
Adastra Holdings Provides Corporate Update Following 2023 Growup Awards Victory as Brand of The Year

Adastra Holdings Provides Corporate Update Following 2023 Growup Awards Victory as Brand of The Year

Adastra Holdings 在 2023 年 Growup Awards 獲得 “年度品牌” 之後發佈了公司最新消息
Accesswire ·  2023/10/11 20:30

LANGLEY, BC / ACCESSWIRE / October 11, 2023 / Adastra Holdings Ltd. (CSE:XTRX) (FRA:D2EP) ("Adastra" or the "Company"), a leading cannabis processor and producer of two top Canadian concentrates brands, with a focus on product innovation and commercialization for adult-use and medical markets, is pleased to provide the following corporate update, highlighting the achievements accomplished thus far in 2023 and outlining the various initiatives planned for the remainder of the year.


AGM Completion


The Company's Annual General Meeting (the "AGM") was held in Vancouver, B.C. on September 14, 2023. Shareholders of the Company voted in favour of all matters of business presented at the AGM, including:


  • Appointing Davidson & Company LLP, Chartered Professional Accountant as the auditors of the Company for the ensuing year at a remuneration to be fixed by the Company's board of directors (the "Board");
  • Setting the number of directors at three, and re-electing Michael Forbes, Paul Morgan, and John Smoke Wallin to the Board;
  • Approving and confirming an amendment to the quorum resolution under the Company's Articles; and
  • Approving and confirming the adoption of the Company's Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan (the "Plan") and the granting of equity awards thereunder.
  • 委任英國特許專業會計師事務所Davidson&Company LLP為本公司下一年度的核數師,酬金由本公司董事會(“董事會”)釐定衝浪板“);
  • 將董事人數定為三人,並重新選舉邁克爾·福布斯、保羅·摩根和約翰·斯莫克·沃林進入董事會;
  • 根據公司章程批准並確認對法定人數決議的修訂;以及
  • 批准並確認通過本公司的《綜合股權激勵計劃》(《平面圖“)並據此授予股權獎勵。

The Plan provides that the aggregate maximum number of common shares of the Company ("Common Shares") that may be issued upon the exercise or settlement of awards granted under the Plan shall not exceed 20% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares from time to time. A copy of the Plan and further details are included in the Company's management information circular regarding the AGM dated August 14, 2023, and available on SEDAR at .


Marketing Initiatives


Adastra executed a national-scale summer event campaign, called as "SESH PARK", which played a pivotal role in solidifying the recognition of its brands in the Canadian market. SESH PARK, a wholly-owned asset of the Company, aimed to elevate the standard of cannabis marketing and provided attendees with an experience synonymous with the brands within Adastra's portfolio.

艾達斯特拉開展了一項名為“SESH Park”的全國性夏季活動,在鞏固其品牌在加拿大市場的認知度方面發揮了關鍵作用。SESH Park是該公司的全資資產,旨在提高大麻營銷的標準,並為與會者提供與Adstra投資組合中的品牌同義詞的體驗。

Designed with summer event attendees in mind, the immersive environment featured The Endgame Blacktop, a mobile half-court basketball installation, as well as Phyto Mountain, a 12-foot tall sculpture outfitted with a waterfall and misting capability. Alongside its main attractions, the space featured musical acts, live art installations and comfortable seating and shade areas, allowing attendees to immerse themselves in Adastra's brands.

設計時考慮到了夏季活動的參與者,沉浸式環境包括EndGame Blacktop,一個可移動的半場籃球裝置,以及Phyto Mountain,一個12英尺高的雕塑,配備了瀑布和霧化能力。除了主要景點外,該空間還包括音樂表演、現場藝術裝置和舒適的座椅和遮陽區,讓與會者沉浸在艾達斯特拉的品牌中。

Purpose-built for scalability, SESH PARK took many forms over the summer at numerous properties across Canada. From large-scale industry events to local venues in key cities, SESH PARK provided a consistent, engaging and unique way for Endgame and Phyto to interact with consumers and trade partners across Canada.

SESH Park專門為可伸縮性而建,整個夏天在加拿大各地的許多酒店採取了多種形式。從大型行業活動到主要城市的本地會場,SESH Park為EndGame和Phyto提供了一種一致、吸引人和獨特的方式,讓他們與加拿大各地的消費者和貿易夥伴互動。

The unveiling of SESH PARK marks a significant milestone for Adastra, showcasing the Company's dedication to pushing the boundaries and creating ground-breaking experiences that resonate with modern audiences.

SESH Park的揭幕標誌著Adstra的一個重要里程碑,展示了該公司致力於突破界限,創造與現代觀眾產生共鳴的開創性體驗。

The 2023 tour schedule included the following:


  • Tokyo Smoke 4/20 Event (Toronto)
  • Smokebreak at the Sesh Park (Toronto)
  • KIND Summer Fair (Toronto)
  • The Cup (Vancouver)
  • Chasing Summer Music Festival (Calgary)
  • Great Outdoor Comedy Festival (Calgary)
  • Elevate Cannabis Industry Expo (Toronto)
  • Smokebreak Ossington Block Party (Toronto)
  • 東京煙霧4/20活動(多倫多)
  • 在塞什公園吸煙休息(多倫多)
  • Kind夏季交易會(多倫多)
  • 世界盃(溫哥華)
  • 追逐夏季音樂節(卡爾加裡)
  • 偉大的戶外喜劇節(卡爾加裡)
  • 提升大麻產業博覽會(多倫多)
  • SmokeBreak Ossington Block派對(多倫多)

Inventory Management System


Effective September 30, 2023, Adastra has initiated the implementation of a new inventory management system. The new system will allow Adastra to have improved optics on inventory forecasting and the traceability of inputs of production. These changes are expected to allow Adastra to improve the utilisation of warehouse space, the accuracy of inventory costing, and the forecasting of manufacturing. The Company expects the inventory management system will be fully implemented by December 31, 2023.


Upcoming Industry Events


The Canexec 2023 Global Cannabis Executive Summit ("CanExec Summit") will take place on Monday, October 30 and 31, 2023 in Toronto, Ontario. Michael Forbes, CEO of Adastra, will be a featured speaker alongside other esteemed cannabis industry professionals. CanExec Summit is an exclusive "By Invite Only" event for executives from some of the leading cannabis producers.

Canexec 2023全球大麻執行峰會(“CanExec峰會)將於2023年10月30日和31日星期一在安大略省多倫多舉行。Adstra首席執行官邁克爾·福布斯將與其他受人尊敬的大麻行業專業人士一起擔任專題演講者。CanExec峰會是一些領先大麻生產商的高管的獨家活動。

GrowUp Awards


At the 2023 GrowUp Awards ceremony held on October 1, 2023, Adastra emerged as a standout winner, securing victory in both of its nominated categories. The Company received the Brand of the Year award for its brand, Endgame Extracts, and the Extraction Specialist of the Year award for the contributions of Creed Taylor to the Endgame Extracts brand. These awards underscore the Company's commitment to innovation and recognize the commitment and contributions of its team.

在2023年10月1日舉行的2023年GrowUp頒獎典禮上,艾達斯特拉成為傑出的獲獎者,確保了其兩個提名類別的勝利。該公司憑藉其品牌EndGame Extras獲得了年度品牌獎,並因Creed Taylor對EndGame Extras品牌的貢獻獲得了年度提取專家獎。這些獎項強調了公司對創新的承諾,並表彰了其團隊的承諾和貢獻。

"This year, we've dedicated our efforts to a range of marketing initiatives aimed at increasing brand awareness and recognition for our premium products throughout Canada. We're delighted to report our accomplishments, particularly with our project, SESH PARK, which has delivered an experience aligned with Adastra's brand portfolio to all attendees," said Michael Forbes, CEO of Adastra. "Looking ahead to the remainder of the year, our focus is centred on strengthening our inventory forecasting accuracy and ensuring greater traceability of production inputs. Both of these goals will be made possible by the cutting-edge inventory management system we implemented last month. Furthermore, our commitment to continuous improvement extends beyond efficient inventory management and cost-effective production that enhances customer savings. We are actively engaged in the development of innovative SKUs, diversifying our product range to meet the ever-evolving preferences of our customers."

今年,我們致力於一系列營銷活動,旨在提高我們優質產品在加拿大各地的品牌知名度和認知度。我們很高興地報告我們的成就,特別是我們的專案--SESH Park,該專案向所有與會者提供了與Adstra品牌組合一致的體驗。艾達斯特拉公司首席執行官邁克爾·福布斯說。展望今年剩餘時間,我們的重點是加強庫存預測的準確性和確保生產投入的更大可追溯性。我們上個月實施的尖端庫存管理系統將使這兩個目標成為可能。此外,我們對持續改進的承諾不僅限於高效的庫存管理和提高客戶節省成本的高效益生產。我們正在積極參與創新SKU的開發,使我們的產品範圍多樣化,以滿足客戶不斷變化的偏好。

About Adastra Holdings Ltd.


Adastra has become one of Canada's leaders in the supply and manufacturing of ethnobotanical and cannabis products for adult-use. It serves medical markets and engages in forward-looking therapeutic applications. With cannabis concentrate products sold through retailers at more than 2,000 locations across Canada, Adastra's Phyto Extractions and Endgame Extracts brands are now well established with a solid distribution presence. As a Health Canada licensed facility, the Company specializes in extraction, distillation and manufacturing of a range of cannabis-derived products. Adastra partners with healthcare professionals and practitioners within the regulated environment to create products suitable for the medical cannabis market, with the ultimate aim of addressing the needs of patients. For more information, visit: .

艾達斯特拉已成為加拿大供應和製造成人用民族植物學和大麻產品的領先者之一。它服務於醫療市場,從事前瞻性治療應用。隨著大麻濃縮產品通過零售商在加拿大各地的2000多個地點銷售,艾達斯特拉的Phyto Exttions和EndGame Except品牌現在已經建立了穩固的分銷存在。作為加拿大衛生部許可的工廠,該公司專門從事一系列大麻衍生產品的提取、蒸餾和製造。ADASTRA在受監管的環境中與醫療保健專業人員和從業者合作,創造適合醫用大麻市場的產品,最終目的是滿足患者的需求。有關更多資訊,請訪問:。



Michael Forbes, CEO, Corporate Secretary & Director
(778) 715-5011


Forward-Looking Information


This news release contains forward‐looking information within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation concerning the business of the Company. Forward‐looking information is not based on historical fact but instead reflects management's expectations and assumptions concerning future results or events based on the opinions, assumptions and estimates of management considered reasonable at the date the statements are made. Although the Company believes that the expectations and assumptions on which such forward-looking information is based are reasonable, such information involves risks and uncertainties, and undue reliance should not be placed on the forward‐looking information because the Company can give no assurance that such forward-looking information will prove to be correct. Forward-looking information in this news release includes statements regarding the plans, intentions, beliefs and current expectations of the Company with respect to future business activities and operating performance. Forward-looking information is often identified by the words "may", "would", "could", "should", "will", "intend", "plan", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "expect" or similar expressions and includes information regarding: the various initiatives the Company has planned for the remainder of 2023; the Company's dedication to pushing the boundaries and creating ground-breaking experiences that resonate with modern audiences; the implementation of the Company's new inventory management system, including expected timing for completion; the Company's expectations regarding improvements to the utilisation of warehouse space, the accuracy of inventory costing, and the forecasting of manufacturing; Michael Forbes' attendance at the upcoming CanExec Summit; the Company's commitment to innovation; the Company's focus on strengthening its inventory forecasting accuracy and ensuring greater traceability of production inputs; the Company's commitment to continuous improvements in efficient inventory management and cost-effective production that enhances customer savings; the development of innovative SKU's; the diversification of the Company's product range; and expectations for other economic, business, and/or competitive factors.


Forward-looking information is necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable, are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that could cause actual results and the Company's plans and objectives to differ materially from those expressed in the forward‐looking information. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward‐looking information include, but are not limited to: delays in the implementation of the Company's new inventory management system; reduced demand for cannabis and cannabis related products; reductions in the Company's retail space and store locations; changes in consumer brand preferences; inherent uncertainty associated with projections; diversion of management time on transaction related issues; expectations regarding future growth and expansion; regulatory and licensing risks; changes in consumer demand and preferences; changes in general economic, business and political conditions, including changes in the financial markets and inflation-related risks; the global regulatory landscape and enforcement related to cannabis, including political risks and risks relating to regulatory change; compliance with extensive government regulation; public opinion and perception of the cannabis industry and other factors beyond the control of the Company. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should assumptions underlying the forward-looking information prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein as intended, planned, anticipated, believed, estimated or expected. Although the Company has attempted to identify important risks, uncertainties and factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be others that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information, which speak only as of the date of this news release. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.


SOURCE: Adastra Holdings Ltd.


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