
Athena Gold Drills 1.02 Gold Over 51.8 Meters and Extends Its Shallow Oxide Gold Discovery at Its Excelsior Springs Project in Nevada

Athena Gold Drills 1.02 Gold Over 51.8 Meters and Extends Its Shallow Oxide Gold Discovery at Its Excelsior Springs Project in Nevada

Athena Gold 在內華達州 Excelsior Springs 項目的 51.8 米上鑽出 1.02 金,並擴大了其淺層氧化金的發現
Accesswire ·  2023/09/14 20:00

VACAVILLE, CA / ACCESSWIRE / September 14, 2023 / Athena Gold Corporation (OTCQB:AHNR)(CSE:ATHA) ("Athena" or the "Company") is pleased to announce results from its Phase 3 drilling program (the "Program") at its 100% owned, 4,000 acre Excelsior Springs Gold Project (the "Project" or the "Property"), located approximately 45 miles southwest of Goldfield in Esmeralda County, Nevada.

加利福尼亞州瓦卡維爾/ACCESSWIRE/2023年9月14日/雅典娜黃金公司(場外交易代碼:AHNR)(CSE:ATSA)(“雅典娜“或”公司“)很高興宣佈其第三階段鑽探計劃的結果(”計劃“)擁有100%股權、佔地4,000英畝的Excelsior Springs黃金專案(The專案“或”屬性“),位於內華達州埃斯梅拉達縣金田西南約45英里處。

A total of nine RC drill holes were completed in the Phase 3 program for a total of 1,140 meters in the Western Slope Zone ("WSZ"); gold mineralization was extended both east and west. The purpose of the Company's Phase 3 drilling program was to expand the mineralization footprint and better understand the mineralization trend at the WSZ, which is the one of the newest grassroots discoveries in the prestigious Walker Lane Trend in Nevada.

西坡帶三期工程共完成9個RC鑽孔,總長1140米;金礦化東西兩向延伸。公司第三階段鑽探計劃的目的是擴大礦化足跡,更好地瞭解WSZ的礦化趨勢,WSZ是內華達州著名的Walker Lane Trend的最新草根發現之一。

John Power, President & CEO of Athena commented, "We are pleased with the continued progress and evolution of our new Western Slope Zone. We have drilled 18 RC holes for a total of 2,052 meters in the WSZ over 2022 and 2023 with excellent results. Our immediate focus is to further expand the WSZ zone and identify the source of its mineralizing fluids. This combined with the follow-up exploration opportunity at GE-14, which has an IRG geochemical signature, provide the Company with multiple high-leverage drill targets going forward."


Phase 3 Highlights and Results


DH 23-03: Intersected 1.02 g/t Au and 8.2 g/t Ag over 51.8 meters, starting at 29.0 meters. This lengthy intercept extended the Western Slope Zone about 23 m eastward at similar depths to the two intercepts reported from RC hole 22-02. The mineralization was well distributed throughout the interval.

NH 23-03:相交1.02克/噸金和8.2克/噸銀超過51.8米,從29.0米開始。這段漫長的截流將西斜坡區向東延伸約23米,深度與22-02號孔道報告的兩個截流深度相若。礦化在整個地層中分佈均勻。

DH 23-01: Intersected 2.18 g/t Au and 1.9 g/t Ag over 6.1 meters, starting at 74.7 meters. This intercept included 1.52 m (5 feet) of 6.6 g/t Au, extending the WSZ approximately 15 m east of the deepest interval reported in RC drill hole 22-01.

DH 23-01:相交2.18克/噸金和1.9克/噸銀超過6.1米,從74.7米開始。該截距包括1.52米(5英尺)6.6克/噸的Au,將WSZ延伸到RC鑽孔22-01中報告的最深井段以東約15米。

Figure 1. Plan map of all holes drilled to date at the Western Slope Zone. The holes drilled in 2022 yielded the best gold grades in the history of the Property, with over 100 RC drill holes completed over the past 50 years. True widths of the drill hole intercepts are not known

The Company engaged Caracle Creek International Consulting Inc. and its strategic partner Atticus Geoscience Consulting to analyze and model the drill hole data from the Western Slope Zone in a comprehensive 3D geological model and propose follow-up drill targets in the WSZ. Initial modeling has been completed giving the Company a better understanding of the orientation of mineralization in the WSZ. A very concise drilling program has been designed as part of the next phase of exploration at Excelsior Springs, as reflected in Figure 2.

本公司聘請Caracle Creek International Consulting Inc.及其戰略合作夥伴Atticus Geoscience Consulting對西斜坡區的鑽孔數據進行全面的3D地質模型分析和建模,並提出WSZ的後續鑽探目標。初步模型已完成,使公司更好地瞭解了WSZ的礦化方向。如圖2所示,作為Excelsior Springs下一階段勘探的一部分,已經設計了一個非常簡潔的鑽井計劃。

Figure 2. Western Slope Zone, 3D Leapfrog geo-model looking west, showing the 6 proposed Phase 4 drill holes (green), angled between 40° and 60° and with lengths between 100 m and 250 meters. The modeled mineralized bodies (red) have an interpreted dip at 60° south. Phase 2 and Phase 3 drill holes are shown in white and the limestone units are shown in light blue.
圖2。西斜區,3D LeapFrog地理模型向西看,顯示6個擬議的4期鑽孔(綠色),角度在40°到60°之間,長度在100米到250米之間。類比礦化體(紅色)的解釋傾角位於南緯60°。2期和3期鑽孔以白色顯示,石灰岩單元以淺藍色顯示。

Future exploration plans and discussion


Future exploration will focus on drilling the holes proposed by Caracle Creek/Atticus to continue to delineate and expand the WSZ. In addition, future exploration will aim to uncover new zones of mineralization starting with the area around historical drill hole GE-14. The area around GE-14 has a much different geochemical signature than the WSZ.

未來的勘探將專注於鑽探Caracle Creek/Atticus提議的孔,以繼續劃定和擴大WSZ。此外,未來的勘探將著眼於從歷史上的GE-14鑽孔周圍地區開始發現新的礦化帶。GE-14周圍的區域與WSZ有很大不同的地球化學特徵。

Drill hole GE-14 is in an area about 325 m east of WSZ and returned 24.4 meters of 1.09 g/t Au starting at only 7.6 meters depth; this hole also had anomalous arsenic, antimony, bismuth, molybdenum, mercury, and tellurium. GE-14 is proximal to a mapped fault named the South Ridge Thrust Fault ("SRTF") which extends all the way to an IP anomaly in the southwest area of the Property. The SRTF appears to be similar to a traditional Intrusion Related Gold (IRG) system with elevated arsenic, bismuth and other key pathfinder elements associated with gold mineralization.


This IRG target was further confirmed by more recent outcrop sampling by Athena's technical team at Contact Gulch, a surface exposure of the SRTF which returned almost 1 g/t Au and significantly elevated arsenic, bismuth, copper, and molybdenum concentrations. Elevated concentrations of these minerals are interpreted to be hydrothermally derived from a magmatic source. The Company has a high level of confidence in the gold exploration opportunity in the area around GE-14.

雅典娜的技術團隊最近在Contact Gulch進行的露頭採樣進一步證實了這一IRG目標,SRTF的表面暴露返回了近1g/t的Au,並顯著提高了砷、鉍、銅和鉬的濃度。這些礦物濃度的升高被解釋為來自巖漿來源的熱液來源。本公司對GE-14附近地區的金礦勘探機會充滿信心。

We also recently collected surface samples from the historic high-grade gold occurrence commonly referred to as the Lida Bell mine which is located on new claims staked by Athena in the fall of 2022 to expand our land package to approximately 4,000 acres at Excelsior Springs.

我們最近還收集了歷史悠久的高品位金礦的地表樣本,通常被稱為Lida Bell礦,該礦位於雅典娜於2022年秋季提出的新主張上,目的是將我們在Excelsior Springs的土地面積擴大到約4,000英畝。

Figure 3 shows the surface and sub-surface geology and all the holes within 23 meters east and 26 meters west of cross section 446830 E. This plan map and cross-sectional segment contains six of the eight holes drilled to date in the WSZ that contained intercepts above established cutoff criteria[1]. Note that the upper limestone capped the mineralization on this cross section and in hole 23-03 and 23-01, which are beyond the east and west limits of the plan map and are not projected on this section.
圖3顯示了446830 E橫斷面以東23米和以西26米範圍內的地表和次地表地質以及所有孔。這張平面圖和橫斷面圖包含了迄今為止在西海鑽探的8個孔中的6個,其中包含了超過既定截斷標準的截距。[1]。請注意,上石灰岩覆蓋了該橫斷面和23-03號和23-01號孔中的礦化,這些礦化超出了平面圖的東西界限,並未投射到該剖面上。

[1] Gold cut off: 0.20 g/t. Minimum mineral interval of 20 feet interval. Minimum 20 feet waste between mineral intervals. Maximum 20 feet waste within mineral intervals. Drill intervals are not mineral thicknesses.


Figure 4 is a plan map that shows these targets along with the Company's land position and the geophysical survey.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control


Procedures were implemented to assure Quality Assurance Quality Control (QAQC). All drilling was performed using reverse circulation methods with samples collected at 5-foot intervals. Representative sample splits were securely stored for shipment, with chain of custody documentation through delivery to American Assay Laboratories, an independent ISO-certified laboratory in Reno, Nevada. Mineralized commercial reference standards and coarse blank standards were inserted in every 20th sample in sequence to assure acceptable levels of confidence of the drill hole assays. When laboratory reports of the assays are received, QAQC protocols are immediately augmented to ensure dependability of the drill hole assays.


As the Excelsior Springs Project advances, additional QAQC measures will be implemented including selected duplicate check assaying on pulps and coarse rejects at a second accredited assay laboratory. All results will be analyzed for consistency.

隨著Excelsior Springs專案的推進,將實施更多的QAQC措施,包括在第二個認可的分析實驗室對紙漿和粗廢料進行選定的重複檢查分析。將對所有結果進行一致性分析。

Qualified Person


John Hiner, SME Registered Member and Washington State Licensed Geologist, is a qualified person as defined by NI 43-101 and has reviewed the scientific and technical information that forms the basis of this press release and has approved the disclosure herein. Mr. Hiner is not independent of the Company.

John Hiner,中小企業註冊會員和華盛頓州註冊地質學家,是NI 43-101定義的合格人員,他已經審查了構成本新聞稿基礎的科學和技術資訊,並批准了本新聞稿的披露。希納先生並不獨立於本公司。

Corporate Objectives


Athena's main objectives are to conduct additional exploration drilling and studies on the Project and to acquire precious and base metal properties of merit.


For further information about Athena Gold Corporation and our Excelsior Springs Gold project, please visit .

有關雅典娜黃金公司和我們的Excelsior Springs黃金專案的更多資訊,請訪問。

On Behalf of the Board of Directors


John Power
Chief Executive Officer and President
Phone: John Power, 707-291-6198


Castlewood Capital, Jason (647) 534-9884

Castlewood Capital,Jason(647)534-9884

Cautionary Statement to U.S. Investors


This press release references NI 43-101, which differs from the requirements of U.S. securities laws. NI 43-101 is a rule developed by the Canadian Securities Administrators that establishes standards for all public disclosure an issuer makes of scientific and technical information concerning mineral projects.

本新聞稿編號為NI 43-101,與美國證券法的要求不同。NI 43-101是加拿大證券管理人制定的一項規則,為發行人對有關礦產專案的科學和技術資訊進行的所有公開披露建立了標準。

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") permits mining companies, in their filings with the SEC, to disclose only those mineral deposits that a company can legally extract or produce. Pursuant to SEC Industry Guide 7 under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, a "final" or "bankable" feasibility study is required to report reserves.


Currently Athena has not delineated "reserves" on any of its properties. Athena cannot be certain that any deposits at its properties will ever be confirmed or converted into SEC Industry Guide 7 or any successor rule or regulation compliant "reserves". Investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of the historic Buster Mine or Western Slope gold zones will ever be confirmed or converted into reserves or that it can be economically or legally extracted.


The SEC has adopted amendments to its disclosure rules to modernize the mineral property disclosure requirements for issuers whose securities are registered with the SEC under the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These amendments became effective February 25, 2019, with compliance required for the first fiscal year beginning on or after January 1, 2021, and historical property disclosure requirements for mining registrants that were included in SEC Industry Guide 7, which was rescinded from and after such date and replaced with disclosure requirements known as S-K 1300.


Forward Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking information (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian and U.S. securities laws. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein including, without limitation, statements regarding future exploration plans and the completion of a phase 2 drill program at the Project, future results from exploration, and the anticipated business plans and timing of future activities of the Company, are forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: "believes", "will", "expects", "anticipates", "intends", "estimates", "plans", "may", "should", "potential", "scheduled", or variations of such words and phrases and similar expressions, which, by their nature, refer to future events or results that may, could, would, might or will occur or be taken or achieved. In making the forward-looking statements in this press release, the Company has applied several material assumptions, including without limitation, that there will be investor interest in future financings, market fundamentals will result in sustained precious metals demand and prices, the receipt of any cessary permits, licenses and regulatory approvals in connection with the future exploration and development of the Company's projects in a timely manner, QAQC procedures at the Project were followed, the availability of financing on suitable terms for the exploration and development of the Company's projects and the Company's ability to comply with environmental, health and safety laws.


The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements by the Company are not guarantees of future results or performance, and that actual results may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, including, operating and technical difficulties in connection with mineral exploration and development activities, actual results of exploration activities, the estimation or realization of mineral reserves and mineral resources, the inability of the Company to obtain the necessary financing required to conduct its business and affairs, as currently contemplated, the timing and amount of estimated future production, the costs of production, capital expenditures, the costs and timing of the development of new deposits, requirements for additional capital, future prices of precious metals, changes in general economic conditions, changes in the financial markets and in the demand and market price for commodities, lack of investor interest in future financings, accidents, labor disputes and other risks of the mining industry, delays in obtaining governmental approvals, permits or financing or in the completion of development or construction activities, risks relating to epidemics or pandemics such as COVID-19, including the impact of COVID-19 on the Company's business, financial condition and results of operations, changes in laws, regulations and policies affecting mining operations, title disputes, the inability of the Company to obtain any necessary permits, consents, approvals or authorizations, including of the Canadian Securities Exchange, the timing and possible outcome of any pending litigation, environmental issues and liabilities, and other factors and risks that are discussed in the Company's periodic filings with the SEC and disclosed in the final long form prospectus of the Company dated August 31, 2021.


Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any of the forward-looking statements in this press release or incorporated by reference herein, except as otherwise.


SOURCE: Athena Gold Corporation


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