
Catcha Digital to Acquire Stakes in Ittify and Headline Media for RM5m

Catcha Digital to Acquire Stakes in Ittify and Headline Media for RM5m

Catcha Digital將以500萬令吉的價格收購Ittify和頭條媒體的股份
The Malaysian Reserve ·  2023/10/10 18:01

Catcha Digital Bhd's subsidiary, iMedia Asia Sdn Bhd, is set to acquire a 49% equity interest in Ittify Sdn Bhd for RM3.43 million and a 30% equity interest in Headline Media Sdn Bhd for RM1.24 million, with an option to acquire an additional 50% equity interest in Headline Media within 36 months.

Catcha Digital Bhd的子公司iMedia Asia Sdn Bhd將以343萬林吉特收購Ittify Sdn Bhd 49%的股權,以124萬林吉特收購Headline Media Sdn Bhd 30%的股權,並有權在36個月內再收購Headline Media 50%的股權。

Ittify is an influencer platform in Malaysia, while Headline Media operates the rapidly growing English language website WeirdKaya, as well as emerging Chinese and Malay language sites.

Ittify是馬來西亞的一個有影響力的平臺,而Headline Media運營著快速增長的英語網站WeirdKaya,以及新興的中文和馬來語網站。

Catcha Digital expects these acquisitions to boost its earnings and enhance its position in the digital market, aligning with its mission to become a leading digital group in Southeast Asia.

Catcha Digital預計,這些收購將提振其收益,提升其在數字市場的地位,與其成為東南亞領先數位集團的使命相一致。

Catcha Digital's share price declined by half a sen or 0.98% to reach 50.5 sen today, resulting in the company's market capitalisation standing at RM178 million.

Catcha Digital的股價今天下跌了0.5分或0.98%,達到50.5分,導致該公司的市值達到1.78億林吉特。

