VMS-type deposits, but other deposit model types should not be dismissed.


The Property contains at least 8 areas of potential based on the presence of Base Metal Mineralization based on historical or recent activities. Including areas of copper and zinc mineralization.


An extensive stripping and channel sampling program over one of the zones in (the Noranda Trend) in 2022 identified several mineral horizons and provided invaluable clues to the geological environment of Cu-Zn mineralization. Highlights of the channel sampling include 4.94% Zn, 367 ppm Cu, 0.77% Pb and 45.6 g/t Ag over 1.0 m at trench G and <0.01% Zn, 1.58% Cu and 27.4 g/t Ag over 1.1 m.

2022年,在諾蘭達趨勢(Noranda Trend)的一個帶上進行了廣泛的剝離和渠道採樣計劃,確定了幾個礦物層,並為銅鋅成礦的地質環境提供了寶貴的線索。航道採樣的亮點是:G海溝1.0米以上,鋅4.94%,銅367 ppm,鉛0.77%,銀45.6 g/t;1.1m以上,鋅

These programs were followed-up by diamond drilling in 2022 consisting of 15 diamond drill holes totaling 2,545 m. The objective of the drilling was to test sulphide mineralization documented on surface at depth and along strike of the Noranda trend. The VLF anomalies outlined along the Noranda trend in 2022 were also tested.


Highlights of the drill program include 1.51% Cu over 11.75 m in hole BL-22-06 and 2.38% Cu over 2.95 m in hole BL-22-15.


The success of this program prompted the expansion of the property to cover known airborne anomalies and other areas of past drilling which had identified base metal mineralization.


Mr. Jim Atkinson CEO of AUEX notes that "The Author of the Technical Report has reviewed the available information on the property and has stated in the Report 'that the following salient features of the Buck Lake Property makes this a property of high merit for VMS-type Cu-Zn deposits:

AUEX首席執行官吉姆·阿特金森先生指出:“技術報告的作者審查了有關該物業的現有資訊,並在報告中指出。Buck Lake礦藏的以下顯著特徵使其成為VMS型銅鋅礦床的高價值礦藏:

  1. A greenstone belt hosting supracrustal Archean-aged rocks within the metal endowed Wawa-Abitibi Subprovince.
  2. A geological environment consistent with other VMS deposits of the Wawa-Abitibi Subprovince which includes felsic to intermediate volcanics, dacitic flows, tuffs and breccias and sediments in an extensional arc environment.
  3. Confirmed Cu-Zn bearing massive sulphide mineralization in surface channel sampling and diamond drilling.
  4. Cu-Zn bearing +/- massive pyrite-pyrrhotite mineralization stratigraphically proximal to cherty exhalative horizons and BIF (Figure 8.1, right-hand side) (Photo 7).
  5. Limited modern-day VMS-deposit model exploration.'
  1. 在金屬賦存的瓦瓦-阿比提比亞省內,有太古宙錶殼岩石的綠巖帶。
  2. 與瓦瓦-阿比提比亞省其他VMS礦床一致的地質環境,包括長英質至中火山岩、英安質流、凝灰岩和角礫巖以及伸展弧形環境中的沉積物。
  3. 在地表河道取樣和金剛石鑽探中證實了含銅鋅塊狀硫化物礦化。
  4. 含銅鋅+/-塊狀黃鐵礦-磁黃鐵礦礦化在Cherty呼氣層和BIF附近的地層中(圖8.1,右側)(圖7)。
  5. 有限的現代VMS-存款模式勘探。

This is very positive for the project. He goes on to say." "It is of the Author's opinion that the Property be continued to be explored for VMS-type massive sulphide deposits as indications are favourable for success."


Mr. Atkinson also stated "We believe in the potential of the Property and in the light of our newly stated focus on Gold exploration we will continue discussions with potential partners to advance the project freeing us to concentrate on our exciting gold projects."




James Atkinson M.Sc., P. Geo., a Qualified Person ("QP") as such term is defined NI 43-101, has reviewed and approved the geological information reported in this news release. The Qualified Person has not completed sufficient work to verify all historic information on the Property, particularly with regards to historical sampling, drill results, and technical work provided by Carolina Gold Resources and others. The Qualified Person assumes that sampling and analytical results were completed to industry standard practices. The information provides an indication of the exploration potential of the Property but may not be representative of expected results.

James Atkinson M.Sc,P.Geo,一位合格的人(“QP“)該術語定義為NI 43-101,已審核並批准了本新聞稿中報道的地質資訊。合格人員沒有完成足夠的工作來核實有關該物業的所有歷史資訊,特別是關於歷史採樣、鑽探結果和卡羅萊納黃金資源公司和其他公司提供的技術工作。該合格人員假設採樣和分析結果是按照行業標準實踐完成的。這些資訊提供了該物業的勘探潛力,但可能不代表預期結果。



Advanced Gold Exploration (Formerly Advance United Holdings Inc.) brings an entirely different approach to the mining industry. We don't mine. Rather, we've acquired a portfolio of undervalued gold properties and are increasing their value through the application of modern technology. We have a growing pipeline of similar properties that we are looking to acquire. We are involved exclusively in the acquisition and advancement of past projects - with no intent to bring them back into production or to mine them ourselves. Our expertise is in identifying and acquiring undervalued properties with significant historical work, which were uneconomic at the time, but we believe have economic value at today's prices. We fund the re-working historic data and applying modern technology to underwrite new qualified reports, document quantifiable resources and reserves to current standards, thereby recognizing the current value. Our purpose is to bring immediate and long-term value to our partners and shareholders while seeking to eliminate exploration risk, so that we can all advance in the shortest possible time frame. For additional information about us, our projects, or to find out how we can assist in the advancement of your project contact our CEO.

Advanced Gold Explore(前Advance United Holdings Inc.)為採礦業帶來了一種完全不同的方式。我們不是我的。相反,我們收購了一系列被低估的黃金資產,並通過應用現代技術來增加它們的價值。我們正在尋求收購越來越多的類似房產。我們專門參與收購和推進過去的專案--並不打算讓它們恢復生產或自己開採它們。我們的專長是識別和收購具有重大曆史意義的被低估的房產,這些房產在當時是不經濟的,但我們相信,以今天的價格計算,這些房產具有經濟價值。我們為重新處理歷史數據和應用現代技術提供資金,以承保新的合格報告,根據當前標準記錄可量化的資源和儲量,從而確認當前價值。我們的目標是在尋求消除勘探風險的同時,為我們的合作夥伴和股東帶來即時和長期的價值,以便我們都能在盡可能短的時間內取得進展。有關我們、我們的專案的更多資訊,或者要了解我們如何幫助您推進專案,請聯繫我們的首席執行官。

Contact Information


James Atkinson, M.Sc., P. Geo.,
CEO Advanced Gold Exploration Inc.
Tel: (647) 278-7502


Forward-Looking Information and Cautionary Statements


This news release contains certain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities law. Forward looking information is frequently characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate", "may", "will", "would", "potential", "proposed" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. These statements are only predictions. Forward-looking information is based on the opinions and estimates of management at the date the information is provided, and is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information. For a description of the risks and uncertainties facing the Company and its business and affairs, readers should refer to the Company's Management's Discussion and Analysis. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change, unless required by law. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information.


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