
2022 .gay Impact Report | Year 3

2022 .gay Impact Report | Year 3

2022 .gay 影響力報告 | 第三年
Accesswire ·  2023/10/05 22:15

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 5, 2023 / GoDaddy

馬薩諸塞州北安普敦/ACCESSWIRE/2023 年 10 月 5 日/GoDadd

As originally published in the 2022 .gay Impact Report

正如最初發布在 2022 年 .gay 影響報告中所述

"As the first link in bio platform for queer creators, we needed a top-level domain that shared our vision of a better internet for LGBTQ+ folks. With a .gay domain, our users are free to be their authentic selves and share their pride with the gayest link in bio. Thank you .gay!"

- Tyron,

“作爲酷兒創作者生物平台的第一個鏈接,我們需要一個頂級域名來分享我們對爲LGBTQ+人群提供更好的互聯網的願景。有了.gay 域名,我們的用戶可以自由地做自己的真實自我,並通過個人簡介中的同志鏈接分享他們的自豪感。謝謝 .gay!”


.gay is the domain of choice for those who want to wave their virtual pride flag. It brings together national organizations, local community centers, healthcare systems, travel agencies, activists, businesses and others who are allied with LGBTQIA+ communities. It's a badge of honor that sets sites apart and clearly signals to LGBTQIA+ audiences and their allies that everyone is welcome. This third annual Impact Report highlights .gay's community impact and giving through 2022.

.gay 是那些想要揮舞虛擬驕傲旗幟的人的首選域名。它彙集了全國性組織、當地社區中心、醫療保健系統、旅行社、活動家、企業和其他與LGBTQIA+社區結盟的人。這是一個榮譽徽章,它使網站與衆不同,並向LGBTQIA+受衆及其盟友明確表示歡迎所有人。這份第三份年度影響報告重點介紹了.gay在2022年之前對社區的影響和捐贈。

A Vibrant, Diverse and Supportive Space


The .gay domain extension stands for LGBTQIA+ visibility and allyship. Its unique policies mean .gay creates an inclusive space which embraces all identities, experiences and perspectives. Whether identifying as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally, or anything in between, know that all are welcome and celebrated at .gay.

.gay 域名後綴代表 LGBTQIA+ 的知名度和盟友關係。其獨特的政策意味着.gay創造了一個包容性的空間,涵蓋了所有身份、經歷和觀點。不論是男同性戀、女同性戀、雙性戀、變性人、酷兒、質疑、雙性戀、無性戀、盟友,還是介於兩者之間的任何人,都知道.gay 歡迎和慶祝所有人。

Strengthening Inclusivity in Brands and Companies


In a world where corporate social responsibility is increasingly important, a .gay domain strengthens LGBTQIA+ inclusivity for brands and companies. With a .gay domain, businesses can signal their support for LGBTQIA+ communities year-round, not just during Pride.

在企業社會責任越來越重要的世界中,.gay 域名增強了品牌和公司的 LGBTQIA+ 包容性。有了.gay 域名,企業可以全年表示支持 LGBTQIA+ 社區,而不僅僅是在 Pride 期間。

A Fantastic Network of LGBTQIA+ Partners and Allies

由 LGBTQIA+ 合作伙伴和盟友組成的神奇網絡

The .gay community is an ever-growing network of LGBTQIA+ leaders and allies - from high-profile brands like , , and www., to outspoken celebrities and creators like (George Takei), , , and (Addison Rose Vincent), and new technology companies like

.gay 社區是一個由 LGBTQIA+ 領導人和盟友組成的不斷壯大的網絡,他們來自、和 www 等知名品牌。,致直言不諱的名人和創作者,比如(George Takei)、、和(艾迪生·羅斯·文森特),以及像這樣的新科技公司

View and download the full 2022 .gay Impact Report here.

在此處查看和下載完整的 2022 年.gay 影響報告。

About .gay
The .gay domain extension provides a distinctive digital space devoted to connecting and celebrating members of LGBTQIA+ communities and their allies. For individuals, organizations, businesses and brands, .gay serves as a virtual Pride flag and inclusive badge of honor. For every new domain registered, .gay donates 20% of registration revenue to LGBTQIA+ nonprofit groups to help address key issues facing these communities.

關於 .gay
.gay 域名後綴提供了一個獨特的數字空間,專門用於連接和慶祝 LGBTQIA+ 社區成員及其盟友。對於個人、組織、企業和品牌,.gay 可用作虛擬的 Pride 旗幟和包容性榮譽徽章。每註冊一個新域名,.gay 就會將 20% 的註冊收入捐贈給 LGBTQIA+ 非營利組織,以幫助解決這些社區面臨的關鍵問題。

About GoDaddy Registry
GoDaddy Registry is one of the world's largest domain registry providers. We operate top-level domains (TLDs) on behalf of sovereign nations, city governments, global brands and other domain registries. With more than two decades of industry leadership, we serve as the Registry Operator for industry-leading TLDs like .co, .us, .biz and .nyc -- and manage the backend registry technology for hundreds more.

關於 GoDaddy 註冊表
GoDaddy 註冊中心是世界上最大的域名註冊提供商之一。我們代表主權國家、市政府、全球品牌和其他域名註冊管理機構運營頂級域名 (TLD)。憑藉二十多年的行業領導地位,我們是.co、.us、.biz 和.nyc 等行業領先頂級域的註冊管理運營商,並管理數百個域名的後端註冊技術。

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