
Elon Musk's Most Painful Relationship With Amber Heard: 'Nothing Hurt Him More Than That,' Biographer Reveals

Elon Musk's Most Painful Relationship With Amber Heard: 'Nothing Hurt Him More Than That,' Biographer Reveals

埃隆·馬斯克與 Amber Heard 最痛苦的關係:“沒有什麼比這更傷害他的了,” 傳記作者透露
Benzinga ·  2023/09/20 17:27

Elon Musk's relationship with actress Amber Heard pained him more than his troubled relationship with his father, according to his biographer Walter Isaacson, Business Insider reported.

埃隆馬斯克與女演員的關係 安伯·赫德 根據他的傳記作者的說法,他比與父親的關係陷入困境更痛苦 沃爾特·艾薩克森,據《商業內幕》報道。

Isaacson suggested Musk is drawn to drama, which was an element of his relationship with Heard. "Nothing hurt him more than that relationship," Isaacson remarked.


Musk and Heard's relationship, which began at the 2016 Met Gala, experienced several breakups and makeups before finally ending in 2018. Isaacson's biography, released last week, explores Musk's "psychological turmoil" in his romantic relationships, including volatile arguments with Heard.

馬斯克和赫德的關係始於2016年的大都會藝術節,經歷了幾次分手和化妝,最後在2018年結束。艾薩克森上週發佈的傳記探討了馬斯克在戀愛關係中的 “心理動盪”,包括與赫德的動盪爭論。

See Also: Elon Musk Reveals 'True Test' For Friendship: Why A Few Friendly Discussions Aren't Enough

另見:埃隆·馬斯克揭示了對友誼的 “真正考驗”:爲什麼幾次友好的討論還不夠

Isaacson's book also delves into Musk's relationships with his ex-wife Justine Wilson and musician Grimes, mother of his three children. Wilson described Musk as combative, while Grimes suggested Musk "associates love with being mean or abusive," partly due to his strained relationship with his father, Errol Musk.

艾薩克森的書還深入探討了馬斯克與前妻的關係 賈斯汀·威爾遜 和音樂家 格萊姆斯,他三個孩子的母親。威爾遜形容馬斯克好鬥,而格萊姆斯則暗示馬斯克 “將愛與刻薄或虐待聯繫起來”,部分原因是他與父親的關係緊張, 埃羅爾·馬斯克

Neither Heard's lawyer nor Musk responded to requests for comments.


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繼續閱讀:僅美國人每年在尼古丁產品上就花費1000億美元。一家初創公司合成了一種藥物,該藥物使多達95%的受試吸菸者無需吸菸。它被稱爲Rexis Biotech,你可以在產品公開發行之前對其進行投資。

Photo by Frederic Legrand – COMEO on Shutterstock

攝影:弗雷德裏克·羅格朗 — Shutterstock 上的 COMEO

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